Todays collection of articles in the OpEd News point at a difficult year ahead. Not the least of our problems is ten months of political campaigning. Keep looking here to see a candid look at the warts and all of the political newsmakers.
It appears that war with Iran is inevitable no matter who is in the White House, though Rick Santorium says he will bomb them. Haven’t any of these politicians noticed how poorly we have done in Iraq and Afghanistan? The seem to still think we can go marching in and defeat any government we want to overthrow. This is sheer madness, but read about it here.
The indefinite detention issue in the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) is likely to become a firestorm. The congress sneaked it in with little fanfare and no coverage in the mainstream media (MSM). Now citizens are outraged and hopefully will continue to be outraged until we get our civil rights back. We can not depend on the politicians to do that for us.
Another issue for the year will be a constitution amendment to say that corporations are not people and money is not speech. Until the decision of the Supreme Court is overturned by the people, our government will be run by and for the benefit of corporate America. A society where money counts more than votes can not long endure as a democracy.
Hopefully the Occupy movement will continue to voice the concerns of what remains of the middle class and the poor now that half of the country is now considered poor. The Occupy movement is also taking a stand against the NDAA. Read the account of the OWS recapture of Zuccoti Park.
Keep up with the latest developments with OpEd’s story list.
Bold and Daring: The Way Progressive News Should Be
Dailey Headlines
By John Grant
Iran and Historical Forgetting
By paul craig roberts
Tyranny in the Forecast — The Outlook for the New Year
By Ralph Nader
How can the expectation levels of this two party duopoly sink any lower?
President Obama is deemed by his fellow Democrats to have won the financial battles, but the Republicans won the rest. How can the expectation levels of this two party duopoly sink any lower?
By Harvey Wasserman
2012 is the Year to Finally Bury Nuke Power
The year 2012 has opened with news that Fukushima’s radioactive cloud may already have killed some 14,000 Americans, according to a major study just published in the International Journal of Health Services.
By Glenn Greenwald
End of the pro-democracy pretense
one of the prime aims of America’s support for Arab dictators has been to ensure that the actual views and beliefs of those nations’ populations remain suppressed, because those views are often so antithetical to the perceived national interests of the U.S. government. The last thing the U.S. government has wanted (or wants now) is actual democracy in the Arab world…
By Daily kos
Rick Ungar: More Proof Big-Profit Insurers Doomed; Single Payer Coming Sooner Rather Than Later
As many of you who follow health care issues are probably aware, Forbes Columnist Rick Ungar recently garnered national attention for his argument that the Affordable Care Act MLR rules will lead to the death of the for-profit, bloodsucking, health insurance industry sooner rather than later.
By lila york
URGENT Call to Action Against NDAA by OWS in New York
By Russ Baker
Obama’s Only Friend Left?
By Bob Alexander
From Now On … Our Biggest Mistake is Believing We Are Free
Climate Change, Migration and Conflict: Addressing Complex Crisis Scenarios in the 21st Century
By Rabbi Arthur Waskow
Commission Requires Presidential Aptitude Test —
satire, but not far off base
Up next: Indiana anti-union bill
On Wednesday morning, national Republican politics will shift away from Iowa and toward New Hampshire and South Carolina for the primaries there. But at the local level, where Republican politics have been turning into Republican policy, at least part of the game moves to Indiana.
Santorum: States Should Have The Right To Outlaw Birth Control
Occupying the Occupy Movement
Revolutions aimed at liberating the downtrodden, often forget about the women. The same struggle occurred in the 60’s. An excellent critique of the Occupy Movement worldwide from a feminist perspective, from Robin Morgan, published by the Women’s Media Center.
By Abdus-Sattar Ghazali
A “smart legal coup d’etat” is underway in Pakistan?
It is said that power in Pakistan rests on three “A’s: America, Allah and the Army. While America was mollified by obedience and Allah by giving in to key demands of religious forces, the army was mollified by following its policies. But for the two years a rift between the Army and the US-client government of President Zardari was widening and the latest Memogate scandal has brought it to an open confrontation.
By Tom Engelhardt
Tom Engelhardt: Lessons from Lost Wars in 2012
By Chris Floyd
Blood in my Eyes for You: The Deep Progressive Love for the Laureate’s “Industrial Killing Machine”
By earl ofari hutchinson
Ron Paul’s Fetish on Civil Rights
GOP Presidential candidate Ron Paul just can’t seem to help himself when it comes to his fetish on a law which has been on the books for nearly five decades and which has long since been rendered a moot point by even avowed white supremacists. That’s the 1964 Civil Rights Act.
By Tom Engelhardt
Saudis to Reinforce Crackdown on Peaceful Protesters, Amnesty Says
In Saudi Arabia, our ally and oil-supplier, the Arab Spring has been greeted by yet more repression. Here’s the scoop on what may become SA’s latest contribution to the rule of law.
By Roger Shuler
Chief Justice Draws Guffaws With His Claim That Federal Courts Operate Honestly
By Stephen Lendman
Crisis Conditions Grip Eurozone
From inception, the euro system was doomed to fail. In the 1990s, Progressive Radio News Hour regular Bob Chapman predicted it.
Latest Articles
Rodger Cook for Congress
Rodger Cook is running for Congress in the 12th District of Southern Illinois. He will change the direction of the country to a path which we’re all too painfully familiar.
Iraq: The Legacy of Deception and Its Costs
Most Americans are shocked to discover that War in Iraq was entirely avoidable. Every objective had been addressed in a comprehensive peace framework that Republican leaders were determined to hide from the public. Here’s why.
Proposed FCC Media Consolidation Rules
In October 2007, then FCC chairman Kevin Martin proposed lifting the 1975 media cross-ownership rule. It forbid owning a newspaper and television or radio station in the same city even though conglomerates like Rupert Murdock’s News Corp. and the (Chicago) Tribune Company already did.
What REALLY Happened at Zuccotti Park on New Years When We Re-Occupied and Re-Energized OWS
Declare Independence From Corporate Power!
Iran/Iraq “Defectors” and Disinformation
A “Culture of Domination” Helps Produce Child Sex-Abuse Scandals
Best News Links from the Web
Santorum’s Racist Welfare Rant
From Think Progress: I think the key phrase here was “other people’s money.” In other words, taxpayers are white, undeserving recipients of welfare are black.
Preparing to Attack Iran with Nuclear Weapons – “No Option can be taken off the Table.”
Great (if Hypocritical) News! Iowa GOP Caucuses Will Vote on Publicly Hand-Counted Paper Ballots!
Voters in the GOP-run (not state-run) Iowa Caucuses next Tuesday will be able to register to vote right then and there,and then cast their vote on a paper ballot without having to show any form of Photo ID.Those paper ballots will then be counted publicly, at the “precinct”, with the results of the voting at each site announced to everyone right then and there, before they are sent to a central clearing house to be compiled and announced to the media.Those are all among the best, most transparent, and most reliable election practices we’re aware of, even while they are all things that Republicans have fought virulently against -for years -when it comes to elections in which Dem voters may be allowed to participate.Despite that great news for voters in Iowa (at least voters in the Repub caucuses,if not in their general elections), we are still left to conclude: Hypocrisy thy name is GOP.
In West Bank, Israel’s rule is that of the jungle
Rick Santorum Says He Would bomb Iran Nuclear Facilities
Bradley Manning’s Own Defense Appears To Concede He’s No Hero | Mediaite
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