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January 1 – January 9

Saturday, January 1

Squad 61 responded to the 700 block of Mountain Avenue for a lift assist.

Squad 61 dispatched to the 1900 block of Chaparro Circle for a medical. The crew began patient assessment. The patient was loaded into the ambulance for transport by TVEMS.

Squad 61 dispatched to the 400 block of Country Road for a 70-year-old man who had fainted. On arrival the patient was alert and conscious. The crew assisted with patient assessment and was then cleared by TVEMS.

Berthoud Fire dispatched to the 5000 block of Highway 287 for a three-vehicle accident. On scene found two vehicles on the Highway 287 overpass and one vehicle down the embankment. The crew assisted TVEMS with assessing all patients. One patient was loaded for transport. Once all hazards were mitigated, Berthoud Fire cleared the scene.

Squad 61 dispatched to the 200 block of 2nd Street for a medical. TVEMS assumed patient care. The patient was walked to the cot and loaded into the ambulance for transport.

Squad 61 dispatched to the 2400 block of Nicholson Street for a medical assist on a 46-year-old woman. TVEMS assumed patient care. The patient was loaded into the ambulance for transport. Squad 61 was then redirected to the ambulance for the patient in cardiac arrest. The crew assisted TVEMS with CPR and transporting the patient to a local hospital.

Engine 62 dispatched to the 1300 block of Sun River Road for an 87-year-old man who was sick. TVEMS was on scene and assumed patient care. The crew assisted with loading the patient onto the cot and into the ambulance for transport.

Sunday, January 2

Berthoud Fire dispatched for auto-aid with Loveland Fire for a residential structure fire in the 1400 block of Brittany Court. Loveland Fire was first on scene and reported a working fire in the garage. BC 61 was assigned fire attack group supervisor. The crews worked to knock down the fire in the garage and attic of main residence. Once the main fire was knocked down, fire attack command was transferred to Loveland Fire, and Berthoud Fire cleared the scene.

Squad 61 dispatched to the 3500 block of Pinewood Court for a woman who had passed out and was not responsive. On arrival, TVEMS was on scene tending to the patient. The crew assisted with loading the patient onto a cot and into the ambulance for transport.

Engine 61 dispatched to I-25 mm250 SB for a motor vehicle accident. On scene found a two-vehicle accident with moderate damage, and all parties still inside the vehicles. The crew also found another two-vehicle accident further north with one occupant reporting injury. The crews split up to check on all vehicle occupants. One patient was loaded for transport to a local hospital. All lanes of traffic were re-opened, and the scene turned over to Colorado State Patrol.

Squad 61 dispatched to the 3500 block of Curlew Drive for breathing problems. The crew began patient evaluation and transferred care to TVEMS. The patient was loaded into the ambulance for transport, and Squad 61 cleared the scene.

Monday, Jan. 3

Engine 62 responded to the 2000 block of Shoreside Drive for a 76-year-old woman who had fallen and hit her head. TVEMS assumed patient care at which time the crew assisted with packaging and loading for transport.

Squad 61 dispatched to the 500 block of 8th Street for 80-year-old man having chest pains. The crew aided paramedics in getting the patient loaded and transported to a local hospital.

Tuesday, Jan. 4

Squad 61 responded to the 2000 block of Cadman Street for a 70-year-old man who had fallen and hit his head. TVEMS along with the crew moved the patient out of the basement and on to the cot for transport.

Wednesday, Jan. 5

Engine 62 responded to the 2000 block of Front Range Avenue for a 72-year-old woman with breathing problems. TVEMS arrived on scene and took over patient care. The crew assisted with packaging the patient for transport to a local hospital.

Engine 61 and TVEMS were dispatched to a medical stage in the 500 block of Tristan Place. Once the patient was detained by LCSO, the crew walked her to the ambulance. At which time she was transported to an area hospital.

Engine 62 responded to the 3000 block of W Cty Road 8 to help TVEMS with loading a 79-year-old man for transport to a local hospital.

Thursday, Jan. 6

Engine 61 dispatched to the 1000 block of Longs Peak Avenue for a 16-month-old girl having a seizure. TVEMS entered the residence and assumed patient care. The crew shoveled a pathway to the ambulance through the snow. Once the patient was placed into the ambulance, the crew cleared scene.

Engine 61 responded to the 1000 block of 4th Street for a 60-year-old man who had fallen and needed a lift assist into his chair.

Engine 62 responded to the 3000 block of Meining Road for an 85-year-old man that had fallen and need to be transported to an area hospital.

Berthoud Fire dispatched to the Berthoud Living Center for a medical.

Engine 61 responded to the 700 block of S. Cty Road 15A for a sick person. A 69-year-old woman who needed to be transported to a local hospital. The patient was able to walk to the ambulance.

Engine 61 dispatched to W. Cty Road 8 for a 2-vehicle accident with airbag deployment. The crew found that there were no injuries involved, and no hazard mitigation was needed. Engine 61 remained on scene for traffic control and all other units cleared the incident. LCSO worked on a tow for the vehicles.

Friday, Jan. 7

Engine 61 responded to the 500 block of Weld Cty Road 46 for a 66-year-old woman with chest pains. TVEMS assumed patient care at which time the crew helped with loading of the patient for transport.

Engine 61 responded to the 1500 block of 4th Street for a woman who had been in a motor vehicle accident and had walked home. The crew began to assess the patient and transferred care to TVEMS. The patient refused transport. TVEMS cleared Engine 61 from the scene.

Engine 62 dispatched to the 100 block of Sioux Drive for an 83-year-old man who was sick. The crew began patient evaluation. TVEMS arrived on scene and assumed patient care. The crew assisted walking the patient to the cot and loading him into the ambulance for transport to a local hospital.

Engine 61 responded to the 300 block of S County Road 13 for an 89-year-old man who was unconscious but still breathing. The crew immediately began assessing the patient. TVEMS arrived on scene and assumed patient care. The crew retrieved the cot and assisted loading the patient onto the cot and into the ambulance for transport.

Engine 61 dispatched to the 300 block of Academy Drive for cardiac arrest. LCSO was on scene administering CPR. TVEMS began assessment and confirmed the condition of the patient. Engine 61 was then cleared from the scene.

Saturday, January 8

Engine 61 dispatched to the 1100 block of Parkstone Court for an 86-year-old man with breathing problems. TVEMS assumed patient care while the crew assisted. The patient walked to the cot and was loaded into the ambulance for transport.

Engine 61 dispatched to the 1500 block of Maple Drive for a medical on an 80-year-old woman. The crew began patient care and transferred to TVEMS upon their arrival. The crew walked the patient to the cot and loaded her inside the ambulance for transport.

While returning from the previous call, Engine 61 found a stalled vehicle at 4th Street and Bunyan Avenue. The crew helped to push the car from the intersection and then assisted the driver with figuring out why her car quit. The crew helped to drive the car back to her home while Engine 61 followed.  

Engine 61 dispatched to the intersection of Weld County Road 1 and 46 for a motor vehicle accident. A single vehicle was on its top in the field south of County Road 46. After a search for occupants, it was determined that the car was unoccupied. With no patients and no hazards, the scene was turned over to Weld County Deputies.

Sunday, January 9

Engine 62 dispatched to the 600 block of S County Road 23 for a 71-year-old woman who had fallen. The patient was found upright on the ground next to a four-wheeler with some abrasions. The crew performed an assessment and transferred care to TVEMS on their arrival. The crew assisted with loading the patient onto a cot and into the ambulance for transport.

Berthoud Fire responded to the Berthoud Living Center for a medical.

Engine 61 dispatched to the 200 block of 2nd Street for an unconscious patient. The patient was conscious and breathing but not alert. TVEMS assumed patient care. The patient was loaded onto a cot and into the ambulance for transport to a local hospital.

Jan. 10-16

Monday, Jan. 10

Engine 61 responded to the 400 block of Cheyenne Avenue for a 72-year-old woman with breathing problems. TVEMS assumed patient care, and the crew assisted with loading the patient for transport to a local hospital.

Engine 61 dispatched to the intersection of Hwy 287 and Cty Road 8 for a 2-vehicle accident with moderate damage. One occupant had a possible broken arm and was placed on to the cot and into the ambulance. Squad 61 remained on scene to block both north bound turn lanes. Scene was turned over to LCSO, and Berthoud Fire cleared.

Squad 61 responded to the 1000 block of 1st Street for a 98-year-old woman who had fallen. The patient was laying on the floor with knee pain. TVEMS assumed patient care, and the crew loaded the patient for transport to a local hospital.

Tuesday, Jan. 11

Engine 61 dispatched to the 1000 block of 4th Street for a 60-year-old man who had fallen and needed a lift assist back into his chair. The man refused transport from TVEMS to the hospital.

Engine 61 responded to the 900 block of Ranchhand Drive for a 64-year-old man with breathing problems. TVEMS assumed patient care at which time the crew retrieved the cot. The patient was loaded for transport to a local hospital.

Berthoud Fire dispatched to the Berthoud Living Center for a medical.

Wednesday, Jan. 12

Engine 61 responded to the 1000 block of Wilshire Drive for a 12-year-old boy having a seizure. TVEMS evaluated the patient while the crew assisted. The patient did not need to be transported to the hospital by ambulance.

Berthoud Fire responded to the Berthoud Living Center for a medical.

Engine 61 responded to the A & W parking lot for a vehicle that had crashed into the front of NAPA Auto. The crew assisted TVEMS with patient care and obtained the cot from the ambulance. The patient was transported to a local hospital.

Thursday, Jan. 13

Berthoud Squad 61 responded to the 600 Arches Court for a 57-year-old man feeling dizzy. Squad 61 and TVEMS arrived on scene at the same time. TVEMS recommended that the patient be transported to the hospital for further evaluation and patient agreed. The crew assisted with packaging the patient for transport.

BC-61 responded for mutual aid with Loveland Fire for a structure fire at 344 E. 4th Street. The BC was assigned as the Attack Group supervisor. Engine 41 reported they had the fire knocked down and ventilation began. Once the fire was under control, BC-61 cleared of the incident.

Friday, Jan. 14

Squad 61 dispatched for a sick person in the 300 block of 42nd Street SW. TVEMS assumed patient care at which time the crew assisted with loading the 75-year-old woman into the ambulance for transport to a local hospital.

Squad 62 dispatched to the 3700 block of Fawn Trail for a patient who fainted. The patient was conscious and complaining of light headedness, weakness and nausea. The crew began patient assessment and transferred care to TVEMS. The patient was walked to the cot and loaded into the ambulance for transport.

Engine 61 dispatched to the 1500 block of Chokeberry Street for an indoor residential odor investigation. The crew entered the home with the air monitoring equipment and found no elevated levels of CO. The findings were relayed, and home turned back over to the resident.

Engine 61 dispatched to the 3800 block of E Highway 56 for a motor vehicle accident. Three vehicles were off the road and parked north of Love’s Travel Center. The crew checked the vehicles for hazards and patients for injuries. Neither were found. Engine 61 then cleared the scene.

Engine 61 dispatched to I-25 mm250 SB for a motor vehicle accident. They found a 6-vehicle accident just south of the Berthoud offramp. The crew checked patients for injuries. All reported no injury. With no injuries and no vehicle hazards found, Engine 61 turned the scene over to Colorado State Patrol.

Saturday, January 15

No calls

Sunday, January 16

Berthoud Fire dispatched to the 5100 block of Gary Drive for a residential structure fire. On arrival the found smoke showing. The crew pulled a line for fire attack, and a secondary line pulled to go interior. The fire was controlled, and crews began salvage and overhaul effort. Xcel Energy along with Little Thompson Water District responded to evaluate and secure utilities. With the fire effectively extinguished investigation began. Once completed, the property was turned back over to the owner.

Engine 62 dispatched to the 2600 block of Front Range Avenue for a 72-year-old woman with difficulty breathing. The crew assessed the patient and transferred care to TVEMS on their arrival. The patient was packaged and loaded into the ambulance for transport.

Citizen assist at Station 1 for a car seat installation.

Jan. 17-23

Monday, Jan. 17

Engine 62 responded to the 900 block of Berthoud Peak Drive for a 93-year-old woman with high blood pressure. The crew was obtaining patient history and vitals, when TVEMS arrived. Patient care was transferred, and the crew assisted with loading of the patient for transport.

Squad 61 dispatched to the 600 block of Mountain Avenue for a 56-year-old woman who was sick and needed to be transferred to a local hospital. The crew assisted with loading of the patient for transport to a local hospital.

Berthoud Fire responded to I-25 mm 252 for a 7-vehicle accident, rear end style. Engine 61 remained on scene to assist Colorado State Patrol with traffic control. Paramedics checked for injuries and found none. All vehicles involved were towed or driven to Exit 245 for a CSP investigation.

Tuesday, Jan. 18

No calls

Wednesday, Jan. 19

Squad 61 responded to the 1000 block of WCR 36 for a 73-year-old man having chest pains. TVEMS assumed patient care, and the crew assisted with packaging the patient for transport to a local hospital.

Squad 61 and TVEMS were dispatched to the 500 block of Country Road for a 75-year-old man who was sick. The crew assisted moving the patient to the cot and loading the patient into the ambulance for transport.

Berthoud Fire responded to the 900 block of Franklin Avenue for a lift assist for an 88-year-old man.

Squad 61 dispatched to the 700 block of Franklin Avenue for a 67-year-old woman who had fallen and hurt her knee. TVEMS assumed patient care. The patient was loaded into the ambulance for transport.

Squad 61 and TVEMS were dispatched to the 1000 block of Skimmer Street for a 61-year-old woman who had fallen and hurt her wrist. With the patient loaded into the ambulance, the crew cleared

Squad 61 responded to 42nd Street and Larimer Cty Road 15 for a motor vehicle accident. A single vehicle was off the road into a power pole with moderate damage. All parties appeared to be out and not trapped. There were no active hazards, and no patients transported. At the arrival of Larimer Cty Sheriff , Squad 61 cleared.

Squad 61 dispatched to the 1000 block of 4th Street for a 74-year-old woman who had fallen on the ice. Upon assessing the patient, TVEMS determined the patient needed to be transported to a local hospital.

Berthoud Fire responded to the 1000 block of Biffle Court for a sick person. A 58-year-old man was having breathing problems. The patient was loaded into the ambulance for transport to a local hospital.

Squad 61 responded to the 300 block of S. Cty Road 13 for an 89-year-old man who needed a lift assist back into bed.

Berthoud Fire responded to the Berthoud Living Center for a medical.

Squad 62 dispatched to the 2000 block of Pheasant Run for a 94-year-old woman not feeling well. The crew obtained a history from the patient and her daughter. The crew assisted packaging and loading the patient into the ambulance for transport.

Thursday, Jan. 20

Berthoud Fire responded to the Berthoud Living Center for a medical assist.

Berthoud Engine 62 responded to the 2000 block of Taras Court for a 76-year-old man with breathing problems. The crew assisted with obtaining vitals and packaging the patient for transport to a local hospital.

Berthoud Squad 61 responded to the Berthoud Living Center for a medical assist.

Squad 61 responded to the 500 block of Windom Peak Lane for a 52-year-old man with diabetic problems. TVEMS assumed patient care.

Friday, Jan. 21

Engine 61 dispatched to the 2100 block of Burbank Street for a 69-year-old man who had fallen. The crew began patient assessment and transferred care to TVEMS. The patient was transported to the hospital via personal vehicle.

Engine 61 responded to the 300 block of S. County Road 13 for a lift assist.

Engine 61 dispatched to the 200 block of 10th Street for a medical on a 78-year-old man. The patient was evaluated and transported to a local hospital.

Engine 61 responded to the 300 block of S. County Road 13 to assist a patient out of their vehicle after returning home from the hospital.

Engine 61 responded to the 1000 block of Buehler Acres Drive for a lift assist to an 86-year-old man who had fallen.

Saturday, January 22

Engine 61 responded to the 300 block of S. County Road 13 for a lift assist.

Engine 61 dispatched to the 300 block of S County Road 13 for a sick person. TVEMS assumed patient care. The crew assisted with loading the patient onto a cot and into the ambulance for transport to a local hospital.

Engine 61 dispatched to I-25 mm250 SB for a two-vehicle accident with injuries. TVEMS evaluated the patients. One patient was loaded into the ambulance for transport. The crew cleaned up debris and fluids, and vehicles were moved off the roadway.

Engine 61 dispatched to the 20000 block of Weld County Road 3 for a 74-year-old woman with abdominal pains. The crew obtained vitals and transferred patient care to TVEMS. The patient was loaded into the ambulance for transport to a local hospital.

Sunday, January 23

Engine 61 dispatched to the intersection of Mountain Avenue and 4th Street for a motor vehicle vs. pedestrian accident. The crew established patient contact and began assessing the pedestrian for injuries. TVEMS arrived, and the patient was placed on a cot and loaded into the ambulance for transport to a local hospital.

Engine 61 dispatched to the intersection of Mountain Avenue and 8th Street for a motor vehicle accident with LCSO on scene. Two vehicles sustained moderate damage. All parties were standing outside of the vehicles with LCSO investigating. TVEMS evaluated all parties reporting injuries. The crew checked for hazards and cleaned up debris from around the accident. Once the vehicles were moved from the roadway, Engine 61 cleared the scene.

Jan. 24-31

Monday, Jan. 24

Engine 61 responded to the 500 block of Redwood Drive for a 76-year-old woman who had fallen. TVEMS assumed patient care, and the crew aided with packaging the patient for transport to a local hospital.

Berthoud Fire dispatched to the 1000 block of 1st Street for a hazmat investigation. The crew met with the homeowner and located a vile containing elemental mercury in a small glass jar. The homeowner was advised on how to properly dispose of the mercury.

Squad 61 responded to the 600 block of 6th Street for a 72-year-old woman who needed a lift assist.

Squad 61 dispatched to the 200 block of 2nd Street for a 67-year-old woman with abdominal pain. The patient wanted to be transported so the crew assisted with loading of the patient into the ambulance for transport.

Tuesday, Jan. 25

Engine 62 responded to the 2000 block of Front Range Avenue for a possible stroke victim. They found a 67-year-old man conscious, breathing and alert. The crew obtained history and baseline vitals. When TVEMS arrived the patient was packaged and loaded into the ambulance for transport.

Squad 61 dispatched to Love’s Travel Stop for a 39-year-old man with breathing problems. TVEMS arrived and patient care was transferred. The patient was loaded into the ambulance for transport.

Squad 61 responded to the 700 block of 4th Street for a 39-year-old man with diabetic problems. The crew began patient assessment and transferred command to TVEMS. The patient was loaded for transport to a local hospital.

Engine 61 responded to the 1000 block of Rubinette Lane for an indoor odor investigation. The crew entered the house with an air monitor. The whole house was checked including the furnace, hot water heater, and stove. No leaks or elevated levels were found. The homeowner stated the garage had the odor as well, and upon investigation, an open gas can was found that was admitting the odor. The house was turned back over to the homeowner.

Engine 61 dispatched to Madd Castings in the 100 block of Turner Avenue for a structure fire. The crew made quick work of the fire along with assistance from Loveland Fire Rescue. The building was turned back to the owners at around 8:00 pm. The fire is still currently under investigation.

Engine 616 responded to the 6000 block of W. Cty Road 4 for an 87-year-old woman who had fallen. The crew assisted TVEMS with packaging the patient for transport to a local hospital.

Berthoud Fire responded to the Berthoud Living Center for a medical assist.

Wednesday, Jan. 26

Berthoud Squad 61 dispatched to the Berthoud Living Center for a medical assist.

Engine 62 dispatched to the 2000 block of Pheasant Run for a 93-year-old woman who needed to be transported to a local hospital. The crew walked the patient to the ambulance.

Engine 61 responded to the intersection of Hwy 287 and W Cty Road 4 for a 2-vehicle accident. There were 3 patients being handled by TVEMS. The crew remained on scene and cleared the roadway of hazards. The scene was turned over to Colorado State Patrol.

Engine 61 dispatched to the 23000 block of Weld Cty Road 1 for powerlines down. A power pole was on the ground after being hit by a trash truck. With wires being on the ground in the roadway, WCR 1 was closed in both directions. The crew contacted the people inside the trash truck who stated that they had no injuries or needs. They were advised to stay inside the trash truck and not to exit until PVREA arrived. When PVREA arrived, it was confirmed that the wires were not energized. The people inside the trash truck were advised that they could exit the vehicle.

Squad 61 dispatched to the 2000 block of Clayton Place for a 35-year-old woman who had dislocated her hip. TVEMS assumed patient care, and the crew assisted with loading the patient into the ambulance.

Thursday, Jan. 27

Berthoud Fire responded to the Berthoud Living Center for a medical assist.

Squad 61 responded to the 200 block of E. Colorado Avenue for a 53-year-old woman with leg pain. TVEMS assumed patient care, and the crew assisted with packaging the patient for transport.

Berthoud Fire assisted a patient outside of Station 1 for high blood pressure. TVEMS arrived, assumed patient care.

Friday, January 28

Squad 61 responded to the 200 block of 2nd Street for a patient who had fallen. The patient was sitting on his bed. The crew assisted TVEMS with obtaining a set of vitals and helping the patient to a chair.

Engine 62 dispatched to the 300 block of Gunn Avenue for a patient who had fallen. The patient was assessed and did not want to be transported.

Squad 61 responded to the Berthoud Living Center for a medical assist.

Engine 62 responded to the 3000 block of Martingale Drive for assistance with smoke detectors that were beeping. The crew replaced batteries and reset the system. One detector required a special battery. The homeowner stated they would obtain the new battery and contact the fire department for assistance with replacement.

Saturday, January 29

Squad 61 responded to the Berthoud Living Center for a medical assist.

Squad 61 dispatched to the 300 block of E Colorado for a sick person. TVEMS assumed patient care. The crew retrieved the cot and helped loading the patient onto the cot and into the ambulance for transport.

Squad 61 dispatched to the 800 block of Gentlewind Way for a 67-year-old woman with breathing problems. The patient’s oxygen levels were assessed and found to be withing acceptable levels. The patient did not require any additional medical attention, and Squad 61 and TVEMS cleared the scene.

Sunday, January 30

Engine 62 responded to the 2100 block of S County Road 21 for a patient who had fallen out of bed and hit her head. TVEMS assumed patient care. The crew assisted with packaging of the patient for transport to a local hospital.

Squad 61 dispatched to the 1500 block of 4th Street for a 35-year-old woman with breathing problems. The crew began assessment and transferred patient care to TVEMS.

Monday, Jan. 31

Squad 61 responded to a cardiac arrest in the 3000 block of Woodcock Street. The patient was lying on the floor having CPR preformed on them by LCSO. Our crew took over CPR and attached an AED. TVEMS assumed patient care.

Engine 61 and TVEMS responded to the 600 block of 7th Street for a 78-year-old man having breathing problems. The crew assisted with loading of the patient for transport to a local hospital.

Engine 61 dispatched to I-25 MM 250 SB for a single vehicle under a semi. The Rescue Group reported that they had made access to the occupant by the driver’s side front door. The driver was extricated from the vehicle, and it was determined to be deceased. The scene was then turned over to Colorado State Patrol for investigation.

Engine 62 responded to the 6000 block of Jordan Drive for a medical on an 83-year-old. The crew helped TVEMS with obtaining history and vitals. The patient was packaged and loaded for transport.



About Post Author

Gary Wamsley

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