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Thursday, April 1

April Fool’s day was relatively calm as police received two BOLO reports, made three assists and made one traffic stop. The traffic stop was at Seventh Street and Bunyan Avenue and the driver was give a verbal warning.

Friday, April 2

A driver stopped by police at 3 a.m. was give a verbal warning.

The 4 a.m. barking dog in the 500 block of Sixth Street resulted in a written warning for its owners.

There are no suspects in the case of the slashed tires on a car parked at the Berthoud Living Center.

Police responded to a report a prowler in the 200 block of Second Street shortly after 9 p.m. The report says that the situation was handled by the officer.

A liquor law violation in the 500 block of Driftwood Place was also handled by the officer.

Saturday, April 3

Officers participated in two Citizen Assists and five traffic stops. One of the stops was the result of a REDDI (Report Every Drunk Driver Immediately) report, but no summons was issued in this incident. However, the other four drivers did receive summonses.

Travis Freund: Speed (70/45)
Amanda Vaughan: Speed (66/40) 
Terra Kirkley: Speed (62/45), no proof of insurance

Sunday, April 4

The caller from the 300 block of East Iowa Avenue said that a giant ball of ice had fallen from the sky into his neighbor’s yard. The officer found and irregularly shaped chunk of ice approximately two feet by two feet in size.  Police reported the incident to the Federal Aviation Agency.

Police investigated a report of a bicycle stolen in the 100 block of East Iowa Ave.

Monday, April 5

Police made two early morning extra patrols followed by a 2:30 a.m. traffic stop. The driver received a verbal warning.

Shortly before 9 a.m. officers responded to suspicious circumstances in progress in the 300 block of First Street. No report on what caused the call.

The complaint about a barking dog in the 600 block of Sunnywood Place was handled by the officer.

In a case of vandalism, a vehicle parked in the 100 block  of Hummingbird Place had the paint scrapped with a key or similar object.

A bold burglar broke into a house in sight of the police station while the resident was at work during the day. When he got home, he noticed the items were missing and walked to the police department to report the crime.

Police responded to a motor vehicle accident with injuries at Arapahoe Avenue and 10th Street.

Paul Cordova: Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, having an open container of alcohol in the vehicle, defective tail light, possession of less than one ounce of marijuana.

Tuesday, April 6

Police investigated a non-injury motor vehicle accident near the Conoco Station at 7:30 a.m.

An unlicensed solicitor in the 400 block of Capital Avenue was give a verbal warning at 5:20 p.m.

An unlicensed solicitor at Sixth Street and Franklin Avenue was issued a summons at 6:20 p.m.

Police made five traffic stops during the day and issued summonses to three of the drivers.

Michaela Campbell: Speed (58/40)
Jesse Moore: Speed (52/40) 
Nicole Salamina: Soliciting without a permit (2 citations)
Orel Lujan: Failed to yield right-of-way, driving under suspension

Wednesday, April 7

An animal owner in the 900 block of Fifth Street received a written warning after a complaint about the dogs barking.

A report is to follow in the investigation of a theft in the 700 block of Fifth Street. The resident reported that a rust colored cement mixer had been stolen from the yard.

Four traffic stops resulted in two summons and two warnings.

Traci Tuttle: Illegl pass on the right, driving while license revoked
Jon Sreckenbach: Failed to stop at a stop sign

Thursday, April 8

A careless traffic complaint at 900 Mountain Avenue was handled by the officer.

Police investigated a theft on Keep Circle.

Officers did two business assists, one citizen assist and three other assists during the day.

Todd McMurtrey: Speed (62/45)

Friday, April 9

A criminal trespass in the 1000 block of Navajo Place is under investigation. Unknown persons entered a vehicle and stole property.

Police are looking in to the report of a theft at Turner Middle School.

A loose Doberman Pinscher on Driftwood Court resulted in a written warning for its owner.

Police were called to the area of Sixth Street Court at 11:25 p.m. for suspicious circumstances in progress, but the suspicious party was gone when they arrived.

David Kure: Speed (42/30)

Saturday, April 10

Police made a follow up call to the home of the barking dog in the 900 block of Fifth Street, at 4:24 a.m.

There was a report of vandalism in the 500 block of Fourth Street.

The reported barking dog in the 300 block of East Colorado Avenue was quiet when the officer arrived

Two “weapons” reports, one at Berthoud High School, the other in the Sunshine Acres Mobile Home Park are annotated as probably being fireworks.

Donald Hudson: Speed (54/35)

Sunday, April 11

Police caught a stray cat in the 800 block of Jay Place, but it managed to get away.

A Pit Bull mix is listed as being loose on Sixth Street, but there is no indication of the outcome.

The loose animal in the 700 block of Mountain Avenue was gone when police arrived.

Suspicious activity in progress at the Berthoud Reservoir was handled by the responding officer.

Kalter Blauvelt: Speed (55/40)
Alicia Poore: Speed (54/40)
Dale McNalley: Speed (52/40)
Gregory Gruman: Speed (56/40)

Monday, April 12

Two traffic stops on Weld County Road 7 resulted in summonses for both drivers.

A written warning was issued for a vehicle at Fourth Street and Massachusetts Avenue with no license plates.

A motor vehicle accident at the high school resulted in the driver being injured when their head hit the windshield of the car.

A resident in the 300 block of East Michigan Avenue received a verbal warning about letting their cat run loose.

Seven Martinez III: Careless driving
Jessica Klickna: Speed (64/40)
Michael Rea: Speed (85/40) no proof of insurance

Tuesday, April 13

A resident in the 1700 block of Fourth Street reported that someone had driven through their front yard, a case of vandalism.

A resident in the 800 block of Greenwood Drive reported items taken from their vehicle during the previous night. All the items, except for the cash, were recovered.

Code enforcement warnings were issued at two houses for having trash in the yard. One of the houses was in the 700 block of Bruce Drive, the other in the 800 block of Ninth Street.

Juveniles hanging out behind Hays Market were given a verbal warning.

Loud music at Sixth Street and Welch Avenue just before 9 p.m. was handled by a verbal warning from the officer.

A bicyclist riding down Fourth Street after 9 p.m. was given a verbal warning for not having lights on his vehicle.

Lisa Johnson: Speed (33/20), no proof of insurance
Jeffery Johnson: Speed (54/40)
Deanne Joerger: Failed to signal
Rebecca Hoss: Speed (57/40)
Samantha Figg: Vehicle had defective stop lights

Wednesday, April 14

A summons was issued in the case of an animal at Ivy Stockwell Elementary School.

Suspicious people reported in the 200 block of East Michigan, but were gone when police arrived.

Police gave a verbal warning to juveniles in the parking lot near Hays Market.

Police stopped a vehicle for speeding in the 700 block of County Road 17 and determined the river did not have a valid license and marijuana was found in the vehicle.

Police determined that there was no criminal violation when they investigated a report of suspicious circumstances in progress at 200 Bunyan Ave.

Jonhenry Tallman: Failed to stop at stop sighn
James Jansma, Jr.: Speed (39/25), no proof of insurance
Gregory Taylor: Speed (60/45)
Geraldine Shaeffer: Speed (30/20)
Jonathan S Linhart: Speed (30/20), possession of less than one ounce of marijuana, possession of drug paraphernalia.
Hayden Woolf: Speed (64/40) driving under revocation, possession of less than 1 ounce of marijuana


Thursday, April 15

Police made four visits to the Berthoud Living Center during the morning hours. An ambulance assist at 4:26 a.m. and a citizen assist at 10:18 a.m. each required a follow up.

Both reported REDDI (Report Every Drunk Driver Immediately) drivers were gone when police arrived.

Police responded to three animal complaints between 5 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. The first two are listed as a report to follow, while the officer handled the problem on East Iowa.

Rebecca Weinzirl: Dogs must be kept on premises


Friday, April 16

The owner of the two dogs running loose in the 1000 block of Mountain Avenue was cited.

Police responded to Seventh Street Court on the report of a solicitor going door to door. He was gone when they arrived.

A report is also due in the case of a small black dog being loose on west Massachusetts Avenue.

Roy Gibb: Dog must be kept on premises
Virgina Dionigi: Dog not on premises, not licensed, nor rabies tag


Saturday, April 17

The one traffic stop of the day, at Bunyan and Second Street, resulted in the driver being cited.

There were two cases of careless driving reported to the police. The car and driver on Highway 287 were gone when police arrived, but the officer was able to make contact with the parties at Berthoud Town Park.

Andrea Dailey: Speed (41/25)
Traci Tuttle: Driving under revocation, passed on shoulder
Brandon M Hodge: Careless driving, restrictions for minors


Sunday, April 18

Berthoud police made 15 traffic stops during the day. Six of those drivers were cited; the others received a written or verbal warning.

Police assisted a motorcyclist at First Street and Mountain Avenue.

A noise complaint in the 900 block of Bruce Drive was handled by the officer.

Two males in suits in the vicinity of County Road 17 and Spartan Avenue was unusual enough to inspire a report of suspicious circumstances. The police found no criminal violation.

Juveniles running loose in Town Park after hours were warned about their behavior.

Logan Davis: Disregarded stop sign
James Pickert: Speed (44/40)
Ryan Thomas Lewis: Speed (55/40)
Jeffrey Burnell: Speed (53/40)
Kelsie Hansen: Speed (55/40)
Manuel Ortiz-Chaparro: Failed to stop at stop sign


Monday, April 19

Reports of suspicious activity in the 2100 block of County Road 13 were transferred to the Larimer County Sheriff.

Two traffic stops in the 21000 block of Weld County Road 7 resulted in the drivers receiving summonses. The two stops at the Berthoud High School resulted in warnings to the drivers.

Police contacted an individual in the 200 block of Welch Avenue who was riding a motorcycle that had been reported stolen.The motorcycle was impounded and returned to Fort Collins, The rider was issued summonses for: habitual traffic offender, receiving stolen property and operating an insured motor vehicle.

Elizabeth Vanabbema: Speed (55/40)
Sean Miles Leonhardt: Speed (63/40)
Janet Tranello-Sherman: Speed (71/40)
Joseph Parker: Speed (33/20)
Russell Turner: Theft by receiving, driving under revocation, no proof of insurance

Tuesday, April 20

Traffic stops at Fifth Street and Mountain Avenue, 19000 Weld County Road 7 and Lake Avenue, and Taft resulted in the drivers being cited.

A vehicle at Wilshire Drive and Wales Drive was ticketed for parking facing the wrong directions.

Police made three contacts with juveniles in the town parks after hours. Verbal warnings were the order of the day.

Jack Harry Beal: Speed (34/20)
Arissa Beltran: Speed (44/20), drove without a driver’s license
Sara Desmond: Speed (50/35)
Kay Thompson: Speed (60/40)


Wednesday, April 21

A report of a verbal disturbance brought police to the 300 block of Second Street a few minutes after midnight. The officer found a couple having an argument and this was not a criminal violation.

Brookside Gardens reported a case of fraud after receiving a “bad’ check. They were advised this was a civil matter.

Police put a warning on an abandoned vehicle in the 600 block of Fifth Street.

According to a neighbor, a missing dog in the 1200 block of Cedar Drive might have run off with some kids. There was a happy ending to this story as a local woman found the dog the next day and it was reunited with its owner.

Three of five drivers who were stopped by police on this day received a summons.

Lisa Wheeler: Speed (37/25)
Danny Lee Johnson: Speed (71/55)

Thursday, April 22

A citation was issued to the driver who backed into another vehicle at the Berthoud High School parking lot.

Berthoud police made traffic stops at Second Street and Mountain Avenue and in the 200 block of Bunyan Avenue. Both drivers were cited.

Gerald Kwan: Speed (44/25)
Hilary Olson: Speed (40/25)
Steven Martinez: Unsafe backing, no proof of insurance

Friday, April 23

A written warning for a code violation was issued at a residence in the 400 block of Eighth Street.

Two verbal disturbances were reported at nearly the same time and two officers were dispatched in opposite directions. In the 2000 block of West County Road 10E the officer found a boy friend-girl friend argument. Again, no criminal violation. The other case in the 300 block of Second Street turned out to have only one person involved. He apparently was upset over the problems he was encountering working on his own car and was being quite loud in his frustration. Police received several calls about this location.

Thomas Wray Divine: Violation of red light

Saturday, April 24

A physical disturbance at Sixth Street and Welch Avenue at 1:24 a.m. was handled by the officer.

Police were unable to locate juveniles going door to door on Second Street asking for donations.

Ariana Rutledge: Speed (42/25)
Ashley Johnson: Speed (53/35)
Johnathan Palko: Disregarded stop sign, DUI Pers Se


Sunday, April 25

Police assisted a citizen at Third Street and Bunyan Avenue who had questions about parking.

Police stopped a vehicle for a stop sign violation at Fourth Street and Bunyan Avenue. The driver was arrested for driving under the influence.

Police received a call regarding the Ipod found at Ivy Stockwell Elementary School.

Police arrested Airlie Jane Anderson, a Boulder resident on an outstanding warrant for possession of dangerous drugs.

A written warning was issued for an automobile parked in the 500 bock of Welch Avenue with expired plates.

An officer on special assignment on East Highway 56 arrested an 18-year-old Longmont resident for driving under revocation, driving under the influence of drugs, possession of marijuana, and possession of drug paraphernalia.

Police made nine traffic stops.

Thomas R Blair: Failed to stop at stop sign
Brandon J Zeman: Speed (42/30)



Monday, April 26

Police responded to a 7 a.m. call about horses on South County Road 17.

Another animal call from the 700 block of Second Street concerned cats in the trash bins

A complaint about juveniles hanging out at the Colorado Rapid Car Wash is listed as no violation.

At 6:40 p.m., more animals were reported in the road on South County Road 17. This time it was a cow in the road.

A loose dog at Mountain Avenue and Second Street got its owner a verbal warning from the police officer.

The daily log lists seven traffic stops.

Derek McCoy: Speed (34/20)
JoAnn Juskie: Speed (59/40)
Kristi Hattig: Speed (50/35)
Joshua Shelter: Speed (55/40)
Yolanda Barrientos: Failed to yield, driving under revocation, no proof of insurance
Bruce Eric Hoelter: Speed (54/35)


Tuesday, April 27

The case of suspicious circumstances in the 800 block of Marshall Place is still under investigation.

Also under investigation is a reported instance of fraud to a resident of the 200 block of Second Street.

A DUI incident in the 100 block of Bunyan Avenue is waiting for a report. Police stopped a driver from Johnstown for failure to use his turn signal and subsequently arrested him for driving under the influence.

Theodore Johnson: Speed (36/20)
Jennifer Rotar: Child restraint system required
Robert Bertolini: Speed (62/40)

Wednesday, April 28

Three summonses were issued in eight traffic stops.

An Ipod was reported lost. It was not the Ipod that the police have in custody.

A 34-year-old Loveland man was stopped for driving after dark without using his headlights and for failing to use his turn signal. He also was driving with a suspended license and had no proof of insurance. The driver was ticketed and the vehicle was towed

A tree branch in the road at Capital Avenue and Fourth Street was reported as a road hazard.

The Duty Officer found an empty orange and yellow suitcase in the 900 block of Third Street.

Jakob Maer: Speed (40/25)
Terrell Miller: Speed (59/40)
Hunter Hawkins: Speed (55/40)
Christopher Pague: Speed (55/40)

Thursday, April 29

The theft of a radio faceplate was reported in the 200 block of West County Road 10E.

There was no criminal violation in the incident involving a juvenile at Turner Middle School.

Eight of eleven dispatch entries are listed as assists to citizens, business or other agencies

The one driver stopped during the day was given a written warning.

Friday, April 30

A man on his way to work picked up a loose German Shepard. He kept the dog at work in the 1000 block of Second Street and when the owner came to the police department to report a lost dog, they were able to provide the necessary information for her to claim her dog.

Still open is the harassment case in the 600 block of Sunnywood Place.

A calf in the road on South County Road 17 was resolved by calling the owner.

A verbal disturbance was reported on South Third Street, but all was quiet when the officer arrived and no one was in the area.

Police were also unable to locate a door-to-door solicitor reported working the Eighth Street and Franklin Avenue area.

Charlene Stapp: Speed (61/45)

Read the Larimer County Sheriff’s “Bullsheet.

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