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Berthoud Police Beat October

Friday, October 1

Police responded to a report of liquor in Berthoud Park, but found no violation.

Two barking dog complaints were received between 7:30 and 8 p.m. The first in the 800 block of Longview, the second on Sage Place. Both pet owners were give verbal warnings.

Seven drivers were stopped for traffic or vehicle violations and three were issued summonses.


Darren Palombo: Parked vehicle on wrong side of roadway
Danielle Sciortino: Speed (42/30)
Christine Marie Poe: Speed (69/50)


Saturday, October 2

Seven traffic stops on the day resulted in the issuing of two summonses.

Police arrested a 48-year-old Laramie, Wyoming resident on an outstanding warrant.

A 14-year-old boy from Fifth Street was reported as a runaway.


Tracy Larson: Speed (40/30), drove vehicle when drivers license expired-less than 1 year
Shannan Duggan: Speed (45/30)
Robert Lancaster: Failed to Appear Warrant
Brooke Olsson: DUI, Speed (54/40), Possession of less than 1 oz of marijuana

Sunday, October 3

A traffic stop resulted in the arrest of Jillian Parrish, a 22-year-old Loveland Resident, based on a warrant for failure to appear in court for a traffic citation. A passenger, 20-year-old Ian Boudreau of Berthoud was issued a citation for underage consumption of ethyl alcohol.

Following up on a REDDI (Report Every Drunk Driver Immediately), the officer determined that the driver was not intoxicated.

The responding officer handled a verbal disturbance between a man and a woman on Jay Place.

The folks at Five Stones Youth Center called police because they found a bird with a broken wing.


Jillian Parrish: Failure to Appear Warrant
Ian J Boudreau: Minor in possession

Monday, October 4

A Pit Bull running loose in the vicinity of Bunyan Avenue and Fourth Street was gone when police arrived.

Two loose dogs captured on Bimson Avenue were returned to their owner along with a summons.

A caller reported a man lying on the side of North County Road 17, but police were unable to locate the man. A call a little later put his location at the intersection of Highway 287 and Highway 56. Police found an elderly man riding his bicycle to Longmont. The man was a resident of Berthoud Living Center and had signed himself out to go to Longmont.

Police are investigating a case of identity theft of a Mayo Court resident. A company in Mexico known to engage in illegal activities has used the victim’s credit card number and identification information on line. Berthoud police investigating.


Roy Gibb: Dogs must be licensed (x2), dogs must be kept on premise (x2)

Tuesday, October 5

When police responded to a 5:30 a.m. call about a man lying in the roundabout, the individual told them that he was waiting for the bus. The officer pointed out that the bus stop was two block away and the man headed in that direction.

A bicycle was found in the 1500 block of Fourth Street.

A school monitor reported seeing the runaway 14-year-old, but he was gone when police arrived.

A two-vehicle accident at the Conoco Station did not cause injuries.

A man was arrested in the 900 Block of Mountain Avenue and charged with DUI. While taking the subject to the Larimer County Detention Center, the officer noted a female hitchhiker at Forth Street and Mountain Avenue and warned her to move on.

Police were asked to make a welfare check on a distraught woman on Mountain Avenue. She was sitting in her car crying when the officer arrived, but a friend soon showed up to help and the officer retired from the scene.

Traffic stops resulted in three summonses issued to motorists.


Reilly Gagnon: Disregarded traffic control device
Erika Garcia: Speed (81/65)
Cynthia Martinez: Speed (42/30)
Charles Eason: DUI, Drove vehicle not equipped with interlock  device
Mirocha Megana: Speed (82/65)
Andrew Brown: Speed (82/65


Thursday, October 7


Robert Varra: DUI per se, weaving
Ruben Flores: Disregarding a traffic control device


Friday, October 8

500 Redwood Circ. Burglary and theft of items from inside a vehicle parked inside a garage.

Two juvenile males were involved in a fight in a public parking lot at 900 Mountain Avenue. Citations were issued to a 14-year-old Berthoud resident for Harassment and Disorderly Conduct. The 15-year-old will be charged with 2nd Degree Assault.

110 Bunyan Avenue: Criminal impersonation. Case under investigation.


Aden Pierce: Speed (50/35)z
Reilly Gagnon: Disregarded stop sign
A Juvenile: Harassment, disorderly

Saturday, October 9

A 15-year-old male Larimer County resident and a 14-year-old Larimer County resident were issued summons for Underage Consumption of alcohol in the 900 bock of Mountain Avenue.

Aaron Zieski, a 48-year-old Broomfield resident was issued a citation for illegal use of fireworks in the 800 block of Sixth Street.

800 block of Mountain Avenue. An 18 year old Mead resident was issued a summons charging underage consumption of Alcohol.

Bob Segura, a 27-year-old Greeley resident, was stopped in the 800 block of Holms for a defective taillight on the vehicle he was driving. He was issued a summons charging Possession of Marijuana and Defective Rear Lamps.


Tami Bustamonte: Speed (44/30)
Bob Segura: Possession of Cannabis, defective rear lamps
Zachary Besch: Minor in possession of alcohol

Sunday, October 10

Officer called to a noise complaint. in the100 block of Keep Circle. A 15-year-old Berthoud juvenile was cited for Underage Possession of Alcohol.

Tuesday October 12

Police responded to suspicious circumstances reported at 800 Mountain Ave. but found no criminal violation.

A Johnstown resident was stopped for speeding and issued a citation for speeding, driving with an expired drivers’ license and displaying fictitious license plates.

Fifty six-year-old Terry Roberts of Berthoud was stopped for speeding in the 600 block of First Street He was arrested and charged with speeding and DUI.


Emily Allison Birkmaier: Speed (46/25)
Donald George: Speed 36/20), drivers license expired, displayed fictious number plate.

Wednesday, October 13

Two summonses were issued in five traffic stops.

A resident in the 100 block of South First Street reported the theft of political campaign signs.

A dog at large in the 300 block of E. Colorado Avenue resulted in a verbal warning to the owner.

A barking dog complaint in the 800 block of Longview Avenue resulted in a written warning to the pet’s owner.

A loud radio was reported in the 800 block of North County Road 17. The officer heard nothing on arrival.


Theodore E Martinez: Speed (47-30)
Octavia A Roth: Speed (49/30)


Thursday, October 14

Police made eight traffic stops and issued five summonses.

A non-injury motor vehicle accident (MVA) was reported in the parking lot at 919 Mountain Avenue. The officer found no damage to the victim’s car.

Dispatch received a report that a juvenile was riding a go-cart on the Turner Middle School football field. The cart and rider where gone when police arrived.

A Kitten was found in the 700 block of Second Street and a summons was issued.

Police went looking for a man and his dog hitch-hiking along County Road 17, but found no one.


Ashley Smallfoot: Speed (57/40)
Steve Charles Morgan: Speed (59/40)
George Fulka: Speed (56/40)
Rajaram K Matkari: Speed (41/30)
Jerold Dean Manley: Speed (59/40)

Friday, October 15

Police made nine traffic stops and issued three summonses.

The Code Enforcement Officer (CEO) issued eleven written warnings, six of them in the Hillsdale subdivision.

The officer on patrol found an open door on the Berthoud Athletic Club at 2:22 a.m. and checked the building for security.

A Pit Bull mix was reported running loose at Fifth Street and Welch Avenue. A report is to follow.

A green Ford Mustang driving slowly on U S Highway 287 was called in as a REDDI (Report Every Drunk Driver Immediately) report. The Mustang had trotted off by the time police arrived.

A couple walking along Lake Avenue in the mid-afternoon reported a person in a car yelling at them. All was quiet when the officer arrived.

When an officer responded to a report of a barking dog in the 700 block of Franklin Avenue, he found a dog playing with the children in the front yard. The officer gave a verbal warning to someone.

The officer on duty at 9:20 p.m. was unable to locate a barking dog reported in the 200 block of N Second Street.


Alfredo Romero: Dog not licensed or on the premise
S Heffler: Speed (43/30)
David A Marley: Speed (64/45)
Nicholas Puppo: Speed (54/30)
Jodi Ellen Rouse: Speed (56/40)

Saturday, October 16

There were six traffic stops on the day.

A Redwood Circle resident reported losing a license plate.

The barking dog in the 1200 block of Cedar Drive did earn a written warning for its master.


Michael OHern: Displayed a fictious number plate, no registration, speed (47/30)

Sunday, October 17

There were thirteen traffic stops this Sunday. One of those was to the driver who was stopped because a headlamp was out, then it was determined that he was driving with a suspended drivers license.

A call came in at 11:30 a.m. to report that a large dog had been barking all night in the 100 block of East Iowa Avenue.


Eric Lee Johnson: Speed (54/35)
Gladys Martinez-Lucero: Speed (55/35)
Steven Ryan Esarey: Speed (92/65), no proof of insusrance
Bradly Paul Baird: Defective rear lamps, no proof of insurance
Mary Nell Schwindt: Failed to stop at stop sign, driving under suspension, no proof of insurance
Jason OHare: Driving under restriction, drove a defective vehicle.

Monday, October 18

Police made eight traffic stops.

A pedestrian was warned about the park hours at Berthoud Park. The contact took place at 8:30 p.m.

Police made extra patrols at the high school in the morning and in the evening.


Dorinda Stiles: Speed (44/30), drive vehicle with license expired-1 year.

Tuesday, October 19

A 6:30 a.m. caller said that at white utility truck almost ran him off the road as he was driving into town on County Road 8. Police were unable to locate the truck.

A trailer on the street in the 100 block of South Third Street received a Code Enforcement written warning.

There were two non-injury MVAs during the day. One accident was at Fourth Street and Evergreen Avenue, the other on U S Highway 287.

A woman in the 400 block of Indiana Avenue reported that her two cats had disappeared over a two-day period. Unfortunately, this is not an uncommon occurrence in that neighborhood.

Police made five traffic stops during the day, but issued no citations.

A written warning was issued to a dog owner in the 100 block of E Nebraska when a neighbor complained of the barking.

A call about suspicious activity at 9:30 p.m. took the officer to the Habitat ReStore where he found two men going through the contents of the dumpster.


Wendi McInerney: Failed to yield right-of-way at highway
Devin Culleum: Careless driving

Wednesday, October 20

Police stopped a car for driving erratically and driving the wrong way on the one-way street near Turner Middle School. The nineteen-year-old female driver had her mother and baby in the car and was cited for driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

Responding to a report of a man acting strangely in the area of Lake Avenue and Fifth Street, the police found a diabetic individual with an insulin problem.

Summonses were issued to vehicles parked in the fire lane at Turner Middle School at 8:26 p.m.

Madonna Wilbur: Parked in handicap zone
Kendra Davies: Parked in handicap zone
Hannah Dick: Parked where prohibited
Lester Kyle Hill: Possession of cannabis
Samantha Jean Figg: Driving under the influence of Drugs, child abuse, driving the wrong way on a one way street

Thursday, October 21

Officers checked the building at 444 Mountain Avenue when they found an open door at 2:23 a.m.

The CEO issued a written warning for a trailer parked on the street at 500 Welch Avenue.

A woman came to the police station to report that her 16-year-old daughter was receiving harassing text messages from a male approximately 8 years older than she was.

Hays Market personnel called at 11:19 to report shoplifting in progress. A 14-year-old was issued a summons for theft.

Police investigated a case of harassment at Turner Middle School.

A found dog was returned to its owner on Longview Avenue when the finder called the telephone number on the collar tag.

Police responded to a report of people yelling at each other on Jay Place. The parties involved said it was just loud conversation.


Whitney Nicholes: Parked vehicle on wrong side of roadway
A Juvenile: Theft

Friday, October 22

Police did a welfare check on a vehicle on County Road 8. The vehicle was off the road waiting for a tow truck.

A verbal disturbance in the 1000 block of Sixth Street was an argument between a tenant and landlord.

Police investigated for burglary when a Third Street resident found a screen off the window.

Police responded to yet another case of harassment at Turner Middle School.

Two children were reportedly left in a locked vehicle in the 1000 block of Sixth Street Court for a period of 10 to 45 minutes. the case was referred to the Department of Human Services.

Police responded to a call that a vehicle was blocking the driveway at the address where the verbal disturbance took place on Sixth Street.

A call of a physical disturbance in the 90 block of Sioux Drive was investigated and no criminal violation was found.


Dominic Horsley: Disorderly conduct
Darrel R Strange: Disregarded traffic control device
A Juvenile: Harassment

Saturday, October 23

The landlord and tenant were at it again just before 2 p.m. The police went to the address in the 1000 block of Sixth Street and “handled” the situation.

At 11 p.m. police stopped a car at Fourth Street and Bunyan Avenue, one of their favorite spots, and issued the driver a verbal warning.

Sunday, October 24

Four traffic stops, three summonses this Sunday.

Dumpster divers at Habitat ReStore prompted a call about theft. Police talked to the divers.

The Brick Oven Pizza shop called to report that a dog had walked into the business. Police arrived and gave the dog a verbal warning.

Berthoud police assisted Longmont Police at a house in the 300 block of East Iowa.


Christine Celentano: Speed (54/25)

Gregory B Brown: Speed (71/25)
Heather Suits: DUI per se, child abuse
Seth Andersen: Speed (66/40), no proof of insurance


Monday, October 24

A reported case of harassment at Turner Middle School involved two juvenile females. One of the children received a summons for her actions.

A missing Corgi was found and the call to the police was canceled by the complainant.

A resident of the 300 block of Bimson called police at 9:56 a.m. to report that a man had banged on the window during the night.

A Bruce Drive resident reported a case of online harassment.

A man resting in his car on County Road 17 at 2 p.m. caused police to initiate a welfare check.

Tuesday, October 25

A Mayo Court resident reported that his credit card company had notified him of unauthorized charges to his account.

A 911 call took police to the 400 block of West County Road 10E at 10:30 a.m. There the officer found a man and a woman who had apparently had too much to drink and were having an argument. Being intoxicated in your home is not a crime, but the officer convinced the couple to go to bed before they did something that would qualify as a crime.

A vehicle driving around the block in the 300 block of Eighth Street at 11 o’clock at night struck one of the residents as odd and they called the police. The driver told police that he was lost.

Tuesday, October 26

In case of vandalism, someone painted graffiti on the school zone signs on Spartan Avenue.

An Indiana Avenue resident reported door to door sales persons working the area at 5 p.m. Solicitation in Berthoud requires a license, so police responded but were unable to locate the solicitors.

A dirt bike was reported missing and presumed stolen from a residence in the 500 block of Sixth Street.

The CEO placed a written warning on a vehicle parked the wrong way in the 300 block of Capitol Avenue.


Bill Black: Speed (31/20)
Joshua Graham: Speed (66/25)
Douglas Wayne Gray: Speed (47/25)
Seth Douglas Anderson: Prohibited use of weapon, Reckless endangerment (2 counts)


Wednesday, October 27

The responding officer caught the dog that was running loose in the 600 block of Longs Peak Avenue and put it back on the porch of its home.

There was a two-car motor vehicle accident at Mountain Avenue and Third Street.

The burglar alarm at the Fire Station alerted at 10 p.m., but there was no burglar.


Helen Reid: Failed to yield right-of-way at highway
Debora Starin: Speed (38/20)

Thursday, October 28

A Bristlecone Court resident reported the unauthorized use of a debit card. The card was used for charges at a business in the state of Virginia. Investigative leads have been exhausted.

Police performed one welfare Check, six business assists, two citizen assists and five “other” assists.


Jeffrey Rockwell: FTA Warrant
Robert Ballinger, Jr.: Parked vehicle on wrong side of roadway

Friday, October 29

The officer on duty performed five extra patrols between 1 a.m. and 6 a.m.

Two loose dogs on Keep Circle managed to elude officers.

Golden Links reported food had been taken from the kitchen at the Berthoud Area Community Center.

A vehicle in the 300 block of Turner Avenue was cited for parking facing the wrong way.

An officer intervened when juveniles were reported entering an unoccupied house.


Margaret Murtagh: Parked vehicle on wrong side of roadway
Patricia McGrew: Disregarded traffic control device


Saturday, October 30

An unidentified vehicle lost control in the roundabout and went over the curb, damaging landscape. The vehicle is unidentified because it left the scene of the accident.

A written warning was issued in the case of the barking dog in the 100 block of Third Street.

A landlord stole and pawned electronic equipment and recordings from his roommate in the 800 block of Fourth Street. The property was recovered and the victim did not want to prosecute.

When police responded to a physical disturbance at Sixth Street and Welch Avenue they found juveniles fighting.

Loud music in the 300 block of Eighth Street was handled by the officer at 7:19 p.m., 8:23 p.m. and again at 9:01 p.m.

Police assisted on Lake Avenue where there are “neighbor problems.”

Police made an extra patrol at Greenlawn Cemetery, but it was dead quiet.


Daniel Bosnich: Disregarded traffic control device


Sunday, October 31

Bryan Brinkman received a summons for dog at large when his Lab was found in the 500 block of Redwood Circle.

A barking dog in the 100 block of E. Nebraska Avenue was given a verbal warning.

Two 11-year-olds threw eggs at a home in the 300 block of Eighth Street. The victim did not wish to prosecute juveniles.

Police performed five business assists, one motorist assist and one citizen assist.

Keys found at Sixth Street and Massachusetts were returned to the owner.

Police responded to a report that kids were throwing rocks on Colorado Avenue.

Police Chief Johnson warns about scam. Two area residents have received telephone calls from a person claiming to be a grandson. The caller claims to have been in an accident that makes it difficult to talk. He then goes on to ask the “grandparents” to send money. If you receive such a call, report it to you designated law enforcement agency.


Britta Berg: Speed (50/30)

Bryon Brinkman: Animal at large


Read the Larimer County Sheriffs BullSheet

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