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Thursday, October 1

SCAM: W. CR 8, a resident received a call from a scammer pretending to be an Under Sheriff from Texas. She confirmed her name with the scammer and gave them her full social security number. She was advised to call her financial institutions and the Social Security Administration.

SCAM: Redwood Circle, a resident was contacted by known persons who told the resident he had a computer virus that could be fixed by purchasing gift cards and sending pictures of the card numbers. The resident went out and purchased the gift cards and is now out 25k.

Felony DUI / Driving Under Revocation: Mountain Avenue, a report was called in by staff at this location. Vehicle was located and stopped. The driver from Loveland was arrested for suspicion of driving under the influence of alcohol. Booked.

Theft: Grays Peak, a resident reported someone stole her cell phone while she was at work. GPS on the phone was used to locate the person with the phone. Phone was returned to the owner.

Friday, October 2

Assault / Possible Domestic Violence: 3800 E Hwy 56, staff reported a male slamming a female against the window of the car breaking the window. Female covered in blood. Both parties left prior to LE arrival. Wyoming plate was observed. Follow-up continues.

Saturday, October 3

Driving Under Revocation / Misdemeanor Warrant: Cedar Drive, a Ft. Collins man was contacted for expired license plates; he was found to have two warrants and Revoked Driver’s License. Booked.

DUI / Leaving the Scene / Careless Driving: 3rd Street, a Michigan man drove into the fencing for the patio outside of Benny’s Tacos. The driver fled the area but was contacted in the area. He appeared to be highly intoxicated on drugs and alcohol. Booked.

DUI: W CR 14 & S CR 23, a Berthoud man was stopped for speeding He was arrested for suspicion of driving under the influence of alcohol. Booked.

DUI / Vehicle Crash: S. 8th Street, a Berthoud woman crashed into two parked cars causing significant damage. She was arrested for suspicion of driving under the influence of alcohol. Booked.

Accidental Discharge of a Weapon: Woodcock Street, Deputies responded to reports of people hearing a gunshot. A resident admitted to an unintentional discharge of his gun. No injuries were reported. Summons Issued.

Sunday, October 4

Vehicle Crash: Hwy 56 & I-25, a driver failed to stop at the stop sign when exiting the off ramp of I-25 SB at Hwy 56. He struck the front quarter panel of a truck causing significant damage to both vehicles. He was issued a summons for the traffic control device violation and transported to the hospital by ambulance.

Monday, October 5

Juvenile Problems: 2nd Street / Mountain Avenue (Skate Park) – several juvies were bullying other kids at the skate park and telling them to leave, when they did not, they were shot with airsoft guns, and comments were made about a knife. Parents are still being identified and spoken with. Reported MJ use with this same group at the park.

SCAM: Windom Peak Lane, a resident reported receiving a call from a deputy with Larimer County telling her if she did not pay money she would be arrested. She knew this to be a SCAM, so she is not out any money.

Forgery: 2nd Street, a business reported they received a fake ID. Turned over to law enforcement to be destroyed.

Tuesday, October 6

Identity Theft: Quandary Avenue, an unknown suspect tried to withdraw $7k from a resident’s checking account to be sent to Dubai. She believes she received a false “DocuSign” email which provided the information.

Stalking / Violation of Bail Bond Conditions / Violation of a Protection Order / Domestic Violence: 3rd Street, a Berthoud man has been sending a lady numerous text messages, calling friends and family all in violation of a protection order and bail bond conditions. An arrest warrant was obtained for this man for the above charges. He was contacted and booked.

DUI: 1st St / Turner Ave, a Berthoud man was contacted for a traffic violation and arrested for suspicion of driving under the influence. Booked.

Juvenile Problem: Longs Peak Street, 5-6 kids driving around in golf carts w/a lot of trump signs on it, got out and kicked down a Biden sign, running the stop sign, going in circles. Deputy made contact the kids and they admitted to kicking the sign down. They were educated on this type of behavior and they were also told they cannot be driving a golf cart around due to their age.

Wednesday, October 7

Assist to State Patrol: Hwy 287 & CR4, deputies assisted CSP with a traffic crash at this location involving 2 vehicles.

Suspicious Circumstances: Kansas Avenue & S. 5th Street, a call was received about a person inside a white vehicle that is there every day and always runs the stop sign. A 16-year old male was contacted inside the vehicle and observed running the stop sign. Citation issued.

Welfare Check: Redwood Circle, a neighbor called with concerns she has not seen the family in a couple of months. Deputies contacted the resident and he and family were OK. The man was very upset with deputies claiming this was just made up to harass him.

Thursday, October 8

Criminal Mischief: Elmwood Street, a resident reported an unknown party spray painted a vulgar statement about the President in hot pink letters on her driveway. Possible other victims in the neighborhood as well.

Third Degree Assault / Domestic Violence: 4th Street, a woman scratched and tried to bite the nose of her husband. She was booked.

Friday, October 9

Vehicle Theft: Mountain Avenue, a resident reported his unlocked vehicle had been stolen overnight. This is the second time it’s been stolen in 6 months. The last time it was stolen it was returned the following day.

Mental Health Hold: S CR 17, a person took prescription pills in an attempt to commit suicide and then again today with alcohol. This person was found in the shed behind the home with empty pill bottles and a pistol. Transported to the hospital on a mental health hold.

Assist to Longmont Police: Grand Market Avenue, a man called 9-1-1 because he found his wife unconscious not breathing at their house. She was regained consciousness and disclosed that she was physically assaulted by her husband in Longmont earlier in the night. The case was passed onto Longmont PD for further investigation.

Saturday, October 10

Stolen Vehicle Recovery: S Lincoln Avenue, the owner located his stolen truck parked next to the fire trucks. Vehicle was processed for evidence. Vehicle was released to the owner.

Violation of Protection Order / Violation of Bond Conditions: Mountain Avenue, a Berthoud man was contacted on a welfare check. He was intoxicated which violated stipulations in his bond and restraining order. Booked.

Assist to Thompson Valley School District: Quandary Avenue, a teenage boy reported that his father punched him. Nothing criminal after the interview with the boy and his sister who observed it. Occurred in Morgan County, who were notified as well.

Harassment: 7th Street, a resident stated that her neighbor was evicted earlier this month. The neighbor left posters on the windows with obscene language targeting her. She had taken the posters down and today she has noticed they were replaced with new ones and are posted inside of the window.

Sunday, October 11

Suicide Attempt: Rocking Chair Drive, a woman had cut herself three times on the wristwith a box cutter. She was transported to the hospital where she was placed on a hold.

Monday, October 12

Hit and Run: Grand Market & N. Berthoud Parkway, an unknown male driver ran into another vehicle causing her to hit a 2nd vehicle before leaving the scene.

Stolen Trailer: E Nebraska & Lemonade Drive, a utility dump trailer was stolen over the weekend. Suspect pulled the trailer out from underneath the bucket of a skid steer.

Disturbance: W CR 10E, a resident reported another resident had shoved him into a cabinet and punched him before pouring laundry detergent over his belongings. It was determined the caller had been harassing a female over a bottle of laundry detergent. According to witnesses the caller had been antagonizing the roommate for several hours before getting into a heated argument.

Tuesday, October 13

Failing to Yield / Careless Driving / Speeding: Mile Marker 325 on Hwy 287, a female driver was traveling north on Hwy 287 at 90 MPH. The woman failed to yield to Deputies and kept heading north on Hwy 287. She turned East on 14th St SW and pulled over. The driver spoke very little English and stated she did not hear the sirens and did not know to pull over for Deputies. Citation Issued.

Theft: Common Drive, a resident reported his white, green, and red Diamond bicycle was stolen from his driveway on 10/06/20.

Criminal Trespass / Theft: S. 1st Street, a resident reported someone entered the locked camper topper on his Toyota Pickup. No damage was done to the topper, but a generator, air compressor, tire, and halogen light were stolen.

Assault / Domestic Violence: Welch Avenue, a resident called and reported his roommate and ex-partner hit him in the face, causing pain and redness, and threatened him. The ex-partner conceded she had only punched him in the face twice. Booked.

Wednesday, October 14

Criminal Mischief: E. Indiana Avenue, two unknown suspects spray painted anti-Trump statements on a truck parked in front of this residence.

Thursday, October 15

Possession Controlled Substance / Warrant Arrest: 1st Street, a Berthoud man was arrested on warrant. The man also had 3 baggies of Meth in his front pocket.

Minor in Possession: Wagon Bend Road, Two underaged brothers admitted to smoking Marijuana. Summons issued to both

Criminal Mischief: 7th Street, a resident called to report her windows had been painted to cover signs she had placed there. The caller moved out of the apartment in September and believes the neighbor painted the windows because the signs were directed towards her.

Friday, October 16

Suicide Threats: Berthoud, a man was feeling suicidal and called 911. He agreed to be transported to the hospital by ambulance.

Saturday, October 17

Vehicular Eluding / DUI / Criminal Impersonation / Motor Vehicle Theft / Stolen Plates / Warrant Arrest X5: Blue Mountain Avenue, Longmont Police were tracking a stolen Toyota Tacoma that was at this address. Deputy attempted a traffic stop and the vehicle fled. Vehicle ran a stop sign and crashed through a fence, through a yard off an embankment, through a woodshed, and came to a rest after crashing into a parked vehicle on CR2. The driver from Longmont and Passenger both fled on foot and were caught down the street by Deputies. The driver was booked on new charges plus the 5 warrants.

Theft / Stolen Vehicle: Mountain Avenue, staff called in and stated a younger male was running around the store with a bunch of items in his hands and left out the front door. Staff stated he got into a Silver Dodge Dart. The vehicle is a reported stolen vehicle out of Greeley Police.

Trespass: Ellie Way, a couple just purchased this home. When they made entry inside of the house today moving in, they saw footprints that were not there the night before. They believe the backdoor was left open. They also believe the juvenile male of the previous homeowners was the one who made entry. Nothing missing, nothing damaged.

Sunday, October 18

Harassment: Tundra Avenue, a resident called to report that a woman has contacted her several times over text and phone calls after being asked to stop.

Warrant Arrest: Hwy 287 & Berthoud Parkway, a 20-year old man was stopped for traffic and found to have a warrant out for his arrest. Booked.

Monday, October 19

Theft: Turner Avenue – Multiple political yard signs stolen overnight.

Tuesday, October 20

Scam: Wilshire Drive – Female reported that she gave money via money orders and bitcoin to an unknown suspect who claimed to be in the military. The female did not know it was a scam until her bank contacted law enforcement.

Wednesday, October 21

Warrant Arrest: North Berthoud Parkway – A male was booked into the Larimer County Jail for an outstanding warrant.

Unattended Death: Bein Street – Female pronounced deceased at home. Female had a history of health issues. The LCSO Victim Resource Team and the Larimer County Coroner responded.

Thursday, October 22

Nothing of Significance to Note

Friday, October 23

Family Problems: Sioux Drive – Disturbance between a male party and his girlfriend and other parties. Unable to establish criminal charges; however, male was transported to hospital for a detox hold.

Saturday, October 24

Vehicle Trespass: Franklin Street – An unknown male entered at least one vehicle before being chased off by the owner and another neighbor. No reported losses at this time.

Sunday, October 25

Assault / Felony Menacing / Prohibited use of a Firearm / Domestic Violence: Ellie Way, a neighbor called stating her neighbor had received death threats from her husband, for being at the neighbor’s house. As Deputies were responding, the woman had returned home and sent a text to the neighbor stating her husband had hit her in the head with a handgun. Deputies arrived and were able to get woman out of the house, but not the 2 young children. After numerous attempts to speak with husband failed, and safety concerns for the children arose, SWAT assisted and were able to take him into custody without incident. The husband was booked on the above charges.

Monday, October 26

Warrant Arrest / Possession Schedule I & II Drugs / Paraphernalia / Traffic: Berthoud Parkway & Arapahoe Avenue, a driver was stopped for a traffic violation and was found to have a warrant. A subsequent K9 search led to possible Methamphetamine and Heroin. Drug paraphernalia located as well. Booked.

Criminal Mischief: Mt. Meeker Street, a resident reported damage to his vehicle that was parked on the street.

Tuesday, October 27

Vehicle Crash / Non-Injury: Hwy 287 & Berthoud Pkwy, a driver was driving too fast and slid through a red light at this intersection, causing a collision with another vehicle. 1st driver cited.

Vehicle Crash / Non-Injury: Berthoud Parkway, & Hwy 287, a driver ran a red light and struck another vehicle. Summonsed.

Lost Social Security Card: Urban Place, a resident lost her social security card. It was last seen in her vehicle. No signs of a vehicle trespass.

Motor Vehicle Accident: E. Hwy 56, Two truck drivers involved in an accident with their semi-trucks causing minor damage.

Wednesday, October 28

Criminal Extortion: Commerce Road, a resident received several scam calls from a male who identified himself as someone with the Social Security Office. The man told the resident he had a warrant out of El Paso, Texas for drug trafficking and money laundering. The resident was subsequently convinced to send $35,000.00 through a bitcoin machine to prevent his assets from being seized.

Thursday, October 29

Theft / Trespass: Petrel Drive, a resident reported a Ryobi cordless leaf blower stolen from her backyard.

Theft / Trespass: Skimmer Street, a resident reported patio furniture stolen from the front porch. The only possible suspect information is a newer white pickup with a chrome strip on the tailgate and a temp tag seen in the area.

Friday, October 30

Vehicle Crash: W CR8 & Meadowlark Drive, a driver failed to yield the right-of-way and struck another vehicle. Citation issued.

Vehicle Trespass: 6th Street, a resident reported her vehicle was entered and items were taken.

Missing Person: Iowa Avenue, an adult woman was reported missing by her father. She has severe mental health issues and parents have guardianship. Entered as At-Risk Missing Person.

Saturday, October 31

Missing Person Located: Boulder County, the missing woman from yesterday was located in Boulder County and returned home.

About Post Author

Gary Wamsley

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