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Provided By
James Anderson
Patrol Sergeant, Berthoud Squad


Thursday, January 1

Missing Juvenile: 800 10th Street, a father called to report that his 14 year old daughter went out with a friend on New Year’s eve but she had not returned home.

Mental Health Hold: 100 block of Keep Circle, a resident called to report a disturbance between her two sons.

Suspicious: 600 block of Mountain Avenue, a resident reported that she felt someone was in her house. Nothing found.

Frozen Water Lines: Three water issues with frozen/cracked lines were reported. Deputy contacted the Town Water Department where they acted quickly to fix them.

Extra Patrols: Berthoud Schools, Town Parks, Gateway Park, Mathews Farm, 2nd Street mobile home Parks, Serenity Ridge

Traffic Enforcement:  CR 17, 4th Street, Mountain Avenue. 2 contacts, 2 warnings

Friday, January 2

Assist Other Agency: Assisting a Weld County Deputy with tracking down attempted Murder/Arson suspect. Weld tracked a vehicle stolen by the suspect to Berthoud. The suspect was found in Loveland and transported to Weld County.

Citizen Assist: 1300 block of 4th Street, resident reported he felt his neighbor was a nuisance because she was taking her dog into the grassy area in front of his parked vehicle and letting it do its business and he felt she is doing this intentionally.

Follow Up to Missing Juvenile: 800 block of 10th Street, a 14 year old runaway returned home today.

 Extra Patrols: 4 Berthoud Schools, Town Parks, 2nd Street mobile home Parks, Mary’s Farm, Gateway Park,

Traffic Enforcement:  Mountain Avenue, Welch Avenue, Bunyan Avenue, 1st St. 5 contacts, 5 warnings

Saturday, January 3

Mental Health Hold: Glacier Avenue, checked on a 53 year old man that made suicidal comments to his wife,

Extra Patrols: 4 Berthoud Schools, Town Parks, 2nd Street mobile home Parks, Mary’s Farm, Gateway Park,

Traffic Enforcement:  Mountain Avenue, Welch Avenue, Bunyan Avenue, 1st St. 3 Contacts, 3 warnings

Sunday, January 4

Extra Patrols: 4 Berthoud Schools, Town Parks, 2nd Street mobile home Parks, Mary’s Farm, Gateway Park,

Traffic Enforcement:  Mountain Avenue, Welch Avenue, Bunyan Avenue, 1st St. 5 Contacts, 5 warnings

Monday, January 5

Traffic Accident: 600 block of CR 10E, a 23 year old driver hit a patch of ice and lost control of her vehicle. Her vehicle slid over a mailbox and landed in a dry ditch.

Theft: 1000 block of 6th Street, a resident reported someone dumped a bunch of trash into her walk-in dumpster over the weekend. Mail found in trash point to neighbors.

Follow-up on Previous Case: 100 block of E. Iowa, the resident reported her packages she thought were stolen from her front porch had been pickup up by a neighbor for safekeeping.

Criminal Mischief: 1700 block of 4th Street, the Project Manager for Habitat Homes reported that someone had written graffiti on storage units and storage garage.

Snow Removal: A few calls with upset neighbors over snow removal on sidewalks in town. Several residents were contacted. REMEMBER; you have 24 hours after the snow ends to shovel your walk.

Icy Roads: With the melting snow and ice on the streets, there have been several slide-off’s around town, including a parked vehicle that slid out of the driveway into the street.

Extra Patrols: 4 Berthoud Schools, Town Parks, 2nd Street mobile home Parks, Mary’s Farm, Gateway Park,

Traffic Enforcement:  Mountain Avenue, Welch Avenue, Bunyan Avenue, 1st Street. 3 Contacts, 2 slide offs and 1 citation for speed

Tuesday, January 6

Theft: 1000 block of 6th Street, a resident reported someone dumped a bunch of trash into her walk-in dumpster over the weekend. Mail found in trash point to neighbors. Neighbors admitted dumping trash in the dumpster. Citation issued.

Extra Patrols: 4 Berthoud Schools, Town Parks, 2nd Street Mobile home parks, Mary’s Farm, Gateway Park,

Traffic Enforcement:  Mountain Avenue, Welch Avenue, Bunyan Avenue, 1st St.  4 contacts, 3 warnings, 1 vehicle tagged for 72 hour

Wednesday, January 7

Drugs: 600 block of 1st Street, a 37 year old Evans man was found trying to get into a vehicle at 1st and Turner. The man then jumped the barbed wire fence at this location and was found standing in their secured yard wearing only his prison orange underwear. It was 14 degrees and snowing that morning. He stated he did meth then “ran” from Greeley and took off his cloths by the railroad tracks somewhere between Greeley and Berthoud.

Vehicle Accident: 1st Street & Mountain: a driver slid into the roundabout and hit a truck and the trailer he was pulling.

Extra Patrols: Berthoud Schools, Town Parks, Gateway Park, Mathews Farm, 2nd Street Mobile home Parks, Serenity Ridge

Traffic Enforcement:  CR 17, 4th Street, Mountain Avenue, 1st and Turner. 5 contacts, 2 warnings, 3 citations

Thursday, January 8

Animal At Large/License Violation: 500 Mt Massive Street, a resident reported that his neighbor’s pit bull jumped his back yard fence and attacked his Golden Retriever.

Extra Patrols: Berthoud Schools, Town Parks, Gateway Park, Mathews Farm, 2nd Street Mobile home Parks, Serenity Ridge

Traffic Enforcement:  CR 17, 4th Street, Mountain Avenue. 4 contacts, 4 warnings

Friday, January 9

Vehicle Accident: 5th Street & Mountain Avenue, a driver was traveling south on 5th Street and tried to stop. Due to heavy ice on the roads, he slid onto Mountain Avenue and hit another vehicle.

Citizen Assist Slide Off: County Road 17 & Hwy 287, a driver was traveling north on County Road 17, and due to ice her vehicle decided to go for a spin. She ended up going off the roadway and into a ditch. The back end of the vehicle was suspended over a concrete gully and her front tire was also off the ground. Deputy braced vehicle and got the driver out safely.

Vehicle Theft: 807 7th Street, a resident reported that her car was stolen.

Menacing/Reckless Endangerment/Disorderly Conduct: 100 block of Bunyan Avenue, a 30 year old Loveland man threatened an employee with a knife and was swinging the knife around at him. During the incident the male apparently stabbed himself in the hand. The male then apparently got into his truck and was stabbing the interior of his truck. His mother attempted to stop him and also was cut on her hand.

Extra Patrols: Berthoud Schools, Town Parks, Gateway Park, Mathews Farm, 2nd Street Mobile home Parks

Traffic Enforcement:  CR 17, Hwy 287, Mountain Avenue., Stop signs enforcement at 5th Street and Michigan and 4th Street and Bunyan. 3 contacts, 3 warnings

Saturday, January 10

Recovered Stolen Vehicle: 1000 block of Franklin Avenue, The vehicle reported stolen last night was located. Looks like the suspect drove the vehicle through a field and the front right tire was flat and damaged.

Assist CSP MVA: County Road 2E & Hwy 287, vehicle swerved off the road and went airborne through the side ditch.

Extra Patrols: Berthoud Schools, Town Parks, Gateway Park, Mathews Farm, 2nd Street Mobile home Parks, Serenity Ridge

Traffic Enforcement:  CR 17, 4th Street, Mountain Avenue, 1st Street. 7 contacts, 5 warnings, 2 citations.

Sunday, January 11

Warrant Arrest/Follow-up Stolen Vehicle: 800 block of 8th Street, a backpack that was inside the recovered stolen vehicle from yesterday was not the owner’s of the vehicle. Inside the backpack, identification paperwork for a 19 year old man was found. The man was contacted at his residence where he stated that his backpack was stolen from his friend’s car a couple days ago but wasn’t reported because he had a felony warrant.

Trespass/Theft: 800 block of 8th Street, while investigating the vehicle theft, the deputy made contact with another 20 year old man out of Montana. He confirmed that a vehicle trespass to his girlfriend’s vehicle and he was missing items also.

Theft: 1500 block of 4th Street, a resident called to report that her son’s black Road Master bicycle was stolen from in front of her residence.

Extra Patrols: Berthoud Schools, Town Parks, Gateway Park, Mathews Farm, 2nd Street Mobile home Parks, Serenity Ridge

Traffic Enforcement:  CR 17, 4th Street, Mountain Avenue.

Monday, January 12, 2015

Assist State Patrol: 2500 block of Hwy 60, Single vehicle rollover

Vehicle Accident: 400 block of Meadowlark Drive, a 19-year-old man struck a pedestrian with his vehicle while pulling into a parking space.

Burglary: 100 block of Mountain Avenue, a business reported someone entered the store through a locked back door and stole some items.

Extra Patrols: 4 Berthoud Schools, Town Parks, 2nd Street Mobile home Parks, Mary’s Farm, Gateway Park,

Traffic Enforcement:  Mountain Avenue, Welch Avenue, Bunyan Avenue, 1st Street. 2 contacts, 2 warnings

Tuesday, January 13

Burglary: 600 block of E Hwy 56, Brookside Gardens:  The owner reported that $3900 worth of sound equipment was taken

Warrant Arrest Misdemeanor: a 52-year-old man was contacted and was taken into custody on a warrant out of Loveland.

Suspicious Circumstances: 600 block of 8th Street, 911 was received about an adult female that had stabbed herself.

Vehicle Accident: 300 block of Massachusetts Avenue, a responsible citizen reported to deputies that he was leaving the town board meeting tonight and his truck went over a patch of ice as he was backing. This caused his truck to slide over and damage a parked car next to him.

Extra Patrols: Business Checks, School Checks, School Zones, Town Board Meeting

Traffic Enforcement: 8th Street, Welch, Spartan Avenue, Bunyan. 2 Contacts, 2 warnings for parking

Wednesday, January 14

Warrant Arrest/ Habitual Traffic Offender: Indiana Avenue & /2nd Street, a 37 year old man was stopped and found to have a warrant. He is also Revoked-Habitual.

Suspicious Circumstances: 800 block of Franklin Avenue, a resident reported a staff member was being rude and emotionally abusive towards her.

Civil / Possible Theft: 600 block of 4th Street, a business owner reported that a check from his business account was cashed that he did not write.

Extra Patrols: 4 Berthoud Schools, Town Parks, 2nd Street Mobile home Parks, Mary’s Farm, Gateway Park,

Traffic Enforcement:  Mountain Ave, Welch Ave, Bunyan Ave, 1st Street. 3 contacts, 1 warning, 1 Citation, 1 arrest

Thursday, January 15

Suspicious Circumstances: 500 block of Welch Avenue, An anonymous person reported that a female was prostituting at this location.

Theft: 800 block of 5th Street, a resident came into Berthoud Town Hall to report that her friend had stolen multiple items from her residence while she was “absent from her home.”

Civil Standby: 1100 block of Navajo Place, an 18 year old woman called to report that she had been kicked out of the house by the people she was living with and they were not letting her retrieve her belongings.

Missing Juvenile: 1300 block of Gateway Park Drive, a father called to report that while he went out to dinner, his 15 year old daughter had run away from the residence.

Extra Patrols: 4 Berthoud Schools, Town Parks, 2nd Street Mobile home Parks, Mary’s Farm, Gateway Park,

Traffic Enforcement:  Mountain Ave, Welch Ave, Bunyan Ave, 1st Street. 3 contacts, 2 warnings, 1 citation

Friday, January 16, 2015

Found Property: 300 block of Mountain Avenue, a blue mountain bike was chained to a town wire fence in the alley behind the business of City Star Brewing. The bike was there for over 3 weeks and was stuck in the ice.

Violation of Interlock: 200 block of 1st Street, a resident called to report that a 34 year old man was riding a dirt bike in the street with young child.

Private Property MVA: 800 block of Spartan Avenue, a student called to report that while hanging with friends in the parking lot, another friend backed into his truck.

Extra Patrols: Berthoud Schools, Town Parks, Gateway Park, Mathews Farm, 2nd Street Mobile home Parks, Serenity Ridge

Traffic Enforcement:  CR 17, 4th Street, Mountain Ave.

Saturday, January 17

False Reporting: 800 block of Franklin Avenue, deputy contacted a 56-year-old woman reference her report of identity theft she filed on 12/16/14. An interview was conducted with the woman and it was determined that she had falsely made a police report to get out of a loan/wage garnishments.

Follow Up – Identity Theft: 200 block of 2nd Street, the victim was re-contacted reference unauthorized purchases on his Credit Card. He was told that the possible suspect lives in Jupiter Florida. The victim said that there was an error on the credit card company’s side of the transaction and transposed account numbers incorrectly causing his card to get charged and not the actual buyer.

Extra Patrols: Berthoud Schools, Town Parks, Gateway Park, Mathews Farm, 2nd Street Mobile home Parks, Serenity Ridge

Traffic Enforcement:  CR 17, 4th Street, Mountain Avenue, 1st Street/Turner Ave. 4 contacts, 2 warnings, 2 citations.

Sunday, January 18

Missing Juvenile: 500 block of S. 9th Street, for the third time we were requested to look for a 17-year-old run-a-away missing from Adams County.

Monday, January 19

Driving Under Revocation-Speeding: CR17/Lake Avenue, a 43-year-old man was stopped for speeding and found to be suspended.

Found Property: 900 block of 3rd Street, a bicycle was found abandoned and placed in storage.

Extra Patrols: Berthoud Schools, Town Parks, Gateway Park, Mathews Farm, 2nd Street Mobile home Parks

Traffic Enforcement:  CR 17, 4th Street, Mountain Avenue, 1st Street/Turner Avenue. 20 contacts, 6 verbal warnings, 14 citations

Tuesday, January 20

Theft: 1000 block of 4th Street, a resident called to report his front plate was no longer on his vehicle.

Criminal Tampering: 200 block of 2nd Street, a plumber turned off the main water valve to the mobile home park after being told not to by the Berthoud Water Department.

8 traffic contacts, 2 warnings, 4 citations

Wednesday, January 21

Cruelty to Animal/Animal Abandonment/Failure to Provide Humane Treatment: Third Street and Mountain Avenue, received information about an animal carrier left near the intersection with a note. Black long hair female cat was found inside with an open sucking chest wound. Animal was taken to the veterinarian where it was determined the cat be euthanized due to its injuries. Sad day.

1 traffic contact, 1 citation

Thursday, January 22

Careless Driving/Expired temp tag: 1st Street & Bunyan Avenue, Vehicle was called in as a REDDI (Report Every Drunk Driver Immediately) report after a near head on collision. The 17-year-old driver was passing vehicles on the double yellow.

Recovered Stolen Plates/Suspicious Vehicle: Bunyan Avenue & 1st Street, a white 1995 Dodge Caravan was parked on Bunyan with two different plates. Plates were stolen out of Loveland.

4 traffic contacts, 1 warning, 3 citations

Friday, January 23

Abandoned Vehicle: Hwy 287 & CR17, a 17-year-old male left his broken down vehicle in the turn lane on Hwy 287. The 17-year-old declined to come back to the vehicle and move it. Vehicle was then towed.

9 contacts, 6 warnings, 3 citations

Saturday, January 24

Animal At Large: 100 block of Keep Circle, Neighbors report a large German Shepherd was loose and almost attacked a family walking their dogs. Owners say dog jumps the fence, suggested they find a way to secure the dog in their back yard before someone gets hurt. The owner of the dog was cited.

Family Problems: 5000 block of CR8E, a mother reported her 7 year old daughter was out of control and had to be restrained.

Disturbance: 900 block of Mountain Avenue, information gathered about an incident that occurred in the parking lot. Two female divers exchanged words and parted ways about a traffic issue.

2 traffic contacts, 2 warnings

Sunday, January 25

DUI Accident Investigation: 1st Street & CR 10, a vehicle traveling went off the left side of the road hitting a telephone pole and then rolling several times. The 20-year-old man driving was intoxicated and transported to the hospital for his injuries. The male told deputies there was a female with him so a large search was conducted but it was determined that he was alone in the car.

 Suspicious Circumstances: 1000 block of 1st Street, a resident reported someone dumped trash into his company’s trash bin.

1 traffic contacts, 1 warning

Monday, January 26, 2015

Theft: 800 block of 4th Street, a resident reported that an unknown person stole 16 pallets of 4×8 sheets of plywood.

2 traffic contacts, 2 warnings

Tuesday, January 27

Assault: 3300 block of Tranquility Way, an employee decided she had enough of the other employees and decided to quit her job. As she was leaving she decided to pick a fight with another employee.

Traffic Control: CR-8 and Hwy 287, all of the power went out in this area including the traffic lights at this intersection. Two Berthoud Deputies did traffic control for over 1 hour until CDOT arrived and repaired the lights.

Injury Vehicle Accident: NE Frontage Road/Hwy 56, a 54-year-old man was traveling north on the east frontage road when he disregarded a stop sign and struck another vehicle that was traveling east bound on Highway 56. The man sustained an injury to his leg.

4 contact: 3 warnings, 1 vehicle issued 72 hour tag

Wednesday, January 28

Theft: 1100 block of Welch Avenue, a business owner found her business dumpster completely full of miscellaneous clothing and household trash. There was also a blue lazy-boy chair left. Inside of the trash, paperwork identified the trash dumpers.

Juvenile Problem: 900 block of Massachusetts Avenue, 2 separate juvenile issues had the School Resource Officer tied up most of the day.

Dog At Large: 100 block of 2nd Street, a resident received a summons for dog at large because she let her dog out of the car at the north end of second street to run along behind while she drove to her residence at the south end of 2nd street.

7 contacts, 5 warnings, 2 citations

Thursday, January 29

Juvenile Issue: CR-10E & CR-17, two teenagers decided that an off road dirt path was a great place to share each other’s company during lunch.

Solicitors: In a couple of areas in town, solicitors were located and warned for violation of town ordinance so they left town.

Suspicious Circumstances: 300 block of Victoria Street, a man called to advise that his ex girlfriend making threats.

Criminal Mischief / Domestic Violence: 100 block of S 2nd Street, a woman called to report that her ex boyfriend broke her driver’s side mirror after she refused to talk with him.

1 contact, 1 warning

Friday, January 30

Suspicious Circumstances: 200 block of Bunyan Avenue, an employee reported finding an open door. Business was checked and nothing was missing. The owner believes workers must have left the door open.

Juvenile Problem: 900 block of Massachusetts Avenue, assisted teachers with a juvenile problem.

Citizen Assist: 1000 block of Navajo Place, “Rocky the squirrel” was injured near the residence and tried to make the family milk box his final resting spot.

3 contacts, 3 warnings

Saturday, January 31

Suspicious Circumstances: 500 block of Welch Avenue, a 48-year-old woman has made another inappropriate ad on-line.

Vehicle Accident / Careless Driving: Hwy 287 & CR-17, a 23-year-old man swerved and side swiped a vehicle that was stopped at the red light.

Family Problems: 5600 block of W. CR-8E, a mother called for help in restraining her out of control 13 year son who suffers from severe mental disabilities.

Trespassing: 1500 block of S CR-17, a property owner reported a male and female were trespassing on his property. The male and female were looking at the neighboring properties that were for sale and accidentally drove onto this property.

Warrant Arrest: 800 block of 5th Street, information was gathered that female and male, living at this address both had active warrants.

Family Problems: 3200 block of Timeless Circle, a mother and daughter had too much to drink at a baby shower and came home mad at each other and started to argue.

5 contacts, 4 warnings, 1 citation


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