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Updated May 3, 2016
sheriff badge

Provided by
James Anderson
Patrol Sergeant: Berthoud Squad

Friday, April 1

Suspicious Incident: What appeared to be a large asteroid crashed into the ground just outside of town. When deputies examined the area they noticed very small feet leaving the area but none walking in. They noticed the foot prints only had 3 toes. Several reports of small people wearing all green and green hoodies walking around town.

Saturday, April 2

Vehicle Crash / Aggressive Driving / Suspicious Circumstances: 1200 block of E Hwy 56, a 45-year-old Johnstown man got in a road rage incident with a 75-year-old driver that resulted in him going off the road and having his tire popped. However, he was able to drive three miles into town to get the other driver’s license plate.

Sunday, April 3

Motor Vehicle Theft: 200 block of 1st Street, a 25-year-old man took his father’s vehicle without authorization, yesterday and drove it to Denver where it was recovered.

Monday, April 4

Family Problems: 100 block of S 2nd Street, a mother called to report that her 13-year-old son, ran away from home again. The 13-year-old later returned to the home.

Suicide Threats: Berthoud / Loveland Area, a woman reported that a 54-year-old man had sent her suicidal messages. The man was located and was safe.

Driving Under the Influence of Drugs/ Marijuana Possession by a Person under 21: Mountain Avenue & 10th Street, a 16-year-old was stopped for a stop sign violation and found to be under the influence of drugs. A 16-year-old passenger in the car admitted to smoking marijuana. He was also in possession of two pipes and a small amount of marijuana. He was issued a summons and released to his father.

Tuesday April 5

Vehicle Crash-Hit and Run: 200 block of Turner Avenue, someone backed into a parked company van causing damage to the vehicle. Driver of the van did not notice the damage until he was at a job site in Denver.

Wednesday, April 6

Criminal Tampering: 1500 block of Mt. Meeker, a resident reported someone had egged her vehicle.

Warrant: 600 block of Pyramid Peak Street, a 20-year-old man was contacted and found to have a warrant

Warrant: 1000 block of 1st Street, a 17-year-old boy was contacted and found to have a warrant.

Thursday, April 7

Computer Crime: 800 block of Longview Avenue, a resident was the victim of a computer hacking. The suspect, who sounded Middle Eastern, called him from a Magic Jack phone and requested $349 to unlock the computer. The suspect claimed to work for Microsoft. This is a common SCAM

Animal calls

Friday, April 8

Handled several animal calls

Monday, April 11

Fraud: 900 block of 6th Street, a resident reported that someone unlawfully purchased a laptop computer from Walmart.com using her information.

Lost Property: 400 block of Mountain Avenue, a resident called to report that she lost her white Samsung Galaxy Note 4 in a purple case somewhere in Berthoud.

Fraud: 700 block of Mountain Avenue, a resident called to report that he had sent a check in the mail and somewhere in between the mailboxes, someone had intercepted the letter and taken the check out and cashed it.

Minor in Possession of Marijuana / Under the influence: 200 block of 7th Street, a 17-year-old boy and a 16-year-old girl were called in as smoking in their vehicle. They were contacted and admitted to having drug paraphernalia in the car. Marijuana and paraphernalia were seized.

Family Problems/DV?/Reckless Endangerment: 900 block of 7th Street, a woman came to town hall to report that her boyfriend of 10 years had assaulted her and falsely imprisoned her.

Tuesday, April 12

Vehicle Crash / DUI / DUI of Drugs / Following Too Closely: CR17 and Hwy 287, a 16-year-old girl was traveling northbound on County Road 17 toward Loveland and was stopped at the red light at the intersection of County Road 17 and Highway 287. When the light turned green, she began to move forward, however, the vehicle behind her accelerated faster than her and struck the back of her vehicle. The 59-year-old woman driving the second vehicle was intoxicated.

Wednesday, April 13

Non-Injury Vehicle Crash / Stop Sign Violation: Hwy 56 and Frontage Road, a driver failed to yield to vehicles on Hwy 56 from the I-25 off ramp. She collided her rental car into a vehicle traveling eastbound on the overpass.

Criminal Invasion of Privacy: 100 block of 3rd Street, a mother reported that a friend of her daughter took a video while she was showering at her friend’s house. The daughter states that her friend also sent the video to a 13-year-old boy.

Thursday, April 14

Theft of Services: 100 block of E. 2nd Street, a house under construction has a dumpster on the side of the house. Someone during the night placed personal trash into the dumpster that the builder had paid for.

Non- Injury Vehicle Crash / Careless Driving: Hwy 287 and CR17: a Longmont woman driving a Subaru turned in front of a Ford F-350. The F-350 won.

Friday, April 15

Fraud by Check: 800 block of Mountain Avenue, an employee reported that a customer left with checks and debit card before depositing any money. He has since racked up $360.09 in debit overdraft and tried to deposit checks from the same account in the ATM in attempt to get more cash.

Trespass / Harassment: 700 block of Holmes Place, a resident reported that someone has been trespassing through her yard as a shortcut and pounding on her house as they travel through her gate.

Littering: 400 block of W CR10E, the owner of this property reported that someone threw vehicle tires into a pond at this location.

Saturday, April 16

Welfare Check: S. 8th Street and Douglas Place, a woman walking her dogs was knocked down by them when they started to bark at other dogs in a yard. The woman was not injured and was OK.

Sunday, April 17

Vehicle Crash: Serenity Ridge Pkwy and CR 7, a snow plow backed into another vehicle when it tried to pass the snow plow.

Monday, April 18

Animals at Large: 700 block of 4th Street: Two dogs were running loose in people’s yards. Both dogs picked up and locked up for a while.

Animal call: 300 block of Welch, Two bunnies were stuck in a window well and one of them was injured. Sgt. Anderson, not considering the dangers below, crawled down into the window well and told the bunnies that Easter was over and they needed to get on. They were loaded up and brought to a veterinarian’s office where they received care and were released.

Assault / Robbery: CR 15, south end of Town: a 14-year-old boy, after getting in an argument with dad, decided to walk to Longmont. A van pulls up with 4 people inside gave him a ride. They then began hitting the 14-year-old wanting his backpack. They left him on the side of the road and took his backpack.

Tuesday, April 19

Hit and Run DUI Crash: CR 8 and Meadowlark Drive – a 33-year-old Longmont woman, hit a median sign and then drove down the median. She fled the scene, but was followed by a citizen and located at CR 2 and Dove Lane. Arrested and booked

Wednesday, April 20

Vehicle v. Scooter: 700 Block of 4th Street, accident involving a 16-year-old driver and an 11-year-old riding a scooter. The two of them collided with each other, while traveling north. And the boy on the scooter received 2 broken toes and a laceration to his leg. 4th Street was blocked off for several hours to investigate this incident.

Thursday, April 21

Missing Children: 1500 block of Oak Street, a 2 and 4-year-old boys were called in by mom, t they were supposed to be in the back yard but she could not find them. Four deputies were in route when one got flagged down by Gallegos Sanitation workers who saw the boys walking and decided that was not right so they stopped and held the kids there until a deputy showed up. So thank your sanitation worker the next time you see them.

Traffic Complaint: Berthoud High School, a complaint came in about increased traffic in and around the high school. The deputy concluded that the amount of traffic is appropriate due to two separate activities at the high school. The deputy did sit on the side and run radar, not one vehicle exceeded the limit or violate a traffic offense during this time.

Friday, April 22

Vehicle Crash / Careless Driving: CR17 and Mountain Avenue, a Berthoud woman rear ended another vehicle while playing with the radio.

Mock “Prom Incident”: Max Marr Field, assisted with a mock traffic accident at Berthoud High School complete with wrecked cars and actors with makeup. Seniors from all of the Thompson Schools were bussed to BHS for this event. Several agencies were involved in creating awareness for the seniors of Thompson Schools that vehicle crashes are real and devastating. Thompson School District, LCSO Berthoud Squad, Berthoud Fire, Loveland PD, Loveland Fire, Thompson Valley Ambulance, Colorado State Patrol, Stan’s Towing.

Saturday, April 23

Animal Problem: 1400 block of 4th Street, a dog had been barking for over 45 minutes. No one was home at that time and the deputy left information to contact law enforcement.

Sunday, April 24

Family Problems: 1000 block of Wilshire Drive, a husband and wife got into a heated argument.

Traffic Violation / Pursuit: Hwy 287 and CR 14, a deputy attempted to stop a silver Toyota for a traffic violation but it took off instead. The pursuit went down 287 passing Berthoud towards Longmont reaching speeds of 100+. The pursuit was called off as it got into Longmont city limits. The car was also reported stolen out of Denver.

Monday, April 25

Criminal Mischief: 800 block of 10th Street, a resident reported that his wind chime collectible had been taken off of the south eve of his home and smashed to the ground sometime during the night.

Tuesday, April 26

Vehicle Tow: 4th Street and Mountain Avenue, a brown Toyota that was parked in this location was tagged 7 days ago to be removed. On this day the car was still there so Tow-Master responded and took it away.

Wednesday, April 27

Construction Accident: 300 block of Nebraska, deputy discovered a large forklift tipped over on its side by a construction site. Driver got to close to the soft edge but jumped before it tipped.

Thursday, April 28

Theft: 100 block of Welch Avenue, a resident reported that someone stole his rear license plate fromf his car.

Friday, April 29

Felony Warrant Arrest: 800 block of Franklin Avenue, a 77-year-old man was contacted during a harassment call. He was found to have a felony warrant out for his arrest for Failure to Register as A Sex Offender.

Disorderly Conduct: 800 block of Franklin Avenue, a resident reported that she was being called names and harassed by another resident.

Saturday, April 30

Assault / Criminal Mischief / Domestic Violence: 100 block of Quandary Avenue, deputies responded to a physical disturbance between husband and wife.

Vehicle Crash: Hwy 287 and CR17, a Berthoud resident was travelling northbound on Hwy 287 and went through the intersection at CR17 when the light was red. He struck a vehicle being operated by Loveland resident.

BURGLARY: 300 block of Turner Avenue, a resident reported someone entered her unlocked house while she was out and medication was stolen.

Warrant Arrest: 800 block of Welch Avenue, while investigating a suspicious person at this location a man was contacted and arrested for a misdemeanor warrant out of Boulder.

Sunday, May 1

Criminal Mischief/Tampering: 200 block of E Indiana Avenue, (Pioneer Park) – A citizen reported that there were picnic tables in the lake. Upon arrival not only were three picnic tables in the lake (still chained together) but also hockey goals in the stalls and an electrical box had been spray painted.

Municipal Violation: 1000 block of 3rd Street, residents at this address have four barrels over flowing with trash. There is also a hamper with trash over flowing. This has been like that for approximately 2+ weeks. A written warning was left in the door telling them to rectify the situation in 72 hours and that failure to do so will result in a summons. Deputy was later contacted by the resident saying that he will have all the trash removed by Thursday.

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