A loose Black Labrador Retriever was picked up on East Iowa Avenue. The owner managed to claim the dog before it was turned over to the Humane Society.
A reported trespass in progress at Berthoud Elementary School was juveniles on the roof retrieving a ball. Their parents were present and supervising.
Two dogs fighting on Seventh Street resulted in a summons for the owner of the attacking dog.
Someone complained about kids playing football in the street on Redwood Circle, but the kids were gone when the officer arrived.
Heath Michael Stencel: Speed (44/25)
Jenna Keefauver: Speed (61/45)
Christina Zimbelman: Dog must be licensed, kept on premises, vicious dog
Austin Andrews, Dog must be licensed, have rabies tag, kept on premises
Sunday, May 2
On a quiet Sunday, officers made six traffic stops and conducted a welfare check at Berthoud Living Center.
Gary Cleveland: Speed (42/25)
Alice Hanson-Waggener: Speed (55/40)
Dominick Giebelstein: Speed (54/40)
Dawn Olivo: Speed (55/35)
Monday, May 3
Suspicious circumstances in the 400 block of First Street remain under investigation.
The officer handled a harassment complaint at Berthoud High School. The incident was between students.
A driver reported that his car windshield was hit by a baseball at Fifth Street and Welch Avenue at 4:30 in the afternoon. The entry is labeled criminal mischief.
Loose dogs reported at Capital Avenue and Seventh Street were gone when an officer arrived at the location.
Police responded to a “cold” disturbance in the 500 block of First Street.
Tuesday, May 4
It was a “no parking” day as officers investigated a vehicle parked by the no trespassing sign at the water treatment plant and issued a summons for a car parked on Keep Circle and a written warning in the 400 block of Colorado Avenue.
Ronnie Chacon: Parked vehicle on wrong side of roadway
Wednesday, May 5
This was a traffic day as 18 of 28 listings are traffic related including removing tire tread from the roadway on Highway 287.
A weapons call on First Street was a juvenile shooting a pellet gun.
A suspicious circumstance call on Aspen Drive was a man parked on the side of the road.
Jill Morehouse: Disregarded stop sign
Kristopher Elyea: Speed (62/45)
Stephen Cote: Violation of Motorcycle safety, no proof of insurance
Glenn Hodges Jr.: No proof of insurance
Thursday, May 6
Loose dogs in the 500 block of South Ninth Street resulted in the owner receiving a summons. However, the loose cats in the 900 block of Sixth Street were gone when police arrived
There was a non-injury motor vehicle accident at the high school during the after school traffic.
Two oxygen tanks were reported stolen from a truck at Quality Fabricators. A report is to follow.
Police stopped a vehicle at Fourth Street and Bunyan Avenue at 11 p.m. when the driver failed to stop for a stop sign. A 30-year-old Berthoud resident was arrested and charged with driving under the influence of alcohol.
Anthony Horton: Failed to stop at stop sign
Danielle Sciortino: Careless driving
Alan Johnson: Dog must be licensed, kept on premises
Jason Smith: Failed to stop at stop sign, DUI, DUI per se
Nick Maestas: Drivers vision restricted
Friday, May 7
A vehicle left running for three hours while parked in the driveway of a residence in the 800 block of Welch Avenue was reported as a case of suspicious circumstances.
An East Nebraska Avenue resident reported that his license plate had been stolen.
The responding officer handled a verbal disturbance in the 300 block of Iowa Avenue.
Kirk Smith: Parked in prohibited area
Janice Wright: Parked in prohibited area
Christopher Suppes: Parked in prohibited area
Kyle Lanning: Failed to present proof of insurance
Saturday, May 8
Two 911 hang up calls, three BOLO (Be On the Look Out for) reports, two REDDI (Report Every Drunk Driver Immediately) report and a hit and run incident in the Hays Market parking lot are among the reports for the day.
A late evening call about suspicious circumstances in the 1700 block of Wales Drive was a dead animal in the yard.
Jeffery Rockwell: unsafe/improper backing
Sunday, May 9
Another traffic day as 13 of 17 dispatch entries are traffic related. Eleven of those entries were traffic stops with summons issued in four of the cases.
Brenda Beller: Failed to signal for turn
Chris Ekhoff: Speed (59/35)
Brian Becker: Failed to stop at stop sign, no proof of insurance
Scott Richardson: Speed (36/25)
Monday, May 10
A morning report of suspicious circumstances at Berthoud High School was a student with a full beard running into school. No criminal violation.
A thin Lab running loose near the Conoco Stations was nowhere to be found when police arrived.
Police are preparing a report on juveniles caught smoking at the high school.
Loud noise at Town Park was three vehicles with their radios at high volume. However, it was quiet when the officer arrived.
It was also quiet when the officer arrived at the site of the yelping dog in the 300 block of Turner Avenue.
Four citations were issued in seven traffic stops.
Sandra Hutchison: Speed (41/25)
Matthew Murray: Displaying and discharging a weapon
Dale Smith: underage possession of tobacco products
Tuesday, May 11
A man reported losing his wallet in the 800 block of Mountain Avenue.
A barking dog in the 200 block of Second Street had stopped barking by the time police arrived.
A resident in the 1100 block of Navajo Place reported a BB hole in the house’s siding.
Jesse Bruce: Vehicle not equipped with taillights, driving under revocation
Wednesday, May 12
A resident of the 800 block of Bruce Drive reported that gasoline had been stolen from his truck.
The disagreement between a man and a woman on Seventh Street was a verbal disturbance.
A BMX bicycle was reported stolen from Berthoud Elementary School.
The resident in the 300 block of East Michigan Avenue reported an animal problem. The officer found a rabbit in the window well. He rescued the rabbit and released it into the wild.
Police investigated the illegal dumping of a refrigerator in the 600 block of County Road 10E.
Megan Pape: Speed (5/40)
Thursday, May 13
A door-to-door soap salesman was reported in the 900 block of Mountain Avenue. He was selling to business only and that does not require a permit.
840 Bruce Drive received a written warning for code enforcement because of a small amount of rocks in the street.
Suspicious circumstances on Highway 287 were Colorado State Patrol and Larimer County Sherriff’s office doing traffic enforcement.
A resident of the 900 block of Welch Avenue reported kids throwing rocks into his yard. They were gone by the time the officer arrived.
Police made a DUI arrest at County Road 17 and Highway 56 just before 8 p.m. A 69-year-old Berthoud resident was charged with DUI, DUI per se and indecent exposure.
Breanne Youngblood: Careless Driving
Jack Shuler: Speed (54/40)
Richard Butler: Speed 50/35
Rajaram Matkari: Indecent exposure, DUI, DUI per se
Friday, May 14
A loose dog reported in the area of Capital Avenue and Seventh Street was gone when the officer arrived.
Police investigated trash dumped in the 20000 bock of Weld County Road 7.
A summons was issued in the case of the barking dog in the 300 block of East Colorado Avenue.
Rosie Yanez: Disturbance of neighborhood-barking dog
Saturday, May 15
Police picked up a dog in front of Main Street Station and at nearly the same time, a dog was brought to the police station. One of the pet owners called soon after and retrieved their dog and the officer was able to locate the other owner.
The report of cows on County Road 17 was cancelled by the caller.
Police found no criminal violation in what was reported as suspicious circumstances in the 100 block of Turner Avenue.
Samuel Montes-Cno: Speed (54/35)
Justin Moyer: Dogs must be licensed and have rabies shots
Sunday, May 16
Police responded to an animal call in which a baby bird had fallen out of its nest.
Police investigated a cold disturbance call from the 300 block of Fourth Street, but the disturbance did not occur at this address.
The physical disturbance between two males in the 2000 block of West County Road 10 was handled by the officer.
Monday, May 17
Police assisted with an ambulance call on Shelby Drive.
A report of drugs in the vicinity of South Tenth Street and Spartan Avenue resulted in a summons being issued to an 18-year-old Berthoud area resident charging him with possession of marijuana and possession of drug paraphernalia.
A cold burglary in the 20000 block of Weld County Road 7 is under investigation. Tools were taken from a construction site.
Police responded to a report of dying squirrels in the 800 block of Marshall Place.
The call to the 900 block of Sixth Street is listed as a code enforcement case. The event was a swarm of bees. The bees were not issued summons.
The road-rage driver on East County Road 8 was gone when police arrived.
A verbal disturbance in the 900 block of Welch Avenue involved juveniles and was handled by the officer.
Perrie Sanders: Speed (56/40)
John Giggey: Speed (58/40)
Dalton Broes: Possession of drug paraphernalia, possession of less than one ounce of marijuana.
Tuesday, May 18
The barking dogs in the 600 block of Seventh Street were not barking when the officer arrived.
Another cow was reported in the road on County Road 17.
Bird in the Bank. Police helped the Bank of the West when a bird got inside the building.
The juvenile reported smoking at Tenth Street and Mountain Avenue was gone when police arrived.
Jerry Weitzel: Speed (56/40)
Wednesday, May 19
Police made three early morning traffic stops on County Road 17 near County road 4E. All three drivers were cited.
No one was injured when a vehicle hit a stop sign at 10E and County Road 17. A citation was issued to the driver.
A theft at the Berthoud Swimming Pool was handled by the responding officer.
A summons was issued to a 28-year-old female resident in the 600 block of Eighth Street after a complaint about her dog barking.
Shane Tow: Speed (58/40)
Joseph Malinowski: Speed (56/40)
Susannah Ruehlen: Disturbance of neighborhood-barking dog
Joanne Miller: Left turn from wrong lane
Thursday, May 20
Police were unable to locate a black dog reported running loose near Fickel Park.
Police received a report of property taken in the 1500 block of Fourth Street. An hour later police contacted and arrested a 43-year-old Loveland woman and charged her with theft, identity theft and driving while license under revocation.
Police responded to a report of a juvenile problem at the high school. The suspect was camping on school ground, but had permission to do so. No criminal violation was found.
Tracy Walsh: Stopped in a prohibited area
Jamith McClure: Stopped in a prohibited area
Myrna Herrera, filing-theft, ID theft
Friday, May 21
A case of fraud on Second Street. A resident there entered a sweepstakes.
Weeds and tall grass in the 500 block of Mountain Avenue prompted a visit by the Code Enforcement Officer.
Kids being loud in Berthoud Park prompted a report of a verbal disturbance. They were gone when police arrived.
Police responded to a report of juveniles throwing water balloons near Welch Avenue and 10th Street. The juveniles left before police arrived.
The barking dog in the 600 block of Seventh Street was quiet when the officer arrived.
Someone reported suspicious circumstances at Berthoud Elementary School at 10:42 p.m. Notes say the 15 kids were dropped of at the school to play.
Ronald Rubuist: Speed (54/35)
Kim Unverzagt: Speed (39/25)
Saturday, May 22
Between midnight and 1 a.m., the officer on patrol found an unsecured door at the high school.
Police responded to a verbal disturbance on Sixth Street shortly after 1 a.m. Two men had been yelling at each other, but all was quiet when police arrived.
A case of harassment by telephone was reported from the 900 block of Third Street. Police determined that the parties are involved in a civil custody case. The case is under investigation.
Police were unable to locate weaving purple Neon headed toward Berthoud from south Loveland.
A wallet missing after a visit to Santiago’s Restaurant may be lost or stolen.
Sunday, May 23
A noise complaint in the 200 block of South First Street at 12:30 a.m. was a party and was handled by the officer.
A small terrier was reported running loose in the 100 block of Third Street. The dog was turned over to the Humane Society.
Police were called to the 900 block of Third Street again on another harassment report. A report is to follow in this instance.
Police are preparing a report on a case of trespass at the Berthoud Reservoir.
Devon Netschke: Parking at curb, unlicensed vehicle
Raudel Hernandez: Failed to drive in a single lane
Sean Wright: Harassment
Monday, May 24
A dumpster fire at Berthoud High School is listed as vandalism.
One funeral escort, two traffic stops, two code enforcement warnings, three parking warnings, two burglar alarms and 11 follow up actions round out the day’s activity log.
Gustavo Gomez: Speed (36/20) Drove without a valid drivers license
Karen Egle: Failed to signal for a turn
Tuesday, May 25
A small brown dog running into traffic at Fifth Street and Welch Avenue was gone when police arrived.
The house at 817 Greenwood Drive was the subject of a code enforcement complaint about its weeds.
A cold burglary in the 900 block of Tenth Street is under investigation.
Juveniles damaging signs at East Iowa Avenue and East Fourth Street were gone when police arrived.
Police received several reports of “brown water” from residents on Welch and Capital Avenues.
Gil Uhrich: Failed to stop at stop sign
Estaban Clemente: No drivers license, no insurance, failed to stay in single lane
Wednesday, May 26
Officers dealt with a drunken female in the front yard at 204 Iowa Ave at 4 a.m.
Barking dogs in the 600 block of Mount Massive Street resulted in a noise complaint that was handled by the responding officer.
Police received a call about a dead squirrel in the 800 block of Marshall Place.
A long board was stolen from Fickel Park
A Husky dog was running loose at the high school. A Report is to follow
Kristine Berezay: Speed (60/35)
Jonathan Mills: Speed (56/35)
Jetta Peterson: Failed to stop for red light
Thursday, May 27
A noise complaint from the 900 block of Welch Avenue at 5:15 a.m. was attributed to running water.
Trespassers at Berthoud Reservoir were given a written warning.
A local businessperson complained about the BBQ wagon at the Kwik Korner. Police determined that the operator had all the necessary permits and licenses.
Police were unable to locate a Yellow Lab and black Boxer reported running loose at 10th Street and Mountain Avenue.
A report of a theft turned out to be a case of some one dumping their trash in another persons dumpster.
A Border Collie was gone from Eighth Street and Welch Avenue when police arrived.
The officer explained to juveniles in the back yard of 102 Sioux Drive that they were trespassing.
James Bilyey: Threw foreign matter on the roadway
Friday, May 28
A report of suspicious activity at West County Road 10E and N County Road 17 at 7:26 a.m. was workers waiting for the start of their workday.
The loose dog on Hummingbird Place earned the owner a written warning.
The barking dog on Seventh Street was quiet when police arrived, as was the one on Sioux Drive.
A resident in the 200 block of Second Street reported items missing from their vehicle.
Fireworks were reported in the 1100 block of Madison Avenue. The daily summary says the situation was handled by the officer.
Christopher Cochran: Speed (63/45)
Saturday, May 29
Noise in the 200 block of Second Street at 2:49 a.m. turned out to be a party. Handled by officers says the dispatch report.
Another noise complaint at 3:21 a.m. took the police to the 1400-1500 block of Oak Drive where they found drunken people. Once again, the situation was handled by the officer.
A child was found at the high school at 11:12 a.m. Soon afterward the parents were found.
A wallet reported lost at Hays Market was later reported found.
Sunday, May 30
Another loose dog escaped detection. This one was at First Street and Bunyan Avenue.
A cat was found inside the store at 900 Mountain Avenue at 8 p.m. The cat was turned over to the Larimer County Humane Society.
Joseph Marsolek: Speed (62/40)
Diana Larking: Speed (64/40)
Lucy Vento: Speed (4/25)
Monday, May 31
A resident of the 600 block of Welch Avenue reported having lost their cat. They were referred to the Humane Society.
Fireworks at Seventh Street and Capital Avenue brought a stern warning from the police.
The case of a loose brown Labrador Retriever in the 2000 block of First Street was handled by the officer.
A pedestrian found a backpack at Berthoud High School and turned over to the police.
Police responded to a case of domestic violence in the 500 block of First Street.
Amanda Kleper: Speed (36/25)
Natalie Baker: Speed (35/25)
Read the Larimer County Sheriff’s “Bullsheet.“