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Monday, January 20, 2025

Winners announced in Berthoud Schools Fund Writing Contest

In the age of abbreviated Twitter messages writing may become a lost art, but some of Berthoud’s youth can still put a sentence together . The Berthoud Schools Fund (BSF) challenged Berthoud students to write about how the technology provided by the money raised at the last two Berthoud Bashes has influenced their education.

Erin Preusse is happy with her prize

While some of you may not know a Promethean Board from a document camera, these kids do. The BSF recieved 39 entries covering the suggested genre of essay, play, poem or short story. The writers were limited to 500 words and the entries were divided by grade levels from Kindergarten to second grade, third, fourth and fifth grade, middle school and high school.

The winning writers and their families came together on Friday morning for the important presentation and to be awarded their prize, a Literai e-reader.

Speaking for the Schools Fund, Stuart Boyd explained that the committee did not want to use school personnel to rank the entries, fearing that a teacher might recognize a students writing. Instead, they chose six experienced writers from the Berthoud community to judge the entries, three for the elementary class and three for the middle school and high school entries. Each judge worked independently and turned in their results for compilation.

As you read these literary works, you will be able to see how the Berthoud School Funds efforts have aided our children. The Third Annual Berthoud Bash is coming up soon, on April 9. This year a community donor has agreed to match the money raised by the Bash on a 1$ for every $3 ratio. There has always been a great selection of silent and live auction items at the Bash. You can purchase a ticket online here. Sign up today, you will have a great time and help our schools at the same time.

Now for the winning entries with the prizes presented by Scott Cavey:

Erin Preusse, a second grader at Ivy Stockwell took the prize at the first level.

Erin Preusse is a second grader at Ivy Stockwell Elementary School



Carly Rafferty, a fourth grader at Berthoud Elementary was the only winner who did not know ahead of time. Her parents kept it a surprise and when Boyd read the beginning of the essay, she turned to her dad and said “That’s my story.”

Carly Rafferty is in the fourth grade at Berthoud Elementary School



Hannah Langer, a sixth grader from Turner Middle School turned in a short play


Hannah Langer is in her first year at Turner Middle School



At the high school level, junior Dillon Fagler’s story was the top entry.


Dillon Fagler took top honors in the high school catagory