Udall Unveils Roadmap to Create Jobs, Reduce National Debt and Streamline Government
Plan Will Guide Udall Agenda for Legislation in New Congress
Today, Mark Udall launched his plan to get the state’s—and country’s—economy back on track: Colorado Winning the Global Economic Race. His roadmap calls for a three-pronged approach: reducing the national debt, support for innovation, and reform from within.
Udall developed his plan after talking with Colorado small-business owners and community leaders, who outlined priorities on which they can partner to bring jobs and prosperity back to the state. Udall will focus on making sure the right policies are in place to give businesses the tools they need to succeed, while making sure our government is as lean and responsive to our economic needs as possible.
“Our goals should be to make government smarter so that our debt doesn’t cripple the economy, while ensuring we’re encouraging the innovators and inventors who will create the jobs of the future,” Udall said. “Now is the time to combat our economic problems in an effective, comprehensive manner so that we can give our children a stronger, healthier future. Realistically, tackling any one of these areas—reducing debt, nurturing innovation and reforming government—is a challenge, but simultaneously attacking all three can position Colorado—and the United States—to win the global economic race.”
More on Udall’s plan:
Debt reduction: Udall fought to create the president’s bipartisan commission on reducing the debt in 2009, and now he is working with a bipartisan group of senators to make sure Congress takes a vote on the panel’s proposals. He is also working on long-term tools to prevent another recession, such as presidential line-item veto powers, a balanced budget amendment, and a ban on earmarks.
Job creation: Udall believes Colorado’s economy has been stronger relative to other states because of its support for innovation in industries from aerospace and bioscience to clean tech and defense. In light of that, he has advocated for legislation that would create a national Renewable Electricity Standard to mirror Colorado’s successful one, and for tax and patent reforms.
Government reform: Udall is known for supporting not just Democratic or Republican ideas, but American ideas. This year, he played a major role in reforming the Senate’s rules to promote bipartisanship. He also called for bipartisan seating at this year’s State of the Union to encourage a culture of civility and a willingness to reach across the aisle.