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Berthoud Police Blotter: March 2020

March 1-8

Sunday, March 1

Suicide Attempt: Berthoud, a woman attempted suicide by sitting in her running vehicle with a hose going from the exhaust into the car door. Her husband found her and removed her from the vehicle and opened the garage. The woman was placed on a mental health hold at the Hospital. When you reach this point in life there is help. Colorado Crisis Services, 24/7 Support: 1-844-493-8255 or text TALK to 38255.

Monday, March 2

A Teen Death: Berthoud, a teenage male resident attempted suicide inside the residence and was found by his mother. Life Saving efforts were unsuccessful, and young man was pronounced at the hospital.

Suicide Attempt: Berthoud, a resident affixed a noose to his neck and garage rafters after leaving suicide notes in the home. He was found by his ex-girlfriend before he jumped, and she called 911. Deputies were quick to respond and build rapport. After over an hour of talking the deputies talked the man into removing the noose and climbing down. He was transported for a mental health evaluation at the hospital.

Tuesday, March 3

Attempted Burg / Trespass: Capitol Ave, a resident reported the screen door to the side door of his residence had been pried, but the storm door had not been forced. Tool marks were photographed.

Burglary / Theft: Weld CR44, a contractor advised a generator was taken from a job trailer at this location. The lock was cut off to make entry into the trailer.

Vehicle Crash / Property Damage: Berthoud Parkway and Hwy 287, a driver states that she was stopped and the stoplight at Hwy 287 and/ Berthoud Parkway and was rear-ended by another vehicle.

Theft: Mountain Avenue, it was reported that there was blue sedan parked in the parking lot for a little over an hour occupied by a man and a woman. The woman came into the store with an empty bag and left with a full bag. She did not stop at any cash register. The store has camera footage. If you can’t buy clothes, House of Neighborly Services can help you with that.

Wednesday, March 4

Suspicious Circumstances: Water Avenue and 4th Street, it was reported male in a gray two-tone pickup has been parking on the corner of the intersection at times when the kids are getting on and off the bus. he was there for a couple of hours yesterday and is there now. Engineers have been hired to do a traffic survey of this intersection around the Northern Water plant before the plant starts a construction project. They will have surveyors out in the mornings until 11:00 through 031020. Also, the engineer is a woman.

Disturbance: Mountain Avenue, the owners of the building were arguing over a tree that was scheduled to be trimmed. Both parties accused the other of starting to yell and cuss first. Both parties agreed to keep separated and work it out civilly. I remember an argument just like this where we accused each other for cussing first, I was 8.

Suspicious Circumstances: 2nd Street, a resident reported there was a woman outside shaking the door and knocking on windows. The resident says she does not know her. It turns out that it is a civil process server attempted to personally serve papers to the resident.

Thursday, March 5

DUI-Drugs / Underage Possession Marijuana / Traffic Violation: S Hwy 287/W CR 6, an 18-year-old Longmont woman was contacted for a traffic violation. She was found to be DUID and in possession of marijuana and paraphernalia. Booked.

Friday, March 6

Animal Bite: Welch Avenue, a resident’s dog ran loose around Berthoud Park and Ivy Stockwell during school drop off. The dog bit a Town Parks employee but did not break the skin. Summons issued. Don’t worry the dog lived and did not suffer any lingering effects.

Saturday, March 7

Vehicle Crash / Hit and Run: Loves Travel Center, a truck driver stated that he was inside the store when another citizen informed him that a semi had ran into his semi when backing out of a stall and it fled the scene. There was a witness who got the company name on the side of the truck.

Stolen Firearm: Welch Avenue, a resident reported his Smith and Wesson 9mm stolen from his room. No signs of burglary and he suspects his stepdaughter. The stepdaughter consented to a search of her room; no handgun was not found. No signs of a burglary and gun was entered into the state database. 

Dog Bite / Animal At Large: 3rd Street, a dog owner was issued a summons for Animal at Large after her dog went into the neighbor’s back yard and had to be pulled away from the neighbor’s dog. The neighbor was bit in the process but was unable to say which dog bit her. The dog owner was very anti-law enforcement and screamed at deputies to get off of her property. Summons issued. There are some that just does not like us.

Family Problems / Civil / Follow-Up: Welch Avenue, a father reported that his 52-year-old daughter, threw a fork at him and pushed her mom. Some adults never get out of the terrible twos.

Sunday, March 8

Vehicle Crash / Hit and Run: Mountain Avenue, a resident came out of the restaurant to find damage to her vehicle. Suspect vehicle fled the scene.

Suspicious Circumstances: Winding Brook Drive, a resident called again to report that her neighbor has been walking around in his apartment nude in his living room close to a window. The man claims that his neighbor’s accusations are untrue. If my neighbor was doing this in his own house I would just not peek through his window.

Assist to Medical: CR14 and Rabbit Run Lane, a Loveland man drove his car off the road. No damage to his vehicle or property. He claimed he was having an emotional outburst and was crying so hard in his car so he could not see and drove off the side of the road. I cried like that when my dog died but I didn’t drive.

March 9 to 15

Monday, March 9

Welfare Check: Loves Travel Center, a female had been in the bathroom for almost an hour. She would not respond when the employee knocked on the door, but they could hear her moving around. Deputies spoke with the woman who said she is having female problems and needed to use the restroom. The woman also had headphones on and didn’t hear staff talking to her. Female problems? Isn’t that just men in general?

Identity Theft: Elm Drive, a resident reported that an unknown suspect used his personal information to open a Verizon Wireless account. He noticed this after receiving notices from the credit bureaus.

Vehicle Trespass: 13th Street, a resident reported that his vehicle was broken into sometime during the last two nights. The windows were found down and trunk was open. The resident stated nothing was stolen and the vehicle was not damaged.

Tuesday, March 10

Lost Dog: Loves Travel Stop, a man approached a deputy at Loves Travel Center and stated yesterday around 7:00am he lost his dog after his vehicle broke down and his dog ran away. The dog is a brown pit bull that had two white marks on his front paws that looks like he’s wearing socks. His name is “Gemini”. But he is a Scorpio. Go figure.

Vehicle Crash / DUI / Minor Injury: Mountain Avenue and 3rd Street, a Berthoud woman was involved in a crash when she pulled out in front of another vehicle. She was suspected of operating a motor vehicle under the influence of alcohol. Booked.

Wednesday, March 11

Assist to Colorado Parks and Wildlife: River Rim Rd, a Mountain Lion attacked an adult male at this address while he was standing in the driveway. He along with a UPS driver fought off the large cat and it fled the area. As Deputies arrived with Fire and Medical the Mountain Lion was seen running across the dirt entrance towards people out in the Riverview campground. The Cat attacked again, this time it went after a Deputy biting her on the shoulder. The cat was put down by deputies and Division of Wildlife officers on scene. The adult male and Deputy were treated for injuries at local hospitals and released. The cat was positive for rabies. This is not a Berthoud call, but we went to assist, and I’m not lion.

Thursday, March 12

Found Missing at Risk Person: 20700 SE Frontage Rd, a 55-year-old man was located near the I-25 construction area by workers after Berthoud deputy canvased the area earlier with the man’s photo. Transported to the hospital. He told deputies he was out looking for manure. That’s a crappy story if you ask me.

Friday, March 13

DUI / Traffic: Berthoud Parkway, a 38-year-old transient was contacted as the driver during a traffic stop after several observed traffic violations. He was suspected to be operating a motor vehicle under the influence of alcohol and was subsequently arrested. Has money for alcohol but not for a room for the night. We supplied the room for tonight.

Saturday, March 14

Suicide Attempt: Berthoud, a woman was dropped off at her parent’s house where she is restrained from, and took approx. 50 pills, in an apparent suicide attempt. Transported to the hospital.

Vehicle Crash / Property Damage: Hwy 287, a Ft. Collins man lost control after a wheel locked up and rolled his vehicle. 

DUI / Traffic: Cooperland Blvd. and Jenny Lane, a Berthoud man was contacted as the driver during a traffic stop for a traffic violation. The man was suspected to be operating a motor vehicle under the influence of alcohol and was subsequently arrested.

Sunday, March 15

DUI / Traffic: 1st Street and CR12, a Berthoud woman was contacted for failing to dim her vehicle headlights and weaving. Roadsides were inconsistent with sobriety and she refused chemical testing. She was subsequently booked uncooperative. When you are drunk you can go to jail two ways, happy or angry, she chose the latter.

March 16 -22

Monday, March 16

Criminal Mischief: Canyonlands, a car was vandalized for the second day in a row (was not reported yesterday). The car was egged and silly stringed. That was really chicken and silly.

Tuesday, March 17

Warrant Arrest X4: 2nd Street and Turner Avenue, a 37-year-old Berthoud man was arrested for having 4 warrants out of Loveland and Larimer County. Booked. 

Disturbance: Franklin Avenue, a 75-year-old woman had a mental health issue and pulled another woman off the bed.

Warrant Arrest: 5th St and Turner Avenue, deputies discovered a vehicle in the ditch on 1st Street and Bunyan Avenue.  The vehicle was unoccupied, but the driver was identified who was revoked as a Habitual Traffic Offender (HTO) and had a warrant. The man was located later and arrested. Booked

Warrant Arrest X3: 3800 E Hwy 56, a 30-year-old Ft. Collins man was contacted at a suspicious vehicle. The man provided a false name, admitted to having a syringe on his person, along with drug paraphernalia in the vehicle. Booked.

Wednesday, March 18

Warrant Arrest:  2nd Street, a 27-year-old man was contacted and found to have a warrant for his arrest. Booked.

Vehicle Trespass: Redcloud Ave, a resident reported her vehicle was broken into. She reported that her purse, wallet, and other personal items were taken. She stated she received an email from her credit card company, showing her cards were used at two gas stations in Longmont.

Thursday, March 19

Suspicious Circumstances: Franklin Avenue, a resident reported getting suspicious messages from her ex-husband’s Facebook account. She suspects her ex-husband was involved in illegal activities and ripped someone off.

Friday, March 20

Vehicle Trespass / Theft: Wagon Bend Road, two vehicles were entered sometime overnight. A pair of sunglasses were taken from one vehicle. The other had a wallet and registration to her motorcycle taken from her vehicle. A blue kid’s bike was left on scene presumably by the suspect.

Vehicle Crash / Failed to Obey Traffic Light: Hwy 287 and Berthoud Parkway, a driver ran the red light and struck another vehicle on the passenger side. Minor Injuries. Summons issued to the first driver. Seeing red either means stop, I am angry, or I am bleeding. Any one of these could cause or be the result of running a traffic light.

Warrant X4 / Traffic Violation: Hwy 56 and County Line Road, a vehicle traveling east on Highway 56 had to brake hard a white Ford Explorer pulled out in front of it. Deputy stopped the car at Highway 56 and Weld County Road 7 and contacted the driver of the vehicle, who immediately said that he had multiple warrants out of Grand County and that he knew he was going to jail. We did not want to disappoint him so off to jail he went

Saturday, March 21

Felony Menacing / Illegal Discharge of a Firearm into a Dwelling / Prohibited Use of a Weapon: 3rd Street, neighbors were involved in a disturbance over loud music. One went to the other residence with a handgun and fired a round into his apartment after a brief struggle. taken into custody. Billy the Kid was located and arrested and brought to the jail house.

Warrant Arrest: 3rd Street, a woman was contacted at the incident above and booked for her warrant. 

Sunday, March 22

Harassment: 4th Street, a person was at the laundromat doing her laundry, and 2 women almost attacked her. She was using 2 dryers, and 2 females cornered her and threatened her. Deputies went to find them, but they made a clean getaway.

Family Problems: Mt. Meeker, a 14-year-old boy is reporting that he was involved in an argument with his mom and sister. Deputy talked with the family and feels the issue has been resolved.

March 23 to 29

Monday, March 23

Vehicle Trespass / Theft: Woodcock Street, 10 unlocked vehicles were entered last night. Items taken, DeWalt bag of various roadside tools, Android cell phone charger, 2 sets of keys with lanyards.

Suicide Attempt: Berthoud, a 13-year-old said he wanted to die and attempted to cut his arms with rocks. I added these reports as we have an epidemic that we need to worry about more than COVID 19 and that is teen suicides. 

Revoked License / Assist to Longmont PD: S Hwy 287 / Horseshoe Circle, while conducting an assist to Longmont PD reference a black Mercedes that eluded them on 03/22/20, a female was observed leaving the residence in a vehicle. The female was contacted and provided information that the likely suspect for the eluding case is her 18-year-old brother. The female’s license status was found to be revoked for a DUI offense. Ratted on my brother neener, neener. Oh, I’m in trouble? A Warrant? But my brother did it. Rats!

Tuesday, March 24

Heaven has a New Resident: Berthoud, a 71-year-old woman was found unresponsive by her daughter. Appears to have been due to medical issues.

Suspicious Person / Curfew Violation: 3rd Street and Turner Ave, it was reported that a suspicious male was trying doors at several closed businesses in the area. The 17-year-old kid was located and attempted to run from deputies. He was caught and detained and found to be in possession of a can of white spray paint. No graffiti located in the area and he told deputies he had decided against tagging anything and had chosen to place a sticker on the door of one of the businesses. Released to his mother on a summons for the curfew violation. This was at 1:30 in the morning. Kid + Spray Paint + After midnight = Trouble!

Criminal Mischief: Love’s Travel Center, a person discovered his vehicle had been keyed and had one of the tires slashed. Primary suspect is an ex-employee who was fired. The suspect was in the store shortly before the incident. Coincidence? Me thinks not!

Wednesday, March 25

Attempted 3rd Degree Burg: Car Wash on Welch Avenue, two unknown male suspects in dark hoodies driving a newer gray Ford Taurus with unknown temporary tag attempted to break into the vacuum machine to steal change. They were not able to gain entry and left. That really sucks!

Thursday, March 26

Suspicious Circumstances: Grand Market Avenue, a resident reported just directly south of her house, a male is in a white pickup truck with plastic cargo carrier on roof. For the past couple days, the male has been parking behind the her and the neighbor’s house. She feels he is peeping in windows. Turns out to be the contractor cleaning out storm drainage in the neighborhood. Turns out he was not a pervert, but he sure was in the gutter.

Welfare Check: E. Nebraska, a Loveland man called to report his friend started freaking out and told the inf that he needs to call 911. Deputies spoke with mom on the phone, she was at the house with her husband and son. She thinks that her son consumed a marijuana edible but is not sure. son was upset and “freaked out” but is calm and ok now. mom and dad are with him.

Friday, March 27

Found Drugs: Gateway Blvd. / Glacier Avenue, an unknown person set up a table with items to take or leave for COVID-19 help in the neighborhood. Someone left Flu medication. Meds were seized due to kids being able to take it. Great idea though.

Counterfeit Cash: Turner Middle School, a citizen found $300 worth of counterfeit cash near the track. Bills had Chinese lettering on them. Aha, we found out where the COVID-19 Virus started from, money.

Vehicle Crash / Non-Injury: Hwy 287/Berthoud Parkway, a driver ran a red light and struck another vehicle causing severe damage to both vehicles. Driver was issued a summons. 

Harassment: Kansas Avenue, a resident reported another person made threats on Facebook to hurt him. Social Media is the source of all evil.

Saturday, March 28

Missing Person: Berthoud Area, a 46-year-old man was called in missing by his mother. He is homeless after he was kicked out of the home, he was staying in. He was last seen on the 16th. Was seen wearing a black jacket, jeans and a baseball cap.

Runaway Juvenile: Woodcock Street, a mother reported her 15-year-old son as a runaway. He later returned home, and said he was out for a walk and forgot to tell his mother. His phone died, a neighbor saw him and gave him a ride home. 

Warrant Arrest: Berthoud Pkwy and Bunyan Ave., a Loveland woman was stopped for speeding and found to have a Loveland warrant for her arrest.

Sunday, March 29

Welfare Check: 10th Street, 29-year-old son said he was going to drown himself, says they won’t see him again. He was contacted at the park by the tree on the phone. He admitted to making the “drown in the lake” comment out of frustration due to the argument with his mom about him not picking up trash in the house.

– Please take care of yourselves and we will see you next week.

March 30 – 31

Monday, March 30

Lost Property: Oak Drive, A gun was reported lost. It was last seen in Nov 2019 during a road trip to California and Texas. He noticed it was missing in February 2020 when he was checking his inventory. The resident has already checked all possible places it may have been on his road trip, but it was not located. Well, shoot!

Assist to Longmont PD: CR8, assisted Longmont PD in locating an eluding suspect at this address. The 18-year-old man was located and contacted for Longmont PD and they followed up with charges.

Tuesday, March 31

Road Rage: Longmont into Berthoud, a resident pulled out of carwash in Longmont, another driver was in wrong lane and almost ran into the resident’s vehicle. The other driver started following him and pulled alongside and yelled he has a “dangerous device” on the back of his car. The subject followed and tailgated the resident to right in front of the Berthoud Squad Office where 4 deputies were waiting. The subject was extremely animated and then made suicidal ideations. Transported to the hospital. The dangerous device was a hitch cover.

Suspicious Circumstances: Town Park, a resident believes that there is a drug deal that just happened at the park. A gray pathfinder, going north on 6th street from Town park. Three young girls and a tall skinny guy w/dreadlocks. two people had been waiting in the park, the car pulled up, they started looking through the glove box and then took off when they saw the resident looking over the fence at them.

DUI / Speeding: Hwy 287 and CR2E, a 22-year-old Loveland woman was contacted for speeding over 100 MPH after being called in as a Report Every Drunk Driver Immediately (REDDI) report. An odor of an alcoholic beverage was detected on her breath and she agreed to complete voluntary roadside maneuvers but did not do well. Booked


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