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Updated June 5, 2017

Berthoud Fire Protection District

Incident Activity May 2017

Monday, May 1

BFPD responded to the 100 block of E. Michigan for a lift assist. The crew found the patient on the floor. When asked if he had any injuries from the fall, the patient said no. TVEMS arrived and assumed patient care.

Tuesday, May 2

Berthoud Fire was dispatched to the 11000 block of Yellowstone Road for a medical. TVEMS assumed patient care.

Berthoud Engine 2 responded to the 5600 block of W. Larimer Cty Road 8E for a medical. Engine 2 crew assisted TVEMS with patient care.

Wednesday, May 3

BFPD was dispatched to the 2100 block of Hwy 287 for a female with a laceration. The patient was sitting on the couch in the living room. Assisted TVEMS with packaging the patient for transport.

Larimer Cty Sheriff requested our services for a medical at the intersection of Hwy 287 and Cty Road 2E. The crew assisted TVEMS with packaging of the patient for transport.

Berthoud Engine 1 and Squad 11 were dispatched to the intersection of Cty Road 1 and Hwy 56 for a 2-motor vehicle accident. Both vehicles had moderate damage.  The crew assessed the driver in the west vehicle and determined that he was pinned and would need to be extricated. The firefighters used the hydraulic tools to free the driver’s door at the latch and access the driver. TVEMS assumed patient care and transported the patients.

Thursday, May 4

BFPD responded to Cty Road 21 for a gas leak caused by road crew doing work at the intersection. Command was established and assigned engine 1 to stage east of the intersection and deploy a hose line for fire suppression. Command confirmed that Xcel Energy had been notified. Once Xcel was on scene, their personnel worked to stop the leak while our fire crew provided fire protection. The air quality was monitored with the gas detector around the perimeter of incident.

Friday, May 5

Berthoud Fire was dispatched to 807 Mountain Ave. (Berthoud Town Hall) for reports of an outside odor. The fire crew went around the structure with an air monitor to check for any readings or odors. Both the outside and inside of the building was inspected and no odors or any readings were found.

Berthoud Fire responded to Larimer Cty Road 21 and Larimer Cty Road 8 for a crew that hit a gas line with their excavator. Xcel Energy was contacted and the area was secured. BFPD monitored the area with a gas detector around the perimeter of the incident. Xcel Energy successfully clamped the line.

BFPD was dispatched to Turner Middle School for a student with traumatic injuries. The patient was lying on the ground. She stated that she was hit by a ball outside and fell to the ground hitting her head. TVEMS assumed patient care. The patient was loaded and transported.

Saturday, May 6

Berthoud Engine26 and Engine 23 responded to a grass fire threatening structures in the 3800 block of Meining Road. The homeowner was attempting to extinguish the fire with a garden hose by spraying down a fire near a chicken coop. The fire was in grass and a pile of lumber near the chicken coop. The fire crew assisted the homeowner with extinguishing the fire and then overhauled the area.

Berthoud Fire responded to I-25 mm 250 SB for a single vehicle that went off the road and hit a barrier. A small white sedan, minor damage with 2 people being checked by Colorado State Patrol and TVEMS.

Incident Activity May 8-14

Monday, May 8

BFPD responded to the 1500 block of Maple Drive for a 73-year-old male having problems breathing. TVEMS assumed medical care.

Berthoud Fire was dispatched to the 400 block of Colorado Avenue for a 28-year-old female with abdominal pain. Assisted TVEMS with packaging of the patient for transport.

Berthoud Squad 11 responded to the VDR track for a male with a dislocated shoulder. TVEMS assumed patient care.

Berthoud Fire responded to the Berthoud Living Center for a medical.

BFPD was dispatched to I-25 mm 249 NB for a motor vehicle accident. Chief 2 arrived and reported non-injury, no hazards, and they were moving the vehicles to the park n ride to clear the road.

BFPD was dispatched to the 600 block of Larimer Cty Road 23 for a person fainting. The crew assisted TVEMS with loading the patient for transport.

Berthoud Squad 11 responded to the 200 block of 2nd Street for a medical. TVEMS assumed patient care. The crew assisted in packaging of the patient for transport.

Wednesday, May 10

Berthoud Fire was requested to respond to a leaking gas meter at a newly constructed home. Engine 1 found an unoccupied single family home in the 600 block of Biscayne Court, with a faint smell of gas evident near the meter. The crew identified the leak and completed a check around the home. Command assigned the crew to shut off the meter and mark the spot of the leak.

BFPD responded to the 1000 block of 6th Street for a pedestrian vs auto accident. Berthoud crew arrived at the same time as the TVEMS crew and found an adult male laying in the street. The patient was loaded and transported. Larimer Cty Sheriff Deputy arrived on scene and interviewed the driver of the vehicle.

Thursday, May 11

BFPD responded to the 300 block of Franklin Avenue for a person with breathing problems. TVEMS provided patient care and the crew assisted with loading the patient.

Friday, May 12

Berthoud Engine 1 responded to a motor vehicle accident with injury SB on I-25. The crew found a rollover accident involving one vehicle. The vehicle was in a field on the west side of the road with heavy front end damage. It appeared all parties were out of the vehicle. No other hazards appeared to be present. TVEMS assumed patient care and the crew assisted in packaging the patient for transport.

Saturday, May 13

Berthoud Squad 11 received a call from a homeowner in the 200 block of 2nd Street. The homeowner needed a battery changed in a smoke detector that was on a vaulted ceiling. Squad 11 crew changed 4 smoke detectors for the homeowner.

BFPD was dispatched to the 20200 block of Weld Cty Road 5 for fainting. Upon arrival TVEMS assumed patient care. The patient was loaded into the ambulance and transported.

Sunday, May 14

Berthoud Engine 16 responded to the intersection of Cty Rd 13/CR14 on reports of a cottonwood tree on fire. The crew found a cottonwood tree with a smoldering fire at its base, Engine 16 pulled a line and began extinguishing the fire.

Berthoud Engine 1 responded to the 2200 block of S. Cty Road 23E to a traumatic injury. TVEMS assumed patient care and determined the patient had an ATV accident and cut her leg. Both crews assisted the patient onto the cot for transport.

Berthoud Fire was dispatched to Canyon Lands and Kansas Street for reports of traumatic injuries. The crew found the patient lying in the middle of the street next to his skateboard. The patient stated that he was riding down the hill with no helmet when he lost control and fell, hitting his head. Patient care was passed to TVEMS. The patient’s father wanted the boy to be transported. The patient was loaded onto a backboard and transport.

Incident Activity May 15-21

Wednesday, May 17

Berthoud Squad 11 responded to the 2400 block of S. Cty Road 29 for a citizen assist. The homeowner escorted the crew to the chirping smoke detector. The crew replaced the battery in the chirping detector as well as 2 others.

Berthoud Engine 2 was dispatched to Hwy 287 near Yellowstone Road. A 2-door car was on the shoulder of SB lanes with a well-involved engine compartment fire. The crew knocked down the fire and verified no occupants. Upon completion of the investigation, command was transferred to Colorado State Patrol.

Thursday, May 18

BFPD was dispatched to the 700 block of Bunyan Avenue for a medical. TVEMS assumed patient care, and scene was turned over to Larimer Cty Sheriff Dept.

Berthoud Fire responded to Berthoud High School for a 2-vehicle accident with minor damage. All parties were out of the vehicles with no injuries. Command was turned over to Larimer Cty Sheriff Dept.

Berthoud Engine 1 was dispatched to I-25 mm 250 NB, for a 2-car accident with light damage. Both drivers stated they were okay.

Berthoud Fire was dispatched to Hwy 60 and Cty Road 5 for a single vehicle rollover. The fire crew spoke to the driver. He reported that he was the only one inside the vehicle and was un-injured. The driver arranged for his own tow.

Berthoud Engine 1 responded to Hwy 56 and Weld Cty Road 3 for a single vehicle off the roadway. The vehicle had no visible damage and was occupied by one person. The driver stated he had slid off the roadway and had roadside assistance en-route.

Berthoud Squad 11 was dispatched for law enforcement assist, involving a vehicle that had hit an electrical box. There were injuries to the driver. The electrical box however now had exposed wires. The exposed wires were not aching or smoking. The crew notified dispatch and Xcel Energy was dispatched to the location of Canyonlands and Kansas Avenue.

BFPD was dispatched for a citizen assist in the 2300 block of Doyle Drive. The homeowner needed assistance changing the batteries in a chirping smoke detector that they could not reach.

Friday, May 19

Berthoud Engine 2 responded to a vehicle that had slide off at the intersection of Larimer Cty Rd 10E and Hwy 287. The single occupant stated that he was not injured.

Berthoud Squad 11 responded to the 1700 block of Weld Cty Road 46 for a person having a seizure. TVEMS assumed patient care. The crew assisted in packaging of the patient for transport.

Saturday, May 20

BFPD was dispatched to the Berthoud Living Center for a medical.

Berthoud Fire responded to Wagon Bend Road where three houses had major water leaks and required assistance. The ground had settled over 12” and caused the sprinkler pipe to burst which caused the water leak. Water was shut off prior to the crew’s arrival. Xcel was notified that a gas meter was shifted along with the AC unit.

Berthoud Engine 2 responded to the 11000 block of Yellowstone Road for a medical. TVEMS provided patient care and the crew assisted with loading the patient.

Sunday, May 21

BFPD responded to the 200 block of Wilfred Road for a lift assist. The crew found the patient on the floor. The fire crew asked if she had any injuries from the fall and the patient responded no. TVEMS arrived and assumed patient care.

Berthoud Engine 16 was requested to investigate a reported trash fire in the area of 1400 South Cty Road 17. The crew was met by the homeowner stating that he did not have a burn permit for the burn. After investigating the material being burned, it was found the homeowner was burning material that is not allowed on an issued burn permit. So with the permission of the homeowner the fire was extinguished. Also he was educated about the materials that can be burned and how to obtain a permit for future burns.

Berthoud Fire responded to the 3100 block of Branding Iron Way for a woman having back pain. The patient stated that she had back surgery on the 17th and was still having back pain. TVEMS arrived on scene and assumed patient care.

Incident Activity May 22-26

Monday, May 22

Berthoud Fire Squad 11 responded to the 200 block of Wilfred Road for a lift assist. The crew found the patient on her knees. TVEMS assumed patient care. The fire crew assisted the patient to her feet. The patient did not want to be transported to the hospital.

Tuesday, May 23

Berthoud Fire responded to the Berthoud Living Center for a medical.

Berthoud Engine 2 was dispatched to the 1200 block of Paramount Drive for a cut gas line. Xcel Energy was already on scene and working on clamping the line. The fire crew pulled a line to stand by while the Xcel crew finished.

BFPD was dispatched to the 5600 block of W Cty Road 8E for a medical. TVEMS assumed patient care and the crew assisted with packaging the patient for transport.

Wednesday, May 24

Berthoud Squad 11 responded to the 3400 block of Woodcock Street for a diabetic problem.

Berthoud Fire was dispatched to I-25 mm 248 SB for a 2-car motor vehicle accident. Both vehicles had moderate damage. Weld County Sheriff’s officers arrived on scene and requested help to move a vehicle onto the shoulder of the road.

Berthoud Squad 11 responded to I-25 mm 248 SB for another 2-car motor vehicle accident. The vehicles suffered only light damage and there were no injuries. Squad 11 cleared all debris and mitigated hazards.

BFPD responded to a motor vehicle accident at the corner of Welch Avenue and 10th Street. This was a 2-car accident with moderate damage to the vehicles. Engine 1 was assigned to assist TVEMS and control fluids in the road. All the debris was cleared and scene turned over to Larimer Cty Sheriff.

BFPD was dispatched to the 19000 block of Weld Cty Road 3 for a child locked in a vehicle. The crew used the big easy and wire puller to unlock the manual lock from the SUV to release the door.

Berthoud Fire responded to I-25 mm 250 SB for a single motor vehicle roll over. The crew assisted TVEMS with patient care and performed hazard mitigation.

Berthoud Squad 11 was dispatched to the 100 block of E. Michigan for a citizen assist. The crew helped change smoke detector batteries, and determined that the carbon monoxide detector was expired. We recommended to the homeowner to buy a new carbon monoxide detector.

Thursday, May 25

Berthoud Fire was dispatched to the 700 block of Mountain Avenue for a 52-year-old female with difficulty breathing. TVEMS took over patient care and the crew assisted with packaging the patient for transport.

A call by a homeowner that smoke detectors were chirping and they needed assistance in changing batteries. Met with homeowner and changed 6 smoke detectors in the 600 block of Hangis Drive.

BFPD was dispatched to a 2-car motor vehicle accident at the intersection of Hwy 287 and Cty Rd 17. Both vehicles had moderate damage and the crew assisted TVEMS with patient contact. Engine 1 crew provided traffic control for Larimer Cty Sheriff’s deputies. 

Friday, May 26

Berthoud Fire responded to the 500 block of 9th Street for a medical. TVEMS assumed patient.

Berthoud Fire responded to the 300 block of 42nd Street for a medical.

Berthoud Fire responded to a medical in the 100 block of 115th St.

Berthoud Fire responded to a medical in the block of 2000 Hwy 287. The patient was transported.

Berthoud Fire Responded to a medical assist in the 7000 Block of LCR 4. Command was transferred to TVEMS.

BFPD responded to 1000 block of 2nd St. for a roadside medical call.  When TVEMS arrived, BFPD turned over patient care.

BFPD was dispatched to a motor vehicle accident at I-25 MM 248 SB.

Incident Activity May 29-May 31

Monday, May 29

Berthoud Fire responded to the 200 block of 2nd Street for a fall. A 67-year-old male needed assistance in getting back up into his recliner.

BFPD was dispatched to the 200 block of 2nd Street for a sick person. TVEMS assumed patient care. The crew assisted with packaging of the patient for transport.

Tuesday, May 30

Berthoud Engine 1 responded to the off ramp on I-25 mm 252 for a hazmat spill. A tractor trailer had sustained a puncture to its tank of diesel fuel. The crew shut down the off ramp and the leak was contained with a wax seal. A dry chemical extinguisher was discharged onto the leaking fuel. The driver had already arranged for a tow to move the truck.

Berthoud Fire responded to the Berthoud Living Center for a medical.

Citizen assist at the 100 block of W CR 2E for smoke detectors. The crew changed all the batteries in the homeowner’s smoke detectors.

BFPD was dispatched to the 100 block of Michigan for a fall. The crew found a male lying on his back on the front steps of his home. TVEMS assumed patient care.

Wednesday, May 31

Berthoud Fire responded to the Berthoud Living Center for a medical.

Berthoud Engine 2 responded to the 4800 block of Malibu for a fall. The crew was met at the front door by the patient’s wife. The 71-year-old male fell yesterday and cannot get out of bed. TVEMS arrived on scene and patient care was transferred.

Berthoud engine 1 responded to the 100 block of Sioux Drive for a medical. Engine 1 cleared the call after assisting TVEMS with loading of the patient.


About Post Author

Gary Wamsley

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