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Tuesday, October 1

Runaway Juvenile (Located): Spartan Ave., a mother reported her son ran away after school. Last seen at Berthoud High School around 1400 hours. He was found later found by the parents.

Vehicular Eluding / Fictitious Plates: Love’s Travel Center, a silver hatchback sedan was seen slowly driving through the parking lot of Love’s while deputies were just arriving on scene to a vehicle trespass that occurred shortly before. The vehicle was found to have fictitious plates and a traffic stop was attempted on the southbound I-25 on-ramp. A pursuit was initiated when the vehicle failed to yield and then made a U-turn to travel back northbound on I-25. The vehicle was successfully spiked at Highway 34 and stopped just after. A white male, over 6′ tall with light hair and a white shirt and blue shorts ran from the vehicle eastbound. A perimeter was quickly established and a lengthy K9 track was attempted, but the suspect was not located.

Criminal Mischief: Love’s Travel Center, a driver discovered his driver-side window had been smashed while he was in Love’s. The door was still locked, and nothing was missing.

Assist Weld County SO and Firestone PD: Love’s Travel Center, Weld County Sheriff’s Office deputies advised LCSO deputies of a blue minivan with Tennessee plates that could be in the southern Larimer County area. LCSO was initially advised that the owner of the van is a 35-year-old man from Tennessee and was wanted in connection to bomb threats he made and that the FBI was looking for him. The van was located at Love’s Travel Center. The man was immediately hostile, broke out a window in his van, and threw a frying pan in the direction of deputies. Deputies negotiated with the man while he made repeated threats, refused to exit his vehicle and continued escalating the confrontation while obviously suffering from mental health issues. The man was transported and placed on a mental health hold at the hospital. Threw a frying pan just because the deputies asked, wait for it; what’s cookin?

Wednesday, October 2

Vehicular Eluding / Reckless Driving / Speeding / Defective Headlamp / Violation Of License Restrictions: E CR8, a 15-year-old Denver girl failed to yield after a traffic stop was initiated for speeding and a defective headlamp. She accelerated to speeds of over 100 miles per hour as she continued west on CR8 and a pursuit was initiated. The girl approached the curve at W CR8 and N CR23 at approximately 85 miles per hour and lost control. After coming to a stop, she accelerated again and drove into an adjacent field; before going down an embankment and crashing into an irrigation ditch. Believe it or not she was not injured. She did not want to stop because she did not have a license. From getting a simple Traffic ticket to getting a felony, good thinking. Oh, and wrecking your car.

Thursday, October 3

Stolen Trailer: W CR14, a homemade 5’x10″ black trailer was stolen from this location. Has two black side rails and a bright blue front rail with a lift gate on the back.

Theft: 5th Street, someone hacked a resident’s airline account and stole his airline miles, 160,000 miles for American Airlines. Flight was from Atlanta Georgia to South Africa. Sheriff said no to our request to fly to South Africa and pick them up.

Found Bike: Birdie Drive, a black and white Diamondback BMX bike was found by the homeowner. It was transported and secured for safe keeping.

Warrant Arrest: Mountain Avenue, a woman called to report her vehicle stolen by a friend, but it occurred in Johnstown. Johnstown PD responded and took over, but the woman was found to have a warrant for her arrest and was booked. 

Eluding / Felony Menacing / Assault / Domestic Violence / DUI: 3rd Street, a 48-year-old man, assaulted his wife and made a slashing motion at his son with a retractable razor blade. When Deputies arrived, the man ran to his vehicle and accelerated away from the scene. When Deputies ordered him to stop and informed him that he was under arrest, he accelerated away from Deputies. The man’s vehicle was discovered a few blocks away, abandoned but he was seen running away from the area and was taken into custody. Booked. 

Friday, October 4

Family Problems: Bowen Lane, the alarm company reported a window broken at this residence. It was discovered that a 15-year-old was angry and slammed the door which caused the alarm to go off. That was some kinda slam!

Found Child: 5th Street and Lake Avenue, at a quarter till midnight a resident reported they found a 2-year-old boy in his pajamas walking in the street with a puppy. The boy could not tell where he lived. Located and talked to Mom who said her son seems to have issues with taking off.

Saturday, October 5

Felony Eluding / Reckless Driving / Headlamp Violation / Attempted Vehicle Assault: 1st Street / Bunyan Avenue, a black Dodge Avenger called in by 2 witnesses, stating the vehicle was weaving and turning headlights off and on. Vehicle located by Deputy as it was travelling south on 1st Street approaching Bunyan Avenue. Deputy was headed north on 1st Street the suspect came into the northbound lane, still travelling south in a direct path to ram deputy’s patrol vehicle. Deputy avoided suspect vehicle by going into a ditch and was able to turn around. Suspect turned west on Bunyan Avenue and continued to turn lights off and on, he drove into the opposite lane and then left roadway to travel south on railroad tracks. Deputy continued to follow (not on the track though). Suspect then fled on foot, once his vehicle became inoperable due to a flat tire and damage. Perimeter established, a K9 responded to help, the suspect was not located. Suspect positively Identified as he left his wallet in the vehicle and the deputy made positive visual ID as the suspect ran from him. Suspect has a history of assault on Police Officers. There was a 9mm handgun located on front passenger seat and an assault type rifle located in the trunk. Both had loaded magazines in the cases with the firearms.

Sunday, October 6

Vehicle Theft: Mountain Avenue, a car owner reported his 1991 white Ford 150 was stolen. The vehicle was stolen shortly after a report of a 6′ Hispanic male on the roof of a home that had fled when confronted by the homeowner. Description from the homeowner matched the pursuit suspect from the night before and is the suspect for this case.

Possession Schedule II / Felony Warrant Arrest: CR14 and Berthoud Parkway, a 50-year-old Longmont man was contacted and found to have a warrant and found to be in possession of meth. Booked. 

Monday, October 7

Felony Menacing / Eluding Follow Up and Arrest: 2nd Street, LaSalle, Colo. Through a cooperative effect between, LaSalle Police, Garden City Police, Weld County Sheriff’s Office and our agency, the railroad track eluding suspect from last week was arrested by LCSO and transported to the Jail. It was easy, we just followed the tracks.

Identity Theft: Oystercatcher Dr. a resident reported that an unknown person opened a Verizon account in her name one year ago. She just found out about it after a collection agency contacted her about this account being in default.

Warrant: Berthoud Pkwy / Spartan Ave. a 21-year-old Longmont man was contacted after his vehicle ran out of gas. Booked on warrant

Tuesday, October 8

Underage Vaping: Spartan Ave, a juvenile male was caught vaping in class. Summonsed.

Possession of Drug Paraphernalia: Massachusetts Ave, a juvenile male was in possession of paraphernalia in school. Summonsed.

Driving Under Restraint – Cancel/Denied: 6th St and Turner Ave, a 37-year-old man was contacted for a traffic violation and ticketed for no registration on his vehicle. Summonsed.

Theft: Grand Market and Cooperland, a contractor reported 80 gallons of diesel fuel was stolen from heavy equipment at the construction site. Tire impressions collected along with home security camera footage collected leading towards the same suspects in similar cases in the Berthoud area. 

Warrant Arrest: 2nd St, a 32-year-old man was arrested on misdemeanor warrant after being served civil papers.

Criminal Mischief: 2nd Street, a resident reported unknown suspect broke the window to the entry door of his slide in camper, it does not appear the suspect entered the camper, just damaged the window.

Warrant: 1st Street and CR10E. a 21-year-old man was contacted for minor Traffic violations. Booked on warrant.

Wednesday, October 9

Deer v. Dolly: 8th Street, a delivery crew driving a John Deer unloading materials damaged a lumber dolly in the process.

Recovered Stolen Vehicle: Longmont PD recovered the RV from this case that was reported stolen in Berthoud. Two juvenile suspects had stuff inside. One of them being recently released from Juvi for prior crime sprees. 

Vehicle Crash: Spartan Ave, two students were involved in a crash on school grounds. Minor damage.

Suspicious Circumstances: Tabor Street, a resident tried to register a flatbed trailer that he has had in storage for several years, the Department of Motor Vehicles told him that it is registered to someone in Denver. A records check shows that the trailer has not been registered in years. Report pulled so he could provide it to the DMV. What? The DMV make a mistake? Oh say it isn’t so.

Vehicle Crash / Property Damage: Berthoud Pkwy/Woodcock St. a driver hit the curb in the round about due to slick roads. Minor damage to his vehicle only.

Thursday, October 10

Harassment/Criminal Mischief: S. 3rd Street, a 17-year-old became upset with his mother and made threats to her, his father, two sisters and family cat. He then destroyed two tablets and a cell phone by drilling holes in them. Juvenile was charged, transported to the HUB. The dog was upset about the threats but was in agreement about the cat.

Criminal Mischief: 2nd Street and Mountain Ave., a resident called to report an unknown male in his mid-40’s with salt and pepper hair and beard punched his passenger side mirror breaking it but the man ran off before deputies arrived. 

Friday, October 11

Disturbance: 7th Street, a man and woman were involved in a disturbance. Nothing criminal found. The man left voluntarily. 

Suspicious/Possible Animal Cruelty: Loves Travel Center, an unknown suspect left a 1-year-old German Shepherd near the fence on the east side of the property. Appeared the dog passed away due to the cold temperatures. Staff thinks someone purposefully discarded the dog. Video footage is pending for possible animal cruelty charges. No excuse for this!!!

Vehicle Crash / Property Damage: 4th Street and Massachusetts Avenue, an Xcel truck accidentally struck a tree with their bucket.

Vehicle Crash / Property Damage: Hwy 56 / I-25 2 drivers were involved in a motor vehicle accident at this location.

Saturday, October 12

Mental Health: Loves Travel Center, a 21-year-old man contacted a deputy in the parking lot and asked to go the hospital to get help with his Bi-Polar. he said he had not slept for two days and his vehicle was out in the Pawnee Grasslands near Weld County Road 90and 103. The deputy gave the man a ride to the hospital for mental health help, Deputy walked him inside the Emergency Room and got him situated with the nursing staff.

Motorist Assist: Berthoud Parkway and Hwy 287, Deputy spotted a vehicle on the side of the road and stopped to check on it. It turned out they had a flat tire, so the deputy changed the tire for them. See we do know what a lug wrench is.

Sunday, October 13

Vehicle Crash / DUI: Berthoud Pkwy. and W CR10E, a woman was called in as a REDDI report. But she crashed shortly into some trees. Her blood alcohol level was over twice the legal limit. She was taken into custody and booked.

Vehicle Crash: Hwy 56, two pickup trucks going opposite directions had their towing mirrors extended. When they passed the mirrors collided and now both have 7-years bad luck

October 14-20

Monday, October 14

Felony Criminal Mischief / Harassment / Domestic Violence: Skimmer Street, a woman was called in by her boyfriend saying she had destroyed a large amount of property inside. She was contacted and initially taken on a mental health hold for being gravely disabled from nonsensical statements and stating she was seeing blood on her hands. Further investigation revealed she had hit him several times early Saturday morning. The woman was medically cleared then booked on the above charges. 

Welfare Check: 2nd St, neighbors called about a very confused neighbor trying to give her $1000 rent money, but she is not the landlord. Neighbor said he was very confused. His wife was also found very ill and was transported for medical reasons and deputies drove him to the hospital to be with his wife. Resources were also notified to assist.

Tuesday, October 15

Assist Medical / Accidental Overdose: Welch Ave, a woman reported her boyfriend overdosed and was unconscious and not breathing. The woman performed CPR and administered two doses of Narcan, and the man regained consciousness and was transported voluntarily to the hospital for evaluation. The man was getting ready for a job interview when this happened.

Suspicious Circumstances: Several reports were received regarding a possible threat on Berthoud High on an Instagram post on the private account “BerthoudinaNutshell”. The anonymous poster stated they heard from an unknown female that an unknown male has intentions of committing an act of violence at the school. Numerous individuals including students and parents were interviewed throughout the night and no actual threat could be substantiated.

Burglary / Criminal Mischief / Theft: Kwik Korner, two male suspects broke the front window to the Kwik Corner with a framing hammer and stole an assortment of vape pens, Lottery tickets, and Cigarettes. Scene processed and fingerprints were collected belonging to one of the suspects who was kind enough to leave them on the glass of the front door after pushing on it to check if it was locked. These same kids went on a crime spree in Loveland and all have been identified. Charges pending

October 16

DUI: Wilshire Drive, a man was called in as a possible drunk driver and in fact was found to be intoxicated when located and stopped. Booked.

Criminal Mischief: Mt. Meeker Avenue, a resident reported that someone cut the soft top (driver’s side door) on his Jeep. Nothing inside the Jeep was taken or disturbed.

Parking Issues: Loves Travel Center, multiple trucks parked illegally on the street. Most moved along when we showed up, a couple were issued citations.

Thursday, October 17

Welfare Check: Cedar Drive, a man made concerning comments to his estranged wife who called us. He was gone, along with his vehicle.

Distribution of Imitation Substance/Attempted Possession Schedule I: Spartan Ave, a teen asked another teen if he could get him some mushrooms to get high. The other teen collected $25 and went out to the athletic field and picked fresh shrooms. Not the kind that get you high but will make your sick. Paid $25 to get sick, not my idea of a good time.

Friday, October 18

Vehicle Crash-Leaving the Scene of an Accident: 1st St./Mountain Ave. a driver of a stolen Lexus crashed through the median and into the roundabout causing extensive damage to the vehicle. The driver fled on foot prior to deputy arrival.

Theft: 2nd Street, a business reported three tires stolen on from their lot. Suspect left three tires on the vehicles as well as what appears to be the spare from the suspect vehicle. Video footage collected. Suspect vehicle is a newer Subaru Outback gold in color with a black rim on the front passenger side. Through investigation the suspects have been identified. Charges pending

Vehicle Crash / Property Damage: Berthoud Parkway and Hwy 287, a driver made an unsafe lane change and struck another vehicle. Summons issued.

Saturday, October 19

Fraud: Gateway Park Drive, a resident reported her bank caught multiple checks being cashed out of her account. The bank caught three checks and froze her accounts and will be giving her bank the money. Possible suspect that the check was issued to appears to have used a fake name. 

Sunday, October 20

SCAM: E. Colorado, a resident sent $1,800 for a dog also sent her personal information including social security number. She is out $1,800 and it was confirmed to be a SCAM by looking on the internet at the suspect website Elegantbeagles.com. Never ever forever give your personal information to unknown sources!

Traffic / Assist to Fort Lupton PD: I-25 MM249, during a targeted patrol at Loves Travel Center, a suspect vehicle was found for a vehicle theft out of Fort Lupton PD. A 45-year-old man was stopped for a traffic violation. The ignition was punched and started with a screwdriver. K9 Negan alerted which led to finding two fake guns, fake urine and ammo. Guns? Check and understood, ammo? Check and understood, fake urine? Hmmm, I’ve got nothing.


October 21-27

Monday, October 21

Family Problems: Bruce Drive, a man reported a physical altercation that happened between him and his wife in 2018.

Felony Warrant Arrest: 1st Street, a driver was stopped for traffic violations. The passenger in the car was arrested on a warrant. Driver was issued a Proof of Service for being cancelled/denied. 

Muni Violation-Vaping: Spartan Ave, a juvenile male was vaping in class. Summonsed.

Felony Eluding / 1st Degree Criminal Trespass / Felony Warrant / Speeding / Fictitious Plates / Theft of Motor Vehicle Parts / Driving Under Restraint (Revoked) / Obstructing A Peace Officer: 5000 Blk S. Hwy 287, a 16-year-old Berthoud kid, was contacted for speeding. The boy failed to stop and accelerated to speeds of close to 100 miles per hour. A pursuit was initiated but discontinued as he entered downtown Loveland. The vehicle was located, and the 18-year-old female passenger was walking away from the vehicle. We received a 911 call stating that a male had broken into a home’s crawl space only a block and a half from the vehicle. After the boy refused commands, K9 was applied and he was bit, before being taken into custody. The boy had an active warrant out of Department of Youth Services and is currently under investigation in several jurisdictions for high level charges. Booked at the HUB.  This kid, (along with others) was also involved in a large crime spree throughout 3 counties and an escapee from Youth Services.

Tuesday, October 22

Vehicle Crash – No Injuries: W CR8 and N Hwy 287, a driver continued straight through a red light that she believed had turned green and crashed into another vehicle; causing damage to both vehicles. The driver left the scene and called to report the crash after arriving at home in Longmont. Guilty conscience?

Vehicle Crash w/Injuries: Hwy 56 and CR 13, a driver attempted to make a left-hand turn from northbound County Road 13 onto westbound Highway 56 and did not see the other vehicle driving eastbound on Highway 56 and caused a collision. The driver of the other vehicle was transported by ambulance with a possible broken leg and facial lacerations and the other driver was transported by her husband who had arrived on scene.

Wednesday, October 23

Harassment / Domestic Violence: 6th St, a resident received a phone call from her ex-husband, during which he made threats of physical violence towards her. A warrant was filed for him, as he lives out of town

Vehicle Crash / Warrant: Berthoud Parkway and Woodcock Street, investigated a minor vehicle crash in the roundabout and driver of the vehicle had a warrant. Booked. 

Thursday, October 24

Vehicle Crash / Hit and Run: Bunyan Avenue and 1st Street, a vehicle sustained damage when a person backed out of a parking space hitting it. The driver said she was driving the vehicle and after backing out she knew that she had hit the other car.

Friday, October 25

Found Property: Spartan Ave, an Apple Airpod and charger was found and turned into the SRO.

Vehicle Trespass: Greenwood Drive, a resident discovered someone had entered his unlocked truck shell and stole a drill and network testing equipment valued at $1100.

Vehicle Crash / Hit and Run: Hollyberry Street, a resident reported that while his van was parked at the Adams Bank and trust, someone crashed into the side of it.

Family Problems: 6th Street, a mom reported that her two sons, 12 and 13 years old, ran away. The juveniles went to a neighbor’s house several blocks away. The juveniles were returned to mom. There would have been a whooping waiting for me if I did this.

Saturday, October 26

DUI: Rancho Way, a 28-year-old Ft. Collins man was reported as a possible drunk driver. He was located and failed roadsides. Booked.

Vehicle Crash / Hit and Run / Felony DUI / Careless Driving: Mountain Avenue. A driver was called in for erratic driving and striking multiple vehicles before driving away. Deputies located this vehicle driving on the sidewalk, into oncoming traffic, and failing to navigate the roundabout. The driver failed to yield immediately due to his intoxication level. The man was taken into custody and booked.

Sunday, October 27

Injured Animal: 3rd Street, a driver hit a dog that was not on a leash and was unable to stop in time due to road conditions. The owners took the dog to the vet. Please keep your dog on a leash or fenced in.

October 28-31

Monday, October 28

Vehicle Crash / Hit & Run: Loves Travel Center, a semi was struck by another semi that fled the area.

Vehicle Crash / Hit & Run: Ivy Stockwell Elementary, a driver reported her vehicle was struck in the parking lot and the other driver fled the area.

Theft: Cedar Ave., a resident reported that his trailer license plate was stolen.

Neighbor Problem: 4th Street, a resident reported that the person that lives right below her was banging on his ceiling. He then started playing music so loud that the entire apartment complex was disrupted. Knock 3 times on the ceiling if you want me, twice on the pipes, if the answer is nooo. For the young ones, this was a song by Tony Orlando and Dawn.

Tuesday, October 29

Vehicle Crash / Hit & Run: Berthoud High, a driver reported that her parked vehicle was struck in the parking lot. The other driver did not stay on scene. No video footage only suspect description is a sedan with California plates.

Wednesday, October 30

Trespass Issues-Extra Check Request: E. Hwy 56, a construction crew building in this neighborhood requested extra checks as they are having vehicles and pedestrians in the construction zone especially at night. The owner stated they would support trespass charges and at every entrance there are clearly “No Trespassing” signs. No Trespassing means DON’ T GO ONTO SOMEONE ELSES PROPERTY!

Thursday, October 31

Littering/Transient: 500 block of Mountain Ave., a 62-year-old transient was contacted sleeping in the stairwell of the church. He also urinated in the stairwell which was visible in the snow. He was uncooperative with Deputy’s and was issued a summons and asked to leave. Asleep at the bottom of the stairs. You urinate on the stairs. Hmmm, gravity?

About Post Author

Gary Wamsley

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