April 1-5
Wednesday, April 1
Neighbor Problems: Country Road, over the last month, the resident has noticed that the neighbor has security cameras all over, one that faces his yard, at 2-3 am he walks past his window and a light flashes- it’s a motion activated camera fixed on his window.
Thursday, April 2
Missing/ Endangered Adult: Second Street, a 79-year-old man was reported missing by his son and was last known to be in Loveland and was contacted by Loveland PD earlier that day. Prior to that he had been with family in Dacono and believed to have left at 4:00 pm to head home to Berthoud but never made it.
Warrant Arrest: Mountain Ave, a deputy came into contact with 38-year-old Berthoud man, during an extra patrol of the 7-11 in Berthoud. The deputy recognized the man from a prior incident during which the deputy had arrested him for Driving Under the Influence. The deputy requested a records check of him through Dispatch and he had an active warrant for his arrest for failure to comply out of the Weld County Sheriff’s Office. Booked
Friday, April 3
Speeding/ Suspicious Circumstances / Assist to-Weld County: 42nd Street and CR13, a driver was stopped for speeding and passing on the right on a motorcycle. He initially seemed to be attempting to elude, but abruptly pulled over as the siren was activated. The man dismounted his motorcycle and walked quickly toward the Deputy with his hand in his pocket, before quickly pulling out a wallet. The man was detained and later issued a summons. Weld County Sheriff’s Office reported a person and motorcycle matching this man’s description. Reaching into your pocket and quickly pulling something out like this man did could be very dangerous!
DUI-Drugs / Warrant Arrest: E. Hwy 56 and CR 13, a Ft. Collins man was stopped for a traffic violation and admitted to alcohol and marijuana use. The driver refused roadsides and chemical testing. He also had a warrant out of Ft. Collins. Booked. An honest drunk driver, who’d a thought.
Saturday, April 4:
Theft: Woodcock Street, a resident reported his year tab stolen from his license plate. May have occurred during the vehicle trespasses on 03/23/20.
Missing Person Follow Up: 900 Block of Mountain, a missing woman was located and contacted at this location and returned home.
Reckless Driving: Berthoud Parkway and Waterman Avenue, several residents reported a newer white dodge charger is speeding through the area. he is racing up residential streets revving the engine and going faster than 35mph. The driver was stopped driving Dodge Charger Hellcat. Driver was very honest and stated he was trying to show off to family and friends. Hellcat fits this type of behavior. It will go well explaining that to the judge.
Sunday, April 5
Trespass: TPC Colorado, it was reported that someone was “tearing through the golf course” on a Can Am. A vehicle matching the description and photos was located in a driveway on Wagon Bend. This Can Am is likely the one on the golf course property, but the reporting person could not ID the driver. The owner of the Can Am was advised not to drive the UTV on the public roadway or private property. Do not think he got the hint though. Never towed a Can Am but there’s a first time for everything.
April 6 -12
Monday, April 6
Assault: Berthoud, 17- year old female was assaulted by an 18-year-old man in the early morning hours.
Motor Vehicle Theft / Vehicular Eluding: 4th Street, a resident reported that his wife started their car to warm it up and then went back inside the residence. Approximately 10 minutes later she returned outside, and the car was gone. The vehicle was spotted in north Loveland by a deputy and a short pursuit was initiated but discontinued for public safety. Well at least the thief had a warm car to steal.
Tuesday, April 7
Burglary: Berthoud Parkway, a Conex box was broken into and $2,500 in tools stolen.
Criminal Mischief: 2nd Street, the skate park ramp was spray painted with graffiti. Suspects are an 18-year-old man and another 17-year-old juvenile male.
Vehicle Crash / Hit and Run: Love’s Travel Center, a truck driver reported that his semi was parked at the Love’s Travel Center. Another semi attempted to park in a space next to his and backed into the front push bumper of his semi, causing minor damage to the push bumper. The driver of the other semi made a loop around the parking lot, seemingly to find another place to park, and then abruptly left the parking lot. Only run vehicle information is a Red truck with white trailer. Well, that narrowed it down.
Wednesday, April 8
Theft: Stoneseed Street, a $1,500 roll of Romex electrical wire was taken by a suspect driving a dark gray 4d sedan.
Vehicle Crash: Berthoud Parkway, a driver changed lanes when unsafe and struck another vehicle. Summonsed. What was his crime you ask? Failure to social distance himself.
Thursday, April 9
Burglary / Theft – Update: Stoneseed Street, the sheriff’s office was able to obtain security footage from yesterday’s theft. About 15 rolls of Romex house wire ~$2,000. Suspect vehicle: dark gray Nissan Altima, Suspect male driver: slim build and scruffy beard. You can run you can hide, we’ll find you sir and we’ll give you a ride.
Friday, April 10
Theft: Grand Market / Tallgrass, a contractor reported a $12,000 Bobcat MT55 was stolen sometimes between 04/05/20 and 04/10/20 from this location.
Saturday, April 11
Warrant: Hwy 287 and CR8, a 39-year-old Loveland man was contacted in his vehicle parked on the side of the highway. He was found to have a warrant for Failure to Appear. Booked. Nice of him to pull over to the side of the road and wait for us.
Criminal Impersonation / Warrant Arrest / License Revoked: CR 8 and CR 19, a 35-year-old Berthoud woman was contacted for a traffic violation and attempted to use her cousin’s information to avoid her four warrants and her revoked license status. Booked. You can lie you can fib; we are the Berthoud Squad who you trying to kid? Obviously, I am not as good a poet as Virginia Huppe in the paper.
Sunday, April 12 / Happy Easter!
Suspicious Circumstances: 5th Street, last night a resident was watching her bible station on TV and no lights were on. She heard a knock at the door, and an intoxicated male was there with a brown bag with a bottle inside. The man said, “I know you from a long time ago, I think we should have some drinks”. She said she didn’t know him and told him he needed to leave. About 15 min’s later there was a bang at the door. The man showed up again. he showed a bottle of wine to her that he wanted to give her. he said he knew her from the past, but when he gave his name, she didn’t recognize him. Sir, I will bet we’ve known you in the past too.
April 13 -19
Monday, April 13
Welfare Check: Hwy 287, it was reported by a passerby that there was a male walking on the east side of Hwy 287. The male had a backpack on and said he did not appear to be adequately dressed for the weather. The man was located and said he was walking from Boulder to Fort Collins, made it to the 1700 Blk of N Hwy 287 in Berthoud, Deputies provided a courtesy ride to the gas station at Hwy 402 and Hwy 287 in Loveland.
Motorist Assist: Berthoud Parkway @ Roundabout, it was reported that due to slick roads a blue Hyundai slid off the road at the second roundabout. Street Department responded and put sand down. Vehicle was pulled from ditch with no damage or injuries.
Suspicious Circumstances: 6th Street, suspicious man walking around the neighborhood; white male, late 20s with a shaved head, tattoos on his neck. The man previously walked up the driveway but is walking in circles. Man was located and told us he was out looking for his cat. But the man didn’t take it puuuurrsonal.
Tuesday, April 14
Traffic Problem: CR 10E and Berthoud Parkway, a passerby reported there is a construction company working on the corner with no flaggers. He could not see them working due to the trees and you must go into the oncoming lane to avoid the workers. The crew was just setting up, they are in the ditch and not a hazard, they have all the proper equip set up per state law. Traffic problem or just an inconvenience for a driver?
Wednesday, April 15
Warrant: 7th Street, a 40-year-old Berthoud man was contacted on a verbal disturbance call with female. Nothing criminal substantiated with the argument but the man had a warrant out of Fort Collins Police Services for failure to comply with terms and conditions of probation. Booked. He can’t go to college because it’s obvious he doesn’t learn.
Harassment: Hollyberry Street, a father reported his 14-year-old daughter is being bullied on social media by her ex-boyfriend. I guess now we know why he is the Ex!
Assist: CR-10E, a man was having a seizure and the caller stated that the man can get violent when he comes out of a seizure. The caller says the male having a seizure has come out of it and is now throwing furniture. Transported by ambulance.
Disturbance: Wagon Bend Road, a resident reported that he has been fighting all day with his ex-girlfriend. She got really upset about something and decided to send the him a video of her destroying the house. She got upset “about something”, hmmm
Thursday, April 16
Vehicle Crash / Non-Injury: Hwy 287, a vehicle southbound on Highway 287, just near the bridge in the right-hand lane. He stated a blue 4Runner next him kicked up some slush, as the roads were slushy, and it was actively snowing. He stated that due to the slush, he could not see anything, even when using his wiper blades, then all the sudden the 4Runner swerved and struck his vehicle, causing him to go into the concrete median.
Vehicle Crash / Non-Injury / License Cancelled-Denied / No Proof of Insurance: 2nd Street and Bunyan Avenue, the first driver was southbound on North 2nd Street when a 2nd driver began to pull into traffic from a parked parallel position on the west side of the roadway, striking his truck on the passenger side as he was passing by it. The 2nd driver was asked if he had his registration and insurance for his vehicle. He stated that he did not have proof of insurance with him, and he was unable to provide a registration to the vehicle. Dispatch reported that the second driver’s driving status in Colorado was canceled/denied. But his ticket was not.
Road Hazards: Berthoud, located and moved several fallen branches throughout town. Deputies branched out from their normal duties and went out on a limb for this.
Friday, April 17
Assist to Boulder PD: Bimson Avenue, a 41-year-old Berthoud man was arrested on Domestic Violence / Harassment charges relating to a Boulder PD case. Transported into Longmont for custody transfer. This upstanding citizen picked up additional criminal tampering charges for spitting in the back of an LCSO patrol vehicle which were added by Boulder PD. And yes, we have to clean that out and sterilize the whole inside..
Saturday, April 18
Vehicle Trespass: Woodcock Street, a resident reported numerous tools were taken from the bed of his truck. Possible suspect vehicle is a red truck with a snowplow being driven by a skinny white male. Why is it always a skinny dude? Why can’t it be a girthy dude?
Sunday, April 19
Driving with Revoked License: Berthoud Parkway and Lake Avenue, a 33-year-old Berthoud man was contacted as a parked suspicious vehicle at the Kwik Korner. He was found to be revoked and was given a clear warning not to drive. Not taking the warning seriously decided to drive anyway less than ten minutes after the contact and was arrested. Booked. We give you a chance to make a good decision, then this.
April 20-26
Monday, April 20
Narcotics Call: Franklin Avenue, A foil with a piece of yellowish burnt substance was found. Substance tested presumptive positive for Heroin and logged into evidence. If it is yours, please contact the Larimer County Sheriff’s Office and we will be glad to assist you.
Family Problems: 7th Street, a man’s stepdad started going off on the him and his mom and stated that his stepdad has been acting like this all day. Who’s the grownup here?
Tuesday, April 21
Animal Problem: Winding Brook Drive, Amazon left a package outside a resident’s door, when he opened the door his dog ran out and barked at another dog. The resident took his dog inside, but then the other dog owner started swearing at the him. Down boy, sit, stay.
Disturbance: Loves Travel Stop, a woman stated that a 19-year-old woman and her boyfriend came into the store where she works and started screaming and causing a scene. The young girl kept trying to fight her. The young girl and boyfriend were trespassed from the store. I thought the store’s name was Loves. Not feeling it!
Wednesday, April 22
Child Abuse: Bimson Avenue, a mother did not realize her 4-year-old child was outside playing in the street with no supervision for almost an hour. Mom was sleeping, and multiple loud announcements had to be made to wake her up. Child Protection notified.
Criminal Mischief / 2nd Degree Tampering: 6th Street Court. An intoxicated 56-year-old woman threw and broke her neighbor’s grill. I wanted brats not hot dogs!
Runaway Juvenile: Woodcock Street, a mother reported that her 15-year-old daughter ran away again. She returned home a couple of hours later.
Parking Problem: Robert’s Lake, a resident called and reported there is a silver vehicle that is parked on the walking path and the occupants are outside of the vehicle fishing. Verbal warning given. The fishermen were feeding us a line but we didn’t take the bait and didn’t get hooked.
Thursday, April 23
Suspicious Item / Bomb Squad Incident: Hwy 287 and Berthoud Parkway, a citizen reported a suspicious cooler that was taped shut sitting near the roadway on Highway 287. Due to suspicious nature, the Regional Bomb Squad was mobilized. Cooler was determined to have dead flowers inside. Highway 287 between Berthoud Parkway and 42nd Street SE was shut down for the incident. Special thanks to Loveland PD for helping with traffic control!
Aggravated Motor Vehicle Theft / Identity Theft / Possession of a Forged Instrument: 3800 E. Hwy 56, a woman, traded a Ford F-150 for a Honda Motorcycle. The seller facilitated the trade using a fake title under a third-party name. The motorcycle’s real owner could not be reached, but the motorcycle is assumed stolen at this point.
Friday, April 24
Vehicle Crash: Woodcock Street, a driver called and reported that they hit a parked commercial truck.
Abandoned Vehicle: E. Colorado Avenue, a grey impala w/ temporary tag has been parked here for 4 days. The vehicle has a USMC sticker in the back window, lower right corner. Hard plate on the front and temp on the rear. Ignition inside is pushed in but does not appear damaged other than that. Registered Owner is not local and no local contacts. Vehicle tagged for 72 hours.
Saturday, April 25
Noise Complaint: 7th Street, a resident reported that upstairs neighbor is playing loud music for the second day in a row. When asked if she had asked them to turn it down, she said ‘there’s no talking to them”. Music could be heard from the back open window. Louder noises like lawn mower, chainsaw, neighbor’s conversation could be heard from the front of the apartments. Contact was made and they agreed to turn the music down a bit. “There’s no talking to them?” We did, and it worked.
Noise Complaint: E. 4th Street and E. Nebraska, a resident reported construction crews blaring music and is a recurring issue. Construction noise, saws, nail guns are louder than the music, had to drive right up to the property to hear it. Used a decibel meter and outside it was at 40 decibels which is under the ordinance for construction.
COVID-19 Alert: Derby Grill, a caller says there is a lot of cars parked at the location and lots of people packed into the derby grill. Deputies checked and found in the restaurant; staff members and three patrons waiting for takeout orders.
Sunday, April 26
Possession of Controlled Substance / Revoked License / Fictitious Plates / Violation of Bail Bonds: Mountain Avenue, two men were contacted for a fictitious registration tab. One of the men was arrested for revoked license and violation of his bond. Meth was found in his hat after the arrest. The man said that was not his hat but a quick check of his profile on Facebook showed several pictures of him wearing the same hat. Doh! Social media, the root of all evil or can catch you in a lie.
Third Degree Assault: Grand Market Avenue, a 20-year-old man claimed that he was asleep after drinking too much at a party and was woken by his best friend, strangling him. He also claimed that his friend had a firearm in his hand, though it was never pointed at him. This started out as a Loveland PD call, but the involved males had relocated to Berthoud. Charged. If this was his best friend, I’d hate to see his enemy.
Trespassing: Waggener Park, there are 6-7 cars parked where they are not allowed in the field and the people are paragliding. They stated they have permission from the Town which was found to be false. They are parked on Wagner Farm Park which is the new sight for the rec center. A cease and Desist letter was sent to the club.
Welfare Check: Holmes Place, a report was received about a 2-year-old girl out walking in the roadway. while on the phone with dispatch the father of the child was walking down the street looking for her and showed up. Deputies spoke with dad who stated that his older children left the door unlocked and his 3-year-old walked out. she was quickly noticed by two high school aged girls and taken to the neighbor’s home. the neighbor called the dad and he ran out to retrieve her. She is safe at home and there is a plan in place to prevent this from happening again. Say what you think but we have the best kids living in our town!
April 27-30
Monday, April 27
Criminal Mischief: Mountain Avenue, a front window was shot out by a pellet gun sometime overnight.
Criminal Mischief: Michigan Avenue, a resident had two of his tires slashed and car egged overnight. His dogs were barking around 3:00 this morning and he saw a gray sedan possibly Ford Focus, slow rolling in front of his house. Unless it is paper delivery, any car driving through your neighborhood at 3 in the morning is worth a call to the sheriff.
Warrant Arrest: S. 9th Street, a resident was contacted on a muni violation and found to have a warrant for his arrest. Booked. If he only would have cut his weeds.
Tuesday, April 28
DUI: Hwy 287 and CR 8, a 35-year-old Longmont man was stopped for weaving and following too closely. He was arrested for suspicion of driving under the influence. Politically Correct = Suspicion of driving under the influence. / In real life, He Drunk!
Family Problems: 6th Street, a man and woman are having trouble getting along and caused a disturbance. As my grandfather used to say “cranky gets spanky”
License revoked: 3rd Street and Bunyan Avenue, a 54-year-old Berthoud man was stopped for a traffic violation and found to be revoked. Booked.
Assault / Child Abuse / Domestic Violence: 6th Street, a young girl called to report that her parents were physically fighting. The investigation determined that the mom had been the primary aggressor in the incident and had assaulted dad causing numerous scratches. The young girl and her sister were present during the incident and witnessed what had happened. The two girl’s stories were consistent with showing that dad was a victim during the incident. Mom booked.
Theft: Rose Farm Construction, four Spruce and two maple trees were stolen sometime during the night.
Wednesday, April 29 / It was 6 years ago today that your Berthoud Squad was formed.
Criminal Mischief: Robert’s Lake, a bloody scene was discovered on the fishing dock at Roberts Lake. It appears they drug someone who was bleeding badly and threw him over the railing of the dock. Turned out to be fake blood and a couple of creative people thought it would be funny to make this mess. It was not funny to the citizen that discovered it.
Animal Problem: Hwy 56 and Weld CR 3, a report came in that a mountain lion was seen in this area this morning. As you know LCSO has been on the menu of mountain lions lately, but he was gone when we went looking for him.
Vehicular Eluding / Suspicious Vehicle / Weaving: Grand Market Avenue and TPC Parkway, a blue BMW was seen driving on TPC Parkway coming out of the Heron Lakes new construction area. Vehicle registered out of Denver and the solo white male driver did not appear to match the owner who was born in 1947. Traffic stop attempted for weaving. A pursuit ensued. Pursuit terminated for public safety as it was going into the City of Longmont.
Thursday, April 30
Burglary / Theft: Heron Lakes Parkway, a house under construction had a job box drilled into and several tools were stolen. Possibly associated with the BMW pursuit yesterday. Now we know why the coward ran.
Runaway Juvenile: Curlew Drive, a 16-year-old left his home and never returned. This is becoming a common occurrence with this young man as this is the second time in a week. Entered as runaway.
Mental Health: W CR4, anonymous neighbors called to report a 47-year-old Berthoud man was escalating again and is out of control. Deputies spoke with the man’s mother via phone and she was able to calm him down. Deputies did not contact the man in person to avoid re-escalating the situation. This man is known to be hostile towards law enforcement and escalates very quickly.