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Updated January 2, 2018







Provide by
Larimer County Sheriff’s Department
Berthoud Squad

Friday, December 1

Burglary/Theft:  Nebraska Avenue, a resident reported someone entered his residence and took a gun safe with two fully loaded handguns. 

Saturday, December 2

Traffic Complaint:  Spartan Avenue, a resident complained about the loud vehicles around the high school.

Welfare Check:  Bimson Avenue, a 14-year old was called in as making disturbing comments after video chatting with a friend. What happened to face to face chatting?

Sunday, December 3

Vehicle Theft/Felony Eluding/Possession of Meth/Theft/Driving Under Restraint:  10th & Bunyan Ave, a 35-year old Berthoud man was arrested from a pursuit that happened in November.   

Disturbance: Murrlet Street, a resident was out in his front yard with his dog when the neighbor’s dog and was being aggressive to his dog.  The resident yelled for help to get the dogs apart so the owner of the other dog came over and an argument ensued. Now we need help getting the neighbors apart.

Code Enforcement:

Animal Problems – 18
Parking Problems – 9
Other Ordinance Problems – 11

Monday, December 4                       

Unlawful Use of a Controlled Substance/Juvenile Problem: Tuner Middle School: A Safe2Tell was reported about a possible drug complaint during a basketball game at Turner last Thursday. After watching video, I observed nine kids drinking ‘zirip’ or ‘zrpul’ or ‘haze’ which is Sprite with cough syrup,

Driving Under Revocation/Speeding: Mountain Avenue / 9th Street, a driver was contacted for speeding 36 in 20 mph school zone. The driver was confirmed suspended.

Vehicle Crash / DUI / Violation of Bail Bond Conditions / Obstructing a Peace Officer/ Leaving the Scene of an Accident: Bunyan Avenue, a 27-year-old Loveland man crashed into a parked vehicle at this location and upon deputy’s arrival, the driver ran on foot from the scene. The driver was taken into custody after a short foot pursuit and a Taser deployment. The driver is currently on bond for a felony menacing case.

Tuesday, December 5

Suspicious Circumstances: Redwood Circle, a man was seen getting out of his vehicle, putting on a vest and going into people’s yard. Man was contacted and identified as a contractor for the town with a GIS company locating water meters.

Fraud: Cedar Drive, a resident was selling an item on Craig’s List for $2000. He has been communicating with someone who sent him a check for $295 and told to deposit the check for his $2000 and send the $950 back to him. The resident realized this was a scam and called us.

Wednesday, December 6

Assist Johnstown PD: Weld County Road 46 & I-25, a contractor reported working with another construction worker and letting him borrow his tools. The contractor stated he loaded the tools into a trailer in Johnstown and when he asked for them back the construction worker refused because he claims he owes him money.

Violation of a Protection Order / Resisting Arrest: 2nd Street & Mountain Avenue, a 33-year-old Berthoud man was contacted while he was standing near a woman who he is restrained from. When the man was told he was under arrest, he resisted, pulling away from being placed in handcuffs and fled on foot. A warrant will be forthcoming.

Warrant Arrest: Mountain Avenue, a 38-year-old Denver man was contacted hiding behind a vehicle during the search for the above suspect. This man was found to have a warrant out of Greeley.

Vehicle Crash Non-Injury:  Mountain Avenue, a driver parked at Hay’s Market, but left her vehicle in neutral. Her vehicle then rolled into a parked vehicle causing minor damage.

Thursday, December 7 (Lest we forget Pearl Harbor December 7, 1941)

Burglary / Theft: Aspen Drive, a resident reported a work trailer was entered and a single paint sprayer was taken. The lock had been cut and taken from the scene.

Recover Stolen Vehicle: Grays Peak Lane, a 1998 Honda CRV was recovered that was vehicle was reported stolen from Denver.

Suspicious Circumstances: Water Avenue, a very damaged vehicle was located in the parking lot with no one around. Deputies located the owner who stated that the car was wrecked a while ago and they were taking it somewhere else and it began to quit on them so the parked it there. Push, pull or drag at most car dealers.

Suspicious Circumstances: Urban Place & Wagon Bend, a witness reported a crash that happened at CR17 and Hwy 287. Both vehicles turning north onto CR17 from Northbound Hwy287. Truck and trailer in outside lane and a SUV on inside lane. during the turn, the SUV hit the side of the trailer causing slight damage to the bumper. The SUV driver conducted a U-turn and left. No plate for either vehicle. Possible construction truck trailer added to this call with the driver. They did not know an accident happened. There was no evidence on the trailer showing an impact zone.

Vehicle Trespass: Aspen Drive & Longs Peak Avenue, a company construction trailer was entered and tools were stolen. Entry was made through the side door of the trailer. Lock was cut and the suspect(s) took one item from rack next to side door.

Friday, December 8

Shoplifting: Mountain Avenue, a juvenile male stole popcorn chicken from the deli. He was caught and summonsed into Berthoud Court. No we did not take the popcorn chicken into custody for our lunch, uh I mean evidence

Saturday, December 9

Vehicle Crash Non-Injury: Mountain Avenue & Berthoud Parkway, a truck driver was driving an oversized semi and turned to sharp at this intersection, knocking the traffic control light over on top of his semi.

Detox / Mental Health: E. Hwy 56 & I-25, a grandfather from Longmont was transporting his 26-year-old granddaughter to the hospital for meth use, mental health issues and other medical issues when she freaked out and he had to pull over at the Berthoud exit. She was transported to the hospital by ambulance on a hold where she became uncooperative. 

DUI: 9th Street/Capitol Ave, a 42-year-old Berthoud man was contacted for two parking violations and was found to be impaired by alcohol. The man refused roadsides and chemical testing.

Assault / Domestic Violence: E. CR 8, a 35-year-old Berthoud man was involved in a disturbance with several people when his wife tried to keep him from starting additional disturbance, he struck her in the face several times with a closed fist.

Sunday, December 10

DUI: Mountain Avenue & 1st Street., a 63-year-old Longmont man was stopped for weaving and was found to be impaired.

Code Enforcement:

Animal Problems – 12
Parking Problems – 8
Other Ordinance Problems – 15

Monday, December 11

DUI: Meadowlark Drive, a 42-year-old male had fallen out of his truck and was urinating in the parking lot next to the driver’s door of his idling vehicle. Upon contact with the male multiple empty beer cans in the cab of the truck were noticed. The man was arrested and taken to Jail.

Tuesday, December 12

Identity Theft: Colorado Avenue, a 62-year-old man reported a duplicate of his card being requested and sent to Austin, TX. Three attempts with the card, no financial loss.

Identity Theft: S 9th Street, 52-year-old man reported a Lowe’s credit card opened in his name, no financial loss.

Family problems: E Iowa Avenue, a 71-year-old man and his 41-year-old son, who also lives at this address, got into a disturbance. No signs of injury and conflicting stories to who the aggressor was; neither party was interested in charges.

Wednesday, December 13

Theft / Conspiracy: Charges are being filed in the investigation into the incident involving Elwood the dog, four people have received summons for their involvement.

Suspicious Circumstances: Franklin Avenue, a 74-year-old woman reported missing $40-$60 in cash. The lady has some psychological issues, so it could not be determined if she actually had the money to start with.

Thursday, December 14

Criminal Trespass: Ranch hand Drive, a 28-year-old male and his 27-year-old roommate reported a process server working for the mortgage company trespassed in the home and fled when confronted.

Identity Theft: Canyonlands Street, a 44-year-old man reported someone extended his home loan without his permission.

Friday, December 15

Vehicle Crash – Non-Injury: Mountain Ave (Hays Market), a driver unsafely backed out of a parking spot and hit another vehicle causing minor damage.

Hit and Run: CR 8 / Hwy 287, a driver’s vehicle was rear ended by a yellow Dodge Charger. The Dodge sped north on Hwy 287 leaving the scene.

Fraud: Munson Court, a resident was a victim of the Banner Health hack and had another account opened in his name.

Agency Tow: Mountain Avenue, an abandoned 1989 Toyota Corolla was towed from the Town of Berthoud parking lot. 

Saturday, December 16

Suspicious Circumstances: Longview Avenue, a vehicle was parked in front of this house from which the occupants were recently evicted. Two people were found inside of the residence but it turned out to be a cleaning crew hired by the owner.

Juvenile Problem: Mount Massive Street and Redcloud Avenue, checked on a couple of kids that were seen riding their four wheelers around the neighborhood.

Sunday, December 17

Fraud: S. 2nd Street, a resident was selling a grill on Craigslist for $200. She received a $2000 check from an unknown, out of state, person to cash and send the extra money to an out of state address. Check was found to be fake by bank.

Drove with Suspended License: Bunyan Ave/2nd Street, a driver was contacted for a traffic violation and was found to have a suspended driving status. He was released on a summons.

Disturbance / Civil Dispute: Woodcock Street, a resident and his ex-girlfriend had a verbal dispute during a phone conversation about a civil issue.

Code enforcement

Animal Problems – 9
Parking Problems – 8
Other ordinance violations – 10

Monday, December 18

Suspicious Circumstances: S. 8th Street, a resident called a couple of weeks ago about a man digging through their trash. Today he got a call from a neighbor telling him that a man came to her door asking for the resident’s wife. No one recognized this man.

Warrant Attempt: 2nd Street, a deputy saw a female inside a storage unit and she is known to be companions with a male that has a warrant for his arrest. The male was not there at this time.

Criminal Mischief: Mountain Avenue, a 36-year-old Longmont man wantonly damaged the door of a woman’s vehicle in a parking lot road rage incident. The man was issued a summons.

Tuesday, December 19

Suspicious Circumstances: Welch Avenue, a vehicle was reported as parked in one of the wash bays at the car wash for several hours with someone inside. The driver claimed he drove from Longmont this morning and parked in the car wash to wash his engine off so he could do some work on it. After the vehicle would not start he stayed in the wash bay for several hours before the owners contacted us. The man was given a jump start and sent on his way.

Vehicle Crash Non-injury: Wagon Bend Road and Berthoud Parkway, a driver backed into another vehicle causing minor damage.

Vehicle Crash Non-injury: CR17 and CR10E, a driver made an improper left turn and struck another vehicle, damaging both vehicles. He was issued a summons.

Wednesday, December 20

Warrant Arrest: 4th Street and Massachusetts Avenue, a 23-year-old Berthoud man was consensually contacted walking down the street and found to have warrants.

Vehicle Crash-Hit and Run: Hwy 287 at mile marker 326, a dog in traffic was hit by one car but escaped. A pickup slammed on the brakes to avoid hitting the dog. A third vehicle slammed into the back of the pickup. The pickup flees the scene southbound toward Longmont.

Criminal Mischief / Graffiti: Mountain Avenue, a resident reported graffiti on his second story wall. Suspect(s) had to climb onto the adjacent building roof to access the second story.

Thursday, December 21

Scam: 4th Street, a resident called to report a scam. Her “cousin” from Mexico was on his way to visit and got into an accident and needed money to pay for damages so he could leave the scene. No money given as the resident texted the cousin’s real number and verified he wasn’t in trouble.

Friday, December 22

Reckless Driving / Road Rage: Hwy 287 and CR2E, two Loveland men in their own vehicles were involved in a road rage incident. One of the drivers was cited for intentionally attempting to ram the other man’s vehicle in a cutoff maneuver.

Assault / Obstructing / Domestic Violence: 7th Street, a 26-year-old intoxicated Berthoud man attempted to strangle his girlfriend, his own mom and his dad. He shoved and hit his dad while he attempted to get his son away from his mother during the attack. The son disobeyed commands to stay put and made a beeline for the kitchen butcher block knives. The deputy deployed the taser as he was reaching for the cutlery. Taken into custody and transported to jail.

Welfare Check: Hwy 56 and I-25, a 16-year-old girl jumped out of her father’s vehicle, and refused to reenter. Her father fled to avoid arrest for a warrant. The Mother gave consent for her daughter to stay with boyfriend in Milliken as the family is from Brighton. What?

Saturday, December 23

Vehicle Crash: Hwy 287 at mile marker 325.5, a driver slid off the road during a snow storm and knocked over the Town of Berthoud sign.

Warrant Arrest: 1st Street / Bunyan Avenue, a 35-year-old Loveland woman was contacted for failure to signal and arrested on two active misdemeanor warrants.

Sunday, December 24

Quiet Sunday to stay home and watch the broncos, or maybe not.

Code Enforcement:

Animal Problems – 7
Parking Problems – 12
Other Ordinance Problems – 8

Monday, December 25

Tuesday, December 26

Harassment: 6th Street, female reported she received a threatening text message from an unknown party. This is part of a scam in which she was sent cash and asked to mail it to someone else. The number is to a text only phone and she has since blocked the caller.

Wednesday, December 27

Tampering/ Harassment: 6th Street Court / 9th Street, 37-year-old female’s and a 28-year-old male’s vehicles were written on with washable window paint. The statements written on the vehicles were harassing and inflammatory.

Thursday, December 28

Motor Vehicle Crash: 1st Street / Welch Avenue, 19-year-old male driver failed to yield right of way to a 50-year-old male driver. At fault driver was summonsed.

Domestic Violence: South 1st Street, 30-year-old female was assaulted by her 36-year-old ex-husband, in front of their son, on 12/24/17. The female refused to cooperate with the investigation. The HUB was notified about the child. There is enough evidence for the protection order violation, domestic violence and assault and a warrant is forthcoming.

DUI Drugs: 3rd Street / Welch Avenue, 68-year-old female was called in as a REDDI and was seen weaving. She admitted to using marijuana, hydrocodone and morphine. Booked in jail

Vehicle theft: Bruce Drive, 69-year-old female reported her white 1989 Dodge Dakota with white topper (higher in the back with windows) stolen between 0300-0500 hours on 12/29/17.

Death: Lake Avenue, 78-year-old man passed away. Nothing suspicious, he had a history of health issues and a DNR in place.

Robbery: Hwy 287 / Hwy 56, 18-year-old male and 17-year-old female hitch-hiked a ride from the Longmont Walmart on Hwy 66 and made it to Hwy. 287 / Hwy. 56. They reported that when they got to this intersection, the suspect told them he needed something from under the seat and asked them out of the truck to retrieve it. The suspect came out with a handgun and stole their valuable items and told them to walk away before driving back to Longmont. Suspect is described as a Hispanic male, approximately 5’07” and 250lbs, with a thin beard and crew cut driving a white 90’s body style regular cab Ford pickup with tools and car parts in the bed.

Friday, December 29

Motor Vehicle Theft: Memory Lane, 57-year-old male reported his tan suburban was stolen from his driveway and there was a suspicious vehicle parked near his house. The suspicious vehicle ended up being the stolen car from earlier in the morning.

Vehicle Trespass: Celestial Drive, Unknown suspect entered a 46-year-old male’s unlocked vehicle overnight and stole his wallet and two shotguns.

Vehicle Trespass: Celestial Drive, 50-year-old male’s unlocked vehicle was entered overnight and loose change was stolen.

Vehicle Trespass: Memory Lane, 28-year-old female reported an unknown suspect attempted to pry the door open of her vehicle during the night. Nothing was missing from the vehicle and it did not appear the vehicle was entered.

VEHICLE TRESPASS: Tranquility Way, 51-year-old male and a 31-year-old male had their vehicles entered overnight by an unknown suspect. One of the vehicles was unlocked and the other was “90% sure it was locked.” Wallet and fuel card were taken from the vehicles.

Vehicle Trespass: Memory Lane, 39-year-old male’s vehicle was entered the previous night. Wallet and check book taken.

Saturday, December 30

Identity Theft: Pheasant Run, 62-year-old male reported an unknown person had opened an account with Verizon using his name and information.

Trespass: Willow Drive, 37-year-old female reported her son observed an unknown Asian male subject watching TV in the living room of their residence. No property was determined to be missing from the residence.

Sunday, December 31

Code enforcement

Animal Problems – 4
Parking Problems- 9
Other ordinance violations- 5

About Post Author

Gary Wamsley

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