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Monday, January 20, 2025

A Town That Cares: Tinney Fundraising Effort

The Berthoud Blues vintage base ball team started the ball rolling at their Saturday game, and the community showed its strong support for Berthoud resident Ian Tinney. Now, the Berthoud Recorder joins Berthoud CARES in raising awareness and support for the Tinney family.

Tinney, a longtime Berthoud resident and business owner, was taken to the emergency room at Longmont United Hospital on May 7 with symptoms of headache, balance challenges and cognitive impairment. A CAT scan showed Tinney had bilateral subdural hematomas and had suffered a stroke in the brainstem area.

Tinney was rushed into surgery May 8 to clear out the hematomas, and he remained in the Intensive Care Unit for 2 weeks. He is still hospitalized and involved with recovery and intensive therapy that will help him regain function and independence. 

Tinney and his sons Dathan and Jared have worked together at Berthoud Standard for the past eight years. The auto repair shop has been the sole source of income for the family. Due to Ian’s current medical condition, he can no longer run the business and Berthoud Standard will be closing soon. As an independent businessman, Tinney has no medical insurance. His recent hospitalization and rehab bills are mounting by the day and the family has no resources to cover the hospitalization and rehab bills.

Any and all support will be greatly appreciated by the Tinneys and your neighbors at Berthoud CARES.

Donations are being accepted via the
L. Ian Tinney Assistance Donation Fund
c/o Guaranty Bank & Trust
807 Mountain Ave.
Berthoud, CO 80513
Simple Wishes for the Tinney Family:
Assist with business equipment sale
Assist with yard sales
Dump runs from home and business
Make one month’s mortgage or utility payment
Make one month’s shop rent payment (until sale is completed)
Make one month’s phone payment (home or cell)

Contact Teri Johnson for details or call (970) 215-8785.

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<p><span style=”font-size: small;”><span style=”font-family: arial,helvetica,sans-serif;”>Ian Tinney, a longtime Berthoud resident and business owner, is still hospitalized and involved with recovery and intensive therapy that will help him regain function and independence.&nbsp; </span></span></p>

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