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Sunday, December 1

Vehicle Fire: Gray Mountain Road, a report was received of a vehicle on fire at this location. Deputies got fire out with extinguishers.

Monday, December 2

Neighbor Problem: West Hill Drive, a resident plowed snow out onto West Hill Drive to block access to stop people from cutting through West Hill Drive which is public access, and this is the second time they have done it. Little Thompson Water District employees dug through the snow wall on the road to get access to their pumps. Homeowner was advised blocking the road is dangerous if emergency personnel need to access someone in an emergency.

Tuesday, December 3

Suspicious Circumstances / Possible Stolen Trailer: Serenity Ridge Parkway / Weld CR 7, a resident in the area called in to report a possible sighting of a stolen trailer out of Denver that CBS News ran a story on earlier in the evening. The resident reported she believed she saw the trailer in the Serenity Ridge neighborhood the day before being pulled by a Dark Silver “Ford 2500.” Deputies drove through the area and did not locate any trailers matching the description.

Wednesday, December 4

Missing Child (kinda): Eastlake Court, 8-year-old was supposed to ride his bike home but never arrived at home. Investigations notified and search began. The 8-year-old was found upstairs in his room. He thought his mom said hi when he got home but no other conversation occurred, and he went right to his room. Mom yelled the boy’s name, but he didn’t answer her, but admitted to hearing her yell once but he didn’t respond to her. She should have texted him since that is the only way we communicate these days.

Missing Child: Massachusetts, a 14-year-old boy was not at school when mom arrived to pick him up. The 14-year-old was supposed to be at the school after a robotics class at 5:00pm. Mom was running late so he left to go to a friend’s house which is where he was found.

Suspicious Circumstances: Mountain Avenue, it was reported a person was acting strange and is currently asleep at the bar. Report said he was making very weird comments, referencing his wife and that he might be in the paper. He ordered some food to go and sat at the bar and had two beers and a shot. He then stated that if they see him on the news to not to be surprised and then passed out at the bar. Deputies contacted the man and woke him up. Another deputy went to his house and checked with the spouse and there was no indication that there was a disturbance. The man was given a courtesy ride home. He was right, he is now in the paper.

Trespass Notice: Mountain Avenue, a 58-year-old man was issued a trespass notice at the request of the owner. Past issues of theft and he has been told multiple times he’s not allowed in the store.

Thursday, December 5

Shoplifting: 3rd Street, a suspected transient white male, in his 40s, with a brown beard, black puffy jacket, black jeans, and black backpack. Stole a bike chain and tool totaling $16.

Friday, December 6

Bomb Threat: A phone call came into the School District stating there was a bomb at Berthoud High. Berthoud High School was evacuated as a precaution and classes canceled for the day after the bomb threat. Building was searched by Larimer County Bomb Squad, Loveland Bomb K9 and Berthoud Fire. Nothing located. Investigation continues. Special thanks to Berthoud Fire, Loveland PD and Thompson School District.

Juvenile Problem: 7th Street / Lake Ave, a report was made about two male students who were going to fight after school. The fight did not occur but concerns about harassing each other were raised. There were also conflicting stories from witnesses. Both boys were told to stay clear of each other. Parents also notified. I bet it was over a girl. Every fight I was in, uh, I mean every fight I watched involved a girl.

Follow Up / Trespass / Burglary / Theft: 1st Street, video footage was captured of the suspects and their vehicle who stole copper from this business. One suspect was positively identified and driving a Winnebago RV. The driver is a transient and was also identified from a prior theft in April. Warrants will be sought for both cases.

Family Problems: Murrlet Street, a resident reported that her spouse shoved her to the ground in an argument.

Saturday, December 7

Vehicle Crash / Non-Injury: Hwy 56 and Hwy 287, a driver turned left from Hwy 287 in front of another vehicle. She collided with the other vehicle pushing her vehicle into a 3rd vehicle. Summons Issued for failing to yield the right of way while turning left in front of oncoming traffic.

Suspicious Circumstances: Kyle Circle, a resident reported that she possibly just witnessed a porch pirate steal a box from her neighbor. she saw a black pickup extended cab pull up quickly to her neighbor’s house. someone got out of the passenger’s seat and ran up to the front door of her neighbor’s house and took a package and loaded it into the truck then the truck drove off. The previous owner got a text from the new owners advising them a package was delivered to their old address. The previous owner’s daughter was the person in the black truck picking up their package.

Sunday, December 8

Vehicle Crash / DUI / With Injury: Hwy 56, mile post 9, a 48-year-old Denver man drove off the road while traveling east on Hwy 56 just before Loves travel center. His vehicle hit and jumped a culvert (Dukes of Hazard Style) causing extreme damage to the vehicle. He traveled a total of 491 feet before his vehicle came to a stop.

Traffic Issue: 5th Street, a report came in about ATV’s with 3 girls on it driving up and down the street. The deputy located them and told them to stop and bring the ATV’s home. They were warned if they continued, they would be cited. They were all at least wearing helmets. If you’re going to break the law at least do it safely.

Traffic Issue: Iowa Avenue, a truck that was partially blocking a driveway was tagged yesterday to be moved within 24 hours was still blocking the driveway and has not moved. Truck was towed away.

Suspicious Circumstances: Massachusetts and 3rd Street, there was a male near the carpet store in the area who was exposing himself and undressing. he had a camo jacket and an army coat over his head. he is currently clothed. Man was located and denied taking his clothes off. Like he would admit to such a thing?

December 9-15

Monday, December 9

Transient: Mountain and 1st Street, a man was seen in the middle of the roundabout holding a cardboard sign. When contacted he was told it was dangerous to stand in the middle of the roundabout his response was “suspicious, taking my clothes off”. When asked where he was going again, he responded with the same answer. He was asked to please not take his clothes off and move to the side of the road. 30 years in this line of work and this was a first for me.

Welfare Check: Woodcock Street, a hospital in Juneau Alaska. a former patient who lives in Berthoud spoke to an employee. He was upset and agitated because he said they turned him over to collections in reference to a bill. He said he would harm himself. He actually told the hospital “you’re killing me with this”.

Tuesday, December 10

Neighbor Problem: Bristlecone Court, a resident had his car in the driveway warming up, and was behind the truck measuring something, when his neighbor came over, got into the his truck and turned it off. Spoke with the neighbor and talked about issues with entering someone else’s vehicle. Neighbor then asked if I would walk over to the other man’s house with him so he could apologize. We did that and both parties shook hands. This is the way it should always work.

Welfare Check: WCR 44 and WCR11, a report was received about a man in electric wheelchair driving on Weld CR11, in the roadway. The man told deputies that he recently moved here from Wisconsin and lives in the area. Has MS and is trying to get out to Loves and explore the area. Deputy warned him of traffic and bad drivers for his safety.

Stolen and Recovery of Stolen Vehicle: 2nd Street, a resident called to report his blue Polaris 700 All-Terrain Vehicle (ATV) with a snowplow attachment was stolen from the empty field on 2nd Street in Berthoud, He noticed it missing last week but was too busy to report it stolen. Fort Collins Police Services recovered the ATV along with other stolen items.

Wednesday, December 11

Vehicle Crash / Non-Injury: Mountain Ave and 5th St, a driver backed into another vehicle while trying to parallel park. 

Recovered Stolen Vehicle: Hwy 287 and Caballero St, responded to an abandoned Vehicle report and found the vehicle had been reported stolen out of Longmont.

Suspicious Circumstances: Mountain Ave, an anonymous party called Berthoud Fire Department from an out of state number advising that a transgender 19-year-old female had been kicked out her house and had broken into an unknown building possibly in the Berthoud area. The caller was uncooperative with providing any additional information as to who she was talking about or where she could be located and there was minimal information to work with. Extra checks of various places conducted over the night.

Thursday, December 12

DUI: Hwy 287, a 35-year-old woman was arrested on suspicion of Driving Under the Influence. Booked.

Theft: Heron Lakes Parkway, two paint sprayers were reported stolen out of a new construction house last night.

Friday, December 13

Criminal Tampering: Massachusetts Ave, two male juvenile students wrote and drew on bathroom walls at Turner Middle School. The school was able to remove the ink. Parents contacted. Kids received a summons.

Trespass/Dog At Large: Hwy. 56, employees at Love’s Travel Stop called when a man and woman refused to leave the parking lot after camping for a day and a half. Their unleashed dogs chased and bit the pants of one of the employees. Trespassed and issued Dog At Large summons.

Saturday, December 14

Citizen Assist: Ten Gallon Drive, a resident was issued a wrong court date and showed up for court today. He was issued a new citation with a new court date. 

Vehicle Crash / Non-Injury: 3800 E. Hwy 56, a driver parked his vehicle in front of Love’s Travel Center and entered the store. As he was checking out, he witnessed his truck rolling backward, before turning and colliding with another parked vehicle.

Sunday, December 15

Suspicious Circumstances: Kwik Korner, at midnight a man and woman were seen hanging out in front of Kwik Korner, which was closed. Lyft showed up to pick the couple up, while the deputy was speaking with them. Both were intoxicated and coming from a friend’s house. They were dropped off here to wait for Lyft to take them to Longmont. This is what they call Responsible Drinking!

Theft: Loves Travel Center, Loves reported possible internal employee theft of $120.00. Loves has video for the deputy to review.

December 16-22

Monday, Dec. 16

MVA / Hit and Run

1700 Block 4th St. – Male reported that his vehicle was hit during the evening and there was heavy damage to his bumper when he woke up to go to work.

Theft: E. Highway 56 – Employee was reported as taking money and observed on camera doing so. Now, Ex-employee was cited for theft and asked to leave the business and not return.

Wednesday, Dec. 18

MVA / Property Damage: CR8 / CR13 – Driver failed to yield right of way from a Stop Sign and collided with another vehicle. No injuries reported.

MVA / Property Damage / Drove Under the Influence: Berthoud Parkway / CR8 – Two vehicle accident near the intersection was called in, as officers were getting close to the area the driver of one of the vehicles started to leave. Subject was stopped a short distance away and taken into custody on several charges.

Thursday, Dec. 19:

MVA / Minor Property Damage: 1st St. / Bunyan Ave. – Two vehicles collided when one was backing up. Minor damage and both drivers cautioned on unsafe driving.

Friday, Dec. 20

MVA Property Damage: 800 Block Spartan Ave. – Two vehicle collision with minor damage. Both drivers cautioned about unsafe driving, and awareness while operating a moving vehicle.

MVA Property Damage: 800 Block Greenwood Dr. – Two vehicle collision one being a parked car. Other driver admitted to accident and was cited.

MVA Property Damage: Berthoud Parkway / Hwy 287 – Two vehicle property damage crash. Witness was retired officer who assisted. At fault driver was arrested for other charges as well as crash.

Saturday, Dec. 21

MVA Property Damage: 200 Block 1st St. – Single vehicle accident with a vehicle hitting a fence and continuing home. Driver contacted and vehicle documented with damage.

Welfare Check: 600 Block Pyramid Peak Dr. – Caller concerned with behaviors of former boyfriends and possible actions and messages. No criminal activity could be documented, and officers worked with caller to block calls and messages from coming in.

Sunday, Dec. 22

Burglary: 600 Block 3rd St. – Caller reported that her business was broken into. Only item taken was a cat. Information was gathered and suspects are believed to be 2 young “rescuers” who believed that cat was abandoned and in need of care.

MVA / DUI: 5000 Block Hwy 287 – Single vehicle struck the guard rail and damaged about 40 ft of railing. Driver was contacted and later arrested for suspicion of driving under the influence. Vehicle was towed away due to damage.

Monday, Dec. 23; Tuesday, Dec 24; Wednesday, Dec 25

Relatively quiet in calls for service as families began getting ready for Holiday festivities. Officers remained active with Area checks and Business checks throughout the Town.

Thursday, Dec. 26

MVA Property Damage / Hit And Run: Highway 287 / MM326 – Two vehicle collision with minor damage. One driver left the scene and was last seen Northbound towards Loveland.

Friday, Dec. 27

Disturbance: Grand Market Ave. – Female taken into custody after an argument turned physical. No serious injuries reported and the remaining subjects were separated.

Saturday, Dec. 28

Almost MVA’s (Slick Roads): Mountain / 1st St., Berthoud Pkwy / Woodcock St. – Two separate vehicles slid off the road and almost got into accidents with the guard rail. Both were able to recover and make their way back to the road.

Sunday, Dec. 29

Several calls for Barking Dogs around town. With the colder weather we ask that folks make sure to take care of their animals and be mindful of the temperatures.

Also as a friendly reminder…

The Berthoud Muni Code is pretty clear about the process for barking dog.  Before a summons is issued, the dog’s owner must receive a written warning. 

18.5-2     D.  The warning process to be employed prior to a charge shall be:

  • Warning must relate to an incident separate from the charged violation;
  • May issue a summons after receiving a complaint;
  • The complaint must identify himself or herself by stating his/her name, address, and telephone number.  The complainant shall further state, if known, the name of the animal’s keeper, and the keeper’s address, a description of the animal, description of the offense, the date, time, place and duration of the offense.
  • A record or incident report shall be kept of any complaint and investigation.
  • The warning shall state that a complaint has been received, recite the date of the alleged offense, and conclude that the Keeper’s animal may have disturbed the peace.  The warning shall advise the animal’s keeper of the possible penalties for a violation of this Section and advise the keeper that the next complaint may result in a summons being issued against the keeper. 

Also, code specifies that in 18.5-2 F.  The identity of a complainant shall be kept confidential until a violation of this Section is charged.  If a violation is charged, the complainant may sign an affidavit attesting to a violation, or may verify in writing the allegations of a complaint prior to its service upon an owner.

December 30-31

Monday, December 30

Suspicious Circumstances: Welch Avenue, a resident reported his neighbor’s garage door has been open for 2 days and the he went over and knocked and rang the doorbell with no answer. The homeowner was located, and he stated he just walked to the store and didn’t know his garage door was left open.

Tuesday, December 31

Theft: 8th Street, a resident reported two bicycles taken from his front porch on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day. The Grinch from Whoville is now in Berthoud.

Theft: Lowry Lane & Capitol Reef Street, a construction worker reported his flatbed trailer and several extension ladders stolen from the construction area.

Animal Call: 2400 block of CR 14, Colorado State Patrol handled a crash involving a horse at this location last night. The horse was severely injured and a veterinarian from CSU euthanized the horse.

Harassment (Domestic Violence): Capri Court, a husband threw a piece of pizza at his wife hitting her in the face and chest. The pizza had recently been removed from the oven. Worse yet it had anchovies on it.

DUI / Careless Driving: S CR15 a woman driver was contacted after she had crashed her vehicle and became stuck. The driver was arrested for suspicion of DUI. Booked.

About Post Author

Gary Wamsley

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