July 2024


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Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Adam Bowen, solid business background

I support Adam Bowen for County Commissioner. Adam will apply his solid business background to Larimer County. His background started 20+ years ago when he earned his degree in Business Administration. He succeeded in the corporate world in the green economy sector and has vision and understanding of the challenges business face in our community. His business experience will help him lead Larimer County in job creation for this important sector of the economy.

I know Adam to be a dedicated family man with a passion for making his community a better place to live. Adam knows the key to good government is coalition building. He also understands the needs of our rural area and towns require thoughtfulness and individual solutions. Adam will support smart, managed development in order to maximize opportunities for our small businesses.

Having worked closely with Adam for the last 4 years, I know he understands the value of a dollar. He’ll spend our tax dollars wisely when spending is required. His attention to detail on budgets has always impressed me.

I urge you to vote for Adam Bowen. That is a vote for responsible leadership with a solid business background. Vote Adam Bowen for Commissioner.

Eric Weedin

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