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sheriff badge

Provided By
James Anderson
Patrol Sergeant, Berthoud Squad

Friday, August 1

Ordinance Violation: 200 block of Victoria Avenue, a resident’s cat was loose. The cat was captured and was later turned over to the owner who received a ticket.

Saturday, August 2

Suspicious Circumstances: 900 block of Third Street, a resident reported an MVA Hit and Run. This person reported that the truck possibly ran over a delineator post. The post was placed upright by the deputy.

Tampering: 100 block of E. Nebraska Avenue, unknown individuals threw eggs at two vehicles in this area.

Restraining Order Violation & Domestic Violence: 300 block of Columbine Circle, a female called to report that her ex-husband had called her several times and sent her text messages. Male subject was arrested.

Monday, August 4

Found property: 1300 block of Fourth Street, A bike was found lying on the side of the road with no one around it.

Theft of water: 400 block of CR 10E, a subject was observed tapping into a hydrant and taking 500 gallons of water without the use of a meter.

Harassment: 1100 block of Madison Avenue, the owner of a realty company, received a phone call from a subject who threatened her.

Identity Theft: 900 block of Bruce Drive, a resident’s credit/debit card was used in Orlando Florida over the weekend.

If you are missing a bike please contact the Berthoud Police Department.

Tuesday, August 5

Suspicious Circumstances: 1st St/Mountain Ave: Deputy located a hand written flyer taped to the base of a light pole. This flyer was a hand written wanted poster.

Vehicle Trespass/Theft: 300 block of E. Colorado Avenue, a resident reported a leaf blower stolen out of the bed of his pickup truck.

Wednesday, August 6

Search Warrant: 1300 block of Duff Drive, Fort Collins- Executed a search warrant with regards to the felony eluding that took place on 07/23/14. Several pieces of evidence collected. Suspect’s motorcycle also located.

Assist Other Agency: 7th Street & Lake Avenue, two good Samaritans stopped to help an elderly male who was laying in the grass with his walker and oxygen tank tipped over. Paramedics walked him home to his wife.

Solicitors: Contacted three sales people from Kudzu Roofing Company out of Denver. They were told to cease immediately and get a permit.

Solicitors: Contacted five sales people from Conservation Contacts Company out of Denver. No permit. They were told to cease immediately and get a permit.

Thursday, August 7

Suspicious: A resident was called a few times from a New York State County Sheriff office employee (845-345-5958)? She was told several times that if she doesn’t pay fines a warrant will be served against her. Phone number lists to a bogus address in New York. When deputies called the number employee hung up. THIS IS A SCAM!

Curfew Violation X 2: 200 block of 7th St, Berthoud Park, two 16 year old males were contacted at the park around 0200 hours. They were cited for Berthoud curfew violations and released to parents.

Animal Problem: Several barking dog calls in Mary’s Farm. There are problems between neighbors walking their dogs and dogs in back yards.

Friday, August 8

Juvenile Problems: 10th St/Mountain Ave, Reflections for Youth requested assistance with a 14-year-old after he ran away from the home. He was contacted in the field west of 10th St on Mountain Ave and returned to Reflections for Youth.

Saturday, August 9

Found Property/Drug Paraphernalia: 400 block of 6th Street, neighbor found a purse along her fence in the alley. Black purse with some misc paperwork, a small bindle of suspected Methamphetamine and drug paraphernalia.
Sunday, August 10

Dog at Large: Tan mix type dog was found loose at 900 block of Welch Avenue – no one was home but the dog managed to wiggle his way back under the fence and into his own yard.

Unfounded Restraining Order Violation: 400 block of W CR10E a resident called to report that another person was calling him and trying to go by his residence to pick up their belongings. Research between Larimer County Communications and deputy found that the restraining order was vacated and is no longer active.

Warrant Arrest X2: 200 block of 2nd Street, a 25-year-old female was contacted during a welfare check. She was found to have two misdemeanor warrants.

Monday August 11

Suspicious Circumstance: 9th Street and Mountain Avenue, a 52-year-old female was contacted due to her calling 911 to report that her husband had shot and killed an FBI agent and had kidnapped her granddaughter. Female was suffers from a delusional episodes.

Harassment: 400 block of Meadowlark Drive, words were exchanged between two males and one shoved the other.

IRS scam: Individuals reporting that the IRS will be sending over the sheriff if they do not pay their bill. Deputies called the number 888-390-9723, a male subject with an Indian accent then the subject became very upset with us for questioning his authority. THIS IS A SCAM!

Tuesday, August 12

Lost Property: 500 block of Bunyan Avenue, a resident reported that his boat trailer plate was lost.

Injured Raptor: Berthoud Cemetery, a Red Tailed hawk was found injured at the cemetery. The Raptor Rescue from CSU responded and took custody of the bird.

Wednesday, August 13

Assault/False Reporting: CR 17 / Bunyan, a 26 year old female reported it as an attempted car-jacking. Upon further interviews with her, she admitted that it was not a car-jacking but an assault by a male that is an acquaintance.

Harassment: 400 block of Mountain Avenue, a worker at a business called to report an unruly male that was confronting other patrons. The man was cited for Harassment.

Thursday, August 14

Assist Medical: 1200 block of Arapahoe Avenue, assisted medical with an elderly gentleman that has dementia and Parkinson’s and is bed ridden. His wife has severe arthritis and can barely help him.

Fraud: 800 5th Street. A resident received a digital recording from ‘Xcel’ energy advising her that her bill was due. This recording gave her account number which was correct. When Salazar called the 1-888-220-8409 number she paid $167.47 by way of check. After receiving the check information she was disconnected with the subject. She called back the true Xcel and they advised that they never called her. This recording sounded very official and can easily fool people.

Caretaker Neglect/Crimes Against At-Risk Adults: 800 block of Franklin Avenue, a McKee Medical Center ER Nurse called to report medical staff at McKee are concerned about the care that an 89 year old was receiving.

Friday, August 15

Barking Dog: 1100 block of Arapahoe Avenue, several neighbors called in to report 4 large dogs barking constantly in the back yard of this residence.
Detox Hold: 1600 block of 4th Street, a resident was called in for a Welfare check on her and her young daughter. The mother was intoxicated after admitting to drinking two shots. The child was placed elsewhere by Child Protection Services.

Curfew Violation: Meadowlark Dr/ Alpine Drive, 2 juvenile males were contacted after sneaking out of one of the boy’s house two blocks away. They were taken back home and released to dad.

Theft: 300 Colorado Avenue, a pickup Truck tailgate was taken sometime during the night.

Saturday, August 16

Runaway/Found Child: 300 block of Bimson Avenue, a 9-year-old boy ran away from home after a fight with his older brother. The young boy was located at a friend’s house. A reverse 911 was sent out about this missing boy and neighbors created searching parties to help look for this young boy. What a great community we live in!

MISDEMEANOR WARRANT ARREST: 100 block of Mountain Avenue, a 29 year old female was consensually contacted while she was dumpster diving behind the ReUseIt at this address. She was found to have an active warrant out of Boulder County for FTA for Driving under Restraint, No Insurance, and Speeding.

Theft: 300 block of Bimson Avenue, a resident called to report his Pick-up tailgate was taken the previous night from his truck.

AOA Berthoud Fire: Meadowlark Drive/Alpine Avenue, Construction workers in the area were digging and notched a hole in the 4 inch gas main. Xcel responded to repair along with most of Berthoud Water/Sewer/Streets. Gas line was down for about 4 hours.

Sunday, August 17

Speeding/DUI/ Open Container: 4th St/Mountain Ave, a 51-year-old female was contacted for speeding on Mountain Ave. She showed signs of being under the influence of alcohol.

Domestic Violence/Criminal Mischief/Theft: 800 block of 5th Street, a 25-year-old male kicked in the back door of his on and off again girlfriend’s residence. The male was contacted as he left the residence and had items in his possession that were not his.

Violation of Restraining Order: 800 block of 5th Street, While on the above call a restraining order was found with the male as the protected person from the female.

Family Disturbance: 2100 block of Elmwood Street, a father reported that his18 year old son was out of control and had shoved him.

Monday, August 18

Warrant Arrest X 7: 1000 block of 7th Street, a 21-year-old female was reported to be at her parents address. She was found hiding in the bathroom and taken into custody. First warrant is a Felony Warrant out of LCSO for Aggravated Motor Vehicle Theft. Second is a Misdemeanor warrant is out of LCSO for Failure to Appear (FTA) for False Reporting. Third is a Misdemeanor warrant from Greenwood Village Police for FTA -Possession of narcotic equipment. Forth is a Misdemeanor warrant from Arapahoe County for FTA for Hit and run. Fifth, sixth and seventh are misdemeanor warrants from Aurora Police Department for FTA-Larceny.

 Tuesday, August 19

Parking Complaint: 10th Street & Lake Avenue, report of cars parking “stupid” by the football field. No “stupid” parking observed by deputy.

Welfare Check: 7th Street & Mountain Avenue, contacted a 21-year-old male after a caller reported he was screaming at himself and acting strange while walking west on Mountain Avenue He was given a courtesy ride to his home in Fort Collins.

DUI / Signal Violation: CR17 & Bunyan Avenue, a 33-year-old female stopped at a stop sign for about 2 minutes, left turn signal, then turned right, overcorrected right then left, 20 mph below speed limit.

Wednesday, August 20

Burglary X2/Theft/Criminal Mischief: 900 Mountain Avenue, two Coke machines were entered with coins and miscellaneous bills being stolen. Evidence collected.

Neighbor Problem: 400 & 300 block of Nebraska Avenue, a resident reported that his neighbor’s dog was very vicious, attacking the fence, spitting, barking, and being very aggressive and scary. The owner of the dog was contacted, so was the 4-month-old dog. Dog was not vicious and was very friendly. Verbal warning was issued for the barking section of the complaint.

Extra Patrols: Berthoud Schools, Town Parks, Gateway Park, Mathews Farm, 2nd Street Trailer Parks, Serenity Ridge

Thursday, August 21

Vicious Animal: 100 block of E. Nebraska Avenue, a German Shepherd jumped the fence at this address and bit a pedestrian walking by on his left arm. Owner of the dog was issued a summons for Berthoud Ordinance Vicious Animal. Dog current on all shots and licensing.

Violation Restraining Order/Domestic Violence: 200 block of Mountain Avenue, a 35-year-old male is restrained from contacting the complainant. The male called the complainant while she was at work.

Suicidal Threats/Missing Person: 900 block of Kansas Avenue, a 35-year-old male was reported by his father to be making suicidal comments.

Follow-up: 300 block of Massachusetts Avenue, the male party to the violation of a restraining order turned himself in.

Extra Patrols:  Berthoud Schools, Town Parks, Gateway Park, Mathews Farm, 2nd Street Trailer Parks, Serenity Ridge

Traffic Enforcement:  All four school zones

Friday, August 22

Follow Up Missing Person: 900 block of Kansas Avenue, the girlfriend of the above suicidal male stated that he contacted her and stated that he was OK and not suicidal.

Private Property Motor Vehicle Accident: 1100 block of Lake Avenue, 2 motorists were involved in a private property MVA.

Parking issue: Multiple verbal advisements made on how to park and read signs in the school areas.

School Checks:

Foot patrol inside all 4 schools

3 contacts: 1 tagged vehicle, 1 written warning, 1 verbal warning

Extra Patrols: Berthoud Schools, Town Parks, Gateway Park, Mathews Farm, 2nd Street Trailer Parks, Serenity Ridge

Traffic Enforcement:  CR 17, 4th Street, Mountain Ave, All 4 school zones

Saturday, August 23

Criminal Mischief: 1900 block of E. Lincoln Avenue, a Berthoud resident reported that while she was at the Hideout Bar in Fort Collins someone spray painted the trunk of her car.

Extra Checks: Berthoud Schools.

6 Contacts, 4 Verbal Warnings, 2 Written Warnings.

Sunday, August 24

Motor Vehicle Accident w/Injuries/DUI: A driver was driving eastbound on County Road 10E and appears he may have been trying to go north on 1st Street at a high rate of speed.  Instead he went sideway hitting the passenger side on the ditch edge, and rolling his vehicle.

6 traffic stops 6 citations

Driving Under Suspension/Failed to yield at intersection: Wilshire Circle & Wilshire Drive, a driver failed to yield to a police vehicle in the round-a-bout. Driver was suspended for non child support.

No permit slash burn: 700 block of E HWY 56, a deputy observed a good sized fire at this location. No permit issued. Berthoud Fire responded and advised them of the permit needs.

Neighbor Problems: 700 block of Welch Avenue, a resident was complaining that her neighbor had moved a piece of wood from the property line. Neighbor admitted to moving it when he mowed but put it back to resolve the issue.

Noise Complaint: 400 block of Colorado Avenue, a resident was contacted after an anonymous neighbor complained of a loud stereo and people “puking” in front of the house. The resident was counseled about being a good neighbor and warned the next complaint would result in summons.

3 traffic contacts: 2 written warnings, 1 summons

Extra Patrols: Berthoud Schools, Town Parks, Gateway Park, Mathews Farm, 2nd Street Trailer Parks, Serenity Ridge

Monday, August 25

Traffic Complaint: Longs Peak Avenue & Aspen Drive, a resident called numerous times since school started complaining about parents parking illegally while dropping off their children for football practice at Berthoud Elementary. She has confronted the parents and curses at them when they park near her house.

Theft: 400 block of 5th Street, a business called to report a theft.

2 traffic contacts, 2 verbal warnings

Extra Patrols: Business Checks, School Checks, and School Zones

Tuesday, August 26

Lost Weapon: 300 block of E Iowa Avenue, a resident called to report a gun was missing.

Warrant Arrest Felony and Misdemeanor: 800 8th Street. An 18-year-old man was called in by his mother as being suicidal.

Follow-up Missing Firearm: The owner of the firearm reported missing to Deputy Wicker found his firearm tucked under his hunting gear.

 Dog Bite: 600 block of 4th Street, the family dog snapped at the 2 year old cutting her upper lip.

Extra Patrols: Business Checks, Roving Patrols, School Checks, School Zones

Wednesday, August 27

Violation of Protection Order/Warrant Arrest X 2: 200 block of 2nd Street, While investigating another case, a 54 year old man was contacted at this location which he was restrained from. He also had 2 warrants for his arrest.

1 contacts, 1 citation

Thursday, August 28

Dog at Large: 500 block of Redwood Circle, An American bulldog was found running loose in a neighborhood. Unable to find the owner, the dog did not have tags or a micro chip. Turned over to Animal Control.

Underage Consumption of Alcohol/Suspicious Circumstances: 400 block of Meadowlark, a traffic stop was conducted on a vehicle sitting at a gas pump at the closed gas station for several minutes. Two males walked from the side of the coffee shack back to the vehicle. A 20 year old male was contacted as a passenger in the vehicle and admitted to drinking.

Felony Warrant Arrest: 800 block of Holmes Place, a 36-year-old man was contacted at his residence for an active warrant.

8 contacts, 5 for parking violations (4 verbal, 3 written, 1 citation)

Friday, August 29

Civil Standby: 800 block of Bunyan Avenue, A civil standby was conducted at this address while a person removed their belongings.

Successful microchip cat locator/ Municipal Violations: 700 block of 5th Street: A cat was found at this residence. Using our microchip reader the address for the cat was found and was returned.

7 contacts, 4 written warnings, 0 citations

Extra Patrols: Berthoud Schools, Town Parks, Gateway Park, Mathews Farm, 2nd Street Trailer Parks, Serenity Ridge

Saturday, August 30

Tampering: Fickel Park: Unknown individuals pushed over a couple of porta-potties. They were just placed there yesterday for today’s “Bums of Berthoud” event. They were unused (thank goodness). Deputy lifted the porta-potties back upright.

MVA/Hit and Run: 100 block of Mountain Avenue, a parked vehicle was struck by a blue Dodge 4dr pickup. A “witness” described the plate as but this plate is no record.

 4 contacts 3 written warnings, 2 ordinance trailer violations, 1 verbal warning

Extra Patrols: Berthoud Schools, Town Parks, Gateway Park, Mathews Farm, 2nd Street Trailer Parks, Serenity Ridge

Sunday, August 31

Recovered Stolen Vehicle: 200 block of 2nd Street, while on patrol in the park a vehicle with the window down and no front plate observed. Vehicle confirmed stolen out of Longmont.

Harassment: Lake Drive & CR17, a 16 year old female gave another 16 year old female an inappropriate wave.

5 traffic contact: 2 verbal, 2 citations, 1 stolen vehicle recovered

Extra Patrols: Berthoud Schools, Town Parks, Gateway Park, Mathews Farm, 2nd Street Trailer Parks, Serenity Ridge

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