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Update October 4, 2018

Incident Activity September 3-9

Monday, Sept. 3

BFPD responded to the 6000 block of Kiva Ridge Road for a male with difficulty breathing. The crew assisted with packaging the patient for transport.

BFPD responded to the 800 block of Humboldt Peak Lane for a female having a seizure. TVEMS assumed patient care and the crew assisted with loading of the patient for transport.

Berthoud Fire was dispatched to the Berthoud Living Center for a medical.

BFPD responded to the 2000 block of Lake Hallow for a sick person. TVEMS assumed patient care and the crew assisted with loading of the patient for transport.

Berthoud Engine 2 was dispatched to West Larimer Cty Road 8E for a single motorcycle down with two parties down the embarkment. Patient was packaged on to a backboard and carried up the embarkment and onto the cot. TVEMS took over patient care.

Tuesday, Sept. 4

Berthoud Engine 1 responded to a report of a vehicle that had hit an elk and crashed on Hwy 56. They found a vehicle pulled off the roadway just past Cty Road 7 with debris in the roadway. The driver reported that he was not injured, and the elk continued running south. The fluids and debris were removed from the roadway. The crew searched the immediate areas off the roadway for an injured animal. The animal was not located, and the scene was turned over to Larimer Cty Sheriff.

BFPD responded to the 2000 block of Front Range Avenue for a sick person. TVEMS assumed patient care and the crew assisted with packaging the patient for transport.

Wednesday, Sept 5

Berthoud Engine 1 responded to the 200 block of 2nd Street for a 53-year-old woman with breathing problems. TVEMS assumed patient care and the crew assisted with loading of the patient for transport.

Thursday, Sept 6

BFPD was dispatched to the 200 block of 42nd Street SW for a person with chest pains. The crew assisted TVEMS with loading of the patient.

Berthoud Fire responded to the 200 block of 2nd Street for a sick person. TVEMS assumed patient care and the crew assisted with loading of the patient for transport.

BFPD was dispatched to the 200 block of Wilfred Road for a fall victim. It was determined that the patient was going to be transported with hip pain.

BFPD responded to the 800 block of Greenwood Drive for a possible structure fire. The homeowner stated the upstairs bedroom smelled of smoke, but there was no visible smoke or fire. The crew found a burn mark that appeared to have been made by a cigarette, that was put out on the bed. The child had been smoking in his room and was trying to hide the smoke when the burn was made. All responding units were cancelled.

Friday, September 7

BFPD responded to a 2-vehicle accident just east of intersection Hwy 287 and Berthoud Parkway. All parties were out of the vehicles with no injuries.

BFPD was dispatched to the block of 3000 E. Hwy 60 for a gas leak. A valve that was leaking out of a high- pressure line on an oil tank battery. Engine 2 staged behind command vehicle. Representatives of the company shut off the valve. Once the valve was shut, all product stopped flowing. The company stated they had a mitigation crew on their way to deal with any product that was on the ground.

Saturday, September 8

Berthoud Fire received a call for service for a dog stuck under a shed in the 200 block of 1st Street. The BFPD cut the small padlock on the door, then removed heavy items from the shed, BFPD lifted a corner of the shed up. The lift went smoothly, and the dog was recovered safely.

Sunday, September 9

BFPD responded to the 1000 block of 7th Street for a 64-year-old man who had fallen and needed a lift assist.

BFPD responded to the 21000 block of Weld Cty Road 3 for a medical. TVEMS assumed patient care and the crew assisted with loading of the patient for transport.

BFPD was dispatched to the 900 block of Larimer Cty Road 21 for a cut gas line. The crew located a gas line that was cut from a post hole digger. Excel Energy was already notified. The gas line was successfully clamped off.

BFPD responded to a 54-year-old woman who had fallen and hit her head in the 200 block of 2nd Street. TVEMS assumed patient care and the crew assisted with loading of the patient for transport.

BFPD was dispatched to the 100 block of Mountain Avenue for a medical. TVEMS assumed patient care and the crew assisted with loading of the patient for transport.

Incident Activity September 10-16

Monday, Sept. 10

BFPD responded to Hays Market for a sick person. TVEMS assumed patient care, the crew assisted with loading the patient for transport.

BFPD was dispatched to the 200 block of 2nd Street for a sick person. TVEMS assumed patient care, the scene was turned over to Larimer Cty Sheriff.

Citizen assist at Station 1 for a car seat installation. The mother-to-be was showed two different ways to install the car seat. The crew was able to answer all of her questions. 

BFPD responded to the 1000 block of Rancho Way for a lift assist. The patient injured her hip and was transported to the hospital by TVEMS.

BFPD responded along with Loveland Fire to a structure fire on Bothun Road. A 2-story house was fully involved. Command requested Poudre Valley REA to secure electricity. Once Fire Attack crews had the main body of fire knocked down, crews began pulling ceiling and walls down. There were hot embers in void spaces in the home. When the fire was benchmarked out, command requested that two firefighters staff the water tender overnight on scene to perform fire watch.

Tuesday, Sept. 11

Citizen assist in the 300 block of Victoria Street. The homeowner needed assistance with smoke detectors. All the batteries in the smoke detectors were changed.

Wednesday, Sept. 12

BFPD responded to the 600 block of West Larimer Cty Road 4E for a sick person. The crew assumed command and assisted TVEMS with lifting the loading of the patient for transport.

Berthoud Fire was dispatched to the 21000 block of Weld Cty Road 3 for a man with severe back pain. TVEMS assumed patient care and the patient was loaded for transport to a local hospital.

Citizen assist for a car seat installation at Station 2

Berthoud Engine 2 responded to a cut gas line near the intersection of Larimer Cty Road 8 and Larimer Cty 19. The crew located the contractor on scene, with a small backhoe. Once Excel Energy arrived on scene and started clamping the line Larimer Cty Road 8 was shut down in both directions. Once the line was clamped, Excel cleared Engine 2.

BFPD responded to the 4300 block of S. Arther Street for a welfare check for Larimer Cty Sheriff. TVEMS assumed patient care and the crew assisted with loading of the patient for transport.

Berthoud Fire returned to Bothun Road for a small fire on the exterior of the house that had burned pervious. It was decided to wet remaining parts of the structure down with foam.

Berthoud Engine 2 responded to the 5000 block of Larimer Cty Road 8E for a medical. TVEMS assumed patient care and the crew assisted with loading of the patient for transport.

BFPD was dispatched to the 900 block of 42nd Street SE for a single vehicle with heavy damage to the front end from hitting a large elk. The crew checked patient for injuries and hazards. None were found and assisted by lighting the scene for Loveland Police Dept. for investigation.

Thursday, September 13

BFPD responded to the 800 block of Jenny Lane for a sick child. TVEMS assumed patient care and the child was loaded and transported.

Friday, September 14

BFPD was dispatched to I-25 mm 252 NB for a vehicle fire. The crew found a white SUV at the off ramp at MM 252. No fire visible, a truck driver had stopped and used a fire extinguisher and put the fire out. Advised Colorado State Patrol that the fire was out. The owner was arranging for their own tow.

Saturday, September 15

BFPD responded for a vehicle that hit a tree in the 4000 block of W Cty Rd 6. The crew located a vehicle that had driven approximately 100 feet off the road. The driver insisted he was ok, TVEMS cleared the driver and returned to quarters. Engine 2 remained on scene to provide lighting for Colorado State Patrol until they finished the investigation. A tow company from Loveland arrived to tow the vehicle.

Berthoud Engine 1 responded to I-25 mm 248 SB for a single vehicle rollover. All parties were out of the vehicle, TVEMS began patient assessment. The fire crew assisted with vehicle hazards and traffic control. Patients refused transport and TVEMS cleared scene. Engine 1 cleared the call after Colorado State Patrol arrived.

BFPD responded to the 2000 block of Big Thunder Road for a 10-month old baby choking. When the crew arrived they found a Larimer Cty Sheriff Deputy holding the child and walking towards the ambulance. TVEMS assumed patient care and the child was transported to a local hospital.

Sunday, September 16

BFPD was dispatched to the 3000 block of Cottonwood Lane for a woman with an allergic reaction. A 53-year-old female having trouble breathing due to an allergic reaction. TVEMS assumed patient care.

Incident Activity September 17-23

Tuesday, September 18

BFPD responded to the 5700 block of Wild Plum Drive for a medical. TVEMS assumed patient care and the scene was turned over to Larimer Cty Sheriff..

Wednesday, September 19

BFPD was dispatched to the 400 block of 8th Street for a 79-year-old woman who had fallen. TVEMS assumed patient care and the crew assisted with loading of the patient for transport to a local hospital.

Thursday, September 20

BFPD was dispatched to the 600 block of Mountain Avenue for a medical. The patient was transported to a local hospital.

Friday, September 21

BFPD responded to the Berthoud Living Center for a medical.

BFPD was dispatched to I-25 mm 250 SB for a 5-vehicle accident with no injuries.  All vehicles had light damage. Colorado State Patrol arrived on scene and command was transferred.

Sunday, September 23

BFPD responded to the 200 block of Wark Avenue for a medical. TVEMS assumed patient

Incident Activity September 24-30

Monday, September 24

BFPD responded to the 200 block of 2nd Street for a sick person. TVEMS assumed patient care, the crew assisted with loading of the patient for transport.

BFPD was dispatched to the 200 block of 2nd Street for a 70-year-old woman who had fallen and cut her head. TVEMS assumed patient care and the patient was loaded for transport to a local hospital.

BFPD was dispatched to the 2000 block of Larimer Cty Road 8 for a person with breathing problems. The crew assisted TVEMS with evaluating the patient, and packaging for transport.

Tuesday, September 25

Berthoud Engine 1 responded to the 100 block of Weld Cty Road 46 for a medical. The crew assisted packaging the deceased for removal and placed in the Coroner’s truck for transport.

All units staged for a possible shooting victim at the 2000 block of Clayton Place. A bullet went through the wall and hit the patient in the shoulder. The patient was checked out by TVEMS and was not transported.

Thursday, September 27

Berthoud Squad 11 responded to the 800 block of Massachusetts for a person with breathing problems. TVEMS arrived and assumed patient care.

BFPD responded to the 700 block of Franklin Avenue for a citizen assist. Met with the homeowner and she stated that the furnace came on for the first time. That caused the alarms to activate, the crew changed all 5 detectors and blew them out with compressed air. After all batteries were charged, the beeping stopped. Citizen assist in the 300 block of Cheyenne Drive. Homeowner stated her smoke detectors were beeping and needed assistance. The crew changed all the batteries in the detectors. Once the batteries were changed everything was back to normal. There was one detector that was out of date and in need of replacement. Advised the homeowner to get a new one.

Berthoud Fire was dispatched to the 6000 block of Larimer Cty Road 8E for a motorcycle down. Berthoud Engine 2 arrived on scene of a single motorcycle off the road. Larimer Cty Sheriff arrived on scene and began collecting a witness statement. TVEMS assumed patient care, the crew remained on scene until Colorado State Patrol arrived.

Friday, September 28

BFPD responded to the 3000 block of Hwy 56 for a medical assist. TVEMS assumed patient care and the crew assisted with loading of the patient for transport.

Berthoud Fire responded to the Berthoud Athletic Club for a possible stroke victim. A 65-year-old woman was complaining that she didn’t feel right. TVEMS assumed patient care and the crew assisted with loading of the patient for transport.

Berthoud Engine 1 went to Ivy Stockwell Elementary to assist Larimer Cty Sheriff with a public education on “safe routes home”.

BFPD responded to Kwik Corner for a child who was locked in a vehicle. The crew used the Bid EZ kit to unlick the vehicle. The child was ok.

BFPD responded to the Berthoud Living Center for a medical.

BFPD was dispatched to the 100 block of Colorado Avenue for a medical alert call. The property owner had accidently locked herself out of the home and needed assistance gaining access. The crew was able to gain access through the back- storm door and unlock the house.

Berthoud Squad 11 responded to the 500 block of Bunyan Avenue for a person with back pain. TVEMS assumed patient care and the patient was loading for transport to a local hospital.

Saturday, September 29

Citizen assist to change out smoke detector batteries in the 1000 block of 4th Street. Advised homeowner that detectors were over 10 years old and should be replaced.

BFPD was dispatched to the 700 block of Bunyan Avenue for burning of leaves. The crew contacted the homeowner and advised him that leaves were not legal to be burned.  The homeowner extinguished the leaves with a garden hose.

Berthoud Engine 1 responded to the 900 block of 5th Street for an unauthorized burn. A small pile of wood was burning on the rocks. The crew contacted the homeowner and advised him that burning was not legal. Fire was immediately extinguished by the homeowner.

BFPD responded to the 400 block of Lakritz Avenue for an illegal burn. There were burning weeds in a burn pit. The homeowner was working on putting out the fire. The crew informed her that burning weeds was never legal. The fire was put out.

BFPD was dispatched to the 3400 block of Woodcock Street for a fall victim. TVEMS assumed patient care and the crew assisted with loading of the patient for transport.

Berthoud Fire responded to the intersection of Larimer Cty Road 8 and Larimer Cty Road 19 for a single vehicle off the road. The driver stated that he had been cut off and ended up in the ditch. The driver denied injury, TVEMS was cancelled. Larimer Cty Sheriff arrived, and the crew assisted with traffic control until the tow truck arrived.

Sunday, September 30

BFPD responded to the Berthoud Living Center for a medical.

About Post Author

Gary Wamsley

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