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Larimer County Sheriff, Jim Alderden, presented “Sheriff’s Budget 101” to an interested audience on Friday evening. Alderden was pleasantly surprised at the number of people who showed up. Last year’s attendance was three he said, this year two dozen people showed up including department employees and of course the five candidates for the Sheriff’s job. In last week’s Bulls-eye the sheriff said, “It has been painfully obvious from listening to the campaign rhetoric that most of the candidates running for the Office of Sheriff have no idea about how the budget works.” Read all his comments here: Sheriff talks budget

Larimer County Sheriff Jim Alderden outlines the statutory duties of the Office of Sheriff at last Friday's meeting at the courthouse.

The Sheriff explained that the Larimer County Sheriff’s Office (L.C.S.O.) has divested all non-mandated services.

The Statutory mandates of the Office of Sheriff are:

  • Preserve the Peace: patrol/investigation
  • Execute Writs: Civil
  • Custodian of the Jail: Security/medical/programs
  • Transport Prisoners: Transportation
  • Extradite Prisoners: Transportation
  • Wildland Fires/Fire Warden: Emergency Services
  • Hazardous Materials: Emergency Services
  • Search and Rescue: Emergency Services

He also pointed out that Colorado Statutes make the Sheriff personally liable for any expenses beyond his appropriation from the county.

The county commissioners have already mandated a reduction in the Sheriff’s budget and with the US Marshal not using the jail, the reduction is $558,000. He outlined steps already taken to reduce costs:

  • Capped inmate population
  • Reduced staff
  • Civilianized some sworn positions
  • Reduced “take home” vehicles
  • Reduced firearms qualifications
  • Eliminated department paying for uniform cleaning
  • Eliminated Detention Center staff meals
  • Purchase gasoline from service stations (price per gallon about the same, reduces travel miles and time)

The 2011 budget of $39,485,682 will be a 1% reduction in Law Enforcement Services, Operation of the Jail and Emergency Services, with a 3% reduction in Civil Services. Of this amount, $29,962,114 comes from the county general fund, $5,600,000 from the Jail Sales Tax and $3,923,568 from services, fees and some traffic fines.

If amendments 60 and 61, and proposition 101 are approved by voters in November, the cuts will increase five fold as nearly $1.8 million will need to be cut.

For reference on these proposals:

Coloradans for Responsible Reform

Say NO


Even conservatives shun 3 controversial ballot measures

Sheriff outlines woes of Prop 101 at meeting where Tancredo speaks

Of the four service categories, the operation of the jail takes over half the operating budget; $23,462,446 in 2010. Law enforcement was next at slightly less than $15,000,000 with emergency services and civil services a little over 1.2 million.

Alderden stressed that since payroll accounts for 85% of the budget, any cuts will have to look at reducing personnel and adequate staffing is needed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week in most positions.

Using the jail as an example, Alderden said experience has shown that when the staffing is reduced, suicides go up. “You can count on a two million dollar lawsuit any time there is a suicide,” he said.

On the law enforcement side, Alderden said that county residents want to know that a deputy will come when they call 911. Reduced budget means reduced services.

After outlining the process and answering questions, primarily from the candidates, the Sheriff asked several times if there were any suggestions on how to further cut the budget. None were forthcoming, though some candidates asked to participate in the process.

No mention was made at this meeting about the “jail sales tax” which will drop from 0.2 percent to 0.15 percent in 2012 and disappear entirely in 2015. The next sheriff will be facing a large reduction when the tax sunsets.

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One thought on “Budget 101 with Sheriff Alderden

  1. What a great event. I was so happy to be able to attend.

    Again it was apparent who has the knowledge and skills as well as experience.

    Bruning made it clear that his years in the corporate world will be a true asset, well kind of, since he didn't understand that LEASE referred to equipment not office space. I could see the Sheriff's office sharing a printer with oh say roads and bridges. Wow, couldn't believe he even spoke up.

    Then he wanted the Sheriff's Lt in charge of the budget to make himself available to educate himself (Bruning). Funny, again shows his immense experience, talking to the accountant who controls the budget not sets it. Bruning, in case you forgot, the department heads control the line-items of their respective budgets, not the accountant….no disrespect meant towards the Lt.

    Truly is scary that Bruning does not even understand WHO sets the budget items and then has the nerve to try to get the staff to educate him in something he proclaims to have extensive experience.

    The other candidates showed their true lack of knowledge, experience or even willingness to speak out. It is clear, that Smith has the tools, the experience and the knowledge to bring Larimer County through the impending budget crisis.

    The others simply will devastate the office of Sheriff and truly ruin a lean crime fighting, public safety office that we have currently.

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