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Berthoud Police  Beat – December


Wednesday, December 1

A motor vehicle accident involving a Toyota and a Jeep at County Road 5 and E Highway 56 resulted in injuries.

An argument in progress in the 400 block of Mountain Avenue remained verbal and the officer found no criminal violation.

A physical disturbance call in the 900 block of Mountain Avenue resulted in the officer giving a verbal warning to two adult males and one adult female

Fireworks were reported in the area of Fourth Street and Capital Avenue, but the officer was unable to locate the fireworks.


Deanna C Kluver: Speed (48/30)
James Michael Terry: Disregarded stop sign
Christian Lessard: Soliciting without a license
Jason C Walker: Careless driving
Jay Cushman: Careless driving

Thursday, December 2

In a listing identified as “Other Assist,” a summons was issued in the 900 block of Kansas Avenue.

Persons dumping trash in the 400 block of Bimson were issued a written warning.

A friendly gray cat was sent to the Larimer County Humane Society.


Bryan Ross Oehlman: Drove without driver’s license, improper left turn
Jeffery C Berryman: Failed to display valid plates

Friday, December 3

A resident reported that she saw a man at the Post Office who became quite upset when he did not get some mail he was expecting. The resident reported that the man was now sitting in Railroad Park looking quite despondent. An officer was dispatched to check on the man’s well being.

A loose dog in the 1400 block of Oak Drive was returned home.

An abandoned vehicle in the 100 block of Indiana Avenue was issued a written warning.

A barking dog in the 300 block of Seventh Street was quiet when authorities arrived.

Police responded to the A & W Restaurant to deal with a drunken man.

Police attempted to exercise a warrant in the 400 block of Colorado Avenue, but did not find the person named in the warrant.


Dale Terry Jones: Parked vehicle on the wrong side of roadway
Kyle L Hill: Warrant for theft

Saturday, December 4

Some one reported a male walking around behind the Habitat Restore at 2 a.m. He was gone when police arrived a few minutes later.

The barking dog in the 900 block of Sixth Street was quiet when the officer arrived at 10 a.m. However, another complaint came at 10:04 a.m. and the police followed up resulting in a verbal warning at 11 a.m.

A Turner Avenue resident reported the theft of a Christmas decoration.

The oft reported barking dog in the 1200 block of Cedar Drive led to a written warning to the dog’s owner.

The breaking off of a hood ornament in the 200 block of Tenth Street is being handled as a case of criminal mischief.

An officer responded to a “Juvenile Problem” at Berthoud High School at 10 p.m. Approximately 30 juveniles were hanging around in the parking lot. The situation was handled by the officer with no further assistance.

Sunday, December 5

Police stopped a vehicle at Eighth Street and Gentlewind Way at 1:28 a.m. The stop resulted in one person being cited for driving under the influence and two juveniles charged with minor in possession of alcohol.

An unaccompanied dog went to the Brick Oven Pizza establishment. He was not especially welcome there, but the owner showed up before the dog had to be incarcerated.


David R Langerak: Driving under the influence
A 17-year-old: Minor in possession of alcohol
A 15-year-old: Minor in possession of alcohol

Monday, December 6

A loose dog in the 900 block of Mountain Avenue led to a verbal warning for the owner.

The barking dog in the 1200 block of Cedar Drive was reported again. The report says the situation was handled by the officer.

A single vehicle accident at Weld County Road 11 and 42 is listed as non-injury.

A vehicle rollover accident in the 3100 block of Megan Way at 8:23 p.m. did not cause any injuries.


Julie Kay Mares: Speed (37/20)


Tuesday, December 7

A verbal warning was issued for an animal problem in the 1100 block of Arapahoe Avenue.

In a case of vandalism, yard lights at a residence in the 300 block of Common Drive were knocked over.

A barking dog in the 100 block of E Iowa Avenue earned its owner a written warning.


Loretta Young: Dog at large, no license or rabies tag

Wednesday, December 8

Damaged to a screen and window frame in the 100 block of Indiana Avenue might have been the work of a burglar.

Another address in the 1200 block of Cedar Drive, but the same complaint, a barking dog. Someone in that block must be sensitive to the noise. All was quiet when the officer arrived.


Brian Wilcox: Parked where prohibited

Thursday, December 9.

Berthoud Elementary School asked for assistance when they were unable to contact the parents of an absent student.

The police had to go to Mary’s Farm for a barking dog in the 100 block of East Iowa Avenue. The owner received a written warning. Thirteen minutes after the dog complaint, a loud music complaint was registered for the 300 block of East Nebraska Avenue. Those folks were give a verbal warning. While in the area, police cited a vehicle in the 100 block of East Michigan for parking facing the wrong way.

A resident in the 500 block of Sixth Street found a small document safe on her front porch. The lock was broken, the safe was empty.

A minor accident involving a school bus at Berthoud High School caused no injuries. A 17-year-old Berthoud resident, Christian Hovestil, was issued a citation.

The Habitat ReStore reported the theft of a new, pink bicycle.


Jordan Barera-Alcaide: Speed (83/65)
Jeremiah Herrin: Parked vehicle on the wrong side of the roadway

Friday, December 10

A purse was stolen from a vehicle parked in the 300 block of Mountain Avenue.

A resident in the 1000 block of Navajo Place called to say they had found a loose dog. They called back a few minutes later and said they had found the owner and to cancel the call for help.


Nicholas Diorio: Speed (80/65)

Saturday, December 11,

A trailer owner on North County Road 17 reported that sometime in the last month that someone had taken the license plate.

A two-vehicle non-injury accident at West County Road 2D and US Highway 287 was investigated by the Colorado State Patrol.


Theodore Scott Simpson: Speed (80/65)
Britney DeLeon: Speed: (80/65)
James Wilson: Parked vehicle where prohibited
Christopher Kennedy: Parked vehicle where prohibited

Sunday, December 12

In another case of littering, construction materials were dumped on the shoulder of County Road 7.

Following a one-car motor vehicle accident on County Road 7, the driver left the scene without making a report.

A juvenile skateboarding in traffic on Mountain Avenue was given a verbal warning by police.

Two loose dogs in the area of Third Street and Mountain Avenue were returned to their yard.


Madeem Olguin: Speed (77/65)
Kerry Tracy-Roper: Speed (56/35)

Monday, December 13

Police made a welfare check on an individual in the 200 block of Victoria Avenue who had not shown up at work that morning.

Every place that sells alcoholic beverages in Berthoud and one restaurant that serves alcohol are listed as being checked for Liquor Law Violations.

Police are investigating the theft of a generator in the 700 block of E Highway 56. The theft occurred sometime between October 1 and December 13.

There was a report of a dog biting a child in the 600 block of South Ninth Street. A report is to follow.

Police made several traffic stops during the day and issued two summonses.


Jose Eduviges: Speed (56/35)
Lisa Bauer: Speed (58/35)

Tuesday, December 14

Two more Berthoud eateries that serve alcohol are listed as being checked for liquor law compliance.

A barking dog in the 1200 block of Elm Drive led to a verbal warning by police.

A dog found in the 1000 block of Arapahoe Avenue was rescued from the pound when its owner came to the police station and claimed the dog.

A runaway from north Fourth Street was reported and found, all in one evening.

Police responded to a report of juveniles in a car at Town Park. Situation handled by the officer.


Margaret Rose Scoufis: Disregarded stop sign
Kevan Lee Pierce: Speed (37/20)
Lindsey Solko: Animal at large
Wendi J McInerney: Operated an unsafe vehicle


Wednesday, December 15

Berthoud police assisted the Colorado State during the investigation of minor motor vehicle accident involving a BATS bus that ran into a parked car in the 700 block of Bunyan Avenue.

A set of keys was found in the vicinity of Tenth Street and Mountain Avenue.

A student at Berthoud High School reported that their shoes had been taken.

Several traffic stops resulted in four citations being issued.


Dale Thomas Mahoney: Speed (48/30)
Jared Couillard-Rodak: Speed (82/65)
Donald Alan Ludwig: Speed (79/65)
Molly T Andersen: Speed (47/30)

Thursday, December 16

Two men in a dumpster was the report from the 800 block of Sixth Street, but police were unable to locate them.

An intoxicated man fell and cut his head near Fifth Street and Bimson Avenue.

A disturbance in the 300 block of Sixth Street was an argument between a male and a female, but it was verbal only.

Neighbors reported suspicious activity when they observed people around a nearby vacant house.

A resident in the 900 block of High Mountain Drive heard the door at the other end of the house close when he came home. There is the possibility there was a burglar in the house.

A Kirby salesman coming after dark is bad enough, but the resident on Hummingbird Lane reported that he was rude too.


Desiree C Hann: Speed (36/25)
Danielle L Holland: Driving under restriction, Speed (78/65)


Friday, December 17

A trailer parked in the street on Redwood Circle was issued a written warning.

A resident in the 200 block of Third Street called police after they heard the doorbell ring, but found no one at the door.

A Pug dog was found and brought it to the police station.

It is not unusual, but there was a report of a barking dog in the 1200 block of Cedar Drive.


Madeline Keneipp-Quigley: Speed (48/30)


Saturday, December 18

The theft of a computer from inside a home in the 1200 block of Aspen Drive is under investigation.

Sunday, December 19

Police made four traffic stops and issued written warnings in all cases.

Monday December 20

Police responded to Hollyberry Street to the scene of the death of an individual due to natural causes.

An Apple iPod was found in Bein Park.

A motor vehicle accident in the 700 block of Second Street resulted in property damage only.

A resident of the 1200 block of Aspen drive was given a verbal warning for burning trash.

Police followed up on a trash issue with a property in the 1400 block of Oak Drive.

A juvenile at Berthoud High School reported that other juveniles tried to sell him drugs.

Barking dogs in the 1200 block of Cedar Drive were not barking when the police arrived.

Tuesday, December 21

At some time between December 17 and December 21, there was an attempted theft of theft of cable belonging to Poudre Valley REA. The incident took place at Highway 56 at County Road 13

An argument between a mother and her adult son got loud enough that police responded to the residence.

Two loose dog reports in the early afternoon may have been the same dog. The first report was in the 900 block of Seventh Street, the second report in the 1000 block of Seventh Street. Police were unable to locate the animal.


Kathryn Dunlevy: Speed (62/45)


Wednesday, December 22

An East Iowa Avenue resident reported receiving harassing emails. The case was referred to authorities in the sender’s area.

Upon arriving at the house on Fourth Street where a barking dog had been reported, the officer found no barking.

A Ninth Street resident also reported being harassed. Family members were involved in this case.

A 35-year-old Longmont resident was stopped for speeding on Mountain Avenue and was arrested for Driving Under the Influence (DUI).


Jeffery Thiel: Displayed expired number plates
Paul Eugene Daniels, Speed (42/30)

Thursday, December 23

Police investigated a burglary in the 100 block of Mountain Avenue. A man had broken into his mother’s home. Police arrested a 35-year-old Longmont man who was charged with burglary, aggravated motor vehicle theft, robbery and false imprisonment. Read full story in the Loveland Connection.

All six drivers who were stopped for violations were given written warnings.

A dumpster in the 100 block of Fifth Street was “decorated” with graffiti.


David Clark: Assault, false imprisonment, burglary

Friday, December 24

The officer on patrol at 12:30 a.m. noticed four people on the roof of Berthoud High School. They got an early Christmas present and were sent on their way with only a verbal warning.

Shortly after 1 a.m., the officer gave a courtesy ride to two adults he spotted on the sidewalk in front of Grace Place.

A loose dog at the Berthoud Wine and Spirits led to a verbal warning to the owner.

Police responded to the intersection of Highway 287 and County Road 17 when they received a call that someone was cutting down trees at that location. The suspicious characters were gone when the officer arrived.

Saturday, December 25

An abandoned vehicle in front of the City Apartments received a written warning.

A misunderstanding of a text message led police to Malibu Drive looking for a suicidal subject.

Police were unable to locate vehicle reportedly weaving as it traveled down County Road 17.


Phillip Adam Potter: Speed (59/35)

Sunday, December 26

An officer responded to a report of a restraining order violation in the 200 block of Second Street.

A reportedly dead deer in the road on West County Road 4 was out of Berthoud’s jurisdiction and the local constabulary turned the report over to Larimer County Roads and Bridges.

Monday, December 27

Someone reported barking dogs on Keep Circle just before 1 a.m. The officer was on scene in four minutes, but heard no barking.

A medium size black dog was taken into custody on Sixth Street Court and subsequently remanded to the Larimer County Humane Society.  The owner will have to pay his summons as well as the humane society charges.

Police made two welfare checks during the day. The checks were prompted by friends or family becoming concerned when they had not heard from their person for a day or so.

A loose dog in the parking lot of the Bank of the West was apprehended and sent to the Humane Society facility. A summons was issued in this case.

Police were unable to locate the juveniles who were reported to be throwing eggs at passing cars on Highway 287 at mile marker 329.


Kathering Woodiel: Dog at Large, No license or Rabies Tag

Tuesday, December 28

A Victoria Street resident called to complain about the noise made when the neighbor started his diesel truck at 7 a.m.

Two vehicles received written wanings for parking violations. One was on Seventh Street Court, the other in the 900 block of Sixth Street.

Police were unable to locate a two-tone Camero that was reportedly driving in a careless manner on Seventh Street.

Police are investigating an ongoing possible fraud attempt on Redwood Circle. The resident has received calls about winning a sweepstakes.

Wednesday, December 29

A theft in progress was an “ex” taking property, a civil matter said the police.

An Elm Drive resident reported a strange vehicle in the neighborhood. The police found no criminal violation.

Welch Avenue and Eighth Street was the site of careless driving. Apparently vehicles were racing. Situation handled by officer.


Stanley Richard Gudmaundsen: Speed (64/45)
Brodley J McInnis: Speed (49/30)

Thursday, December 30

Police assisted the ambulance crew at the scene of a sledding accident in the 1000 block of Longview  Avenue.

Someone reported a suspicious vehicle parked at Grandpa’s Café. Police determined that it belonged to an employee.

Police responded to a non-injury motor vehicle accident at US Highway 287 and State Highway 56. A citation was issued to a 30-year-old Loveland man.

A motor vehicle accident in the 2100 block of North First Street was caused when a driver lost control on the icy road and slid sideways into a pickup truck. The driver continued on after receiving a head injury. The driver was contacted and taken to the hospital.

A non-injury motor vehicle accident at Highway 287 and County Road 17 resulted in a citation to a 19-year-old Loveland resident.

A motor vehicle accident at First Street and Water Avenue was handled by the officer.

Police responded to another motor vehicle accident, this one at South First Street and County Road 6C. The parties had left the scene by the time police arrived.


Justin French: Careless Driving

Friday, December 31

Person or persons unknown stole a tailgate from a pickup truck parked in the 100 block of Welch Avenue.

There were no injuries reported in a motor vehicle accident at Water Avenue and First Street at 12:30 p.m.

A motor vehicle accident in the 1400 block of North First Street resulted in damage to the vehicle and a fence. A 39-year-old Berthoud resident was charged with Careless Driving.

There were complaints of a minor injury following a motor vehicle accident at Highway 287 and Highway 56. A citation was issued for Exceeding Safe Speed for Conditions.

A barking dog was reported in the 700 block of Franklin Avenue. It was quiet on the street when police arrived.


Claire Amber Marie: Driving Too Fast for Conditions
Memorie Conder: Careless Driving

Read the Larimer County Sheriff’s BullSheet

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