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August 1 – 2

Saturday, August 1

Rally / Counter-Protest: Several people planned a Black Lives Matter rally at Fickel Park. Several counter-protesters gathered across the street. For the most part it was peaceful except for the volley of insults going back and forth. A teenager on the BLM side with a bullhorn made sure people were following the rules and cleaning up after themselves. Great Job!

Vehicle Crash / Private Property: Mountain Avenue, a driver backed into another vehicle at A&W. Issued citation. 

Motor Vehicle Theft: Country Road, a green Kawasaki Ninja stolen from this address sometime after 07-20-20.

Sunday, August 2

Driving While Ability Impaired: W CR 8 and N Hwy 287, a 22-year-old Longmont man was contacted as the driver during a traffic stop after failing to yield to a stationary emergency vehicle. Booked.

Suspicious Circumstances: 3800 E Hwy 56, a young woman was walking around the area that the caller suspects is prostituting herself or is being sex trafficked as she is walking around to different truckers in a suspicious manner.

August 3 – 9

Monday, August 3

Vehicle Crash / Property Damage: Spartan Ave, an 18-year-old man rolled his car in the grass behind Berthoud High School after his sandal got caught on the accelerator. Minor property damage to BHS grass.

Warrant Arrest: Meadowlark Drive, a deputy was traveling southbound on Meadowlark Drive in Berthoud when he observed a red sedan parked in the dead-end of Meadowlark Drive. A 30-year-old man was located and subsequently booked on an outstanding warrant out of the Loveland Police Department.

Tuesday, August 4

Vehicle Crash / Property Damage: Hwy 287 and CR 10E, a driver explained he was driving south on Highway 287 and was behind a slow-moving vehicle in the right-hand lane and moved to pass the slow vehicle. He saw a blue sedan behind him before changing lanes and while he was passing the slow vehicle, the blue car came around him and tried to pass him but there was not enough room in the lane and the two vehicles collided

Wednesday, August 5

Family Problem: E. Hwy 56, a father and his daughter were involved in a physical disturbance. Neither wanted to press charges and were separated for the night.

Family Problem / Physical Disturbance: Longs Peak Street, a dad called in stating that his daughter was going to come home soon and stated ” Things will be very bad between them” Dad called shortly after and stated that his daughter had returned and that they were physically fighting outside of the house.

Thursday, August 6

Possible Abduction / Domestic Violence: Meadowlark and Mountain Avenue, a mother called and reported that her stepdaughter was abducted by her husband. The vehicle was located, and a High-Risk-Stop was conducted. The stepdaughter stated that she got into the vehicle willingly and they were having a civil conversation.

Friday, August 7

Criminal Mischief: Mountain Avenue, someone smashed the screen of the ATM overnight. Waiting on ATM security camera footage.

Revoked Habitual Traffic Offender (HTO) / Traffic: Hwy 287, a 51-year-old Greeley man was stopped for a traffic violation and found to be revoked HTO with 24 actives. Booked.

Saturday, August 8

Disturbance: 2nd Street, a resident met a girl online and had her over. The girl got paranoid because the resident wasn’t drinking with her. The resident told her to leave and she left but came back and she pulled out the air conditioning unit and is trying to break into the house.

Sunday, August 9

Fraud: 9th Street, a resident had 4 orders placed under her amazon account that she didn’t make.
There are 2 different credit card numbers on the orders, and neither belong to her
both orders were shipped to her address.

Family Problems: 7th Street, a mother called to report that her adult son lives with her and he was served an eviction notice and became upset.

August 10 – 16

Monday, August 10

Accidental Overdose: Sioux Drive, a man who was having sever pain issues took too many pain pills. The man was unresponsive upon arrival. Narcan administered and the man awakened and surprised and confused why we were all there.

Theft of Services: Grand Market Avenue, a contractor observed someone using his dumpster to dump their trash.

Scam: Tallgrass Lane, a resident reported her email was hacked, and has now been getting scam emails saying if she doesn’t pay $1000, they will post videos of them on the internet.

Vehicle Trespass / Theft: Ellie Way, a resident reported his unlocked vehicle was entered sometime and a backpack containing his Glock 42 was taken.

Suspicious Circumstances: Heron Lakes Parkway, a deputy observed three people around construction equipment. Deputy contacted three girls, all sisters that live in the area. Girls advised to not climb on construction equipment.

Citizen Assist: Hwy 56 and Weld County Road 5. Deputy observed a man pushing a bicycle on the side of the road. Deputy stopped to see if he needed assistance. He said he was walking because he was very sore from riding.

Tuesday, August 11

Family Problem: Longs Peak Avenue, a man had an argument with his daughter who now has his vehicle. He was told by several lawyers he can just go repossess the vehicle with a spare key.

Disturbance: 7th Street, a mother and her adult son were in a heated argument again. 5th time this week. The fight started over who was going to make coffee. Deputies conducted a family counseling session, still lots of problems.

Suspicious Circumstances: Water Avenue, deputies observed a person in a dark hooded sweatshirt on the west side of the building. Turns out he was part of a security company hired by this business.

Suspicious Circumstances: Valency Drive, a man was reported possibly trying to break into a storage units. A 40-year-old man was contacted inside a storage unit that he was renting. The man denied trying to break into other units and there was no evidence located that anyone tried to break in. The man did have a warrant for his arrest out of Boulder County. Booked.

Wednesday, August 12

Suspicious Vehicle: Kwik Korner, a white vehicle was observed parked and unoccupied on the east side. There was a lot of damage on the passenger side. The spare tire donut was on the front and the rear was jacked up and wheel missing. No Hit and Runs were reported. We will attempt to contact owners.

Theft: Capitol Reef Street, a suspect stole $800 worth of plywood from a home under construction. 

1st Degree Criminal Trespass / Theft: Bronco Court, a resident called to report his vehicle was broken into and his wallet is missing.

Assist to Boulder PD: 7th Street, a citizen called in a suspicious van parked in the parking lot with a male occupant inside. The male was identified as a man Boulder PD had been looking for and had active charges for him. The man was transported to Longmont where custody was transferred to Boulder PD.

Thursday, August 13

Mental Health Hold: CR10E, a 39-year-old man was called in by his roommates for erratic behavior the past few days. Today he was found throwing items in the front yard and destroyed a microwave by trying to cook hotdogs wrapped in foil and said he will soon be going home to the Milky Way. He was taken to the hospital, but he became uncooperative in the ER and attempted to damage a sink.

Suspicious Circumstances: 3000 block of Hwy 287, a woman came into the business and started rambling and harassing the employees. When deputies arrived, the woman had walked away but a very confused man was sitting in her car. He could not answer any questions but was able to take care of himself. He did not know the woman’s name or where she went, they just met an hour before.

Friday, August 14

Harassment/Domestic Violence: Welch Avenue, a man reported harassing emails by his ex-wife.

Possible Child Abuse: Welch Avenue, while on the above call, the hospital called in and reported child abuse to two juveniles by their mother, who is the ex-wife of above case.

Follow Up: Welch Avenue, the mother of the two children from the above case called in stated her ex-husband was supposed to return the children to her per the custody agreement. Child Protection Services responded to the residence and came up with a safety plan to have the kids stay with dad for the weekend until the court hearing on Monday.

Vehicle Theft: 3rd Street, a resident reported her 1997 black Volkswagen Golf was stolen.

Theft: Cedar Drive, a resident reported his “Biden/Harris for President” sign was stolen.

Theft / Unauthorized Use of a Financial Transaction Device: 5th Street, a resident called and stated her wallet was stolen from her classroom. She suspects the contractors who were working in the school today. Her Debit Card was used at Loves Travel Center. Investigation continues.

Saturday, August 15

Violation of a Protection Order: Pyramid Peak Street and E Turner Avenue, a woman and man were contacted together. The woman has a protection order against this man. The man was taken into custody and booked.

Mental Health Hold: Waterman Street, a teenage female attempted to hurt herself by jumping out of her second-story window. A parent was able to pull her in before she jumped. Transported to the hospital for evaluation.

Sunday, August 16

Assault / Criminal Mischief / Domestic Violence: 1st Street, a woman called 9-1-1 and stated that she was just beaten up by her boyfriend. Contact was made with the woman and she reported being punched, choked, and her hair being pulled out, but the man fled on foot before deputies arrived. Charges pending.

Vehicle Theft: 3rd Street, a resident reported her black VW Passat was stolen last night. Suspect may be an ex-boyfriend. Investigation continues.

Family Problems: Welch Avenue, a nurse called in from the hospital; She stated a dad brought his 9-year-old boy to the ER with appendicitis. When mom arrived, she became disruptive and wanted the dad to leave – boy advised he was afraid of mom. staff told mom to leave last night but she came back this morning. Child Protection notified and is investigating.

August 17 -23

Monday, August 17

Violation Protection Order: Gateway Park Lane, a 42-year-old man contacted a woman in violation of the protection order. 

Criminal Mischief: 4th Street, a resident reported someone attempted to remove the mirrors on his vehicle causing minor damage.

Minor in Possession / Consumption of Marijuana: Waterman Street and N Berthoud Parkway. A juvenile was contacted as a passenger on a traffic stop and admitted to smoking marijuana and possessing a marijuana vape pen. The juvenile was issued a summons and released to their parents.

Follow Up: 1st Street, a 36-year-old man turned himself in on assault charges. Booked.

Tuesday, August 18

Driving with a Revoked License / No Insurance / Failed to Notify Law Enforcement of a Crash: Cedar Drive, a 35-year-old man was contacted driving his vehicle after he was involved in a hit and run yesterday. Admitted to driving and leaving the scene. Booked. 

Wednesday, August 19

Suspicious Circumstances: E. Michigan Avenue, some guy in Walden is sending threats to a resident. Weird robo-calls saying he shouldn’t have gotten involved. The resident got a call last night saying he’s a witness in a civil trial and that he should’ve stayed out of it. The resident is hard to follow and sounds paranoid. Now he would like to make a complaint against the records department

Thursday, August 20

Suspicious Circumstance / Sexual Assault: 3800 E Highway 56, a woman reported that a 40-year-old Longmont man had taken about $10,000 of unemployment and pandemic stimulus from her. She also reported being sexually assaulted by this man in his car at the Love’s Travel Stop. Investigations continues.

Friday, August 21

Criminal Mischief: 5th Street, a resident reported that someone broke their personal streetlight lamp outside their home.

Saturday, August 22

Vehicle Crash – Hit and Run: 2100 Block of Hwy 287, a Subaru Impreza lost control and crashed into the guardrail in the median. The vehicle fled the scene after the accident. The driver was identified as a 21-year-old Loveland man and was contacted and issued a summons.

Disturbance: 3600 Hwy 56, Johnstown Police were working a welfare check in their area. They contacted a male and then gave him a courtesy ride to Loves. Weld got a call from Love’s manager requesting they respond back now and pick him up as he was apparently causing problems. Weld requesting a Berthoud Deputy respond until they can get someone there.

Sunday, August 23

Missing Person (Elderly Adult): 2nd Street, an elderly man left on foot and didn’t return. He suffers from dementia and has been reported missing in the past. Deputies searched the area and he was located and taken back home.

Welfare Check / Warrant Arrest: CR8 and Pyramid Peak Street, a 67-year-old man was called in as a welfare check. He was passed out under a tree not moving. The man was contacted and transported to hospital by ambulance. He also was found to have a warrant out for his arrest.

August 24 – 30

Monday, August 24

Theft: Country Road., a resident reported his “No Pooping/Peeing” signs were taken from his yard. The signs have his name on them.

Fraud: 6th Street, a resident received a Reliacard for unemployment benefits, but she never applied for unemployment benefits. The bank would not stop payment on the card and told the resident to call the number on the card because they only print the cards. When the resident calls the number on the card, she gets an automated system that asks her to punch in her information, the she doesn’t want to do this, so no stop payment has been done on the card.

Criminal Mischief: Meadowlark, an employee went out to his vehicle and discovered his vehicle’s tires were slashed and the paint keyed while he was at work.

Tuesday, August 25

Harassment / Criminal Mischief / Domestic Violence: Berthoud Parkway, ex-husband and his wife were involved in a disturbance with pushing and shoving and a glass door being broken. Parties voluntarily separated for the evening.

Wednesday, August 26

Theft: 7th Street, an inmate reported to the Jail that someone has used his debit card. Suspect is 21-year-old man because that is who he left the card with.

Vehicle Crash / Private Property: Loves Travel Center- a semi turned too sharply and hit another truck.

Suspicious Circumstances: Wagon Bend, on the 24th, during the evening, the resident was walking by and heard a little girl screaming and what he thought was a woman told her to be quiet. The resident is requesting a deputy stop by the address and talk to them. Deputies talked with a 9-year-old Daughter who admitted to yelling at their dogs the other day to stop playing and be quiet.

Animal Problem: Bein Street, a resident reported a bat next to the garage. no one has been in contact with it. it has been hissing at them and she is concerned for her children’s safety. Bat is perched on overhang outside. Deputy advised the resident that the bat will probably leave at sunset and catch a lot of bugs. Gave general bat advise and suggested just leaving it alone.

Thursday, August 27

Juvenile problem: Berthoud Swimming Pool, it was reported that there are some vehicles that have been near the pool for a while. There have been people going in and out of the vehicles. Deputies contacted three juveniles enjoying the nice weather, warned of park hours and curfew, verbal warning and sent on their way.

Assist to Colorado State Patrol: I-25, assisted CSP with several accidents on the interstate by the Berthoud exit. One accident started the chain reaction.

Mental health Hold: Berthoud, a juvenile intentionally consumed approx. 30 extra strength Tylenol and admitted it was a deliberate suicide attempt, juvenile also had numerous cuts on forearms that were superficial. Transported to the hospital.

Friday, August 28

Warrant Arrest: Meadowlark Dr, 2 people were contacted in the parking lot of the Kwik Korner after hours. Both booked.

Animal Problem: Sioux Drive and 10th Street, a resident advised that while she was walking her dog a large dog inside a house broke through the screen door of the residence and charged her and her dogs. She stated that neither she nor her dogs were injured. She stated the owner was very apologetic.

Saturday, August 29

Vehicle Trespass / Theft: Mountain Avenue, paper delivery person reported that 15-20 newspapers were taken through an open window of her unlocked vehicle.

Sexual Assault: Berthoud Area, a teenage female reported to Human Services staff she had been sexually assaulted one time approximately 6-7 years ago while at a house in Berthoud. She is no longer in contact with the male that assaulted her. Investigations notified. 

Identity Theft: 10th St., a resident reported his personal information was used to open three separate bank accounts. No financial loss. 

Loud Party: Ellie Way and Canyonlands, a large party with very loud music was reported. About 20 people. sounds like alcohol involved. The party is moving inside and DJ packing up. The party host apologized and almost all neighbors where there/invited. Stayed in area and sound levels stayed reasonable.

Sunday, August 30

Aggravated Motor Vehicle Theft: Country Road, a resident reported his vehicle stolen from outside his residence, a green 2004 Chevy Tahoe.

Possession of Burglary Tools / Criminal Mischief: 2nd Street, after reviewing security video, the Green Tree Medicinal reported that two people were outside their business. One cut off the lock to the dumpster and both looked inside through the trash before walking off. 

Welfare Check: BNSF Railroad, deputies responded to CR10E and the Burlington Northern Railroad for a woman reported to be laying on the tracks. Deputies found a 45 to 50-year-old female. The female refused to identify herself and wanted to walk away but had said that she wanted to die and was hoping that the train would hit her. She was transported to the hospital for a mental health hold.

Monday, August 31

Fraud / Theft Hwy 56, a gentleman reported that he paid $3,600 to another man at Love’s to rent a home in Lakewood and later found out it was a scam.

Disturbance / Violation of a Restraining Order / Domestic Violence: Bomar Avenue, it was reported that a husband and his wife were trying to work things out, and a restraining order was in place, Things turned physical, and the wife started to damage his vehicle. She was booked.

Suspicious Circumstances: Hwy 56 and CR3, there was a man walking in the middle of the road carrying a bottle that looked like liquor. Deputies contacted the man said he was fine and did not want assistance.


About Post Author

Gary Wamsley

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