
:: Online Advertising Options with The Recorder ::

The Recorder is a community newspaper that is 100% online.

Our readers now have the convienience of reading new content as it comes in as opposed to waiting a whole week.


:: Details ::

There are two (2) advertising slots available on the main page. One slot is 120 x 600 pixels and appears under the slideshow, to the left of the section navigation. The other slot is 300 x 280 pixels and appears towards the bottom right hand of the main page. Main page ads are $2.00 per day or $45 per month

There are two (2) advertising slots available on each post page.You can purchase a banner ad that is 688 x 100 pixels tall that is rendered above post content or you can purchase a banner ad that is 220 x 220 pixels that will appear in the sidebar for the same low price of $1.50 a day or $40 per month


:: Advertisement Requirements & Details ::

  • We prefer ads in .gif — .jpg — .png format, but can also work with other formats and with html code.
  • Advertisers are solely responsible for the content of their ads. The Recorder Online will not be held liable for any errors in any advertisement uploaded or otherwise construed to this Web site, typographic or otherwise. The Recorder Online also reserves the right to reject any advertisement for any reason.
  • We can also assist you in using your present art work to make a display ad.
  • Your ads will be linked to your website or to a page on the Recorder Online with expanded information.
  • Contact us via e-mail at or by phone at 970-532-3715 for more information .

:: Classified Advertising ::

We do not have a classified advertising section. Classified type ads will be run as banner ads.

Commercial classified advertising is $10 per week