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September 1 – 6


Criminal Impersonation / Felony Warrant: 6th Street and Bunyan Avenue, a driver was contacted for running a stop sign. The driver provided a fictitious name to avoid being apprehended on his Felony Warrant. The driver fled the traffic stop on foot but was chased down and taken into custody.

Suspicious Circumstances: Hwy 56 and I-25 Frontage Road, a construction company reported that at this site some people were stealing materials, they were loading some riprap which is property of the state. An investigation revealed that the project manager had made arrangements to have some rock moved, and he did not tell his on duty superintendent. A miscommunication.

Wednesday, September 2

Attempted 2nd Degree Burglary / Criminal Mischief: 1st Street, two unidentified individuals shattered the front door glass in an attempt to gain entry into the convenience store but were seemingly scared away by vehicle traffic before succeeding. The subjects were in a black sedan with black wheels

Thursday, September 3

Harassment / Fraud / Counterfeit Cash / Criminal Impression: Mountain Avenue, a woman passed three fake $100 bills and caused a disturbance by shoveing the manager when confronted. Later the woman called the store while deputies were on scene and gave a fake name. The woman was identified by video surveillance.

Medical Assist: CR 2E, deputies responded to this location for a person in a vehicle having severe alcohol withdrawals. Subject was transported by ambulance.

Possible DUI: Mountain and 8th Street, a report came in that a black vehicle was westbound on CR 15 and weaving badly, crossing the line numerous times. Vehicle pulled into the A&W parking area. The driver was not intoxicated but admitted to cellphone use while he was driving.

Friday, September 4

Fraud: Colorado Avenue, a resident received a unemployment benefits card. He has not applied for any unemployment benefits. His name and address were misspelt on the card and paperwork.

Suspicious Circumstances: Victoria Street, a resident sold a vehicle this morning. The buyers took photos of the vehicle while it was still in front of her house and reposted it for sale. Resident feels it’s odd. Buyer immediately reposted, probably trying to flip it.

Harassment: Night Sky Drive. A resident is getting a lot of harassing and threatening calls from an unknown female. He has asked her to stop and she continues to call him.

Saturday, September 5

Homicide Investigation: Douglas Place, Larimer County Sheriff’s Office responded to a residence on Douglas Place in Berthoud after receiving a call of a disturbance involving a gun. Deputies found a 37-year-old adult male deceased and took another 37-year-old into custody. The investigation is ongoing at this time, and there is no threat to the public.

Attempted Burglary / Criminal Mischief: Meadowlark Drive, suspects attempted to gain entry to the business by smashing the front glass doors with a hammer. Suspect appeared to have been scared off by a passerby and did not make entry. Possibly same suspects as the attempted burglary on Wednesday.

Family Problems: CR 8, a resident called and reported she is getting harassed by her uncle. Her uncle is playing drums and refusing to stop, and she is trying to sleep.

Missing Juvenile Located: Bunyan Avenue, a report came in stating there was a person asleep behind a fake rock wall. Deputies contacted a 16-year-old boy who was reported as a runaway who was awarded to the state.

Sunday, September 6

Warrant Arrest: CR 8, a 56-year-old man was contacted at his residence and arrested for his warrant. Booked.

Family Problems: CR 8, a resident is trying to move out items from where they are living, but uncle is preventing them from accessing it. uncle is blocking the driveway and access to the garage. he keeps turning the power off and harassing them.

September 7 -13

Monday, September 7

Family Problems: East County Road 8 – Ongoing issues between four adults living together at residence. Male dumped nails in driveway in an attempt to flatten tires on a vehicle.

Tuesday, September 8

Vehicular Eluding: Hwy 287, Berthoud – Vehicle contacted for speeding. The vehicle eluded and the pursuit was discontinued due to poor weather conditions. This vehicle was later involved in an incident in Longmont and handled with the Longmont agency.

2nd-Degree Trespass: 14th ST SW – Unknown male trespassed on agricultural land and ran off when confronted by a citizen in the area.

Motor Vehicle Accident: North Berthoud Parkway / Highway 287 – Two vehicles were involved in a non-injury motor vehicle accident.

Mental Health: Berthoud – Juvenile was taken to hospital for mental health treatment after an apparent suicide attempt.

Wednesday, September 9

Warrant Arrest: 2nd St/Versaw Ct – Female contacted and found to have three outstanding warrants, subsequently booked into jail.

Thursday, September 10

Nothing significant to note

Friday, September 11

Cold Assault: Welch Avenue – Female reported a male that was known to her was knocked down causing injuries. Investigation is ongoing.

Warrant Arrest: Cooperland Boulevard – Suspicious female contacted and found to have a warrant for her arrest, she was given a complimentary ride to the Larimer County Jail.

Saturday, September 12

Family Problems: East County Road 8 – Ongoing issues between four adults living together at residence. Deputies had been dispatched to calls for service almost daily to this address within the last week. All parties stated they would be moving out at the end of September.

Sunday, September 13

Theft: County Road 19 – Female reported her yard sign was stolen from her yard. Extra checks have been conducted through the area.

September 14 – 20

Monday, September 14

Driving Under the Influence: Mountain Ave/N Berthoud Pkwy – Male booked for DUI.

Sexual Exploitation of a Child: Berthoud – Mother reported finding her daughter sent sexually explicit photos to an unknown person over Snapchat. Investigation is on-going.

Tuesday, September 15

Domestic Violence: Indiana Ave – Female reported being hit by her boyfriend on 09-13-20.

Motor Vehicle Accident: 1900-block of East Highway 56 – Vehicle was traveling westbound when the driver made a careless U-turn in front of another vehicle traveling the same direction causing a T-bone collision and serious bodily injury.

Family Problems: Sunset Court – Two family members got into an argument and accused each other of hitting the other. No charges could be substantiated.

Wednesday, September 16

Driving Under the Influence: 505 Mountain Ave – A male was contacted in his vehicle in a parking lot after the Sheriff’s Office received a complaint about him making people nervous. The male had three previous DUIs and upon contact, showed signs of alcohol impairment He was subsequently charged with a DUI and taken to jail.

Thursday, September 17

Nothing to note.

Friday, September 18

False Reporting: 3rd St. /Turner Ave. – A male was stopped for no plates on his vehicle and then provided a family member’s name to avoid three warrants that were not valid due to COVID. He was issued a summons and released. The vehicle was then towed.

Motor Vehicle Accident: Berthoud Parkway/ Turner Ave. – A male side-swiped another vehicle and fled the scene. The driver was contacted at Mountain Ave and 2nd St. where he was issued a summons.

Saturday, September 19

Driving Under Restraint: Berthoud Parkway/Bunyan Ave. – Female was stopped for a traffic infraction and found to be driving without a valid license.

Sunday, September 20

Structure Fire: Bimson Ave – Structure fire to a large shop in the back of a residence. Unknown cause at this time, Larimer County Sheriff’s Office Investigations responded.

September 21 – 30

Monday, September  21

Identity  Theft/Fraud: Welch Avenue – Female reported that an unknown suspect attempted to place a hold on her mail at the post office and opened a checking account at a bank. No money lost.

Criminal Mischief: 1st Street – Two unknown suspects threw a brick at the glass front door of the gas station, causing approximately $600 in damages. Same suspects are possibly tied to a similar incident the same evening in Fort Collins. Security footage has been collected and the investigation is ongoing.

Tuesday,  September 22

3rd Degree Assault/Domestic  Violence: 42nd Street SE – Deputies responded to a disturbance and spoke with four adults. Interviews indicated a male assaulted the other three in a disturbance and is in an intimate relationship with one of the three. Male was booked at the Larimer County Jail after a medical clearance for excess alcohol.

Wednesday,  September 23

Burglary/Assault/Domestic Violence:  East County Road 12 – A male was assaulted by

ex-girlfriend after she broke into his residence while he was sleeping. She also took his phone and damaged it. Female fled the scene, but was contacted and arrested at her home in Greeley, and booked into the Larimer County Jail on numerous charges.

Thursday, September 24

Sex Assault on a Child:  Berthoud – A Gilpin County case worker advised that a 13 year old reported she was sexually assualted a few months ago. Under investigation.

Friday,  September 25

Nothing of Significance to Note

Saturday,  September 26

Felony Menacing/Domestic Violence:  Holmes Place – A female was involved in a disturbance with her husband, during which she threatened him with a knife.  Female was booked into the Larimer County Jail.

Sunday,  September 27

Suicide Attempt: Berthoud – Parents reported their adult daughter attempted suicide by drinking alcohol and overdosing on pills. The individual was originally thought to be in Berthoud, and then discovered to be in Florida. The appropriate jurisdiction was located, the female was located and transported to the local hospital.

Vehicle Tresspasses:   Woodcock Street – Six vehicles were trespassed in the same approximate time frame of 2300 hours on 092620 through 0800 hours on 092720, across a one mile distance. Total value of loss between all of the scenes is approximately $12,000.

Monday, September 28

Warrant Arrest: Berthoud Parkway & Lake Avenue, a Thornton man was contacted as a passenger on a traffic stop and found to have a warrant for his arrest. Booked.

Criminal Mischief: Prairiestar Street, a report of a criminal mischief and likely attempted vehicle trespass. Neighborhood canvas completed, waiting on video from the victim.

Vehicle Trespass / Theft / Criminal Mischief: Turner Avenue, deputies responded to a vehicle trespass call. The reporting person stated that a 12-30 foot faded red extension ladder was stolen from one of their trucks. They stated that someone came to their back lot staying out of view of the camera and cut the tie down strap that was securing the ladder to the truck. The suspect then left with the ladder and in the process of getting the ladder bent the truck radio antenna.

Tuesday, September 29

Harassment: 3800 E Hwy 56, the manager reported a white male making female employees feel uneasy.

Property Damage Crash: Mountain Avenue, property owner reported damage to a fence and tree sometime overnight, tree owned by Town of Berthoud. Waiting on video from an office building located nearby for possible suspect info. 

Warrant Arrest: Woodcock Street & Auklet Drive, deputies observed a vehicle fail to maintain its lane by crossing the yellow line dividing the opposite lane of travel. The passenger in the vehicle was found to have a warrant from the Denver Marshall’s Office. Booked. 

Wednesday, September 30

SCAM: Glacier Avenue, a resident received a call while on vacation from a scammer pretending to be the Department of Social Security. She confirmed her name with the scammer and gave them her last four of her social. Once she realized it was a scam, she canceled all of her cards and alerted her bank and the Social Security Administration of the information leak. 

Driving Under Revocation: Berthoud Parkway & Bunyan Ave., a Livermore woman was stopped for not having any license plates or temp tags on her vehicle. Her license is revoked. Summons and proof of service issued.

About Post Author

Gary Wamsley

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