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Update: September 6, 2017


Provided by
James Anderson
Patrol Sergeant: Berthoud Squad

August 1 to August 6

Tuesday, August 1

Shoplifting: Mountain Avenue, a 12-year-old was caught shoplifting. Owner and parents are going to work something out.

911 Hang-up: S. 8th Street, kids had a cell phone that mom thought could not make calls. Oh, nay, nay, even without a service plan as long as the cell phone can turn; on it can call 911.

Theft: Cooperland Blvd., a resident reported someone stole his flatbed trailer.

Wednesday, August 2

Burglary / Trespass / Criminal Mischief / Theft: Mountain Avenue, an unknown suspect climbed the fence and forced entry through the door of the rear storeroom.

Suspicious Circumstances: 3rd Street and Turner Avenue, a resident was walking her dog when she saw a white vehicle parked and a man who went into the back yard of a home and came out with 2 bicycles.

Burglary: Town Pool, during the night someone broke into the pool building causing damage inside.

Found Property: 2nd Street, a found black wallet was located and turned in by a resident. Attempts to find the owner were unsuccessful.

Welfare Check: 4th Street, checked on a resident that missed an appointment today and they have not heard from him. Resident was OK just not feeling well and forgot to call.

Thursday, August 3

Disturbance: S. 2nd Street, a man and woman were in a very loud argument outside of their home. The woman tried to get in a vehicle but the man kept yelling at her to get out.

Scam: Welch Avenue, a father came and reported that his daughter received a call from a company out of Texas telling her she defaulted on her $700 loan and she would need to send them $1500 or they would issue a warrant. The father came into Guaranty Bank and requested $1500 out of his account in which the bank employees thought this was hokey so they had him contact law enforcement. No money was lost

Suspicious Circumstances: Mountain Avenue, two dead cats were found in front of the door. Cat owners believe someone is taking cats and killing them. Later that day the person reporting the cats had surveillance cameras that clearly show the two cats walking out into the street and getting hit by a car.

Friday, August 4

Disturbance: Franklin Ave, a resident was in medical distress and not on his medications, he made movements toward a nurse in a threatening manner, knocked a TV over and held the staff at bay with a butter knife. After staff administered his medications he stabilized quickly.

Vehicle Crash: Hwy 287 west of CR17, a Longmont man was travelling on Hwy 287 eastbound approaching County road 17, on wet roads during a rain storm. His rear tires on his mustang had no tread. The driver spun out of control and went onto the right shoulder. The car hit a Colorado Adopt a Highway sign, causing damage to the vehicle and sign. The slogan “Don’t Tread on Me” does not pertain to your tires.

Saturday, August 5

Habitual Traffic Offender (HTO) / Uninsured Vehicle / No Number Plates: Welch Avenue, a 30-year-old Dacono man was contacted for driving a vehicle with no visible registration. The driver was revoked HTO with 16 active restraints and the vehicle was uninsured.

Harassment: 7th Street, one kid sent another kid a text message stating he was going to shoot him when he gets older.

Lost Property: 7th Street, a resident lost her debit card at the Berthoud park.

Sunday, August 6

Missing Adult: Franklin Avenue, a 55-year-old man was reported missing from the Berthoud Living Center, he has a pic line in his arm and the staff was concerned for him.

Assist to Medical: Franklin Avenue, a 69-year-old man was found to have a warrant, he was not arrested due to medical concerns (wheel chair bound, head injury). Berthoud Deputy will attempt to check for family, who can help him take care of his warrant so it can be handled in a less intrusive manner.

Code Enforcement:

Animal Problems – 12
Parking Problems – 7
Other Ordinance Problems – 18

August 7 to 13

Monday, August 7   

Identity Theft: Monroe Avenue, a resident reported an unknown suspect(s) attempted to open a bank account in California using his Social Security number. The attempt failed. 

False Reporting / Suspicious Circumstances: Meadow Lark Drive and Alpine Avenue, a 36-year-old Greeley man was charged after he provided a false name and date of birth during a suspicious circumstances case. The man had been looking in a window of a home and couldn’t explain why he was there. He thought he had a warrant so he gave the false information.

DUI / Obstruction / Careless Driving: Hwy 56 / Weld CR 13, a 42-year-old Denver man failed to drive in a single lane and ended up in the wrong lane of traffic. The driver was then stopped in the middle of the westbound lane of traffic facing east and was revving his engine as if he was trying to drive away at a high rate of speed. He was given multiple loud commands to shut off his vehicle and show his hands. The man didn’t follow commands for nearly 15 minutes and continued to rev his engine. Pepper-balls were deployed into the vehicle and he was taken into custody. When confronted about revving his engine he stated he thought he was still driving and eluding the deputies.

Tuesday, August 8

Driving Under Restraint / Speeding / Warrant: 1st Street / Mountain Avenue, a 75-year-old Berthoud woman was contacted for speeding and after dispatch looked through her numerous aliases, she was discovered to have a “Serve 10 Days” warrant out of Loveland Police Department. She was also driving with a Cancel/Denied driver’s license.

Harassment:  Mountain Avenue, a resident kept getting phone calls from an unidentified young man or boy who would start yelling and using profanities at the resident.

Fraud: Elm Drive, a resident had fraudulent transaction to her account from a Walmart in Georgia.

Vehicle Crash: 2nd Street / Mountain Avenue, both drivers stated front car had pulled too far forward from the southbound stop sign at 2nd Street and Mountain Avenue. She then reversed to clear the westbound lane of Mountain Avenue and struck the other vehicle behind her.

Theft: E Iowa Avenue, a resident reported that two packages were stolen from his front door. The stolen packages contained an Advanced Placement statistics textbook titled “Stats Modeling the World”, a pair of white Van shoes and a green Remington gun cleaning mat.

Noise Complaint: Canyon Lands / Kansas Avenue, a resident called in and complained that there was still construction going on after 7:00 pm.

Wednesday, August 9

Family Disturbance: E. Colorado Av, a grandfather went to this address to clean out his 16-year-old grandson’s belongings from his room since he had not been home in three days. When grandfather entered the boy’s room, the grandson was passed out on the bed. Grandfather woke him and a struggle ensued where the boy ran away from the grandfather but then passed out again in the back yard.

Thursday, August 10

Driving Under Restraint / Compensatory Insurance / Warrant: CR8 and Meadowlark Drive, a 28-year-old Berthoud man was contacted for expired/fictitious plates. The vehicle was also uninsured and the driver’s license was Revoked. The driver also had a warrant for his arrest.

Burglary: Megan Circle, a construction worker reported his construction trailer was broken into and several tools had been stolen. The suspect described as a Hispanic male in his late thirties or early forties with a stocky build. The suspect drove a newer model, light blue, Chevy pickup.

Friday, August 11

Theft / Criminal Mischief: Mountain Avenue, (Habitat Re-Store) – Staff reported two female suspects pulled their car up to the donation area and filled the car and car topper with items. Security cameras caught the license plate.

Theft: 13th Street, a resident reported someone stole her bronze bench and ceramic flower pot from the side of her house overnight.

Suspicious Circumstances: I-25 Park-N-Ride, a vehicle was reported to have its windows down and the keys still in the ignition. The owner was contacted and they advised that the car is broken down and left the keys in it for the tow truck.

Saturday, August 12

Criminal Mischief: E 2nd Street, a resident reported an unknown subject had shot the rear window of their new motorhome shattering it.

Suspicious Circumstances: E CR 8, Channel 7 news reporter showed up at this address to do some “investigative reporting”. She passed 2 or 3 No Trespassing signs to knock on the door and stayed for 10-15 minutes even though she was told by the resident she was not welcome.

Arson: Cheyenne Drive, unknown suspect damaged a resident’s mailbox with a firework overnight.

Theft: Mountain Avenue, (Habitat for Humanity) – Staff reported an unknown suspect stole a sink from the donation area. Suspect was later identified as 31-year-old Ft. Collins man, who could not be located. Warrant to be sought.

Running a-fowl: 7th Street, a resident called to report that there was an aggressive chicken that would not leave her porch. After nearly all options were exhausted to corral the chicken, it got itself stuck in a bush where it was retrieved. No owner could be located for the chicken and none of the neighbors knew who it belonged to. The chicken was re-homed to a local farmer.

Fraud / Theft: 8th Street, a resident reported he was scammed out of $991 dollars via an online posting.

Sunday, August 13

Assault / Domestic Violence: 7th Street, a man and girlfriend were involved in an argument where he burned her foot with a cigarette.

Code Enforcement:

Animal Problems – 16
Parking Problems – 9
Other Ordinance Problems – 11

August 14 to August 20

Monday, August 14

Felony Menacing: Berthoud Skate Park, a 14-year-old boy reported that he was felony menaced by a 15-year-old boy with a folding knife.

Tuesday, August 15

Trespass / Theft: Driftwood Place, a resident reported her garage had been entered and a miter saw of unknown brand had been taken from a countertop.

Missing Person: 2nd Street, a 19-year-old woman was reported as missing by her father and her boyfriend. Boyfriend admitted to having an argument with her earlier. She returned home before end of shift.

Wednesday, August 16

Street Racing: A Twitter tip showed a street race club, that identifies street racing import cars on county roads, I-25 and main streets in Loveland.

Felony Menacing: 2nd Street, a juvenile who was arrested two days ago, for Felony Menacing sent a photograph over Snap Chat to multiple people, including one of the witnesses, that contained the names and addresses of the victim and witnesses from the incident. The photograph had a caption referring to them as “Snitches”.

Found Property: Spartan Avenue and 10th Street, a girl’s small pink bicycle was found at this location

Thursday, August 17

Vehicle Crash: Mountain Avenue and 5th Street, An Aurora man driving a Freightliner truck was traveling west on Mountain Avenue and turned south onto 5th Street. As he made his turn, his driver’s side rear tire scuffed the front bumper of a stopped vehicle.

Juvenile Problem: Berthoud Skate Park, a 14-year-old boy tackled another 14-year-old boy. Both parties are on probation and the parents wanted the incident documented.

Friday, August 18

Felony DUI / Vehicular Eliding / Reckless Driving / Driving with a Suspended License: 2nd Street and Turner Avenue, a 41-year-old Larkspur man’s vehicle had a defective license plate lamp and attempted to elude. During the vehicle pursuit, the man drove to a dead-end alleyway and then ran on foot. The foot pursuit was ended when the man was tased. The driver was suspected to be impaired by alcohol and his license was suspended. This was the man’s forth DUI. 

Saturday, August 19

Assist to Fire: Old Town Hall, a power pole was discovered to have been blown over. It appears the pole rotted and fell over.

Sunday, August 20

Gang Member Contact: 2nd Street, a 31-year-old man was contacted reference a family disturbance. The man claimed membership with the 211 Crew.

Code Enforcement:

Animal – 10
Parking – 14
Other – 8

August 21 – August 27

Monday, August 21 

Trespass: Cuda Court, a builder reported that an elderly man keeps walking over and walks into the house under construction. The builder has asked him to not come over but he continues to do so.

Juvenile Problem: Fickle Park, a high school aged boy was trying to get a group of girls to drink beer with him.

The World Stopped: For a short time everyone came together today to watch the solar eclipse and in the land there was peace.

Tuesday, August 22

Vehicle Crash: 4400 Block of Weld County Road 44, 2 drivers traveling in opposite direction hit mirrors as they passed each other.

Citizen Assist: Hwy 287 Mile Marker 328, an elderly man stated he was lost and looking for Lazy Day’s RV in Loveland. He knew he was near Loveland, but was not familiar with the area. The man was parked on the side of the road waiting for help.

Wednesday, August 23

Suspicious Circumstances: Cedar Drive, parole requested a deputy to respond to this address and investigate a suspicious odor coming from the house and check on the resident. Nothing suspicious found.

Vehicle Crash: 2nd Street, a female driver backed into another vehicle. The woman had to get to class so she left. She made it to class on time but got an “F” for her driving.

Thursday, August 24

Theft: Franklin Avenue, both license plates were stolen off a resident’s vehicle.

Suspicious Circumstances: 4th Street, a resident received a call from a “JAMES BROWN”, who told her he was going to sue her for a payday loan. BROWN hung up on her and the deputy multiple times, while they were attempting to figure out why he was calling her. The resident has never had a payday loan.

Vehicle Damage: Mountain Avenue, a resident reported that someone hit her mirror causing damage on her car while she was at work.

Friday, August 25

Protection Order Violation / Revoked License / Speeding: 9th Street and Mountain Avenue, a 45-year-old Greeley man was contacted for speeding 40 MPH in a 20 MPH school zone. His drivers license was revoked he was also restrained from his passenger. If you know your license is revoked why draw the attention from law enforcement by speeding? Here’s your sign.

Vehicle Theft: 2nd Street, a resident reported that her Ford Focus was stolen.

Saturday, August 26

Recovered Stolen Vehicle: 2nd Street, the vehicle reported stolen yesterday was located in front of this residence.

Vehicle Theft: 2nd Street, a resident reported her Subaru was stolen sometime overnight. Most likely related to the above case.

Enticement: Alpine Avenue, a 9-year-old girl was enticed online to send inappropriate photos to an unknown person.

Vehicle Crash / Hit and Run: A&W, a Ford Excursion struck the electronic ordering machine and left the scene. 

Speeding / Suspended License: 1st Street and Turner Avenue, a 29-year-old Erie man was stopped for speeding and was found to be suspended.

Burglary: Woodcock Street, a resident received a call from the property manager that his door was wide open at his apartment. The property manager entered the apartment and the apartment appeared to have been rummaged through. The manager took photos and the resident was able to determine that some items were missing.

Sunday, August 27

Criminal Mischief: Pyramid Peak Street, a resident reported that someone capped a drainage pipe at his home. The pipe is a sump drain and due to being plugged with shop towels and capped the basement had issues with back flow water.

Recovered Stolen Vehicle: Mayo Court, the stolen Subaru from an earlier case was recovered near this address. 

Code Enforcement:

Animal Problems – 10
Parking Problems – 15
Other Ordinance Problems – 20

August 28 to 31

Monday, August 28

Recovery of a Stolen Vehicle:  Mayo Court, a stolen vehicle from an earlier case was recovered near this address.

Burglary:  Mountain Avenue, a business owner reported an unknown suspect forced entry through the after-hours doors. The door knob and frame where both damaged. No items were reported stolen.

Suspicious Circumstances:  Marshall Place, a resident reported a disturbance with a 32-year old local woman. He reported she was going crazy and kicked the door in. the reporting person was not on scene and refused to meet with deputies as he has several warrants out for his arrest.

Tuesday, August 29

Suspicious Circumstances:  Mountain Avenue, a man stated he had hurt someone and needed to turn himself in. The man was contacted by deputies but never admitted to hurting anyone. He did make statements of wanting to hurt himself. He was placed in protective custody and transported to the hospital. A welfare check was completed on his estranged wife whom he was restrained from. She was un-injured and had not spoken or seen him for a while.

Wednesday, August 30

Theft:  S 9th Street, a resident reported she thinks 32-year old local woman stole some checks from her purse.

Criminal Trespass / Theft:  E Colorado Avenue, a resident reported his unlocked vehicle was entered sometime during the last three days and items were stolen.

Threats / Intimidating a Witness:  Mountain Avenue, a mother reported a student at school heard a boy make threatening statements against her and her kids all stemming from a felony menacing arrest.

Scam:  Wilshire Drive, another resident received a call from the “IRS” threatening an arrest warrant if she did not send them money.

Thursday, August 31

Found Property:  Berthoud Elementary, the school custodian found an approximate 18 inch, 4 point, solid bronze deer antler on the roof of the school. The antler was clearly broken off some type of a statue or a well to-do buck.


About Post Author

Gary Wamsley

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