We take it upon ourselves that errors of fact will always be promptly corrected and clearly published. We shall not hide our apologies or corrections behind subsequent stories. Apologies and corrections shall be given equal prominence as the stories they are meant to correct.
We aim to report objectively and at all times pay particular attention to sensitive situations to avoid instances that may harm the security of the country, cause hatred or harm socially disadvantaged groups like the minorities.
We promise to stay awake to the dangers of discrimination; and such discrimination being furthered by the media.
We therefore shall do everything to avoid promoting discrimination on the basis of gender, race, language, culture, political persuasion, class, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, marital status or disability.
We promise to give all sides an equal chance to promote and advance their position and arguments while reserving our discretion not to publish those portions that may be deemed to go beyond the realms civil discourse and tolerance.
The Berthoud Recorder shall respect individual’s legitimate to privacy and will not do anything that entails intrusion into private grief and distress, unless it is justified by overriding considerations of public interest.
All comments to articles will be moderated and those deemed inappropriate because of language or personal attack rather than dealing with issues will not be approved.