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Monday, March 1

Police responded to an early morning verbal disturbance in the 200 block of Second Street. The situation was handled by the officer.

A report of fraud came in from the 200 block of Victoria Street. The woman had received an email trying to lure her into being a “WalMart Secret Shopper.” This is a well-known fraud and is even profiled on the WalMart website. Since the savvy resident did not fall for the scam, there was no criminal violation.

Police responded to a motor vehicle accident at County Road 17 and US Highway 287. The dispatch report says unknown injuries.


Charles Dirks – Speed (60/45)


Tuesday, March 2

A Mount Meeker Avenue resident reported a case of fraud when he received correspondence trying to lure him into a fraud.

Police responded to investigate a cold suspicious circumstances case at the Berthoud Living Center.

An hour later the police responded to the Ace Hardware store on another report of cold suspicious circumstances. A summons was issued to a man smoking a joint in his car outside the store.

The officer handled a code enforcement complaint at 800 Mountain Avenue.

Police performed an extra patrol on East Iowa and found all quiet.

The responding officer handled the report of threats to a resident on Keep Circle.


Eleanor Korhel – Speed (43/25)

Roberth Letendre: Possesion of less than 1 ounce of cannabis


Wednesday, March 3

A reported case of harassment in the 600 block of South Ninth Street was handled by the officer, as was the case of harassment in the 200 block of Mountain Avenue.

Police found no criminal violation when they investigated the suspicious circumstances that were taking place in the 200 block of Clayton Place.

Unknown persons shot a vehicle window with a BB gun or pellet gun in the 700 block of Eighth Street.

Another case of fraud was reported at the police station. The case was referred to the district attorney’s office.

Thursday, March 4

A report is to follow in the case of vandalism in the 700 block of Eighth Street.

Police assisted another agency when responding to a noise complaint in the 100 block of Third Street.

Police investigated a report of a burglary at the swimming pool.

A summons was issued in a case of harassment at the house requiring the extra patrol on East Iowa.

Police responded to a motor vehicle accident in Weld County jurisdiction.

A summons was issued in an animal complaint in the 200 block of Second Street.

The animal complaint in the 800 block of Fifth Street was handled by the officer and no summons was issued.

The case of harassment in the 100 block of East Iowa Avenue was handled by the officer. The suspect was issued a citation for making threats and yelling obscenities at people.

A verbal warning was issued in the case of a verbal disturbance in the 100 block of South Second Street.


Joseph Lozinski: Disorderly conduct

Friday, March 5

A wallet was found in the 600 block of Massachusetts Avenue and returned to the owner.


Kaylee  Daugherty – Speed (54/35)

Justin Perry – Speed (53/35)

Christina Thoren – Speed (61/35)

Jennifer Theige – Careless driving


Saturday, March 6

Police made four traffic stops, but no citation were issued.

Police investigated a cold case of suspicious circumstances in the 300 block of Turner Avenue.

Sunday, March 7

A vehicle was stopped after failing to stop at a stop sign at Sixth Street and Mountain Avenue shortly after 1 a.m. The driver had a suspended license and was issued a citation.

A second traffic stop was made at Second Street and Mountain Avenue at 7:49 a.m. and the driver was issued a summons.

The officer handled the verbal disturbance in the 200 block of Second Street.

An officer responded to the Kwik Korner to deal with a case of road rage.


Jessie Taylor – Speed (40/25)
Zachary Dirks: Disregarded stop sign, driving under suspension


Monday, March 8

Police made two traffic stops, the first at County Road 17 and US Highway 287, and the second at Mountain Avenue and Second Street.

Berthoud Police responded to a motor vehicle accident with injuries at County Road 6 and Highway 287. The investigation was turned over to the Colorado State Patrol when they arrived on the scene.


Anita Helme – Speed (62/45)

Brian Murphy – Failed to stop at stop sign


Tuesday, March 9

A citation was issued to a suspect in the 600 block of Bristlecone Court for pushing another person to the ground after an argument.

An abandoned vehicle in the 1000 block of Welch Avenue was towed and the owner issued a citation.

A motor vehicle accident with unknown injuries in the 200 block of Second Street is still under investigation.


Jennifer Morris – Displaying expired plates

A juvenile – Careless driving, DUI, DUI per se


Wednesday, March 10

A man out for a walk on Jefferson drive found a 30-06 rifle cartrige and turned it into the police.

The complainant canceled a complaint about careless driving when it was learned that the vehicle in question was driven by a juvenile learning to drive with a parent as the instructor.

Shortly after 11 p.m. police stopped a vehicle at County Road 13 and East Highway 56. The driver was arrested for driving under the influence of drugs.


Michael Bryant –  Speed (34/20)

Jaryka Webster – Speed (50/35), Driving under revocation

Brian Quintero: DUI, possession of drug paraphernalia, possession of alcohol by person under 21-years-old.


Thursday, March 11

Police were unable to locate the person who dumped trash along side the road on Weld County Road 7.

Police investigated the theft of a cell phone at Berthoud High School.

A summons was issued to a juvenile involved in a non-injury motor vehicle accident in the 300 block of Iowa Avenue.

The people trespassing on Berthoud Reservoir were gone when police arrived.

A robbery in the 800 block of Third Street is under investigation. Case Number 10—109.


John Knoll – Speed (38/20)

Octavio Noda – Speed (57/35)

Douglas Stoudt – Speed (32/20)

Jesse Lyman: Careless Driving

Kyle Thomas: Careless Driving

Friday, March 12

Police investigated a 4 a.m. prowler in the 900 block of Seventh Street.

A party in the 300 block of Columbine Circle reported having his foot run over by a car.

A reported barking dog in the 700 block of Bruce Drive was not barking when the officer arrived.

The pizza delivery person reported a case of harassment after people yelled at him.

Police made a follow up call in the case of juveniles riding ATVs on the street at Fifth Street and Mayo Court.

The juvenile in Berthoud Park, who was the subject of a complaint, was gone when the officer arrived.


Cory Wilson – Speed (54/35)

Keith Reester, Jr. – Speed (65/40)

Saturday, March 13

Suspicious circumstances in progress at Cedar Drive and Longs Peak Avenue turned out to be a parking problem.

A dog at large in the 900 block of Kansas Avenue was returned to the owner along with a citation.

A barking dog on the 200 block of Welch Avenue earned its owner a citation.

The loose dog reported in Fickel Park was rescued by a neighbor and returned home before police arrived.

A dog found loose in the 500 block of Ninth Street was brought to the police station and its owner contacted. The dog was returned, accompanied by a summons.

The report of harassment in the 100 block of East Iowa Avenue is listed as unfounded.

An animal complaint on Driftwood Court was handled by the officer.

A solicitor on Sixth Street had a valid license to solicit.

The report of a cold theft on Redwood Circle was actually a civil matter, not a criminal matter.

The barking dog at Elm Drive and Fourth Street was on good behavior when police arrived, as was the barking dog in the 1100 block of Wilshire Drive.

A local sales person was the victim of a fraud. The local police would like to caution people about this type of a common fraud technique. The perpetrator called to order a large quantity of merchandise and then sent a check that exceeded the amount of the transaction. When the seller called to notify them about the excess, they told them to cash the check and send the extra money to their representative. The seller had the bank check that there were sufficient funds in the account, and the account was valid and had enough money. The seller then deposited the check and sent the money as directed. However, the check was a forgery and was charged back to the sellers account. The police department advises that these cases are very difficult to investigate and urges residents not to fall for any transaction in which the buyer sends more money than required.

Police were called out in what was a civil case in which there was a disagreement over ownership of previously commonly held property by a couple who were no longer in a friendly relationship.


Christoper Kuhn – Parked more than 12″ from curb, in intersection

William Huss: Animal at large

Sunday, March 14

No one complained about barking dogs

There were no traffic stops.

There were no motor vehicle accidents

Monday, March 15

There were three 911 calls listed as hang ups. All three calls actually had an open line where the dispatch could hear background noise. Two of the calls came from 800 block of Spartan Avenue and one from South Eighth Street.

A woman from the 700 block of Fifth Street reported receiving unsolicited pornographic pictures on her cell phone. Police were able to contact the sending party and he apologized, admitting that he had sent the photos to that number. It is unclear if he knew the receiving party.

Tuesday, March 16

A caller reported a small gray cat wandering around in the 300 block of Michigan Avenue. When the officer arrived at the caller’s residence there was no answer at the door.

Police received a report from a person who said they had received suspicious email. No further information is available.

A woman on Willow Drive reported the theft of her purse from the front porch of her residence. She later called back and reported the purse had been found inside the house.

A bicycle was found at Robert’s Lake and brought to the police station. It appears that the bicycle had been there all winter.

Police responded to Berthoud Elementary School on the report of a restraining order violation. The Larimer County District Attorney declined to prosecute.

Police investigated a “cold” theft on Aspen Drive.

The officer on patrol at 9:40 p.m. found an open door at the high school.


Tammy Crowell: Speed (52/40) Driving under revocation, expired number plate


Wednesday, March 17

The officer on patrol found an open door at Grace Place at 2:35 a.m.

A large dog was picked up in the 200 block of East Michigan Avenue in the early afternoon. The owner was able to retrieve the animal before closing and was issued a summons for an animal at large.

The owner of a barking dog in the 800 block of Fourth Street was issued a written warning.

A noise complaint at Berthoud High School was due to a loud automobile radio. The situation was handled by the officer.

Initially reported as a theft in progress, the officers responded to the Town of Berthoud Reservoir to find kids riding an ATV.

A summons was issued to a juvenile in the 300 block of Iowa Avenue for smoking marijuana.


A juvenile male for possession of less than 1 ounce of cannabis
Shona Renee Brown: Speed (56/35)
Robin Peters: Speed (34/20)
Brenda Pearson: Speed (33/20)
Scott Kawvlok: Dog at Large

Thursday, March 18

Police contacted a woman in Berthoud Park at 1 a.m. She had injuries on her face. After investigating the incident, the officer arrested her boyfriend on charges of domestic violence, harassment and criminal mischief.

Police responded to a non-injury motor vehicle accident on Mountain Avenue near the Fire Station.

Police stopped a car on County Road 17 after observing the vehicle weave back and forth. The driver had no proof of insurance and the license plates were not registered to the vehicle. The vehicle was towed.


Richard Vives: Harassment, Criminal Mischief, Domestic Violence
Colton Hein: Careless driving
Kelly House: Speed (42/35)


Friday, March 19

A Keep Circle resident reported that a neighbor’s dog had bitten her dog. The officer decided that it was a mutual dogfight.

An unlicensed solicitor in the 1600 block of Fourth Street was warned that his activity required a town license. The dispatch summary shows two more complaints within the hour about door-to-door solicitors.


Christopher Thorne: Failed to yield right of way

Saturday, March 20

Five traffic stops during the day resulted in two drivers being issued summons.

A call just before midnight reported cow in the Road on South County Road 23. The information was passed to the Larimer County Sheriff’s department.


Dustin Bores: Exhibition of speed
Jonathan Kunz: Speed (65/50)
Lisa Harrison: Speed (59/45)

Sunday, March 21

Two intoxicated persons yelling at each other in the 200 block of Second Street at 3 a.m. brought a visit from the police. The complaint is listed as drunkenness, not noise, but the officer let them off with a verbal warning.

A Navajo Place resident cancelled his complaint about a barking dog when the Yorkie’s owners picked up the dog.

A chair in the road on US Highway 287 was reported as a road hazard and was removed by the responding officer.

The officer handled the complaint of a barking dog at Fifth Street and Iowa Avenue without issuing a summons.


Michael Langhoff: Speed (51/35)
Bradley Hebig: Speed (61/50)
Linda Morgan: Speed (52/35)


Monday, March 22

Extra patrols were done in the 100 block of Bunyan Avenue and at Berthoud High School.

A written warning for a code enforcement violation was given in the 200 block of Fourth Street.

Police responded to a complaint about noise in Fickel Park, but it was quiet when they arrived.

A Dog at Large in the 900 block of Longview Avenue caused the owner to receive a summons.

Kelsy Decker: Disregarded stop sign

Tuesday, March 23

Police handled six motor vehicle accidents between the hours of 5 p.m. and midnight. No summonses were issued in those accidents.However, four summons were issued after traffic stops.

A complaint about a barking dog at 300 E. Nebraska Ave. was handled by the officer.


Daniel Rodriguez: Speed (72/40)
Diana Wade: Speed (53/35)
Mary Eason: Disregarded stop sign
Douglas Heaton: Speed: (31/20)
Connie Rogers: Speed too fast for conditions

Wednesday, March 24

The broken tree limbs caused several reports of road hazards.

Police also made seven traffic stops and issued citations to six of the drivers.

A vehicle reported abandoned on West County Road 8 had slid off the road during the snowstorm.


Timothean Sampson: Speed (56/40)
Roger Platzek: Speed (56/40)
Caleb Perry: Speed (51/40)
Lucile Tressler: Speed (52/40)
Debra Teresi: Failed to stop at a stop sign
Rafael Cervantes-Llamas: Speed (52/35), driving under revocation
Jared Tinney: Speed too fast for conditions


Thursday, March 25

Investigating a report of suspicious circumstances in the 200 block of Turner Avenue, police found a person sleeping in a vehicle. The officer concluded that there was no criminal violation.

Police dispatched to help a motorist on US Highway 287, but the vehicle was gone when they arrived.

There were three animal complaints during the day. The complaint in the 1600 block of Oak Drive was a small dog, which was brought to the police station. When the owner had not claimed the animal by closing time, the Larimer County Humane Society picked up the animal. The owner claimed the pet the next day and was issued a summons. A Pit Bull was brought to the police station, the owner picked up the dog and her summons later that day. The last complaint of the day was a barking dog in the 900 block of Seventh Street after 10 p.m. However, the area was quiet when the officer arrived on scene six minutes later,


Gretchen Eubanks: Speed (39/25)
Joshua Shelter: Speed (79/65)
Cynthia Louise Albrecht: Dog at large, must be licensed


Friday, March 26

A cat was found on Sixth Street and brought to the police station. The cat is gray with a white chest and paws and had no collar. Noted as being very tame. No one claimed the cat and it is now at the Humane Society.

A summons was issued in a drug related incident at Berthoud High School. A juvenile possessed marijuana and drug paraphernalia.

Police arrested a 29–year-old male and a 23-year-old male for contributing to the delinquency of minors and distribution of marijuana.

Dispatch received a call shortly after 8:30 p.m. about a man hanging around Santiago’s Restaurant asking people for a ride. The officer on duty was transporting a prisoner to the Larimer County Detention Center and by the time he could respond to the call, the man was gone.


Daniel  Gruber
James  Vestir


A Juvenile: Possession of less than 1 oz of cannabis.


Saturday, March 27

The midnight barking dog in the 900 block of Seventh Street was quiet when the officer arrived.

A case of criminal mischief at Cedar Drive and Fourth Street was handled by the officer. Tires on a vehicle had been slashed. Investigation is continuing.

Police assisted at the unattended death of Leslie Nielsen, a 54-year-old male, in a home in the 200 block of Third Street. Awaiting the coroner’s report.

Dispatch received a report from Sioux Drive about a suspicious man in black. However, the suspicious circumstance had happened the day before and tuned out to be a teenager walking by. A later report of a burglary at the same address is reported to be unfounded.

The theft of a motor vehicle was reported a short time later from a neighboring house on Sioux Drive. The vehicle was recovered the next day in another county.


James Cox: Speed (77/65)


Sunday, March 28

A case of harassment in the 200 block of Second Street is a possible case of a restraining order violation.

Officers issued two summonses for traffic violations.


Theresa Hatch: Speed (54/40)
Ricky Thielen: Speed (54/40)

Monday, March 29

The patrolling officer made a foot patrol in the 800-900 block of Mountain Avenue early in the morning.

Police apprehend one male suspect after police responded to a 3 a.m. unauthorized entry to Grandpa’s Café.

Later in the day, Grandpa’s Café staff reported that some one tried to use a counterfeit gift certificate.

A juvenile who was the subject of a complaint in the 900 block of Mountain Avenue, was gone when police arrived.

Police responded to a complaint of child abuse/neglect on Capital Avenue. The officer handled the situation.

Officers found nothing when they responded to report of criminal mischief at County Road 8 and US Highway 287 just before midnight.


Carlos Suarez-Negrete: Speed (56/40)

Tuesday, March 30

Police issued two summonses in traffic stops and a written warning for a parking violation.

A reported liquor law violation at Berthoud Park was determined to not be a criminal violation.

Police received a report of disorderly conduct at the Retro Bistro restaurant at 10 :55 am., but no one was there when police arrived.


Phil Downing: Failed to stop at stop sign
Charla Ann Varner: Speed (57/35)

Wednesday, March 31

A call at 1:31 a.m. reporting suspicious circumstances at Third Street and Lake Avenue was construction equipment with the lights on.

Officers issued three written warning in traffic stops and one summons when a driver was discovered to be driving with out a valid driving license.

Police responded to a  motor vehicle accident with injuries at the intersection of Highway 56 and US Highway 287. The two vehicle suffered major damage and both driver were injured and required hospitalization. A citation was issued to one of the drivers.

A traffic stop in the 800 block of Mountain Avenue resulted in several juveniles being issued summonses for possession of marijuana.

George Massey: Failed to signal, driving under revocation
Gary L Wise: Left Turn in front of approaching traffic

Read the Bull Sheet from the Larimer County Sheriff’s office.

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