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Thursday, July 1

Dog days at the Police Department. In the early morning, 2 a.m., the Loveland Report Herald driver brought in a Jack Russell Terrier.

Water bubbling up in a field at SE Second Street and East Colorado Avenue was cause enough for a concerned citizen to report it to authorities. Police turned the matter over to the water department.

A dog left unattended in a vehicle at Grace Place brought a call from police.

Police had to assist staff at the pool when a juvenile refused to leave on request.

Later in the day, a Husky and a Pug were turned by a woman on East Iowa An officer was dispatched to capture them and found them lounging in the yard, an easy apprehension. The Husky had a collar, but the tag listed a disconnected phone. All of the dogs were taken by the humane society.

Police responded to a couple of fireworks reports but were unable to locate the people involved.


Stanley Rowe: Parked vehicle on wrong side of road
Travis Dunlap: Speed (64/45)
Donald Gischel: Animal at large
Loretta Gabrielson: Animal at large, no license, no rabies tag (2 counts of each)

Friday, July 2

Nine of the days entries are follow up calls and four are listed as citizen assist.

There were two animal calls during the day. A German Sheppard was found on Keep Circle and a barking dog complaint in the 1200 block of Cedar Drive resulted in a written warning to the dog’s owners.

Police responded to a fight in the 800 block of Holms Place. A resident was upset that a neighbor’s visitor had parked on the street in front of his house and he confronted the neighbor. A scuffle occurred. The victim did not want to prosecute.

Saturday, July 3

The complaints of fireworks started shortly after midnight and continued in the evening. Of the seven fireworks related calls, the officer was able to make contact three times. One of the fireworks incidents started a grass fire in the 900 block of Wilshire Drive.

A horn alarm at Franklin Avenue and Ninth Street just before 3 a.m. warranted a call to dispatch, but all was quiet when the officer arrived.

One caller complained that people mowing at Pyramid Peak Street and East Turner Avenue cursed at him.


Zachariah Larson: Arson, Fireworks prohibited
Brian Cross: Animal at large

Sunday, July 4

Dogs jumped the fence at 202 Second Street, but the officer handled the situation without issuing a citation.

Kids riding a 4-wheeler in the street on East Colorado Avenue were gone when the police arrived at the scene.

A male was arrested for drunkenness in the 600 block of Bunyan Avenue. He was transported to the Detox center.

Five fireworks calls came in. The officer were able to contact the individuals involved in the first two calls, the others had all vanished by the time police arrived.


Timothy Raak: Speed (56/35)
John Russell: Speed (56/40)

Monday, July 5

Three more fireworks calls came in between midnight and 3 a.m. Police issued a verbal warning to the culprits in the 1000 block of Sixth Street but the areas were quiet when police arrived.

Police had a discussion with some juveniles who were throwing rocks in the 900 block of Mountain Avenue.

A barking dog in the 600 block of Sunnywood Place caused its owner to receive a written warning.

Police caught the fireworks shooters in the 800 block of Eighth Street and gave them a written warning.

There was a complaint about barking dogs on Keep Circle between 11 p.m. and midnight, but the responding officer was unable to locate any barking dogs.

Tuesday, July 6

The officer was unable to locate a dog reported on the loose on north Fourth Street.

A summons was issued to a resident in the 1600 block of Willow Drive for a code violation.

A found wallet was brought into the police station.

The dog from north Fourth Street was observed running on East Colorado Avenue. This time the officer observed that the dog seemed quite frightened, but when it entered a back yard in Mary’s Farm, he thought it had returned home.

Police responded to a non-injury motor vehicle accident at the intersection of Highway 56 and U.S. Highway 287.

Dispatch received a call from a woman asking about her lost dog. The animal fit the description of the dog police had been chasing around town. The woman said the dog was extremely frightened by loud noises. The fireworks and thunder made it very nervous and difficult to check. She came home from Denver to look for her pet, but after two hours, gave up.

The dog was sighted next at Hays Market shortly after 7 p.m., but again, no one could get near the dog. The saga has a happy ending. The owner reported that later that evening she heard a scratching at the door and the dog had returned home.


Scott Cowley: Parked vehicle on wrong side of the road
David Berka: Careless Driving
Tressa Pederson: Left turn in front of approaching traffic

Wednesday, July 7

Dispatch received a call about a Cockatoo stuck in a tree in the 800 block of Welch Avenue at 7 a.m. Response was by Berthoud Fire.

A report of road rage initiated from County Road 17 and U.S. Highway 287 was handled by communication. In addition to the road rage incident, there were two Be On the Look Out for (BOLO) reports, a careless driving complaint and four traffic stops during the day.

Police finished the day by making pedestrian contacts with people in Berthoud Park and the skateboard park after 10 p.m. Verbal warnings were the order of the day.


David Weickum: Speed (41/25)

Thursday, July 8

A summons was issued for weeds in the 800 block of Greenwood Drive.

Police issued a written warning for a trailer parked on the street in the 900 block of Kansas Avenue.

Police responded to a report of a “cold” disturbance in the 300 block of Common Drive. The altercation was between a parent and child. A report is to follow.

The loose dog on north Sixth Street was gone when police arrived.

There were no fireworks to be heard when police arrived in the 200 block of Common Drive shortly after 9 p.m. The fireworks reported in the 1400 block of Glacier Avenue were also quiet when the patrol arrived there at 10 minutes past 10.

A reported trespass at the high school at 9:30 p.m. was a teacher moving items.


Remington Steele: Drove without a valid driver’s license
Steve Dawe: Code violation-weeds

Friday, July 9

When a 1 a.m. caller from Hummingbird Place reported being threatened, the officer called the threatening party and advised them to stop.

In a case of criminal mischief, a toilet at Bein Park facility was damaged when someone broke in and detonated a firecracker inside the toilet tank, breaking the tank. The doorframe and lock were also damaged.

Suspicious circumstances at the intersection of Highway 287 and 56 was a man waiting for a ride.

A woman taking a nap in her car before driving home to Denver, prompted a Seventh Street resident to call the police to do a welfare check. The woman was fine, just a bit fatigued.

A woman came to the police station saying that another woman had been harassing her and threatening her while they were at the Main Street Station. The investigating officer was unable to corroborate her story with the witnesses.

A large number of juveniles hanging around Berthoud Elementary school after 9 p.m., apparently playing a “fugitive” game were told by police that they were not supposed to be there at that late hour.

Saturday, July 10

A 59-year-old Aurora man was cited for failing to obey the signal at Taft Avenue and US Highway 287. The action resulted in a motor vehicle accident.

A loose Beagle was returned to its owner on Redwood Circle with an accompanying summons.  This was not the first time the Beagle had escaped from the yard.

A person on Cedar Drive, when having no water pressure, called police.

The officer gave a verbal warning in the case of harassment in the 900 block of Kansas Avenue.


Abelardo Rodrieguez: Failure to obey traffic signal
Shani Brewster: Dog at large

Sunday, July 11

A person who heard a verbal disturbance on Keep Circle shortly after midnight called the police, but the argument had stopped or the parties had left when the officer arrived seven minutes later.

Officer Carol was the first at the scene of the accident when a young Berthoud woman driving down County Road 17 at 11:20 a.m. apparently did not notice the patrol car waiting to make a left turn on to Spartan Avenue and ran into the stopped police car. It did not appear that she made any effort to stop as the only skid marks at the scene were from the patrol car. The Colorado State Patrol investigated and issue the driver a citation.

A reported trespass at County Road 10E and Highway 287 was a water department employee who was authorized to be there.

A caller reported kids in Fickel Park breaking limbs from trees. The responding officer did note some broken limbs, but could not determine that the juveniles present were responsible. He had them clean up the area and sent them home.

Police gave a written warning to the owner of a barking dog in the 100 block of East Iowa Avenue.

Monday, July 12

A caller reported a small bicycle left a Bein Park, but the officer was unable to locate the property.

A vehicle went off the road on south Highway 287. There were no injuries.

The barking dog on Franklin Avenue was quiet when the officer came by.

The storage building at the high school baseball field was entered and burglarized.

A case of fraud in Berthoud is under investigation.

A mountain bike was found in the 800 block of Welch Avenue.

Solar powered lights were taken from a home in the 800 block of Sixth Street.

The Franklin Avenue dog was reported again for Barking. The dog was quiet when the officer arrived, but he did talk to the dog’s owner about the problem.

In another case of fraud, a Second Street resident paid a small amount to “EMT Medical.” Now, months later, this company and associated companies have begun withdrawing funds from the victims account.


William Hamrick: Careless driving

Tuesday, July 13

A cat stuck in a tree in Welch Avenue is listed as “No Criminal Violation.” The cat had been in the tree in the 100 block of Welch Avenue for two days when the call came for help. Attempts to lure the cat down from the tree failed. Police gave up. After three more days, the owner, with the help of a longer ladder, was able to retrieve the cat.

A report is to follow about the weeds at 200 South First Street.

A road hazard reported on County Road 7 appeared to be trash dumped on the road.

Juveniles on bicycle at the round-a-bout at 9 p.m. were gone by the time an officer was dispatched to the scene.

Wednesday, July 14

A man and his cat, residents of the 400 block of Indiana Avenue, had contact with a bat. The cat had the bat; the man took the bat from the cat. The bat was dead. The dead bat was turned over to the Humane Society.

An unlocked truck parked in the 700 block of Fifth Street was entered overnight. Tools and personal items were taken.

Two juveniles throwing rocks at cars on County Road 10E were gone when the posse arrived.

A dog tied to the railing at Hays Market caused a concerned citizen to call police. The call was cancelled by the complainant a short time later.

A car parked blocking a driveway in the 1000 block of Sixth Street garnered its owner a written warning.

Juveniles in Bein Park, Town Park and at Berthoud Elementary School after hours were given a verbal warning.

Vandals tipped over the Port-a-potty in Fickel Park, but were gone when police arrived.

Thursday, July 15

The majority of Thursday’s dispatches were traffic related.

Shortly before 9 p.m., officers were called about a cat in a tree.

A resident of the 1600 block of County Road 15C called to report he was without water at 9:30 in the evening.

Police assisted the ambulance service at Main Street Station Eatery at 11:34 p.m.

Friday, July 16

Police received a report that a bicycle had been stolen while the owner was at the town swimming pool.

Police are investigating a theft in the 100 block of East Indiana Avenue.

The officer was unable to locate a door-to-door salesman reported in the 300 block of Mountain Avenue.

The officer found no criminal violation with a vehicle reported blocking the alley in the 200 block of East Nebraska Avenue.

A juvenile on a skateboard in the street near First Street and Bunyan Avenue had skated away by the time police arrived

Dispatch received a noise complaint from the 900 block of Fourth Street. The problem was, apparently, a train with mechanical problems.

A report of suspicious circumstances at West County Road 10E and North County Road 17 at 10:20 p.m. turned out to be two people out for a late summer night walk.


Alejandro Taylor: Driving under restriction

Saturday, July 17

Police assisted a motorist with a flat tire.

Police received a report of a lost cell phone,

A code enforcement written warning was issued to 848 Eighth Street for trash in the yard.

A dog running loose on Berthoud Peak Drive was grounds for a verbal warning.

The vehicle was damaged when the driver hit a dip in the road at First Street and Mountain Avenue.

Shortly after 7 p.m. there was a hit-and-run accident at First Street and Bunyan Avenue. Jessie Shearer (a 31 year-old Loveland resident) was arrested and charged with DUI, reckless driving, driving while license under restraint, and leaving the scene of an accident. She was caught after she struck a light pole in Loveland and was transported to McKee Medical Center.


Jessica Shockley: Speed (52/35)
Jessie Shearer: Reckless driving, left the scene of a motor vehicle accident, Driving under the influence, driving under restraint.

Sunday, July 18

An animal call to the 1000 block of Sixth Street Circle is listed as a dog chased a child. The owner was cited for a vicious animal.

Fireworks, specifically bottle rockets, were reason for the police to go to 100 East Iowa. All was quiet when they arrived.


Marco Gonzales: Vicious dog, dog not on premises, no license or rabies tag

Monday, July 19

Police were unable to find the car on Welch Avenue with dogs left unattended.

A reported trespass at Berthoud Reservoir was someone checking up on their horse in an adjacent pasture.

A grinding tool was found in the street at Third Street and Welch Avenue.

A local resident sold his car to an unknown person, but did not remove the license plate. The vehicle driver ran a red light in Chicago. The Chicago police have ordered the registered owner, the local resident, to pay the fine.

Tuesday, July 20

Police were unable to locate a dog running loose in the 1000 block of Bunyan Avenue.

Even as the caller from East Nebraska Avenue was calling to report the loose dog, the owner came looking for his pet. The police did not get involved.

The officer was unable to locate a door-to-door salesman reported to be working on Common Drive.

Another case of stolen identity by a worker at Summit homes came to light recently when the Internal Revenue Service queried a Texas man about taxes on his earnings there. “I’ve never even been to Colorado,” he told them. Still, he must prove it and the case is being handled by Berthoud Police.

Police responded to a physical disturbance in the 200 block of Second Street. The complainant said his roommate had hit him and then left the premises. Police were unable to locate the roommate.


Daniel Guggenheim: Trespass/assault

Wednesday, July 21

Shortly after midnight, a woman fled her house on north Third Street and called from Mountain Avenue to report a disturbance at her residence. “Handled by Officer.”

Police were called to a trespass in progress in the 200 block of Second Street. A summons was issued, but no details are available.

A wandering dog in the 400 block of Highway 56 just east of the round-a-bout led to two motor vehicle accidents as people tried to avoid it. The first driver braked heavily, causing a box in the back of his pickup to slide forward and damage his toolbox. In spite of his heavy braking, he hit the dog. The dazed animal then wandered into the opposite lane where a motorist took evasive action and hit the curb and two mail boxes but did avoid the dog. The dog, however, did not survive the accident. The dog’s owner received a summons for dog at large.

A verbal disturbance in the 500 block of South Ninth Street was handled by the officer.

A child, reported lost in the 300 block of Massachusetts Avenue was soon found by his mother.

A caller from the 800 block of Seventh Street reported a bat by the window.

The officer who responded to the report of juveniles with BB guns in the 800 block of Greenwood Avenue issued the boys a written warning.

Police were called about a hornet’s nest in the 400 block of Indiana Avenue.

A motor vehicle accident at Highway 56 and Weld County Road 1 resulted in property damage only. A 16-year-old Berthoud resident was issued a summons for failure to yield the right of way at a stop sign.

A wallet was found and returned to its owner.


Elizabeth Eggerling: Careless Driving
Pamela Wright: Dog at large

Thursday, July 22

Police are investigating an unattended death at 506 Welch Avenue. Richard Vivez apparently took his own life.

A door-to-door salesman operating in Pinewood Mobile Home Park was given a verbal warning by the police.

Berthoud Police arrested a 35-year-old Longmont man based on a warrant from Boulder County.

Dispatch received a report of a motor vehicle accident at the Highway 287/Highway 56 intersection but the responding officer was unable to locate any accident.

A noise complaint centered on the Berthoud B&B was a loud wedding party and was handled by the officer.

An assault reported in the 200 block of Second Street is listed as unfounded. The subject was apparently hallucinating that someone had broken into his home and assaulted him. There was no evidence to support the claims and the subject was transported to McKee Medical Center for a mental health hold.


Lloyd Bradlee: Arrested, Warrant out of Boulder County.


Friday, July 23

Police responded to a report of a juvenile at the Ivy Stockwell Elementary School at 4 a.m. The suspect was gone when the officer arrived seven minutes after the call.

Police investigated a possible harassment in the 500 block of Redwood Circle.

A caller reported a child looking sad while sitting at the skate park and though he might have been injured. Police responded and found he was not injured.

Someone complained of the noise in Berthoud Park at 8:30 p.m., but it was quiet when the officer arrived.

Saturday, July 24

Dispatch received a call at 2:48 a.m. reporting a runaway from the 300 block of East Michigan Avenue. The prodigal returned home about an hour later.

A Sixth Street resident had a dog whose owner was lost but managed to locate him and reunited the pair. This was neighbor to neighbor with no police involvement.

A verbal disturbance in the 500 block of Fifth Street was an altercation between neighbors.

The barking dog on Jay Place was quiet when the officer arrived shortly after 11 p.m.


Jan Guynn: Speed (59/40)


Sunday, July 25

A rider was injured at the Valley Dirt Riders track. Berthoud Fire and TVEMS also responded and handled the patient.

A noise complaint from the 700 block of Bruce Drive was emanating from a church band rehearsal. They apparently quieted down, only to get loud again spurring another complaint an hour later.

A barking dog in the 200 block of Common Drive is listed as being handled by the officer.


Mythia Siebold: Person hung onto moving vehicle
Jerrot Ingram: Person hung onto moving vehicle
Jerrod Blosmo: Inoperative vehicle on the roadway


Monday, July 26

Police responded to a verbal disturbance in the 500 block of Fourth Street at 12.45 a.m. The officer determined that there was a restraining order violation and arrested one person.

A loose beagle on Sioux Drive was claimed by the owner.

Police responded to a report of an aggressive dog in the 200 block of South First Street.

Police returned to the scene of the early morning verbal disturbance perform a civil stand-by.


Gennie Cheeks: Violation of restraining order.
Paulette Risner: Failed to stop at stop sign.
Frank Catalfamo: Animal at large, no license, no rabies tags

Tuesday, July 27

A barking dog in the 400 block of Colorado Avenue was quiet for the officer.

A loose dog hanging around the Hays Market parking lot was gone when police arrived.


Zachary Postek: Speed (49/30)
Steven Schmidt: Speed (62/45)

Wednesday, July 28

A report of a burglary in progress in the 200 block of Second Street let to the arrest of Lawrence Lawson, a 55-year-old Loveland resident. Lawson was charged with burglary, menacing, disorderly conduct and theft. A records check showed an outstanding warrant for failure to appear for a reckless driving citation.

In an officer-initiated report, a 31-year-old Berthoud resident was issued a summons for urinating in a public place. The incident took place in Fickel Park.

Just before 5:30 p.m. police responded to another motor vehicle accident with injuries at the Highway 56-Highway 287 intersection.


Quixote Lara: Failed to stop at stop sign
Mathew Bondy: Urinated in a public place

Thursday, July 29

Juveniles were reported at the BMX track at 12:30 a.m., but the officer was unable to locate them.

A bicycle was found in the vicinity of Berthoud High School at 4 a.m.

Berthoud police assisted Longmont Police by arresting a 22-year-old Berthoud woman based on a warrant for identity theft.

A rush hour accident at on Highway 287, a quarter mile east of the County Road 17 intersection caused property damage only. A 28-year-old Longmont resident was cited for careless driving.

A black Lab on the loose was captured in the 900 block of Seventh Street. The animal was held in custody overnight and released to his owner on August 30.


Kristina White: Driving under restriction, obstructing, no proof of insurance
Joshua Rovnak: Obstructing a peace officer 
Shawn Matter: Careless driving
Brian Root: Dog at Large, no rabies or town tag

Friday, July 30

A Labrador retriever was brought to the police department and subsequently was turned over to the Larimer County Humane Society.

An Australian Shepherd mix was picked up in the 200 block of Welch Avenue and also went to the humane society shelter.

Police responded to a verbal disturbance in the 100 block of Mountain Avenue. A report is to follow.

Police arrested a 35-year-old Berthoud resident based on a Broomfield warrant for failure to pay fines and court costs.

Police had two reports of harassment. The first came from the 1600 block of Fourth Street, the second from the 200 block of Fifth Street.

An officer had a talk with juveniles who were skate boarding at Turner Middle School.

A cell phone, reported stolen in the 1000 block of Third Street, was recovered by the victim.

A barking dog complaint in the 400 block of Colorado Avenue was handled by the officer.

A cell phone was reported stolen in the 1000 block of Third Street.

A person in the 300 block of Indiana Avenue reported receiving threats. Police are investigating.


Cody Burgess: Speed (59/40)
James Craft: (Speed (55/40)
Thomas Gruman: Dog at large, no rabies or town tags
David Clark: Warrant out of Broomfield County


Saturday, June 31

Apparently, someone thought the music at the Main Street Station Eatery was too loud at midnight. The officer calmed things down.

Police found a loose dog in the 1000 block of Sixth Street and let the owner off with a verbal warning this time.

Police issued a verbal warning in a case of harassment by text message.

The officer was unable to locate a barking dog at Forth Street and Elm Drive.

Police arrived quickly after an 11: 36 p.m. call about fireworks at Berthoud Elementary School, but it was too late and the perpetrators were gone.


Juan Aguero-Garea: Drove without a valid driver’s license


Read the Larimer County Sheriff’s “Bullsheet.”

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