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December 1 – 4

Thursday, Dec. 1

A citizen assist at Station1 for locked keys in a car at the library. The crew unlocked the care with a Big EZ tool.

Engine 61 responded to the 800 block of Greenwood Drive for a CO alarm going off in the basement. The crew entered the residence with full PPE and an air monitoring and walked both floors of the residence and found no traces. The CO alarm was tested, and dust was blown out of it. The homeowners were informed that no detection of CO inside of the residence was found and that the CO alarm should be replaced.

Friday, Dec. 2

Engine 61 dispatched to the 1000 block of Navajo Place for chipping detectors. A detector in the basement was flashing after being hushed. The crew blew dust from the detectors with compressed air, replaced the battery, reset the detector, and placed it back into the system. The system returned to normal function.

Berthoud Fire responded to the Berthoud Care and Rehab for a medical issue.

Service Call in the 19000 block of Weld Cty Road 1 to install three battery powered smoke/CO detectors.

Engine 61 and TVEMS dispatched to a medical for a 63-year-old man in the 800 block of Franklin Ave. The crew helped with securing the patient to the stretcher and loading the patient into the ambulance for transport to an area hospital.

Engine 61 and TVEMS were dispatched to the 1000 block of 3rd Street for a 61-year-old woman with breathing problems. TVEMS began a patient evaluation.

E61 dispatched to Weld County Rd for a medical. TVEMS assumed patient care. The crew assisted with packaging the patient for transport.

Sat, Dec. 3

Engine 61 dispatched to the 500 block of Capitol Reef Ct. for a medical on a 33-year-old woman. Once cleared by LCSO, Engine 61 and TVEMS began patient assessment.

E62 were dispatched to the 2800 block of Lake Hollow Rd for a 62 -year-old man who had fallen from a ladder and dislocated his shoulder. The patient was laying on the floor in the bedroom. Berthoud Fire assisted TVEMS with obtaining vitals and loading the patient for transport.

E62 responded to the 2900 Block of Lake Hollow Rd for a medical on an 80 -year-old man. The crew assisted TVEMS with obtaining history and vitals. The patient was walked to the ambulance for transport.

E62 dispatched to the 2000-2599 block of US Highway 287 for a two-vehicle accident. The vehicle occupants were checked for injuries, none reported. The crew cleaned up all hazards. Once fluids were mitigated, crews stayed on scene to block the intersection until the arrival of the tow truck.

Sun, Dec. 4

E61 responded to a powerline down at North Berthoud Pkwy. A vehicle had struck a power pole, and LCSO was on scene. The power pole was on the ground and all parties were out of the vehicle. The driver of the vehicle reported no injuries. E61 set up traffic control measures while Poudre Valley REA confirmed the line above the car was un-energized and released the powerlines from the pole that was on the ground. Once the lines were released and in the air, REA re-energized the line.

E61 dispatched to a single car accident at I-25 SB. The driver was out of his car. The crew checked for injuries, and the patient reported none. CSP was contacted.

E61 dispatched to W LCR 8 for an 88-year-old woman who had fallen. The patient was helped back into her wheelchair and assessed for injuries. E61 helped TVEMS with packing the patient onto the cot and into the ambulance for transport.


Dec. 5- 11

Monday, Dec. 5

Squad 61 responded to 4th Street for a lift assist. Patient said that she slipped out of bed and needed help to get back into bed. The crew and TVEMS helped the patient back to her bed.

Engine 61 dispatched to Berthoud Brewing for a vehicle that was up on their railing of the patio. The vehicle was stable and not in jeopardy of falling. The crew helped TVEMS load one patient into the ambulance for further evaluation.

Squad 61 responded to Hwy 56 for a three-vehicle accident with moderate damage. One person was transported to a local hospital. LCSO investigated and Blue-Ribbon Towing cleaned up the scene.

Squad 61 dispatched to the 200 block of 2nd Street for a 60-year-old woman not feeling well. The crew helped TVEMS with packaging the patient for transport.

 Engine 61 responded to the 4000 block of Page Place for a 9-year-old girl having a seizure. TVEMS assumed patient care, and the crew retrieved the cot from the ambulance and set it at the front door. The patient was packaged for transport and loaded into the ambulance.

Tuesday, Dec. 6

Berthoud Fire responded to Berthoud Care and Rehab for a medical.

Wednesday, Dec. 7

Engine 61 responded to 42nd Street SE for a two-vehicle accident with injuries. TVEMS arrived on scene and found a T-bone style crash with Loveland PD also on scene. Squad 61 began to immobilize the vehicles and mitigate hazards. No extrication was needed, so the crew helped TVEMS with obtaining their stretcher and loading one person for transport. No other occupants needed medical evaluation or transport. The squad remained until the vehicles were removed from the roadway.

Thursday, Dec. 8

Citizen’s assist to the 500 block of Redwood Circle for a vehicle that was running in the garage with the garage door open and keys locked in it. Engine 61 used the Big EZ and unlocked the vehicle.

Engine 62 responded to the 700 block of Riverside Court for a 64-year-old woman not feeling well. TVEMS arrived and assumed patient care. The patient refused transport.

A citizen assist to the 800 block of Humboldt Peak to change smoke detector batteries. The crew replaced batteries in four detectors. The system was tested for proper function.

Citizens assist at Station 1 for a car seat check.

Friday, Dec. 9

Engine 61 responded to a call in the 500 block of Royalty Ct. for a 57-year-old woman having abdominal pain. Firefighters entered the home and began patient evaluation. TVEMS arrived on-scene and assumed patient care. The patient was loaded into the ambulance and transported to a local hospital.

Engine 61 dispatched to a residential structure fire in the 900 block of Heather Drive. There was smoke showing when they arrived. Upon further investigation it was found that the smoke was from a wood burning stove inside the garage with no hazards present.

Engine 61 dispatched to the 1300 block of S Garfield Ave for a possible broken ankle. TVEMS assumed patient care.

Engine 61 dispatched to the 1400 block of Juliana Ct. for a 45-year-old man having chest pain. TVEMS assumed patient care and the crew aided packaging patient to be transported.

Engine 61 dispatched to a motorcycle accident in the Westbound lanes of Eisenhower Blvd. TVEMS arrived on the scene to find the rider up walking around. The patient refused medical.

E62 dispatched to the 4200 block of Highplains for a 76y/o woman having chest pain. The crew helped TVEMS with patient assessment.

E62 dispatched to the 200 block of Wark Ave for a law enforcement request for medical. The crew staged in the area until cleared by LCSO.

Saturday, Dec. 10

Engine 61 responded to Berthoud Living Center for a medical.

Citizen assist at Station #2 for car seat install.

Engine 61, along with Loveland Fire, were dispatched to a residential structure fire in the 600 block of E 41st St. First arriving crews reported a fire on the 2nd floor. The Crew pulled a line for fire attack. The fire was declared knocked down.

Sunday, Dec. 11

Engine 61 along, with TVEMS responded to the 1600 block of Hollyberry St, for a medical.

Engine 61 responded to the 1300 block of 1st St for a medical. TVEMS assumed patient care, and the crew assisted packaging patient to be transported.

Engine 61 and TVEMS responded to a medical in the 1200 block of Sun River Rd. E61 assessed patient and transferred patient care to TVEMS. The patient was loaded into the ambulance and transported to a local hospital.


December 12 – 18

Monday, Dec. 12

Engine 61 responded to the Love’s Travel Stop for a person with breathing problems. Crews arrived on scene and a 57-year-old man got out of his truck and walked into the back of the ambulance.

Engine 61 dispatched to the north bound exit of I-25 for a medical. A black truck was on the shoulder of exit 252. TVEMS arrived on scene and assumed patient care. The E61 crew stayed on scene to block traffic for the ambulance.

Engine 61 and TVEMS responded to the 200 block of Cheyenne Avenue for a 13-year-old girl with breathing problems. The crew helped, with packaging the patient for transport.

Tuesday, Dec. 13

Engine 62 responded to the 800 block of Greenwood Drive for 96-year-old woman who had fallen. TVEMS assumed patient care and the crew helped with preparing the patient for transport to a local hospital.

Engine 61 arrived on scene of a business in the 900 block of 2nd Street for a CO alarm going off. The crew spoke with an employee who said the alarm was set off due to the vehicles being run inside the mechanic shop. He confirmed no patients on scene. Upon investigation the crew found CO levels in the mechanic shop at 45 ppm and declining. The crew brought a fan to the front door and began ventilating the structure. CO levels dropped to zero. They continued to monitor the atmosphere in the building and had no new introduction of CO with the levels holding at zero. After the structure was ventilated, the crew spoke with an employee and suggested they not run cars in the bay with the doors closed.

Wednesday, Dec. 14

Engine 61 responded to I-25 mm 250 SB for a small SUV with moderate damage. One person was evaluated and transported by TVEMS. Colorado State Patrol along with tow truck were on scene

Squad 61 dispatched to the 200 block of W. Cty Road 10E for a 61-year-old man with breathing problems. TVEMS arrived and assumed patient care. The patient was packaged and loaded into the ambulance for transport to a local hospital.

Squad 61 responded to the 800 block of Greenwood Drive for a 96-year-old woman who had fallen. The crew retrieved the cot, and the patient was packaged and loaded for transport.

Thursday, Dec. 15

Engine 62 responded to the 6000 block of W. Larimer Cty Road 4 for a 59-year-old man who had fallen and had severe hip pain. The crew was obtaining patient history and baseline vitals, when TVEMS arrived. Patient care was transferred to TVEMS, and E62 assisted with preparing the patient for transport.

Squad 61 dispatched to the 800 block of Greenwood Drive along with TVEMS to help a patient into the house.

Engine 61 responded to the 1000 block of Tipton Street for a 77-year-old woman who fainted. TVEMS arrived, and the crew aided with packaging the patient for transport to a local hospital.

Engine 61 responded to the 1000 block of Maple Drive for a 68-year-old man who had fallen. The patient was lying on the kitchen floor. TVEMS began patient assessment, and the crew retrieved the cot and packaged the patient for transport.

Engine 61 dispatched to the 500 block of 5th Street for a 4-year-old boy having difficulty breathing. The patient was carried to the ambulance by the father and packaged for transport.

Friday, Dec. 16

A Citizen assist at Station #1 for car seat install.

Engine 61 dispatched to the 300 block of Weld County Road 48 for a medical. TVEMS assumed patient care.

Engine 62 dispatched to LCR 8 and Talons Reach for an outside gas odor. The area was investigated, and the crew was unable to detect any gas. The reducer station was also investigated and found to be working normally.

Engine 61 and TVEMS responded to a call in the 800 block of Prairiestar for a 73-year-old who had fallen. The crew helped TVEMS with lifting the patient.

Saturday, Dec. 17

Berthoud Fire dispatched to a commercial structure fire in the 800 block of S. County Road 21. Engine 62 was the first on-scene and reported a small fully involved barn fire. Nearest exposures were a garage directly in front of the barn and the house. Fire was knocked down quickly and crews began overhaul. Loveland arrived on-scene checked the garage for any extension. No extension was found. Once the investigation and overhaul were complete, the structure was turned back over to the homeowner.

Engine 61 responded to the 600 block of 6th St for a residential alarm fire. Engine 61 arrived on scene to a house showing no signs of smoke. The crew investigated a carriage house in the backyard and found a construction worker who said the alarm had gone off with dust from the remodel he was doing. The crew helped to ventilate the area.

Engine 61 dispatched to the 300 block of Columbine Circle for a chirping detector. The crew changed all batteries for the smoke detectors and 1 carbon monoxide detector.

Sunday, Dec. 18

Engine 61, along with TVEMS, dispatched to the 1400 block of 4th St for a medical. The crew helped TVEMS with patient care and packaged the patient for transport to a local hospital.

Engine 61 dispatched to the 200 block of Leanne Dr for a non-emergency lift assist at the request of TVEMS. The crew helped with loading the patient into the back of the ambulance for transport to a local hospital.

Engine 61 responded to a medical in the 2700 block of Tallgrass Lane. TVEMS obtained patient medical history.

Engine 61 responded to the 900 block of 6th St for a woman having chest pain. TVEMS obtained patient care while Engine 61 retrieved the cot. The patient was then loaded for transport to a local hospital.

December 19 – 25

Monday, Dec. 19

Engine 61 responded to the 1000 block of 6th Street for a 79-year-old woman who had a swollen leg. TVEMS assumed patient care, and the patient’s nurse decided that transport was appropriate. The crew assisted with packaging and loading of the patient for transport to a local hospital.

Berthoud Engine 62 dispatched to the 3000 block of Meining Road for breathing problems. TVEMS assumed patient care, and the crew helped with loading of the patient for transport to a local hospital.

Engine 61 responded to I-25 mm 250 SB for a five-vehicle accident with moderate damage. All eight occupants refused evaluation. CSP began to have drivable vehicles moved to Love’s Travel Center, and the crew began hazard mitigation.

Tuesday, Dec. 20

No calls

Wednesday, Dec. 21

Loveland and Berthoud Fire responded to the intersection of Hwy 287 and Berthoud Parkway for a two-vehicle accident with moderate damage. All parties appeared to be out of vehicles with one person requesting to be evaluated by TVEMS. Command advised all units could clear since both vehicles were out of the intersection, and no fluids were on the ground.

Citizens assist for car seat installation at Station 2.

Engine 61 dispatched to the 2000 block of Urban Place for a 30-year-old woman who had fainted. She was sitting outside on the sidewalk when the crew arrived. TVEMS assumed patient care and the crew assisted with retrieving the cot from the ambulance. The patient was packaged and loaded for transport to a local hospital.

Engine 61 dispatched to the 1000 block of 1st Street for a 63-year-old man with abdominal pain. The crew began patient assessment and transferred care to TVEMS. The patient was transported to a local hospital.

Citizen called into Station 1 for a detector malfunctioning in the 100 block of Iowa Avenue. The homeowner said the detector kept alarming even after the battery was replaced. The crew checked all levels of the residence with the air monitor and found no abnormal readings. It was determined that the sensor was no longer operational, and the crew replaced the detector with a new one.

E-61 responded to the 1000 block of Mt. Meeker Avenue for a 62-year-old woman who needed to be transported to a local hospital. The patient walked to the cot and was then transported to a local hospital.

Thursday, Dec. 22

Engine 61 dispatched to the 1500 block of Stoneseed St for a man who had been sick for a few days. Engine 61 assisted TVEMS with preparing the patient for transport.

Engine 61 and TVEMS responded to a woman having contractions in the 300 block of 42nd St. The patient was transported to a local hospital.

Engine 61 dispatched for a medical in the 700 block of Wagon Bend Rd. TVEMS assumed patient care.

Engine 61 dispatched to the 900 block of Canyonlands St. for a medical. TVEMS arrived on scene and took over patient care.

Engine 61 and TVEMS responded to a two-car accident on 1st St and E. County Rd 8. There was minor damage, and no one was injured.

Engine 61 assisted TVEMS in the 4000 block of N. Sunshine Ct. for a medical. The patient was transported to a local hospital.

Engine 62 came across a single vehicle off the roadway and through a fence. The crew walked over to check on the occupant who was out of the vehicle. As they approached, the male occupant saw the crew and jumped back into the vehicle and drove off. The Larimer County Sheriff’s office were contacted and provided with the vehicle description and license plate number.

Engine 61 was dispatched to a gas leak near the 1200 block of Vantage Parkway. Engine 61 checked the gas meter and reported a significant leak coming from the diaphragm area of the meter. Xcel Energy arrived on scene to repair the meter.

Friday, Dec. 23

Engine 61 dispatched to the 600 block of Bristlecone Ct. for a chirping detector. The crew changed all batteries in all detectors.

Engine 62 dispatched to the 3700 block of LCR 4 for carbon monoxide alarms going off. There were two carbon monoxide detectors malfunctioning. The homeowners were advised to replace both detectors.

Engine 61 responded to the 21000 block of Weld County Rd for an ice rescue. The crew approached the vehicle and could not visually see an occupant. The crew used ice rescue suits and were able to confirm no occupant. Crews were able to determine the occupants were in a shop nearby and redirected focus to check the occupants for injury. The occupants refused medical assistance.

Engine 61 responded to the 300 block of E. Michigan Ave for a child having difficulty breathing. TVEMS arrived on scene and supplied a breathing treatment for the child.

Engine 61 dispatched to the 300 block of 42nd St SW for a chirping alarm. The crew investigated the building and contacted a facility maintenance worker who told the alarm had been set off by steam.

Engine 61 assisted TVEMS with a lift assist in the 800 block of Greenwood Dr.

Engine 62 responded to a motor vehicle in a lake near N. County Rd 11C. Loveland Fire took command of the scene.

Engine 61 and Engine 62 responded to a call in the 900 block of Mountain Ave for a pipe that had burst. The crew found standing water in the office space of Hays Market. Water could be heard leaking behind the wall, and the pipe that burst was found and repaired. The crew removed as much water as possible, and the scene was then turned over to the property management.

Engine 62 responded to a two-vehicle accident on Weld County Rd 7. Engine 62 helped with directing traffic around the incident and inspecting the vehicles for hazards.

Engine 61 and TVEMS responded to the 4500 block of North Berthoud Parkway for a motor vehicle accident. There were no injuries or hazards.

Engine 61 dispatched to the 2800 block of Tallgrass Ln. for a residential fire alarm. There was no evidence of a fire, and the crew contacted the homeowner, who said that the alarm went off due to burnt food.

Engine 61 dispatched to the 3400 block of Woodcock St. for an unconfirmed structure fire. Loveland Fire was on scene and found an active sprinkler on. Engine 61 checked with the occupants of the building to confirm there was no fire present.

Saturday Dec. 24

Engine 61 dispatched to help with a water leak in the basement in the 2100 block of S. Garfield Ave.

Sunday, December 25

Engine 61 responded to Weld County Road 5 for a service call for a water leak. The homeowners had shut off the water. A significant amount of standing water was found in the basement. The crew confirmed that the water was shut off completely and there was no water leaking into the house. The homeowner will be contacting their insurance company.

Engine 61 responded to the 700 block of 4th Street for a service call due to a leaking water pipe. The Engine shut off the main water line located in the crawl space. Approximately one foot of water was found standing in the basement.

Engine 61 and TVEMS were dispatched to a motor vehicle accident with unknown injuries on E. County Road 12 and S. Highway 287. This was a two vehicle T-bone style accident. There was only one occupant per car, and both denied injury. The crew aided with controlling traffic and removing hazards from the roadway.

Engine 62 responded to a medical call on Diamond Wall Drive. TVEMS initiated patient care.

Engine 61 and TVEMS responded to a medical call on Greenwood Drive. The female patient was loaded to be transported to the hospital.

Engine 61 and TVEMS responded to a medical call on Highway 60 and Weld County Road 5. A single individual was found without a pulse and not breathing. Engine 61 and TVEMS performed CPR and advance life support. The patient began spontaneously breathing and her heart rate returned to a sinus rhythm. The patient was transported to an area hospital.


Dec. 26 – 31

Monday, Dec. 26

Citizens assist in the 1000 block of Glacier Avenue for a battery replacement in the smoke alarm.

Engine 61 responded to I-25 for a 3-vehicle accident with no injuries. One vehicle had a small coolant leak and the crew removed debris and fluid from the roadway.

Engine 61 dispatched to the 700 block of Mountain Avenue for a CO alarm going off with everyone out of the building. One person walked to the ambulance to be checked out; the crew entered the residence with an air monitor and full PPE to include SCBA. The Squad found CO at levels of 40 PPM near the fireplace, with 6 PPM in the basement, and 26 PPM on the second floor. The entire residence had a slight haze of smoke from the fireplace that the residents had doused before exiting. The crew began applying water to the fireplace via water cups to fully extinguish the remaining embers. The patient was completing refusal paperwork and TVEMS cleared the scene. The residents were informed not to use the fireplace again until it was inspected or replaced. The crew also checked all detectors in the home and suggested placing a CO detector in the mechanical room that was in the basement.

Squad 61 responded to the 500 block of Buckskin Road for a medical. TVEMS assumed patient care and the crew helped with loading the patient for transportation to a local hospital.

Tuesday, Dec. 27

Engine 62 dispatched to the 1000 block of Blue Mountain Avenue for a 79-year-old woman who had fallen off the bed and could not use her right side. The crew was obtaining some patient history and baseline vitals, when TVEMS arrived. Patient care was transferred to TVEMS. The patient was loaded into the ambulance for transport to a local hospital.

Engine 61 responded to the 3000 block of Denise Avenue for a 73-year-old woman not feeling well. TVEMS assessed the patient while Engine 61 helped load the patient into the ambulance for transport to a local hospital.

Citizens assist at Station 2 for a car seat base checked in the vehicle.

Engine 61 responded to 23000 block of Weld Cty Road 5 for a 68-year-old man having chest pains. TVEMS assumed patient care.

Berthoud Fire responded to Berthoud Care and Rehab for a medical.

Wednesday, Dec. 28

Engine 61 responded to the 2000 block of Urban Place for a 35-year-old woman having chest pains. The patient was found sitting in a chair in the living room. TVEMS assessed the patient, while the crew prepared the cot and loaded the patient into the ambulance for transport to a local hospital.

Berthoud Fire dispatched to the Berthoud Care and Rehab for a medical.

Citizens assist at Station 2 for 2 car seat installation.

Thursday, Dec. 29

Engine 61 responded to the 300 block of Columbine Circle for a person who had fallen and needed a lift assist.

Engine 61 responded to 1700 block of Hwy 287 for a fully involved engine compartment fire. E61 used the bumper line, and the fire was knocked down. They completed all overhaul work.

Berthoud Fire dispatched to the 4000 block of Arleigh Drive for a lift assist for a person who had fallen and needed an assist back into bed.

Engine 61 responded to the 500 block of Royalty Court for a person having back pain. TVEMS assumed patient care and the crew helped with getting the patient onto the cot for transport to a local hospital.

Engine 61 responded to a 22-motor vehicle accident on I-25 MM 252 SB. The crew split and began triaging patients. There were four patients total and no hazmat was found to be on scene. The E61 crew stayed on scene and aided CDPT and CSP in the cleanup of the scene and removing vehicles from the roadway.

Berthoud Fire responded to the 3000 block of Robin Court for a patient having chest pains. Command was transferred to TVEMS, and the crew retrieved the cot from the ambulance. The patient was loaded and transported to a local hospital.

Engine 61 responded to the intersection of Larimer Cty Road 10E and 1st Street for a single vehicle that hit a power pole and was off the road. The driver stated that he was not injured. The 61 crew assessed the power pole and overhead wires for damage. There was no visible damage to the power pole or grid and no other hazards present on scene.

Friday, Dec. 30

Squad 61 dispatched along with TVEMS to Apple Leaf Assisted Living for a 79-year-old man who was too weak to move. The patient moved onto the cot with help from SQ61. The patient was transported to a local hospital.

Berthoud Fire responded to the 200 block of Victoria Street for a faulty CO detector going off. Readings on monitor detector was signaling end of life for detector. The homeowner was advised to buy new CO detector.

Engine 61 long with TVEMS responded to the 1000 block of Wilfred Rd for a medical. Engine 61 prepared the cot and loaded the patient for transport.

Saturday, Dec. 31

Engine 61 and 62 along with TVEMS were dispatched to the 200 block of S County Rd for a dog rescue. The ice rescuers successfully removed the dog from the open water area on the ice and returned to shore. The dog was returned to the owners.

Engine 61 and TVEMS responded to the 3000 block of East Highway 56 for a medical. Engine 61 arrived on scene to find a person and four animals in the parked vehicle. LCSO arrived shortly after and took over patient care while Engine 61 contacted Larimer County Animal Control.

Engine 61 dispatched to the 300 block of Ellie Way for a medical. The crew assessed the patient and gathered medical history. TVEMS arrived shortly after and took over patient care. The patient was transported to a local hospital.







About Post Author

Gary Wamsley

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