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January 1 – 9

Saturday, January 1

Recovered Stolen License Plate: East Highway 56 – A license plate stolen from Mead was located on an unoccupied vehicle. Attempts to contact the vehicle’s owner by phone and at the residence were unsuccessful.

Sunday, January 2

Motor Vehicle Accident Hit and Run: 3rd Street – A male reported his white 2015 Chevy Sierra truck was struck by an unknown vehicle. No suspect information at this time.

Theft/Forgery: East County Road 8 – A resident reported a check she had placed in her mailbox on 12/16/21 was cashed by an unknown person.

Vehicle Trespass: Mayo Court – A female reported her daughter’s vehicle was unlocked and sometime during the night multiple items of clothing were stolen. Further follow-up will be conducted as the daughter left for work prior to dispatch. The suspect’s shoe impressions in the snow were documented as evidence and were followed throughout the neighborhood and adjoining streets. A neighborhood canvas was conducted and awaiting video from multiple residents.

Vehicle Trespass: Welch Avenue – A male reported his vehicle had been unlawfully entered and multiple items were stolen. Similar footprints for the suspect for the above vehicle trespass were located. Two flashlights were located in the vehicle which the male advised were not his. Flashlights were collected for processing. Surveillance footage from the alleyway where the suspect’s footprints were located showed the incident may have occurred between 0400 and 0430 hours.

Vehicle Theft: Welch Avenue – A male reported his silver 2014 Nissan Frontier was stolen from the driveway at this address. The keys were left in the vehicle, the doors were unlocked, and footprints from the vehicle trespass suspect were in the area as well. The vehicle was entered as stolen.

Vehicle Trespass: Welch Avenue – A male reported his vehicle had been unlawfully entered, but nothing was stolen. A blue glass container was left in the vehicle and it was collected as evidence.

Vehicular Eluding x2/Theft/Reckless Driving/Driving Under Revocation/Obstructing a Peace Officer/Fictitious Registration: 1st Street/Iowa Avenue – Two suspicious vehicles, a red Ford F-550 towing a flatbed trailer and a Chevrolet Silverado were called in for acting suspiciously in this neighborhood at around 8:00 in the evening. A deputy located the vehicles fleeing the area south on 1st Street and the F-550 began intentionally swinging the trailer at the patrol vehicle. A pursuit was initiated but discontinued for public safety. The vehicle was located again Longmont, where the vehicle was spiked and a second pursuit was initiated but quickly discontinued. The vehicle was relocated unoccupied near 9th Avenue and Airport Road in Longmont. A suspect fled from the vehicle but was located nearby and arrested. Evidence and property of construction site burglaries that occurred in Berthoud were located on the trailer and both truck and trailer were towed to the Larimer County Sheriff’s Office for further follow-up. Longmont PD checked an associated address and located a stolen Silverado out of Loveland (the second vehicle from Berthoud), which was also towed to the Larimer County Sheriff’s Office and had associated stolen construction equipment. The investigation is ongoing. Thanks to Longmont PD, who provided a perimeter and a K9 team to assist.

Monday, January 3

Recovered Stolen Vehicle: Welch Avenue – Stolen vehicle from Welch Avenue last week was located in Longmont during a residential burglary. One of the suspects in the Longmont incident was wearing matching shoes to the impressions left in the snow during this multiple vehicle trespass incident in Berthoud. The vehicle was towed to the Larimer County Sheriff’s Office to be processed.

Vehicle Trespass/Theft: Welch Avenue – A male reported his car had been entered and the center console rummaged through. Two pairs of Oakley prescription glasses were taken and the sunglasses had lime green frames.

Motor Vehicle Accident: South 8th Street/Winding Brook Drive – A vehicle heading southbound on South 8th Street was struck by another vehicle that turned in front of it while attempting to turn left into a parking lot Both vehicles suffered severe damage.

Tuesday, January 4

Criminal Mischief: South County Road 21 – A resident reported that a 20-foot section of their north boundary fence of the property was damaged by an unknown vehicle that swerved off the road, through the fence and continued on through their front paddock and back out on to County Road 21 sometime between 12 pm 010322 and 12 pm 010422.

Unattended Death: 4th Street – A welfare check was called in for an elderly female after no one had seen or heard from her after several days. Entry was made and the female was found deceased.

Wednesday, January 5

Warrant/Driving Under Restraint: Highway 287 – A traffic stop led to a female being arrested on an outstanding misdemeanor warrant and cited for driving under a revoked license.

Mental Health Hold: Berthoud – A juvenile female was suicidal and armed with a knife. The knife was forcefully removed and she was transported to the hospital for a mental health hold.

Thursday, January 6

Third-Degree Trespass/Attempted Theft/Criminal Mischief: Canyonlands Street/Crossbill Drive – A white dually pickup cut a chain on a fuel pump and attempted to steal diesel fuel from the tank on the job site at this location at approximately 00:40 hours on. The suspect was unable to pump fuel due to the low temperatures. Currently waiting for security camera footage for further identification.

Unattended Death: Franklin Avenue – An elderly woman was found deceased in her bathroom. Nothing suspicious and the coroner responded.

Motor Vehicle Accident: Highway 287/Berthoud Parkway – A male driver backed into another driver puncturing that driver’s front bumper with his trailer hitch.

Motor Vehicle Accident with Injuries: Highway 287/West County Road 8 – A female driver ran a red light and collided with another vehicle. The at-fault driver was issued a summons.

Felony Menacing/Harassment: Highway 287/ Highway 56 – A male reported he was traveling northbound on Highway 287 when he was nearly run off the roadway by a minivan. At the stoplight at Highway 287 and Highway 56, the driver of the minivan rolled his window down and brandished a pistol, and asked him if he wanted to die. The male continued traveling northbound with the driver of the minivan following. Once at the intersection of Denver Avenue and Highway 34, the driver of the minivan exited his vehicle to confront the male again. At this time, he was confronted by deputies and taken into custody, and booked into the Larimer County Jail.

Fraud: East Highway 56 – A business notified deputies of a suspect who had hacked the rewards point system of their store and had used stolen points to make $35,454.00 in purchases at their store. At this time the suspect is unknown.

Friday, January 7

Warrant x3/Tampering with Physical Evidence/Obstruction/Felony Possession of Schedule II Controlled Substance/Possession of Schedule I Controlled Substance: West County Road 10E (Berthoud Reservoir) – A female was contacted at the Berthoud Reservoir Park for a warrant. She had a small lockbox on her person and the key on a necklace. Before deputies could remove the key, she ripped the necklace off in the back of the patrol car and hid the key to the lockbox. Deputies were able to enter the box, which revealed 1.7 grams of oxycontin, 2.76g grams of fentanyl, and 9 tabs of LSD. A male party was also contacted and arrested on warrants.

Motor Vehicle Accident: Nebraska Avenue/South 5th Street – A vehicle was driving southbound on 5th Street at Nebraska Avenue. The streets were packed with snow and ice from a recent snowstorm. The driver applied the brakes and lost control of the vehicle, sliding into the back of an unoccupied vehicle.

Identity Theft: Kansas Avenue – A male reported that an unknown suspect attempted to open a bank account under his name.

Saturday, January 8

Check Fraud: East Nebraska Avenue – A female resident reported that a check was taken out of her mailbox, altered, and attempted to be cashed at a business in Lakewood, Colorado.

Sunday, January 9

Nothing of significance to note

January 10 – 16

Monday, January 10

Hit and Run Motor Vehicle Accident: East Highway 56 – Truck side-view mirror was hit in a business parking lot. The at-fault vehicle left the scene without leaving insurance information.

Motor Vehicle Accident with Injuries: Highway 287/West County Road 8 – A driver made a U-turn at the intersection and another driver who had the right of way collided with the driver making the U-turn. The at-fault driver was issued a summons.

Suspicious Circumstances: 2nd Street/East Nebraska Avenue – Mailboxes appeared to have been pried open. No mail was inside the mailboxes and the mailboxes were broken.

Cold Theft: Westport Avenue – Building materials were stolen from a construction site.

Criminal Mischief: Capitol Avenue – An unknown suspect attempted to enter an enclosed trailer by grinding the lock and hasp, to no avail.

Tuesday, January 11

Protection Order Violation: West County Road 14 – A male was found in violation of a protection order and a warrant was filed for his arrest.

Check Fraud: North 2nd Street – A female resident reported that she delivered a check to a dropbox at a local business. She later found that her check had been altered and cashed for $398 and that the check was deposited. Contact was made with the bank where the check was cashed and awaiting further information to confirm the identity of the suspect.

Third-Degree Burglary: Welch Avenue – On 010922 around 2330 hours a suspect entered the bill change machine and stole money and the computer within the device. Video collected.

Wednesday, January 12

Vehicle Theft: 7th Street – A male reported his 2017 white Ram pickup truck was stolen while he was warming it up. No suspects at this time.

Fraud: Mountain Avenue – A local business reported a male wrote two bad checks. Further follow-up is pending.

Hit and Run Motor Vehicle Accident: South 3rd Street – A female reported her vehicle had been struck by another unknown vehicle sometime between 01/12/21 and 01/11/21.

Aggravated Motor Vehicle Theft/Felony Eluding/Possession of Schedule II Controlled Substances/Possession of Drug Paraphernalia/Resisting Arrest/Obstructing a Peace Officer/Driving Under Revocation (Habitual Traffic Offender): Berthoud Parkway/ Lake View Avenue – A stolen vehicle was pursued and after an unsuccessful Precision Immobilization Technique (PIT) maneuver, the pursuit was discontinued for a short while due to the location and public safety. The pursuit was later re-initiated with successful spike stripe deployment by deputies and two more PIT attempts by deputies before the vehicle crashed into a closed business. The driver was taken into custody after a short foot pursuit.

2nd Degree Burglary: 2nd Street – A female reported her storage locker was broken into between 3:00 a.m. and 4:00 a.m. hours 01/13/21 and $9,000 in various items were stolen.

Thursday, January 13

Speeding/Warrant Arrest: County Road 8 / Highway 287 – A male driver was stopped for speeding and found to have a warrant. Booked at the Larimer County Jail.

Felony Warrant Arrest: 7th Street – A male and female were in a disturbance at this address. The female was found to have had a felony warrant and was subsequently booked at the Larimer County Jail.

Motor Vehicle Accident: Mountain Avenue: A driver collided into another vehicle when she tried to park. Both parties exchanged information.

Warrant Arrest: Welch Avenue: A female was found to have a warrant and booked in at the Larimer County Jail.

Stolen Vehicle Recovery: East Michigan Avenue – A stolen vehicle was recovered unoccupied for the Loveland Police Department with stolen license plates out of the Weld County Sheriff’s Office. The neighborhood was canvassed and no suspects were located. The Loveland Police Department responded and processed/towed the vehicle.

Friday, January 14

Warrant Arrest: Mountain Avenue – A female was found to have a warrant and booked in at the Larimer County Jail.

Saturday, January 15

Weapons Complaint/Disorderly Conduct: Highway 287 / Berthoud Parkway – A male was driving south on Highway 287 and came upon a sedan in the left lane. The sedan moved to the right and as the driver was passing they both locked eyes. The driver saw the muzzle of a black handgun pointing over the top of the driver’s left arm & towards the front end of his vehicle. The driver exited onto Highway 56 and the sedan continued south on Highway 287.

Abandoned Vehicle: West County Road 10E/Berthoud Parkway – A silver Mercedes was abandoned in the lane of traffic and towed.

Warrant Arrest: Meadowlark Drive – A male was contacted and booked in on an outstanding warrant at the Larimer County Jail

3rd Degree Assault/Domestic Violence/Obstruction of Telephone Services/Violation of a Protection Order: 2nd Street – A male pushed his wife to the ground causing several cuts and a swollen knee. The male left prior to law enforcement arrival, leaving his wallet behind. Warrant forthcoming.

Vehicle Trespass: Alpine Avenue – A male’s unlocked vehicle was entered and keys and a garage door opener were taken.

Sunday, January 16

Motor Vehicle Accident: Mountain Avenue – A male driver backed into another vehicle. A citation was issued.

Missing & Returned Juvenile: Berthoud – Non-verbal, autistic, 3-year-old was located. The father was contacted and responded to pick up the juvenile. The child had gotten through several layers of enclosed areas and walked away from the house. The child was returned in good health.

Assault/Domestic Violence: 3rd Street – A male pushed his girlfriend to the ground, kicked her in the face, and slammed her hand in a door. He was subsequently charged and booked in at the Larimer County Jail.

January 17 – 23

Monday, January 17

Warrant Arrest: 6th Street/Massachusetts Avenue – A male was contacted as a suspicious person and booked on an outstanding warrant.

Driving Under the Influence/Suspicious Circumstances: Greenwood Drive – A male followed a citizen from the interstate to a Berthoud address recklessly. The male was highly intoxicated and stated he was “pranking” the Berthoud citizen and part of his prank involved the police. The male failed roadsides and refused further chemical testing. He was booked at the Larimer County Jail.

Follow-Up to Vehicle Trespass: Alpine Avenue – A suspect vehicle from a trespass at this address came back. The suspect vehicle is a red sedan with large rims. The suspect came back and drove by on 01/17/21 at 4: 25 a.m. and 01/18/21 at 3:36 a.m. Deputies were unable to locate the vehicle.

Third-Degree Assault/Domestic Violence: South 3rd Street – A female reported that her boyfriend pushed her to the ground and kicked her in the face, causing pain. She then ran upstairs and locked herself and her son in her room until deputies arrived. The male was arrested and transported to the Larimer County Jail for the above charges.

Trailer Theft: County Road 7/East Highway 56 – A trailer with $63,000 worth of equipment stored inside was stolen.

Attempted Burglary: 2nd Street – An unknown suspect unsuccessfully drilled the lock on a storage locker in an attempt to enter a storage unit.

Tuesday, January 18

Violation of a Protection Order: 7th Street – A male violated a protection order at this residence against another male. Booked at the Larimer County Jail.

Disorderly Conduct: Mountain Avenue – A male reported an unknown male suspect threatened to fight him after he accidentally bumped him inside a business.

Wednesday, January 19

Several motor vehicle accidents throughout the day due to icy weather conditions.
6th Street – A resident reported that his rear license plate was stolen overnight.

Motor Vehicle Accident: Highway 287/County Road 8 – A vehicle was turning eastbound off Highway 287 off County Road 8 when the driver lost control of the vehicle due to icy conditions. The front driver’s side wheel slid into the curb, breaking the wheel off the car. When this happened, the vehicle behind the turning vehicle then ran into the rear of the vehicle.

Thursday, January 20

Stolen Vehicle Recovery: Greenwood Drive – A stolen F-350 out of Severance, Colorado was located unoccupied at a residence in this area. The vehicle was processed and towed.

Motor Vehicle Accident: 1500 Block of County Road 10E – A juvenile driver failed to negotiate a turn and crashed into a ditch. The investigation is ongoing.

Vehicle Theft: Tundra Avenue – A 2021 Red Chevy Silverado 1500 was stolen between 00:45 a.m. and 4:40 a.m. from a driveway in this area. The vehicle was locked and the owner has all the keys. A possible suspect vehicle may be a silver 2013-2019 Ford Escape that was stopped on Alpine Avenue at 02:18 a.m.

Friday, January 21

Trailer Theft/Theft: Mountain Avenue – A male reported his homemade black 10-foot trailer with a pressure washer system and 300-gallon water tank was stolen from the rear of his business.

Theft: 2nd Street – A male reported a white 200-gallon diesel tank was stolen from behind his business in the past two days.

Driving Under the Influence: Berthoud Parkway/Bunyan Avenue- A male was stopped after a Report Every Drunk Driver Immediately (REDDI) report was called into 911. The driver was stopped and booked into the Larimer County Jail.

Third-Degree Assault/Domestic Violence: South 3rd Street – The same individual booked on the above DUI charge reported a cold assault/domestic violence incident involving a girlfriend which reportedly occurred months ago. Case to be screened with the District Attorney.

Saturday, January 22

Theft: East Highway 56 – An unknown white male, mid-’40s, bald, and wearing a black jacket, took a phone mount from a local business and left driving a black four-door sedan.

Sunday, January 23

Hit and Run Motor Vehicle Accident with Serious Bodily Injury: Mountain Avenue/4th Street – An unidentified white male, in his 60’s, approximately 6’00 tall, skinny build with glasses, and a long gray beard, struck a male pedestrian who was in the crosswalk. The suspect fled the area westbound on Mountain Avenue in a late 90’s white or light tan Chevy pickup. The pedestrian sustained broken wrists and lacerations. He was transported to the hospital.

Motor Vehicle Accident: Mountain Avenue/8th Street – A driver turned left in front of another driver. The at-fault driver was summonsed.

Violation of Protection Order/Violation of Bail Bond Conditions: Mountain Avenue – Female was arrested for violation of protection order and violation of bail bond conditions.

Mental Health Hold: West County Road 14: A male reported that if he was not placed on a mental health hold, he would hurt or kill his girlfriend or himself. He was taken to the hospital and placed on a mental health hold.

Please follow this link (https://leta911.org/) and register to get emergency notifications on your cell phone. Reverse 911 does not work on cell phones, only landlines. Berthoud has the lowest registered numbers in Larimer County. If something happens as it did in Boulder County we want to be able to notify you quickly.

January 24 – 30

Monday, January 24

Driving Under the Influence: Sunset Drive/Highway 287 – A driver was contacted by a deputy while passed out at the wheel. Roadsides were not consistent with sobriety and consequently was booked at the Larimer County Jail.

Mental Health: West County Road 14 – A man was transported to the hospital for a mental health hold after being determined to be in imminent danger to himself and others.

Tuesday, January 25

Vehicle Theft: 3rd Street – A resident left her vehicle running in the driveway unlocked and it was taken within ten minutes. A white/black unknown model truck was seen driving through the neighborhood suspiciously prior to the vehicle theft.

Assist other Agency: East Highway 56 – A man called and asked for deputies to meet him at a local to confess a crime. Upon deputies’ arrival, the man confessed to sexually assaulting a juvenile in Texas two years prior. The Investigations Unit was notified and the appropriate agency in Texas was made aware.

Harassment: Berthoud – A juvenile female reported a juvenile male grabbed her by the arms, which left red marks, after a verbal argument at the Recreational Center.

Theft: French Hill Drive – A resident reported a check was stolen out of her mailbox, altered, and cashed at a different location.

Wednesday, January 26

Third-Degree Assault/Child Abuse/Attempted Unlawful Sexual Contact/Domestic Violence: Welch Avenue – A male assaulted his ex-girlfriend and attempted to make unlawful sexual contact in front of their one-year-old daughter. The man was under the influence of drugs and made vague statements of seriously injuring the victim. The Victim’s Rights Team and Child Protection Services were notified. Three handguns were removed from the premises.

Illegal Possession of Marijuana by a Minor Under 21: Berthoud – Two individuals under the age of 21 were contacted in a suspicious vehicle. Neither party possessed a valid medicinal marijuana license and marijuana was located in the vehicle. The marijuana was collected for destruction.

Thursday, January 27

Unlawful Possession of a Schedule II Controlled Substance x2: Tipton Street – An adult female was called in by roommates for smoking methamphetamine in the residence. 2.02 grams of methamphetamine and Oxycodone pills were located. The woman was booked at the Larimer County Jail for the above charges.

Warrant Arrest/Violation of a Protection Order: East Highway 56 – A woman was contacted for having a protection order and a warrant for her arrest. She was booked at the Weld County Jail.

Friday, January 28

Mental Health: Woodcock Street – A male was called in as suicidal after he made suicidal statements to a friend in Denver. The man refused to speak with deputies and was confirmed to be alone in his apartment. Information was passed along to the Larimer County Sheriff’s Office Co-Responder Unit.

Saturday, January 29

Mental Health: Urban Place – A female was contacted running from her home after her family called in that she was suicidal with a gun. Her 18-year-old son stated he took the gun from her and put it in the safe before she exited the home. Deputies were able to safely remove all family members and set up containment. The woman was contacted and placed in protective custody without further incident. She was then transported to the hospital and placed on a mental health hold.

Found Narcotics: Meadowlark Drive – Citizens found a jar of pills, as well as other drug paraphernalia in a dirt parking area. There were five Tramadol pills, 1.24 grams of methamphetamine, and 3.96 grams of other non-controlled pills. There was also a paper with a list of credit card numbers as well as a pawn receipt.

Driving Under the Influence: Highway 287/ Vermillion Road – A Report Every Drunk Driver Immediately (REDDI) report was called in on a female driver. The driver was stopped and failed roadside sobriety maneuvers. She was booked at the Larimer County Jail.

Motor Vehicle Accident: Mountain Avenue – A vehicle backed into another vehicle that was also backing out of a parking spot. Both drivers exchanged information.

Sunday, January 30

Theft/Possible Vehicle Theft: East Highway 56 – Aman stole $72.46 worth of propane. The vehicle associated is a 1990’s white RV. After speaking with the reporting party, the RV is possibly an unreported steal out of Weld County. The investigation is ongoing.

Motor Vehicle Accident: 1st Street/County Road 10E – A male driver had mechanical problems with his vehicle and could not stop at the stop sign. He went onto the property just to the east of the intersection and got high centered in a ditch. He called a tow and they advised they would come out during daylight hours for the vehicle recovery.

RECEIVE EMERGENCY NOTIFICATIONS ON YOUR CELL PHONE. Please follow this link (https://leta911.org/) and register to get emergency notifications on your cell phone. Reverse 911 does not work on cell phones, only landlines. Berthoud has the lowest registered numbers in Larimer County. If something happens as it did in Boulder County, we want to be able to notify you quickly.

January 31

Monday, January 31

Unattended Death: Woodcock Street – An adult male was found deceased in the bathroom. Lifesaving measures were attempted without success.

Burglary/Theft: Tall Grass Trail – A man reported an unknown suspect(s) had forced their way into the back door and stole less than $500 worth of tools and items. The incident occurred between Friday, 01/29/22, and the morning of 01/31/22

Scam: Wales Drive – A man reported that many of his accounts have been hacked and passwords have been changed. The man was advised to factory restore as some malware or viruses may be present on the device and then take his phone to a phone provider for further assistance. I thought all of my accounts had been hacked too but soon realized I just forgot all of my passwords.

Harassment: Alpine Avenue – A woman reported receiving concerning text messages via her phone from an unknown number.

Civil Issue: Tundra Avenue – A resident reported that her landlord entered her residence without her permission and without notice.

About Post Author

Gary Wamsley

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