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Updated May 1, 2018











Provided by
Larimer County Sheriff’s Department
Berthoud Squad


Sunday, April 1

Suspicious Circumstances: Mountain Avenue, a report came in about a vehicle parked with its doors open. Owner was contacted and is OK.

Election Bid: Past Mayor Steve Mulvihill threw his hat in the ring for U.S. President with running mate Past Mayor Mylan Karspeck as Vice President. Just kidding, April fools.

Code Enforcement:

Animal Problems – 10
Vehicle Problems – 5
Other Ordinance Problems – 6

Monday, April 2

Non-Injury Vehicle Crash: Highway 56 and Weld CR7, a driver failed to slow for the traffic stopped to turn onto Weld CR7 and rear-ended another vehicle.

Non-Injury Vehicle Crash: N. Berthoud Parkway at Highway 287, a vehicle merged into the left lane but did not check to see that it was clear and hit another vehicle.

Detox Hold: E. Michigan, a 34-year-old woman was transported by ambulance for intoxication and suicidal statements.

Tuesday, April 3

Non-Injury Vehicle Crash: Glacier Ave, a driver backed into another vehicle in the alley causing major damage.

Warrant Arrest: 1st Street, a 34-year-old Firestone man was contacted as a suspicious subject and refused to identify himself. Through technology, the man was identified and when deputies told him his name he hung his head down and gave a heavy sigh.

Wednesday, April 4

Possession Drug Paraphernalia/Minor in Possession: Massachusetts Avenue, a juvenile boy was found to be in possession of a marijuana pipe made out of tic tac containers. Another juvenile boy was found with an empty bottle of cough syrup and some Gatorade because he was making ‘lean’ by mixing the two. One of the boys had fallen asleep in class and both boys smoked the marijuana prior to coming into the school late.

Thursday, April 5

Motor Vehicle Theft: Colorado Avenue, a resident left her car outside running for no more than “one minute”. When she came back outside it was gone. A Mountain Dew bottle and small bag of marijuana were recovered from the scene that were not there when the owner went out and started her car. Gained a car but lost their dope.

Disturbance: Capitol Reef Court, a call came in as a physical disturbance between two contractors involving hammers. Disturbance was confirmed as verbal between the two over one of the contractor’s building supplies hanging off the side of a work truck. The other person involved was driving and hit the material causing damage to their side view mirror. The argument escalated to the point that one man picked up the other man’s hammer.  

Hit-And-Run: 8th Street, a resident reported her vehicle had been damaged by a hit and run while she was at work. A note was left on vehicle with no contact information.

Lost Property: Mountain Avenue, a resident called to report he had left his wallet at the gas pumps and it was gone by the time he went back.

Friday, April 6

Fatal Vehicle Crash: CR 10E and 1st Street, deputies responded to this intersection for an accident requiring extrication. Female driver succumbed to her injuries on scene. The passenger was transported to the hospital with serious bodily injury. LCSO’s CRASH Team responded for the investigation which is still on-going.

Saturday, April 7

Assist to Medical: 5th Street, deputies responded for an adult female who was reported to be choking and not breathing. Deputies started CPR and then assisted medical with patient care.

Drug Paraphernalia Found Contraband: Mountain Avenue, a resident found a used syringe while on a walk. Syringe was picked up and logged for destruction.

Drove Without a Valid License / Speeding: Hwy 287 at the Berthoud Exit, a 55-year-old Loveland man was contacted for speeding, his license had been cancelled / denied for an unpaid ticket.

Sunday, April 8

Theft: Skimmer Street, a resident reported an unknown suspect stole around 35 gallons of diesel fuel from his truck overnight. 

Harassment / Welfare Check: Mt Massive Street, a woman who lives in Canada reported she is being harassed by a male whom she was seeing when she came to the US.

Distribution / Possession of a Controlled Substance / Possession Paraphernalia / Fictitious Plates / Driving Under Restraint / Warrant Arrest: Welch Avenue., a 23-year-old woman was in possession of over 20 grams of methamphetamine. Also had cocaine, hydrocodone, and morphine. Booked

Criminal Possession of a Financial Device / Warrant Arrest: 1st Street and Bunyan Avenue, a man and woman were contacted during a traffic stop. Both were arrested on warrants. The man was also in possession of a debit card of another person. Booked.

Code Enforcement:

Animal Problems – 6
Vehicle Problems – 9
Other Ordinance Problems – 7

April 9 –  April 15

Monday, April 9

Suspicious Circumstances: E. Indiana Avenue, a resident reported that she discovered the sliding glass rear window of her husband’s truck was broken out.

Distribution / Possession of A Controlled Substance / Possession Paraphernalia / Fictitious Plates / Driving Under Restraint / Warrant Arrest: Welch Avenue, a 33-year-old homeless woman stopped for a traffic violation and was found to be in possession of over 20 grams of methamphetamine. Also had cocaine, hydrocodone, and morphine. Booked.

Criminal Possession of a Financial Device: 1st Street and Bunyan Avenue, Two people in a vehicle were contacted for a traffic violation. Both were arrested on warrants. They were also in possession of a debit card belonging to someone else. Booked.

Underage Consumption and Possession of Marijuana: North 2nd Street, two 19-year-old women were stopped for driving with a broken headlight. The driver showed strong signs of marijuana intoxication during voluntary roadside maneuvers. She was booked on charges of Driving Under the Influence of Drugs (DUID), Driving a Defective Vehicle, and both women were charged for Underage Consumption of Marijuana.

Tuesday, April 10

Assist to Colorado State Patrol (CSP): W. CR10E / S. Hwy 287 a 31-year-old homeless man from Thornton was contacted by CSP in a stolen vehicle and initially was cooperative. Upon arrival of LCSO deputies the man was holding a pistol by his side and attempted to take the trooper’s vehicle. A foot pursuit ensued eastbound into a residential construction area by the deputy. At this location the man stole/carjacked a white Ford work van then left the area last seen westbound on 10E from HWY 287, however a reckless report of a similar vehicle likely places the vehicle eastbound on HWY 56 from Berthoud a short time later. An interview with the man’s girlfriend who was in the stolen truck established that he made statements that he was going to use the pistol on law enforcement just before he got out of the truck. This man was later located in the Metro area by U.S. Marshalls and was shot and killed.

Wednesday, April 11

Criminal Mischief: Sioux Drive, a resident reported that someone broke out his driver’s side window last night. Vehicle was parked on the road in front of his house.

Unauthorized Use of Financial Trans Device: Great Basin Court, a resident left his cell phone, that doubles as his credit card holder, at business on Saturday night. Someone took his phone home but returned it to the bar the next day.

Vehicle Crash / Minor Injury: Berthoud Parkway and CR10E, a driver failed to yield the right of way to another vehicle. The second vehicle broadsided the first vehicle.

Disorderly Conduct: Woodcock Street, a resident went to another residence looking to fight with the occupant. He also caused a disturbance outside the main office. The man was charged with disorderly conduct and trespassed from the building, and the main office.

Thursday, April 12

Theft: 1st Street, a resident reported theft of aluminum scrap, occurred over the last 7 days. “Suspects” may be people he agreed to sell the scrap to.

Criminal Mischief / Tampering: Canyonlands Street, someone super glued newly elected town trustee’s mailbox closed. Mail service was disrupted for a few days and the USPS had to replace the lock. Children are not the problem, it’s the adults that act like a child.

Friday, April 13

Civil Standby: Canyonlands Street, a mother requested an informal civil standby to pick up her son’s lacrosse gear from her ex’s house.

Detox Hold: E. Michigan Avenue, a resident transported by medical with a blood alcohol level more than 3 times the legal limit.

Saturday, April 14

Assault / Domestic Violence: E Michigan Avenue, a woman called to report that her husband hit her and threw her to the ground last night. Her 16-year-old son took his father to a motel for the night.

Sunday, April 15

Assist to Medical Facility: Franklin Avenue, a resident slapped another resident on the shoulder.

Criminal Mischief: 6th Street, a resident reported that someone drove over his waterspouts from his house smashing them. It looks like the work of the itsy-bitsy spider.

Code Enforcement:

Animal Problems – 5
Vehicle Problems – 11
Other Ordinance Problems – 10

April 16-22

Monday, April 16

Mental Health Hold: 2nd Street, a father reported that his daughter sent a text message to her mom about her hurting herself and left in her car. She was located in Berthoud by deputies. She was taken to the hospital.  The hospital called us back and said that she was uncooperative and that the jail had agreed to hold her on a detox hold. Deputy took her to the jail, but they would not take her because she was not uncooperative at that time. Deputy took her to a different hospital and they placed her on a Detox hold. And you thought police work was easy. Jeeesh!

Juvenile Problem: 8th Street and Holmes Place, 3 juvenile boys were caught smoking cigarettes that they found on the ground. I’m not a germaphobe but, EW!

Theft: 2nd Street, a resident reported that an unknown person stole his Schwinn bicycle from beside his house. 

Suspicious Circumstances: E. CR8, a home owner reported she discovered a hole through her front door screen and the window on the door broken. Resident feared it might have been a bullet. Upon closer examination the deputy found a small rock which would have caused the damage. It is believed that a car popped the rock into her door. No that doesn’t make it Pop Rocks.

Suspicious Circumstances: Woodcock Street, a resident reported there are kids in a neighbor’s downstairs screaming and thinks the kids are young maybe 5-6-year-old. Resident said he is concerned because he does not know if parents have left the kids home alone. The parents were home when the deputy arrived at the residence.

Tuesday, April 17

Theft: Mountain Avenue, an unknown suspect stole two bottles of vitamins from Berthoud Drug.

Theft: Nebraska Avenue, a resident reported that, sometime today, the rear license plate was stolen from his wife’s Jeep Grand Cherokee.

Under Age in Possession of Marijuana: 2nd Street, an agent with the Colorado Marijuana Enforcement Division was out at one of the dispensaries to do a check and came across a parked vehicle with 2 juveniles smoking marijuana and the adult that supplied it to them in the back seat with his medical marijuana card in hand. Or should I say; had a medical marijuana card.

Wednesday, April 18

Theft: Woodcock Street, a resident reported theft and elder abuse reference her mother. Over a period of time, her brother and his wife took a lot of money, charged a lot on credit cards and were supposed to be paying the mortgage and never did.

Suspicious Circumstances/DUI Drugs: I-25 at Berthoud Exit, a male called 911 and said he was driving a stolen vehicle on I-25 at 110 miles per hour, then screamed profanities at dispatch and disconnected. The vehicle was located with a 15-year-old Loveland boy driving on a minor permit and admits he stole the truck from Loveland. There was also a gun inside the vehicle plus the boy has been smoking marijuana. This happened at 2:00 am, where were the parents?

Thursday, April 19

Warrant Arrest: E. Hwy 56 and CR13, a 29-year-old Greeley man was contacted for careless driving and found to have a warrant for his arrest. Booked.

Vehicle Crash / Property Damage / DUI / Fictitious Plates / No Insurance: S. 1st Street, a 40-year-old Berthoud woman drove her sedan off the road and through the fence of the Streets Department lot. Vehicle was uninsured and had the wrong plates. The driver admitted to alcohol and marijuana consumption prior to the crash. Booked uncooperative.

Friday, April 20

Possession of Marijuana: Massachusetts Avenue, a student brought less than an ounce of marijuana to school to help celebrate 420. Mom responded. Summons issued. Aren’t holidays great? 

Underage Possession of Marijuana: Woodcock Street, a deputy on foot patrol contacted a 19-year-old Berthoud man. He was found to be in possession of 1.9 grams of marijuana and some paraphernalia that was confiscated. Another 420 reveler.

Saturday, April 21

Warrant Arrest: Colorado Avenue, a 34-year-old Ft. Collins man was contacted at this location and found to have 2 warrants for his arrest. Booked

Disturbing the Peace / Unreasonable Noise: Skimmer Street, neighbors complained about excessive noise. Residents were giving an opportunity to turn it down, but music was back up 2 hours later. The resident refused to open the door, and will be cited later.

DUI of Drugs / Underage Possession of Marijuana: Berthoud Parkway at Wagon Bend Road., a 20-year-old California man was stopped for speeding. He was suspected to be under the influence of drugs.

Sunday, April 22

Suspicious: Tranquility Court, a resident reported that her patio sofa was moved by someone overnight. 

Code Enforcement:

Animal Problems – 8
Vehicle Problems – 10
Other Ordinance Problems – 20

April 23-30

Monday, April 23

Stolen Vehicle Recovery / Assist Longmont PD: Turner Avenue, a blue Acura sedan was located parked on Turner Avenue. Employee at a nearby business observed three white males moving stuff from the Acura to a gray sedan and called us two hours later. Acura was stolen out of Longmont. Longmont PD and CSI responded, processed and handled disposition of the vehicle. The deputy showed a picture of previous vehicle theft suspects to the employee and he said that that picture may have been one of the subjects involved.

Vehicle Crash / Non- Injury: Crestridge Drive and Berthoud Parkway, a Loveland man took the turn too wide and hit another vehicle

Theft / Trespass: Mountain Avenue, two suspects pulled up behind the Habitat for Humanity and loaded up some furniture. Plate lists to a street in Berthoud. Registered Owners are not involved and said their daughter has the vehicle. Daughter denies being involved but says she doesn’t know who would’ve been driving her vehicle. Parents saw the video of the suspect and identified their daughter as that person. The daughter then admitted she was helping a friend who was homeless. Homeless and they are stealing furniture, hmmm makes sense to me.

Tuesday, April 24

Suspicious Circumstance: 4th Street, a resident reported finding a 7mm Rem-Mag cartridge in her apartment stairwell. Neighbors all claim they do not have guns or know where it came from.

Wednesday, April 25

Warrant Arrest: 2nd Street and Bunyan Avenue., a driver was contacted for a traffic violation and his 45-year-old very intoxicated passenger was arrested for a felony warrant.

Thursday, April 26

DUI / Accident Involving Damage / Duty to Report Accidents / Careless Driving: Hwy 287 and Mountain Avenue, 3-car rear end accident at this location. Driver who caused the accident was reported as intoxicated. That man got into his Lexis and left the scene. He then returned to the area and hit a trailer as he left the scene again. He came back a third time and almost got T-boned turning around and then left the scene again. The suspect was located in Loveland and arrested. I guess there’s no question about the drinking part.

Friday, April 27

Vehicle Crash / Property Damage: Hwy 287 and Mountain Avenue, a Longmont man struck another Longmont man’s vehicle that was stopped at a red light.

Burglary: 4th Street, a resident reported that his shed had been broken into overnight and a BMX bicycle was stolen.

Found Drug Paraphernalia: TPC Parkway and Grand Market, a construction worker reported three syringes were left on the ground in the construction area. Syringes collected for destruction. 

Traffic Hazard: Hwy 287 and County Road 17, a Ford Freestyle van was abandoned in the acceleration lane onto the Hwy. Last known phone numbers to the registered owner were called and unsuccessful. Vehicle towed.

Citizen Assist:1st Street, a resident claims that for years baseballs have been coming over the fence and is afraid that he and his wife will be hurt because of no nets. The deputy spoke with the owner of the ball fields, he said that they have nets and they were up but the wind storm damaged the poles and nets. He stated that while the nets are down he is not allowing balls to be hit other than ground balls for practice. He said that the nets and poles are in the process of being fixed.

Saturday, April 28

Suspicious Circumstances: Loves Travel Center, a suspicious vehicle was called in parked behind a building. Deputy made contact with a 38-year-old Littleton man sleeping inside the vehicle. He was sent on his way.

Structure Fire: Weld CR 3 and 46, assisted Berthoud fire department with a fully involved structure fire. Why were we there you ask? Because firefighters need heroes too.

Loud Music Complaint: CR 8, resident reported loud music that has been going on most of the day. Homeowner was contacted by a deputy and music was turned down. Turn it down or at least turn it to a channel I like.

Sunday, April 29

Vehicle Crash / Careless Driving: CR13 and CR6C, a Berthoud woman was traveling North on CR13 and attempting turn West on CR6C when a Berthoud man tried to pass her on his motorcycle. Minor injuries to motorcycle rider.

Code Enforcement:

Animal Problems – 5
Vehicle Problems – 7
Other Ordinance Problems – 14

Monday, April 30

Theft / Lottery Scam: Bein Street, a resident received a call last week about winning a lottery. She sent a USPS money order to an address in Nebraska for over $900 to help claim her winnings. Callers have all been accent free Americans and claim to be from American Lottery, a sister company to publisher’s clearing house. The resident still believes the lottery to be real and is currently waiting for Brinks security to show up with her winnings, but wants us to be there because she is worried about unknown persons coming to her residence. Arrival time was today between 10:00 and 12:00, however there is a problem at the airport and the winnings won’t be delivered until tomorrow. I’m sure the Brinks truck got held up by traffic.

Burglary / Theft: 2nd Street, a resident was gone over the weekend and returned home to find two computers missing and the deadbolt and door lock pried off the rear door. Multiple screens were removed and at least one window appears to have been left unlocked. Computers are old and have no monetary value according to victim. If only the bad guy could put this much effort into a real job!

Criminal Tampering: 1st Street, a business man reported that someone pushed over one of his metal stakes that he placed into the ground along the property line of his business.

About Post Author

Gary Wamsley

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