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Provided By
James Anderson
Patrol Sergeant, Berthoud Squad

Wednesday, April 1

Suicidal Threats: 200 block of Hubbell Street, an 80 year old man was called in as being very upset following an argument.

Seven contacts, 2 warnings, 1 citation, 1 – 72 hour tag, 2 warnings, 1 suspicious vehicle

Thursday, April 2

Juvenile Counseling: 900 block of Massachusetts Avenue, a 12 year old female made some initial statements that forced a mandatory report from the school. Upon more interview with the young lady, it was determined that she was starting a rumor and she was counseled how rumors can be hurtful.

Assist: 500 block of Bunyan Avenue, while conducting a school check the principal advised that they had received court paperwork from a Magistrate restraining a man from his children.

Assist: 500 block of Bunyan Avenue, Deputy was advised that a mother was in the hospital. Her child was placed with another family member.

Criminal Mischief/Trespass: 300 block of Massachusetts Avenue, a resident called to report that an unknown person broke the window to his work van. Patrick believes that the suspect may have gone through some drawers in the van but nothing was taken.

5 contacts, 5 warnings

Friday, April 3

Assist to State Patrol: Hwy 287 & CR 4, Assisted CSP with a Vehicle Accident where 2 cars slid off the road.

Accident/Lane Change Violation: CR8 & Hwy 287: two drivers were involved in an accident when one driver panicked when a vehicle attempted to merge into her lane. She changed lanes hitting a second car.

Theft: 100 block of Mountain Avenue, a resident called to report that a female came to the donation area after hours and took approximately $150 dollars worth of items. Investigation led to a possible suspect and the investigation is ongoing.

Felony Menacing: 400 block of Bimson Avenue, ambulance and Berthoud Fire responded to a report of a male that had fallen from a 2 story balcony. Upon their arrival, the male showed that he had a fractured vertebra.

5 contacts, 3 citations, 2 tagged 72 hr.

Saturday, April 4

Disorderly Conduct/Harassment: West CR8, a bicyclist and a pickup truck driver were involved in a verbal disturbance with each other in the middle of County Road 8. Bicyclist was upset at the truck driver for not giving a three-foot buffer zone. Bicyclist “flipped off” the truck driver and who decided to stop and discuss this with him.

Berthoud Easter Egg Hunt: 850 Spartan Avenue: Grace church had the annual Easter egg hunt for the community. There were over 2500 people that walked through the gates. They placed over 5000 eggs on the football field and systematically allowed separate age groups of kids to go get eggs that all contained some type of a prize. It was a fantastic community event.

Theft Follow-up: 200 block of W. 12th Street in Loveland, a 58 year old female suspect identified and located for the thefts of items at Habitat for Humanity. She was interviewed and stated she was retrieving items she had owned that her son out of anger took to Habitat for Humanity.

Assault: 100 block of 5th Street, a 24-year-old woman went to the Hospital because she had been assaulted. ERIN stated a guy she had been casually dating took her to a bar in Brighton on a date and she couldn’t remember what happened after having three drinks. She has reason to believe she was sexually assaulted. She was taken to Medical Center of the Rockies for a SANE exam. Investigations notified.

4 contacts, 2 written warnings, 2 citations, 0 arrest

Sunday, April 5

Trespass/Obstruction/Underage Consumption: 2000 CR 21: an 18-year-old man was found unconscious at the bottom of the stairs inside this residence. Upon the deputy’s arrival, the man began to fight with the homeowner and then tried to fight with the deputy. The man was very intoxicated and had heavy injuries to the left side of his face that he received from a previous altercation with “a friend.”

Suspicious Incident: 300 block of Massachusetts Avenue, a 27-year-old man reported that he is being followed by multiple vehicles. The man is very paranoid about being followed. He has reported being followed to both LCSO and Johnstown Police multiple times.

Animal Calls: One found dog-turned over to animal control, 1 barking dog complaint, 1 animal surrender

Accident: 700 block of 7th Street, a driver backed into a parked vehicle damaging the door.

Suspicious: 300 block of Massachusetts Avenue, a 27-year-old called to report that he felt someone had entered his apartment and “moved things.” There was no evidence to prove that someone had entered the residence and there was nothing missing. The man also expressed to me concerns about people following him and his girlfriend.

Two contacts: 1 directions given, 1 warning

Monday, April 6

Steady calls, Family, Neighbor, and Juvenile problems… Day 1 of spring break

Theft/Underage Possession of Alcohol: 400 block of Mountain Avenue, a 15 year old male stole a 12 pack of Coors beer from the beverage delivery truck, the driver spoke with the young man for several minutes before running a load of beer into the liquor store, when he returned to the load outside, a Coors 12 pack was missing from the top. The juvenile was later found at the skate park.

Obstruction: 200 block of Mountain Ave, while on the above call another 15 year old decided to inject himself into the investigation and refused to hand over the other kid’s property. The 15 year old decided to square off against deputies with a few choice words and two skateboards in his hands. He was arrested and released to his father.

Lost Property: 1000 block of Firstst St, a resident reported his son lost his cell phone.

Family Problems: 100 block of Quandary Avenue, a father and his son got into a fight.

Suspicious Incident: 300 block of Massachusetts Avenue, a 27-year-old man reported that he is being followed by multiple vehicles again and today he believes the sheriff’s office is looking for his truck. The man stated he left another deputy around 10 messages with different license plates that were following him. He called back into LCSO about being followed in less than 24 hours.

Tuesday, April 7

Fictitious Plates/Unregistered Motor Vehicle: 500 block of Redwood Drive, Contacted a white Dodge pickup with expired plates. Plates on the vehicle did not return to any vehicle.

7 Contacts: 1 Written, 2 Verbal, 4 vehicles tagged for 72-hour removal

Wednesday, April 8

Fraud/Identity Theft: 1600 block of Hollyberry Street, a resident reported someone used his and his wife’s Social Security Numbers to file a fraudulent federal tax return.

Follow-up/Theft: 500 block of Redwood Drive, spoke with a resident regarding the white Dodge pickup with fictitious plates. Owner of the vehicle is out of the country on military deployment. Family noticed the front plate was missing about a month ago. Most likely someone switched plates.

Accident/Hit and Run: 100 block of Bunyan Avenue, a company vehicle parked in the parking lot was hit and damaged sometime over the weekend.

Found Property: 2nd Street/Indiana Avenue, a set of keys was found at Pioneer Park.

Suspicious Circumstances: 300 block of Massachusetts Avenue, a resident called again to report more strange cars following him and his girlfriend.

Driving Under the Influence of Drugs/Speeding: South Hwy 287, a 25-year-old man was contacted for speeding 78 MPH in a 65 MPH Zone. The driver admitted to smoking marijuana and failed roadsides.

16 contacts: 14 citations, 1 DUID arrest, 1 warning

Thursday, April 9

Criminal Tampering: 800 block of 10th Street, a 14-year-old girl was home when a suspicious bag was thrown into her home. Nearby maintenance men saw 2 individuals and described them as 18-20 year olds, about 6′ tall. One male had blonde hair; the other was wearing a mask.

Accident: Hwy 287 & CR17: a driver was stopped at the light facing east at the intersection in the left turn lane when another driver ran into his truck.

Friday, April 10

Ordinance Violation: 800 block of 7th Street, a resident was issued written warning for accumulating trash in his yard and had 2 vehicles tagged for 72 hours due to not being registered.

Civil Papers: 1200 4th Street, a couple were served with court papers.

Possible Restraining Order Violation: 800 block of Mountain Avenue, the manager called to report that a 37 year old man is restrained from one of his employees. The man was outside waiting for the employee and when she drove away, he ran after her car.

7 contacts, 3 written warnings, 1 citation, 2 vehicles tagged for 72-hour removal

Saturday, April 11

Assisted to Fire Department: CR 2E/CR 15 on a possible burn violation. Turned out to be a legal burn.

Felony Warrant Arrest/Follow up: 800 block of 8th Street, after a long investigation on a stolen vehicle, and thanks to a fingerprint found, a warrant was sought for a 19 year old man. He was contacted at his residence and arrested on this felony warrant for Aggravated Motor Vehicle Theft, Felony Criminal Mischief, 1st Degree Trespass, and Driving under Restraint.

Possible Restraining Order Violation, Follow-up: 800 block of Mountain Avenue, deputy made phone contact with the male suspect. He provided a story that was not consistent. He was asked to turn himself in by 6:15pm. He did not show up. A warrant will be sought.

Found Runaway: 600 block of S. 9th Street, a 17-year-old runaway was reported to be at this address. She was ultimately located and taken to the Hub.

Assisted to Medical: Assisted with a bicyclist who fell.

Assisted to Fire: CR 8 & CR 23 assisted with an out of control “controlled” burn at this location that was started by a professional ditch burning company. Fire control v. the wind…wind won.

Found Dog: A found dog was turned over to Animal Control after no owner claimed the dog after 5 hours and there were no recent tags or chips in the dog.

3 Contacts: 2 written warnings, 1 vehicle tagged for 72-hour removal

Monday, April 13

Runaway: a 16-year-old girl was reported as a runaway by her mother. Upon further investigation deputies were able to contact the missing girl at a friend’s house in Berthoud.

Accident/Improper Start from Parked Position: 6th Street Court & Bunyan Avenue, while conducting a school check at Berthoud Elementary, two moms decided that their vehicles should meet each other. A driver pulled out from her parking spot off the side of the street and struck another vehicle.

Suspicious Circumstances: 800 block of S. 9th Street, a mother called to report that her two daughters were walking to school on S. 9th Street. A Hispanic male in his 30s-40s, who is approximately 5’6″ or 5’7″ wearing a camouflage shirt and blue jeans approached the two girls and said that he wanted to talk to their sister. The man eventually left.

Welfare Check: 600 block of Capital Avenue, a 25 year old woman reported her 24 year old ex boyfriend had been depressed the past couple weeks after his friend had overdosed on heroin a few weeks ago and died.

3 contacts: 2 verbal warnings, 1 citation due to accident

Tuesday, April 14

Follow-up: 600 block of Capitol Avenue, a 24-year-old man was voluntarily taken to Harvest Farms.

Parking Problem: Berthoud Elementary, multiple contacts with parents dropping their kids off and picking them up in the bus lane only area.

Suspicious Circumstances: Hwy 56/CR13, a resident called to report that while she was driving down Hwy 56 she heard a loud bang. When she arrived at home she noticed damage to her car that looked consistent with some sort of projectile.

Theft: 400 block of Mountain Avenue, a resident called to report that two adult females stole money from the tip jar.

Suspicious Circumstances: 300 Massachusetts Avenue, a person called to report that a male and female had been involved in a physical disturbance.

Wednesday, April 15

Fraud: 300 block of Michigan Avenue, a resident was advised by the Internal Revenue Service that an unknown individual attempted to use his social security number two times in an attempt to file false taxes.

Juvenile Problem: 900 block of Massachusetts Avenue, a 13-year-old was being physically aggressive.

Thursday, April 16

Accident/Hit and Run: 300 block of Welch Avenue, a resident reported that within the last 48 hours an unknown vehicle sideswiped his truck causing damage.

Family Problems/Warrant Arrest: 4500 block of CR 4, Deputies responded to family problems between a female and her grandmother. The female had 2 warrants and was arrested.

Friday, April 17

Assault/Domestic Violence: 1600 block of Fourth Street, a husband and wife got into an argument and the husband pulled his wife to the floor causing injury.

Saturday, April 18

Trespass/Criminal Mischief: 800 block of Third Street, a resident reported someone broke into his locked travel trailer and had been staying inside. The trailer was parked on a friend’s property by the railroad tracks. The trailer was trashed and lots of damage. Appears someone had been staying in the trailer for a while.

Motor Vehicle Accident: 700 Block of CR 8, a driver was exiting a driveway. She slammed on her brakes in mid turn after she noticed a Ford F-350 coming straight for her. She was able to swerve off of the road but managed to nick the bumper of the other vehicle.

Family Problems: 500 block of S 9th Street, deputies were called to this residence after Johnstown P.D. dropped off an 18-year-old intoxicated male at his family’s house where he started causing problems with his family. He was told he had to follow the rules or leave.

4 contacts: 2 warnings, 2 citations

Sunday, April 19

Driving Under Suspension: CR 17 and Bunyan Avenue, a deputy observed a vehicle on the side of the road with hazards on and engine running. A 24-year-old female was behind the wheel and her license is suspended.

Family Problems: Sioux Drive and 10th Street, a 26-year-old woman was involved in a family disturbance over her drug use.

Warrant Arrest: Taft Ave. and CR 18, a 48-year-old man was stopped for two traffic violations and arrested on two warrants.

8 contacts: 6 warnings, 2 citations

Monday, April 20

Violation of restraining order/Domestic Violence/ Stalking/Violation of Bond Conditions: 800 block of Mountain Avenue, a woman reported that she is being stalked by an ex-boyfriend. He called her over 49 times and sent her 40 text messages.

Accident/Hit and Run: First Street-and Mountain Avenue, unknown semi truck struck the light pole at the roundabout breaking the base to the light pole causing $800.00 damage.

Accident: 700 block of Welch Avenue, a resident called to report that the homeowner across the street backed into her vehicle.

Tuesday, April 21

Lost Property: 4500 block of CR4, a resident lost a pill bottle with prescription medication. The bottle may have fallen out of her purse while shopping in Berthoud.

Warrant Arrest/Driving while Cancelled/Failed to Yield Right-of-Way: Third Street & Mountain Avenue, a female driver was stopped for a traffic offense. Her license was cancelled/denied and she had a misdemeanor warrant out of Weld County.

Runaway/Citizen Assist: 200 block of Second Street, a mother called to report that her daughter had runaway. While the deputy was on the phone with Mom, she said that she is confident that her daughter is at her friend’s house off of CR23. The daughter was located and given a courtesy ride home to her mother’s house.

2 contacts, 1 warning, 1 citation

Wednesday, April 22

 Suspicious Circumstance/School Lock Down: 100 block of Fifth Street, Ivy Stockwell Elementary: A report came in about two teenage males possibly handing a gun or knife to each other behind Ivy Stockwell Elementary. Units immediately responded and were in the area in less than a minute and placed the school on a secured parameter (outside doors locked). Teachers did a phenomenal job getting kids in from recess and assisting in the securing of the parameter. Six deputies responded to this call and checked the area thoroughly. No one was located that matched the description given.

Warrant Arrest: Berthoud Town Hall, a 56-year-old female with a warrant walked in to the town hall and turned herself in.

1 contact: 1-72 hr tag

Thursday, April 23

Recovered Stolen Vehicle/Recovered Stolen Trailer/Recovered Stolen Property: I-25 & Hwy 56, A trailer and stripped out motorcycle were located on the side of the road at Hwy 56 just west of I-25. The motorcycle was reported stolen out of Ft. Collins. The trailer was also reported as a separate stolen item out of Ft. Collins. A vehicle registration for a separate stolen vehicle out of Golden was located by the other stolen items. A witness observed a blue truck towing this stolen trailer and bike. That truck was located north of Hwy 392 and it was also stolen.

Found Property: 900 block of Spartan Avenue, a resident located an older model Blue bicycle stashed under a tree on her property.

4 contacts, 4 warnings

Friday, April 24

Animal Problems: A total of four dogs were found running loose throughout the day. A fifth dog was hit by a car and a deputy picked the dog up off of the road. The four dogs and the deceased dog were transported up to the Humane Society by Larimer Animal Control. Sad, sad day

Motor Vehicle Accident: CR 6 & Hwy 287, a 20-year-old man lost control of his vehicle and rolled his vehicle several times. Driver was treated on scene for minor injuries.

Suspicious Circumstances: A woman reported that sometime in September 2013 while driving on Weld County Road 5 or 7 north of Hwy 56, she believes her passenger window was shot out. With the recent incidents of windows being shot out she thought she should report this event.

2 contacts: 2 citations

Saturday, April 25

Warrant Arrest: 800 block of Eighth Street, a 19-year-old man was contacted at his residence and arrested for a warrant out of the Weld County Sheriff’s Office.

Violation of Restraining Order/Harassment/Domestic Violence: Erie, PA. A 37-year-old man with a restraining order and is also an inmate at Erie County Prison in Pennsylvania has been calling his ex-girlfriend numerous times.

Assist to Child Protection: A referral was given to Child Protection Services about a report from a neighbor who has been hearing lots of yelling at the kids who live there.

4 Contacts: 3 warnings, 1 welfare check

Sunday, April 26

Muni Code Violation – Damaging Private Property: 200 block of Seventh Street, a deputy witnessed three juveniles tipping over the port-a-potty at Berthoud Town Park. They were contacted and taken home to their parents, summonsed and released.

Family Assist/Problems: 200 block of Second Street, four adults were all involved in verbal argument throughout the evening over a high school diploma. I’ll bet none of them did well in civics class.

Family Disturbance: 5500 block of CR 8E, a husband and wife got into a verbal argument.

2 contacts: 1 warning, 1 vehicle Tagged

Monday, April 27

Animal Calls: Handled 2 animal calls

Criminal Mischief: 200 block of Indiana Avenue, a passerby reported two electrical boxes had been tagged by someone who has too much time on their hands

Possible Harassment/Criminal Mischief: 1700 block of Exeter Street, a resident reported that her friend’s wife was driving by her home and may have done damage to a flower pot.

Missing Child/Return: 200 block of Second Street, a juvenile did not make it home after school and his mother was concerned about him. He was located at his grandmother’s home.

4 contacts, 3 warning, 1 citation

Tuesday, April 28

Accident/Open Container/DUR/DUI/Violation of Bond Conditions: Larimer Parks Officer had a report of a vehicle that ran over a 6-inch wood post and 2 large rocks causing damage to the vehicle and disabling it. The driver, a 36-year-old man, was found in the driver’s seat. There was an open bottle of Vodka in the passenger seat of the vehicle. He admitted to drinking and driving. His license was found to be suspended. While at the Jail the deputy learned that he was on bond from a previous DUI (2 nights prior).

1 Contact: 1 Arrest

Wednesday, April 29

2 Animal calls: 1 written warning barking dog, 1 loose wild turkey

Child Abuse: 800 block of 7th Street, A 4-year-old and 2-year-old were observed walking in the streets with no parents around. The children advised that their babysitter was inside of their home and was asleep. Four caring women who stopped to help and report these kids all said they pounded on the residence for over 15 minutes and was yelling for someone to exit the house, all with no response. Deputy found the 16-year-old babysitter asleep in a bed upstairs and did not wakeup until the deputy grabbed her ankle. Babysitter was issued a summons and released to a guardian.

Suspicious Circumstances: 400 block of Mountain Avenue, a business owner reported that a 59-year-old man was acting very strangely. The man was also asking people at other businesses how to set up an untraceable website and making inappropriate statements to female staff.

1 contact: 1 written warning

Thursday, April 30

A Berthoud Deputy attended a Thompson School District meeting for middle school principals on school safety.

4 contacts: 4 warnings


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