Colorado Office Of Economic Development And International Trade (OEDIT) seeks input regarding economic development through online survey
As part of Governor Hickenlooper’s Bottom-Up Economic Development initiative, the Colorado Office of Economic Development and International Trade (OEDIT) has posted an online public survey to help collect input from the public regarding economic development.
Governor Hickenlooper is asking for residents across the state, county by county, to share their stories, challenges, and strengths by developing a strategic economic development plan for their county. The public survey responses will be considered by representative groups from each county which will submit a county economic development summary to the OEDIT in April of the county’s top five economic development goals. These county summaries will then be rolled up into 14 regional economic development summaries, which collectively will be rolled up into a statewide economic development plan.
OEDIT’s executive director Dwayne Romero commented, “the online survey is a tool created by OEDIT to help counties collect input from the communities and the results from the survey will be provided to each county. In support of the bottom-up approach, each county will determine its use and the relevance of such information.” OEDIT recognizes that some counties are conducting their own surveys and citizens are strongly encouraged to first complete the county-created survey and only take the state-provided survey as a second option if they have an interest in completing both surveys.
To participate in the public survey on economic development visit and click “Online Survey” in the left-hand column.
Additional Information on the Bottom-up initiative can be found at