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Updated September 6 2016

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Provided by
James Anderson
Patrol Sergeant: Berthoud Squad


Monday,  August 1

Vehicle Trespass / Criminal Trespass / Theft: 700 block of 2nd Street, a resident called to report that on Thursday an unknown suspect entered her vehicle and stole medications, two necklaces, a sweatshirt and money while she was at work.

Tuesday, August 2

1st annual “National Night Out” event held at Fickel Park. Your Berthoud Squad wants to thank everyone that came and shared. Deputy Dacus volunteered to organize this event to bring the Berthoud community together.

Wednesday, August 3

Theft: 400 block of Nebraska Avenue, a resident reported someone stole his mailbox from the post.

Vehicle Crash / Failed to Remain on Scene: 5th Street and Mountain Avenue, a driver’s vehicle was struck by a 42-year-old woman’s vehicle. While they were exchanging information, the woman fled the scene when she learned that the Sheriff’s Office was going to be contacted. The reporting person noted that the other woman had an odor of an alcoholic beverage on her breath, slurred speech and admitted to having “two drinks.”

Follow-up / Runaway Juvenile Located: Denver, Colorado, a 14-year old boy who had been reported as a runaway was contacted by Denver PD and was arrested on two warrants and an additional charge of False Information.

Thursday, August 4

Vehicle Trespass: 2300 block of 1st Street, a resident reported that someone entered his locked RV. Suspect used a key to enter the RV and stole the flat screen TV and an I-Pod.

DUI: 1st Street and CR8, a 31-year old man was stopped for a traffic violation. The man appeared to be intoxicated while driving his vehicle.

Assault: 5th Street and Mountain Avenue, two women reported that they saw a vehicle with an older woman driver, get hit or slapped by a male passenger in his 20s or 30s. The plate they got belonged to a 66-year old woman. Deputy contacted the woman who informed him that neither her nor her vehicle had been in Berthoud and that she was not assaulted.

Friday, August 5

Harassment: 8th Street and Massachusetts Avenue, a man reported he was followed around town by another man and woman. The man and woman were upset over alleged cheating in the game of “INGRESS”. The man had his two young children in the car as he tried to evade the man and woman.

Criminal Mischief / Domestic Violence: 800 block of 9th Street, a man damaged property of his girlfriend.

Sunday, August 7

Suspicious Vehicle: 1700 block of 4th Street, a suspicious white SUV was in the alley behind the homes possibly checking for unlocked doors and garages.  A resident heard noises and a neighbor saw a white SUV parked in the area at about the same time they heard the noises.

Monday, August 8

Criminal Mischief / Suspicious Incident: 100 block of Turner Avenue, a resident called to report some damage to the front fenders on her vehicle.

Theft of Motor Vehicle Parts: 100 block of Keep Circle, a resident called to report that his license plate was stolen.

Civil Standby: 800 block of 9th Street, a man had his civil standby to grab a few items but it appears that the roommate has moved out of the residence.

Tuesday, August 9

Vehicle Trespass: 1300 block of Mt Meeker, a resident reported that her wallet was stolen out of her unlocked vehicle. The wallet was later recovered in a new construction home on Mount Meeker.

Vehicle Trespass: 800 block of 13th Street, a resident reported that her unlocked vehicle was entered and her purse was stolen.

Detox Hold: 200 block of 2nd Street, a 58-year-old woman was found heavily intoxicated in an alley near Welch Ave and 4th. Portable breath test had a result of .400. Voluntarily agreed to go to MCR for a Detox Hold.

Found Property: 1600 block of Mt. Meeker Avenue, a floral bag was found near this address. Bag was filled with various cosmetics.

Driving Under the Influence of Drugs / Careless Driving: 1000 block of Mountain Avenue, a 41-year old Illinois man was called in as a REDDI (Report Every Drunk Driver Immediately). The man was passed out at a stop sign with foot on brake and vehicle in gear. He admitted to smoking marijuana (been in Colorado for 3 days now). Tourism is great in Colorado.

Wednesday, August 10

Vehicle Trespass: 300 block of 2nd Street, a resident called to report that her unlocked vehicle was entered overnight. Miscellaneous items were taken.

Criminal Tampering: 700 block of Welch Avenue, a 58-year-old Berthoud woman was seen throwing an egg at her neighbor’s house.

Vehicle Trespass / Theft: 700 block of 3rd Street, a resident reported that someone entered her unlocked truck and stole tools.

Thursday, August 11

Vehicle Trespass / Theft: 100 block of E. Iowa, a resident reported that his unlocked truck was entered and $1,000.00 dollars in tools were taken.

Vehicle Trespass / Theft: 100 block of Welch Avenue, a resident called to report that someone had entered two of her vehicles and several items were taken.

Vehicle Crash: SE Frontage Road and Hwy 56, Berthoud – a 57-year-old Longmont woman was stuck in I-25 traffic and saw others crossing the grass median to get onto the frontage road. She followed suit and forgot to look left while crossing the frontage road to head north. She struck another vehicle.

Lost Property: 700 block of Mount Massive, a resident reported that her front license plate was lost within the past day.

Found Property: 800 block of 7th Street, a resident found a 6 gallon, red plastic, empty gas can in her front yard today.

Vehicle trespass count this week is 9 vehicles ALL were unlocked.

Friday, August 12

Driving Under Restraint / Speeding: CR 2E and CR15, a 58-year-old Loveland woman was seen speeding southbound out of Berthoud. When she finally pulled over it was discovered that her license is revoked.

Verbal Disturbance: 800 block of 9th Street, people were in a verbal argument about insurance money outside of the residence.

Saturday, August 13

Assist: 1400 block of 4th Street, a 58-year-old resident observed a fox outside his window at 0730. He chased the fox through the apartment complex until he fell into a 6-inch hole in the grass on the north side of the property and got his foot “stuck”. He called 911 and was transported by ambulance to the hospital at his request.

Verbal Disturbance: 1000 block of 6th Street, a man and his mother-in-law got in a verbal dispute.

Sunday, August 14

Driving Under the Influence: Mountain Ave and 10th Street, a 36-year-old Denver man was on his way home, to Denver, from an afternoon of drinking at NeWestFest in Ft Collins and decided to take a detour through Berthoud. He was stopped for speeding and for failing to signal two turns.

Aggravated Motor Vehicle Theft / 1st Degree Criminal Trespass: 900 block of Kansas Avenue, a resident woke up to find that her VW Jetta had been stolen from her garage overnight. Keys were left in the car and a credit card was used in Loveland.

Monday, August 15

Vehicle Trespass: 2800 block of Big Thunder Road, a construction worker reported someone broke into his construction trailer sometime in the last 7 days and tools were stolen.

Suspicious Circumstances: 1000 block of 2nd Street, a resident reported that there were masked men on her roof who attempted to enter her store. No entry was made but the air conditioning unit was turned off manually from the alley. Video collected. May be associated with the suspicious vehicle that was called in, in this same area which was stolen out of Longmont.

Tuesday, August 16

Missing Child: 300 block of Iowa Avenue, a 6-year-old child was reported missing for about 45 minutes. Child was located playing with a friend 5 houses down.

Suspicious Incident: 200 block of Welch Street, an employee called to report that a man was coming in just to see her and wanted him to stop. Deputy contacted the man and he went on about how people in this town are after him and has even called the FBI for their assistance.

Wednesday, August 17

Accidental Shooting: 300 block of West Hill Drive, a resident went out to shoot a pistol and thought he had three rounds in it but there were actually four. He thought it was strange the slide did not lock back so he racked it and forgot to take his finger off the trigger and accidentally shot himself in the hand.

Thursday, August 18

Theft of Automotive Parts: 700 block of 2nd Street, a resident called to report that overnight someone stole his front and back license plates. Plate was entered as stolen.

Found Property: 400 block of 3rd Street, a resident called to report a pink bicycle that has been there for 6 plus days. Bicycle was locked to a metal barricade.

Friday, August 19

Warrant Arrest: 300 block of Meadowlark Drive, Longmont Police transferred custody of a very intoxicated 57-year-old female.

Saturday, August 20

Serious Bodily Injury Crash/Careless Driving: Highway 287 & CR 17, a Longmont woman was traveling south on CR17 and a 73 year-old Loveland woman was traveling East on Highway 287 when someone (unknown at this time) ran a presumed red light and collided with the other driver in the middle of the intersection. Both drivers and passengers in the Longmont woman’s vehicle went to MCR.

Burglary / Theft: 100 block of Bein Street, a resident called to report that sometime on Sunday, an unknown suspect entered his open garage and stole his Mountain Bicycle.

Sunday, August 21

Citizen Assist: 300 block of Massachusetts Avenue, 30 pieces of medication were collected from a citizen and logged into evidence for destruction.

Abandoned Vehicle: 20700 SE Frontage Road, a white 1998 Ford Windstar Van failed to be moved after being tagged for 72 hours.

Burglary / Theft: 800 block of Ranchhand Drive, a resident called to report that his home was entered and his front door was left open. After going through the home and finding items missing he called to report.

Monday August 22

Possession Schedule II Controlled Substance: 200 block of Welch Avenue, a 32-year-old woman was part of a disturbance at this address. She was found to be in possession of 1.5 grams of methamphetamine.

3rd Degree Assault: 200 block of Welch Avenue, a 39-year-old man was the other half of the above disturbance. He is suspected to have held the woman down, dragged her across the living room floor and ripped the drugs out of her hand.

Tuesday, August 23

Vehicle Crash with Injury: 10th Street and Welch Avenue, a 14-year-old boy was riding his mountain bike to Berthoud High School when he struck a semi-trailer. The boy was transported to the hospital with serious injuries but is expected to make a full recovery. The quick actions of the truck driver kept the boy from receiving worse injuries.

On August 23, 2016, at approximately 7:13 a.m., the Larimer County Sheriff’s Office was advised of a traffic crash involving a bicyclist and a semi-truck near 10th Street and Welch Avenue in Berthoud. Deputies arrived two minutes later and found the 14-year-old male bicyclist had serious, but non-life threatening injuries. He was immediately transported to an area hospital for treatment.

The Larimer County Sheriff’s Office Crash Team responded to investigate the circumstances of the crash. It was determined the commercial truck with trailer attached was traveling west in the 900 block of the alley between Mountain and Welch Avenues approaching the 400 block of 10th Street. The truck started a northbound (right) turn onto 10th Street from the alley. The bicyclist was traveling southbound on the northbound side of the road, was distracted, and rode into the side of the trailer close to the rear axles. The quick reaction of the truck driver to stop the vehicle most likely prevented the bicyclist’s injuries from being more severe. 10th Street was closed for about three hours during the investigation at the crash site.

A determination has not been made regarding what, if any, charges will be filed against the bicyclist. The truck driver was not cited. No further information will be released at this time as this is an on-going investigation.

Trespass: 100 block of Mountain Avenue, a 53-year-old man entered the residence that was not his.

Found Property: 400 block of 8th Street, Citizen reported a suspicious duffel bag by their trash dumpster in the alleyway. Bag was examined and found to only contain clothing.

Assault / Criminal Mischief: 900 block of 6th Street, a 24-year-old man reported that he was assaulted by a 44-year-old man. He had red marks on his neck from being choked and a red mark on his back from being pushed against a metal shelf.

Suspicious Circumstances: 400 block of Meadowlark Drive, two Loveland residents picked up a male hitchhiker who was riding a bike southbound on Highway 287 in north Longmont. The male stated that he was headed to Berthoud, even though he was traveling southbound. The male made odd statements about he is running from Boulder PD for looking through windows. They promptly dropped the hitchhiker off in Berthoud. The male was described as being white, 5’7″-5’10”, 170-180lbs, in his mid to late 20s, with short brown or dirty blonde hair and scruffy chin hair. He was wearing either a blue or black shirt, blue jeans and a backpack. He was riding a black and yellow Specialized bike.

Wednesday, August 24

Warrant Arrest: 200 block of Versaw Court, a 32-year-old man was contacted on a business check for the town and found to have a warrant for Traffic Offenses.

Thursday, August 25

Suspicious Circumstances: 400 block of Mountain Avenue, a business owner found the garage doors to his shop had been forcefully pulled out bending one of the locks.

No License Plates / Driving Under Revocation: 200 block of Bunyan Avenue, a 32-year-old Denver man was stopped for having no license plates and found to be driving under restraint.

Friday August 26

Vehicle Trespass: 100 block of E Iowa Avenue, a resident had his unlocked vehicle entered and items stolen.

Suspicious Circumstances: 500 block of Redwood Circle, a resident reported a package was scanned as delivered by USPS on Monday but he never received it.

Harassment: 200 block of Welch Avenue, a resident reported two other women threatened to beat her up and advanced on her in the parking lot.

Citizen Assist: 500 block of Redwood Circle, a Berthoud resident stopped by town hall concerned over recent social media posts by a neighbor. The posts have vague threats towards Berthoud High School students, Berthoud Elementary PTA members, Sheriff Smith, and Berthoud Deputies. SRO Meyer and Thompson school district are aware of the posts.

DUI: 1400 block of Glacier Avenue., a 54-year-old Berthoud woman was contacted passed out in her vehicle in her driveway after being called in possible drunk driver.

Forgery / Theft: 100 block of Bunyan, an employee reported a male approached him and purchased $50 worth of roses from him. The male provided him with a counterfeit $100 bill but he didn’t realize it for 30 minutes. The man was finally identified as a 39-year-old Berthoud man. He was interviewed and denied buying any roses at all and certainly did not provide a counterfeit bill. The man was arrested and continued to deny his involvement even when he was shown the rose he dropped in his driveway that matched the ones that he bought.

Saturday, August 27

Dog Bite: Welch Avenue and 6th Street, a mother reported her daughter was bit on the leg by a loose dog.

Recovered Stolen Vehicle: Weld County, Colorado State Patrol located a vehicle that had been stolen out of Berthoud that had been wrecked and left.

Sunday, August 28

Vehicle Crash / Failure to Yield Stop Sign: 2nd Street and Welch Avenue, a driver made a left turn into the side of another vehicle causing damage to both.

Family Problems: 200 block of E. Colorado Avenue, a resident reported the father of her child arrived at their child’s birthday party and caused a disturbance.

Vehicle Crash / Hit and Run: Highway 56 and CR13, unknown driver of a scooter struck a passing vehicle then left on foot when law enforcement was called.

Monday, August 29

Missing Juvenile: 800 block of Spartan Avenue, a mother reported her 16-year-old daughter as a runaway after not returning home from school.

Tuesday, August 30

Found Property: 800 block of 9th Street, a blue BMX bike was turned over after the bike was found leaning against the back of the church on Saturday.

Fraud: 800 block of Longview Avenue, a resident fell victim to a computer scam. He was told his computer was infected and the caller offered to fix their computer for $500. The resident refused to give them a credit card number so the caller suggested an iTunes gift card. The resident bought a $500.00 iTunes gift card before his wife told him it was a scam.

Warrant Arrest: CR17 & HWY. 287, a 20-year old Loveland man was contacted for traffic violation and arrested for a warrant.

Wednesday, August 31

Unauthorized use of a Financial Transaction Device: 800 block of Marshall Place, a resident reported that an unknown person(s) used a “skimmed” version of his debit card to make three purchases in Aurora and in the state of Maryland.

Harassment: 700 block of Welch Avenue, a 58-year old Berthoud woman was arrested for harassing a neighbor.

Aggravated Motor Vehicle Theft: 1700 block of N CR15-C, a 15-year old boy stole his dads truck, dad found him walking in Longmont with two other juveniles. The boy said the truck ran out of gas. Truck was located just in Boulder County near CR15/CR2. Vehicle was involved in a hit and run in Loveland just prior to the report of the stolen vehicle came in.

Warrant: 700 block of Welch Avenue, a 42-year old man was arrested on a warrant.

Trespass: 700 block of Welch Avenue, a 60-year old man was seen trespassing onto another person’s property.

Trespass: 900 block of Mountain Avenue, a 35-year-old Denver man and a 33-year-old Longmont woman were called in as possible trespassers inside of the business.


About Post Author

Gary Wamsley

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