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Update May 2, 2017

Provided by
James Anderson
Patrol Sergeant: Berthoud Squad

Saturday, April 1

Assist to Medical: S CR13, a mother located her daughter unconscious and not breathing. She started CPR and called 911. CPR was taken over by the responding deputy then EMTs. A pulse was regained and she began speaking.

Vehicle Crash: Victoria Street, a driver backed into a parked car causing minimal damage.

Vehicular Eluding: S. 8th Street, a black two door vehicle with black wheels, tinted windows, and stolen Colorado plates sped away from deputy when contact was attempted. Pursuit was terminated at CR17 and CR2E. A witness positively identified the driver as a 32-year-old Berthoud man who has two warrants. The vehicle he was driving matches the description of a stolen vehicle from Loveland.

DUI: W CR14 and S Taft Avenue, a 39-year-old woman was called in as a REDDI and struck a construction zone sign. She was located and arrested for suspicion of DUI.

DUI: Mountain Avenue and CR 17, a 44-year-old woman was stopped for a traffic violation and arrested for suspicion of DUI.

Sunday, April 2

Trespass: 6th Street Court, a neighbor unlawfully entered the apartment of another resident.

Vehicle Trespass / Theft / Criminal Mischief: Memory Place, a construction worker reported that his trailer had been broken into, damaging his trailer, and several tools had been stolen.

Code Enforcement for the week:

Animal Calls – 8
Parking Issues – 11
Ordinance Violations – 8

Monday, April 3

Trespass to a Motor Vehicle: E Colorado Avenue, a resident reported his vehicle was entered overnight and property moved around.

Trespass to a Motor Vehicle: E Colorado Avenue, a resident reported three vehicles belonging to him had been entered. One vehicle had a window broken.

Trespass to a Motor Vehicle: E Colorado Avenue, a resident reported two vehicles entered and the glove box was damaged.

Vehicle Crash: Merlet Avenue / High Country Drive, a construction worker backed his truck into a parked sedan.

Trespass to a Motor Vehicle: E Iowa Avenue, a resident reported her vehicle had been broken into in the alley behind this address.

Vehicle Crash: 2000 block of N Hwy 287, a Boulder man was driving northbound on Hwy 287 when he drifted left and overcorrected, crossing 4 lanes of traffic and leaving the roadway on the west side of the road, crashing into a field.

Tuesday, April 4

Criminal Mischief: Welch Avenue, juveniles threw rocks at a plastic and wood lean-to causing damaged.

Found Property: Alley of E Iowa Avenue, a black cloth suitcase was located in the alley, unknown if related to the multiple vehicle trespasses that occurred in town. ID documents indicate owner lives in Commerce City.

Theft: S. 2nd Street, unknown suspect attempted entry into a shed damaging it and stole a propane tank.

Wednesday, April 5

Theft: E Iowa Avenue, a resident reported unknown suspect took 2 packages delivered to her house moments after UPS dropped the items off.

Thursday, April 6

Warrant Arrest: Marshall Place, a 34-year-old Berthoud man was located and arrested for a no-bond warrant.

Friday, April 7

Welfare Check: Capitol Avenue, a caseworker for Boulder County, called to report numerous concerns related to at risk adults living or visiting this address.

Vehicle Crash: Hwy 287 and CR17, a young driver failed to stop at a red traffic light and ran into two other vehicles entering the intersection. One driver received minor injuries.

Saturday, April 8

Alcohol Hold: E. Michigan Street, a 33-year-old Berthoud woman was contacted on an assist to Berthoud Fire as she was highly intoxicated and struck her head. The woman was uncooperative with the ambulance personnel and threatened to punch one of the paramedics.

Theft / Fraud: Massachusetts Avenue, a teacher reported her purse was stolen yesterday and her debit card and ID were taken out of the purse. Unknown suspect used the debit card to buy something on I-Tunes worth $8.00.

Sunday, April 9

Warrant Arrest: 2nd Street, a 28-year-old Berthoud man was taken into custody for a felony warrant.

Drug Paraphernalia / Driving Under Restraint / Warrant: 4th Street / Franklin Avenue, two women were contacted as suspicious people in a car. The driver had an active felony warrant and admitted to driving. A search, following a K9 sniff, revealed methamphetamine and heroin paraphernalia. A Colorado Driver’s license and a wallet containing several checks belonging to someone else were located in the car as well.

Code Enforcement for the week:

Animal Problems: 6
Parking Violations: 17
Ordinance Violations: 6
Weed Violations: 2

Please take care of your weeds in your front and back yards and those who have alleys, they must also be maintained by the resident.

Monday, April 10     

Suspicious Circumstances: S. Hwy 287 and Horseshoe Circle, a driver reported her driver’s side window shattered as she passed through this intersection.

Assault: 9th Street and Longview Avenue, a couple reported the man was assaulted by an acquaintance.

Noise Complaint: 4th Street, a complaint was received about loud music next door.

Tuesday, April 11

Theft/ID Theft/Possession Financial Transaction Device: Massachusetts Avenue, a 13-year-old boy was observed on video in the area where the original theft took place and then made a transaction to iTunes using the victim’s credit card.

Welfare Check: Hwy 287 and CR6, a man was seen on the side of the road sitting with his head in his hands. The man told deputies he was walking to Loveland and his back started to hurt so he was just resting.

Noise Complaint: Michigan Avenue, a report was received about teenage kids visiting another house are there until late at night and when they all leave they are very loud.

Wednesday, April 12

Vehicle Crash / Hit and Run: Bimson Avenue, a resident went out to his vehicle that was parked on Bimson and noticed someone had run into the side of his vehicle causing damage.

Vehicle Crash: Hwy 56 and CR13, a vehicle was signaling for a right turn and pulled into the emergency lane of Hwy 56. He realized he needed to turn left and pulled in front of a pickup truck.

Vehicle Crash: 1st Street and Hwy 287, a CDOT truck was stopped in the middle of the on ramp to Hwy 287 and a vehicle stopped behind them. Another driver did not see they were stopped on time and ran into the back of the first vehicle.

Solicitor: S. 8th Street, a solicitor was called in as being very pushy to make a sale. The solicitor was contacted and told to cease and desist.

Found Property: Bunyan Avenue, a wallet was found at the car wash. The owner was located and wallet returned.

Thursday, April 13

Welfare Check: Rail Road Park, deputies checked on a 63-year-old man who was laying in the grass and has not moved. The man turned out to be a very intoxicated man sleeping it off.

Travelers Scam: Rosewood Drive, a resident was contacted by a man who told them he would chip seal his driveway. They stopped payment on their check for over $5000. Travelers come into the area this time of year with elaborate scams and this is one of them.

Friday, April 14

Burglary: Navajo Avenue, a resident called to report someone had entered her unlocked home. This suspect, described as a teen aged male with shoulder length curly brown hair, was interrupted by the resident’s mother, who came home and scared him out the back door.

Vehicle Crash: Curlew Drive, two drivers were in an accident related to construction at this location.

Fireworks Complaint: Tranquil Way, Things were not so tranquil as neighbors were shooting off fireworks.

Family Disturbance: S Iowa, husband and wife began yelling at each other outside of their home. Both were intoxicated and they also had a small child with them.

Saturday, April 15

Warrant Arrest: 3rd Street, a 26-year-old Berthoud man was located hiding in a truck camper on this property and arrested for his warrants.

Traffic Complaint: Spartan avenue, a report was received reference cars speeding and “whipping in and out” of the parking lot.

Traffic Complaint: 1st Street, a resident was very upset with speeding and noise generated by vehicles on 1st Street. He was particularly upset with motorcycles. ​ He stated they never speed when a deputy is here, but speed whenever a deputy is not here.

Family Disturbance: CR3E, an intoxicated woman was outraged when her family would not let her take her kids home in her condition.

Sunday, April 16

Family Problems: Gateway Park Drive, a deputy served civil papers to a man at this location. The man threw the papers onto the ground. He then asked the deputy what they were and after the deputy explained, the man slammed the door shut.

Assist to Medical: 5th Street and Mountain Avenue, assisted medical with identifying a 66-year-old man who was found at this location unconscious.

Code Enforcement Calls for the Week:

Animal problems: 5
Parking problems: 12
Weeds problems: 2
Other Ordinances: 3

Monday, April 17

Harassment: Massachusetts Avenue, a teacher at reported that she had two Instagram accounts set up in her name that were not her. Through interviews, two 7th grade students were identified as the two masterminds.

Trespass: Massachusetts Avenue, a resident reported one juvenile male on top of the building at this address. He entered through a gate and burned some paper. He then got on the roof before running off.

Disturbance: 6th Street and Mountain Avenue, Two people from Castle Rock were involved in a verbal disturbance at this intersection. 

Assault: S. 2nd Street, a 15-year-old boy alleged he was assaulted by a 51-year-old man during an argument about his game console.

Tuesday, April 18

Arson: Mountain Avenue and Massachusetts Avenue, two juvenile males admitted to intentionally setting fires at these addresses. One of the fires caused property damage. 

Criminal Mischief: Chokeberry Street and Bearberry Lane, the slide at the community park has graffiti painted on the side.

Wednesday, April 19

Speeding / Driving While License under Denial: CR17 and Spartan Avenue, a 45-year-old Longmont woman was contacted for speeding. She was found to be driving with a denied license.

Doge Bite: 3rd Street and Bunyan Avenue, a resident reported her father’s dog was attacked and killed by two German Shepard’s who got lose from their owner.

Possession of Explosives / Arson: CR4E and CR17, a passerby reported observing a teenaged male light what he believed to be a firework on the north shoulder of the road. The male then got into vehicle and sped away at a high rate of speed. The device which was lit exploded and landed in the grass, causing a grass fire. The fire consumed approximately 1/4 of an acre before being extinguished. The device was recovered and appeared to be a plastic bottle which had been filled with gun powder. An explosion mark was also observed on the roadway.

Thursday, April 20

Suspicious Circumstances: Berthoud Skate Park, a 13-year-old boy brought a knife in his backpack to school because he stated that he is being chased on an almost daily basis by an 18-year-old man from the skate park to his residence.

Physical Disturbance / Juvenile Problem: Massachusetts Avenue, a 6th grader became upset at two other boys because they said something to a girl. The 6th grader attacked both other boys causing an injured arm, headaches, and some bruised egos.

Criminal Mischief: 2nd Street and Welch Avenue, a juvenile male threw a rock and broke the window of a Town of Berthoud frontend loader.

Friday, April 21

Theft / Identity Theft: 7th Street, a resident called to report his wallet was stolen from his secure home. Three credit cards were used for online purchases. A juvenile male was identified as the suspect and charged.

Assist to Medical: Redcloud Avenue, a call was received to check on the welfare of the gentleman that lives here. The brother was contacted and opened the door to discover his brother need medical attention.

Saturday, April 22

Theft: Mount Massive, a resident reported unknown person took $50 worth of sprinkler heads from his front lawn.

Fraud: Meadowlark Drive, an unknown man passed a counterfeit $50 bill and then took off running when confronted.

Harassment: S. 9th Street, a resident called to report his ex-girlfriend keeps contacting him and wants her to stop.

Sunday, April 23

Dog Bite: S 1st Street, a Ft. Collins man reported being bit by a pit bull in the front yard of this residence.

Warrant Arrest: S. 1st Street, while investigating the dog bite it was discovered the owner of the dog had a warrant for his arrest.

Code Enforcement for the Week:

Animal Problems: 9
Parking Problems: 4
Other Ordinance Violations: 6

Monday, April 24     

Vehicle Crash: 500 block of Hwy 287, a driver from Loveland lost some things out of the back of his truck. As he attempted to make a U-turn another driver from Arvada ran into the back of him

Felony Criminal Mischief / Bias Motivated Crime: Kansas Avenue and Canyonlands Avenue, unknown suspects broke the window of an excavator and spray painted it and several other pieces of construction equipment with vulgar and racist comments.

Forgery: Meadowlark Drive, unidentified suspect passed a counterfeit $50.00 bill to the clerk at the gas station.

Tuesday, April 25

Illegal Lane Change / Suspended License: Mountain Ave. and 8th Street, Deputy observed an Estes Park man who was in the right turn only lane at the stop light. When the light turned green he sped up and went straight on Mountain barely missing another vehicle. His driver’s license was also in suspension. 

Theft / ID Theft: 7th Street, a 13-year-old boy was developed as a suspect in this case where he stole a wallet and used the credit cards to make on-line purchases.

Wednesday, April 26

Expired License Plates / Revoked Driver’s License: 4th Street and Bunyan Avenue, a vehicle was observed by a deputy driving with expired license plates. Upon contact it was learned that the 34-year-old Loveland woman’s license was revoked.

DUI / Vehicle Crash: 400 block of Welch Avenue, a 24-year-old man veered to the right and struck an unattended parked pickup causing major damage to the parked pickup.

Thursday, April 27

Suspicious Circumstances: Massachusetts Avenue, multiple students reported that a subject on Instagram has been sending them “follow requests” for over a month. He has sent a couple of them multiple request after being denied. It is believed the posting is a fake and most likely a predator. Parents please check and see what your kids are doing online and on social media.

Trespass: 13th Street, unknown suspects entered a fenced construction zone and cut the locks off a construction trailer. The suspects did not enter the trailer as it was also dead bolted from the inside. 

Theft: Mountain Avenue, Habitat for Humanity reported unknown suspects stole donated outdoor furniture from the rear of their business over night. 

Assault: Block of Mountain Avenue, (Berthoud Skate Park), a 13-year-old boy tackled a 12-year-old boy and possibly stomped on his leg. This was after the 13-year-old had provoked the 12-year-old by poking him in the belly as another boy tried to take his scooter. The 12-year-old attempted to walk away from the fight, but the 13-year-old followed and tackled him. The boy sustained minor injury and bruising to his left leg.

Friday, April 28

Vehicle Crash: 700 block of CR17, an 18-year-old man who was driving on CR17 veered off the road and drove through a fence and into a field.

Abandoned Vehicle: Hwy 56 and CR5, a white Chevrolet vehicle was towed from this location as an abandoned vehicle after being tagged for 72-hour removal.

Saturday, April 29

Severe Road Damage: 42nd Street S.W. and CR17, due to the heavy moisture, the dirt by-pass around the construction in this area has caused major pot holes. The contractor who is responsible for the road was contacted to repair the road.

Identity Theft: Michigan Avenue, a resident reported unknown suspect(s) moved money from one of her accounts to another, then tried to purchase items through Walmart online. Purchases were cancelled.

Suspended License: 7th Street and Capital Avenue. A 38-year-old Longmont woman was contacted and her license was discovered to be suspended.

Suspicious Circumstances: Redwood Circle, a resident called in to report a vehicle parked on Redwood with a couple of young people inside. A couple more people walked over to the car and got in while another person got out.

Sunday, April 30

Suspended License: Mile Marker 329 on Hwy 287, a 21-year-old Loveland woman was contacted and it was discovered her license was suspended. 

Suspicious Circumstances: Franklin Avenue and 5th Street, a woman was observed walking backwards in the middle of Franklin and appeared to be limping.

Code Enforcement for the Week:

Animal Calls – 8
Parking Violations – 13
Other Ordinance Violations – 6

About Post Author

Gary Wamsley

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