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There will be NO Coffee with the Chiefs this month. We will resume on January 19, 2023.

December 1 – 4

Thursday, December 1

Suspicious Circumstances: Burbank Street, a resident received a threatening letter from an address in California. He advised that his daughter has also received threatening letters and voicemails. The resident will say how he wants to proceed later.

Friday, December 2

DUI 3rd St. & Mountain Ave., a 40-year-old driver was contacted after leaving a work party. The driver failed roadsides, completed a blood draw, and was booked. Nothing ever good comes from of an office party.

Harassment: Meadowlark, a business called and said a very intoxicated customer was calling and being rude, calling staff “the N word” and being vulgar. The business just wanted to document the incident to “get ahead of it.” No further action taken at this time.

Saturday, December 3

Suspicious Circumstances: Bimson Avenue, an iPhone stolen out of Longmont was found on the “Findmyiphone” app at the above address. The resident said “he had found the phone in Longmont and had planned on returning it” even though he had already turned the phone off and removed the SIM card. A credit card that was attached to the phone is still missing. The victim will call back if fraudulent charges appear. I have a building full of those that say, “it wasn’t me, I wasn’t there”.

Vehicle Crash & Careless Driving: Mountain Ave & Berthoud Pkwy, a driver swerved off the right side of the Mountain Avenue and struck a power pole. The driver admitted to being inattentive to his driving, looked up from his phone and saw headlights in front of him and swerved to miss the headlights. He could not supply a vehicle description. Cited for careless driving and arrested on a warrant. Booked and released with a PR Bond.

Harassment: Mountain Avenue, a past patron has been harassing to employees. Today he was at their window looking in. Shortly after they got an anonymous phone call and started calling them nasty names. Subject was issued a trespass noticed and told if he goes back there, he will be arrested.

Sunday, December 4

Vehicle Crash – Non-Injury: 3800 E Hwy 56, BER – A semi-truck backed into another semi parked in the back lot. Damage was minor and no one was injured, information was exchanged.

Warrant Arrest: Meadowlark Drive, a 30-year-old woman was arrested for 3 warrants. Booked


December 5 – 11

Monday, December 5

Vehicle Crash / Property Damage: 450 8th Street, a 35-year-old man may have had some type of medical issue. He blacked out and blew the stop sign at 8th/Welch and then destroyed the brewery fence.

Vehicle Crash / With Injury: Hwy 56 & Weld CR 7, a car was stopped westbound on Hwy 56 waiting to turn left. A vehicle came from behind was distracted by her daughter and when she looked up it was too late. The stopped car was knocked into another vehicle that was turning onto CR7. If the 1st turning car would not have hit the other turning car, he would have rolled down a gulley. The driver of the car that started this was cited for Careless Driving.

Vehicle Trespass: Bunyan Ave., a resident reported her vehicle was left unlocked and trespassed while at work. Another employee found her purse and other items scattered along 7th Street Waiting for security footage from staff. If I have said it once I have said it a hundred times; “LOCK your cars and DO NOT leave valuables inside your car”.

Civil Matter: CR 10E, a resident reported that he gave $5000 to a mechanic for work to be done on multiple cars in 2019. Both their stories contradict, and it is ultimately a civil matter. Here’s a good advertisement for “CarShield”

Traffic/No Driver license: I-25 SB & Hwy 56, an 18-year-old man was issued summons for driving without a valid driver’s license and having only one license plate attached to the vehicle.

Tuesday, December 6

Welfare Check / Detox Hold: CR 14, an acquaintance of an Army Vet requested a welfare check on him as he may be overdosing. When contacted, he was incoherent and incapacitated on a mixture of medication and vodka. Transported to Detox. The directions on the medication that says “take this medication with food” did not mean alcohol unless Vodka is its own food group.

False Imprisonment / Domestic Violence: Hawg Wild Rd & 49th St, a man was arrested for false imprisonment after using his vehicle to block his ex-girlfriend from freely leaving his neighborhood after a civil property dispute resulting in a collision between their two vehicles. Booked.

Harassment: 2nd St, a 25-year-old woman struck her father numerous times inside their shared residence before leaving the area on foot. A summons was completed for the woman when she is found and served.

Wednesday, December 7

SCAM: CR 14, Larimer County Code Compliance reported a possible swindle to an elderly male. He was told by a judge to report it as the elderly gentleman was obviously being defrauded to send money to a fictitious person overseas and was unwilling to accept it. Deputies talked with the gentleman, but he refused to speak with them about the issue.

Suspicious Circumstances: Holmes Place, deputies responded to this area reference a grown man screaming profanities in his backyard. The man was screaming at deputies through a hole in the fence in attempts to provoke a confrontation. Ongoing issue with this person.

Burglary: 2nd St, a resident reported her storage unit being burglarized sometime early in December.

Thursday, December 8

DUI / Warrants: Massachusetts Ave, a man and woman were located parked behind the gym on school property. The woman was the driver and showed signs of intoxication. She did not complete roadsides as a sober person would. Booked. The man was booked for warrants. What a coincidence, Thursdays are 2-fers day.

Friday, December 9

Catalytic Converter Theft: Redwood Circle, a catalytic converter was stolen from a Toyota Prius. Unknown period from Thanksgiving.

Saturday, December 10

Reckless Driving: Berthoud Pkwy and Greenwood Dr. A driver was seen speeding on CR 15 near CR 4E. He then slowed to about 20 MPH and accelerated to over 100 MPH while going over a blind hill in a marked 40 MPH zone. He was cited for Reckless.

Assault / False Imprisonment / Domestic Violence: 3800 E Highway 56, a woman blocked her husband from leaving his sleeper cab. The woman also repeatedly punched her husband in the chest causing pain. She was booked into the Weld County Jail.

Restraining Order Violation: 2nd Street, a 62-year-old man violated a no-contact protection order by text messaging a woman 43 times over a 7-hour period. I haven’t sent 43 texts in the past 2 years total.

Vehicle Crash / Hit & Run: 3800 E Highway 56, a truck driver reported that a Prime Inc. truck backed into his truck while he was sleeping. The Prime Inc. truck left the scene and drove north on I-25.

Sunday, December 11

Warrant Arrest: Canyonlands St., a 39-year-old man was arrested for a warrant and was booked.

Harassment / Criminal Mischief / Violation of a Protection Order / Domestic Violence: Ranchhand Dr, a resident arrived home intoxicated, violating a protection order. He began arguing with his girlfriend and threw a chair into the wall. She then later continued the argument, slapping him in the face. Both parties booked.

Assist Other Agency: Berthoud, Boulder County Sheriff’s Office received a report of a possible child abuse from a pastor. Boulder County asked for help contacting the 5-year-old at her father’s residence to take pictures of a bruise and check her welfare. 5-year-old was healthy, the bruise on her left arm was healing and fading. Pictures and report were sent to Boulder County Sheriff.

December 12 – 18

This week of our local soap opera “The Garden Spot has Weeds” we pick up with a week of Domestic Violence

Monday, December 12

Third-Degree Assault: 1st Street – After a road rage incident, a driver was followed by another driver on Highway 56 to a local gas station, where the first driver was attacked and sustained injuries by the driver that followed him. The suspect vehicle was found in Johnstown. The suspect was placed into custody, became verbally uncooperative during transport to the Larimer County Jail, and claimed he had a gun hidden in his underwear. A second search was completed, and no weapons or contraband were found. It usually is not a good idea to continue your road rage when you get arrested

Harassment/Criminal Mischief/Violation of a Protection Order/Domestic Violence: Ranchhand Drive – A man arrived home intoxicated and violated a protection order. He then began arguing with his girlfriend and threw a chair into the wall. The girlfriend continued the argument, slapping the man in the face. Both parties were booked at the Larimer County Jail. I promise to honor and cherish and throw chairs and slap you in the face till death do us part.

Tuesday, December 13

Non-Injury Motor Vehicle Accident: Highway 287/County Road 8 – A driver rear-ended another driver while she was stopped at the red light. Both vehicles sustained minor damage. The at-fault driver was cited for following too closely.

Third-Degree Assault: 2nd Street – An adult female believed her mother had taken her cell phone and she became upset. The woman then hit her mother in the face several times causing pain. The woman was booked at the Larimer County Jail.

Wednesday, December 14

Theft: Common Drive – A catalytic converter was stolen from a vehicle overnight.

Non-Injury Motor Vehicle Accident: Highway 287/County Road 8 – A driver struck the back of another vehicle while that vehicle was trying to avoid hitting a cat. The accident resulted in minor damage and the drivers exchanged information.

Non-Injury Motor Vehicle Accident: North Berthoud Parkway/Woodcock Street – A driver struck another vehicle while negotiating the roundabout, resulting in minor damage. The driver of the vehicle that was hit admitted to having no insurance and was cited. Negotiating the roundabout is a loose term as most do not know how to go into and out of a roundabout.

Non-Injury Motor Vehicle Accident: North Berthoud Parkway/Highway 287 – A driver turned north on Berthoud Parkway from Hwy 287 through a blinking yellow light. The driver then struck the rear of another vehicle traveling west on Highway 287, resulting in minor damages and the drivers exchanged information.

Violation of a Protection Order: Ranchhand Drive – While attempting to complete a civil standby at a residence, a female was found to be inside the residence, which violated a protection order. The woman was subsequently booked at the Larimer County Jail

Thursday, December 15

Harassment/Domestic Violence: Winding Brook Drive – A woman received an email from her ex-boyfriend, threatening harm to her and her property. The man was arrested at his residence in Berthoud and booked at the Larimer County Jail.

Disturbance/Mental Health: 8th Street – A woman initially called with suicidal thoughts. Upon arrival, she did not meet the criteria for a mental health hold and said she just wanted to go to bed. Shortly after the deputies left, her husband called to report she destroyed the house and threatened him with a knife. The woman claimed her husband destroyed the house because he was mad at her for calling the police and denied a knife was involved.

Warrant Arrest: South County Road 31 – A man was arrested on a felony Criminal Mischief/Domestic Violence warrant from Adams County. He was booked at the Larimer County Jail.

Friday, December 16

Criminal Mischief: East County Road 8 – A resident had her mailbox damaged overnight. No suspects or leads. An estimated loss of $200.00.

Catalytic Converter Theft: Quandary Avenue – A woman reported the theft of the catalytic converter from her 2007 Prius, between 12/12/22 and 12/14/22. The vehicle was already at the mechanic’s being repaired. Area canvas yielded Ring doorbell footage. The investigation is ongoing.

Saturday, December 17

Theft: 4th Street – A package was stolen from the front porch of a home.

Non-Injury Motor Vehicle Accident: North Highway 287 – A driver slowed rapidly to avoid striking a vehicle that was improperly using an emergency vehicle turnaround. The driver was unable to stop in time and collided with the rear of the other vehicle.

Second-Degree Assault/Child Abuse/Domestic Violence: Night Sky Drive – A man assaulted his wife in the presence of their three children. The man was booked into the Larimer County Jail.

Sunday, December 18

Mental Health: Berthoud – A woman made suicidal statements to her family following an argument with her husband. The woman left the residence in her vehicle armed with two kitchen knives. Deputies did not make direct contact with the woman to avoid creating jeopardy as the woman made no threats or threatening actions toward others and did not wish to speak with law enforcement. The woman’s husband was given contact information for Summit Stone as a resource after the woman returned home. A referral was also sent to the Sheriff’s Office mental health co-responders.

RECEIVE EMERGENCY NOTIFICATIONS ON YOUR CELL PHONE. Please visit https://leta911.org and register to get emergency notifications on your cell phone. Reverse 911 does not work on cell phones, only on landlines. Berthoud has the lowest registered numbers in Larimer County.

December 19 – 25

Monday, December 19

Vehicle Fire/Assist to Berthoud Fire Department: 2nd Street- A resident’s 1991 Chevy truck caught fire in his driveway. The fire consumed all the items in the truck bed and part of the truck. The ignition was caught on a Ring camera and appeared to be spontaneous combustion of some items stored in the truck bed waiting to be taken to the dump. No one was injured and nothing suspicious was noted.

Warrants x2/Introduction of Contraband/Possession Schedule II Controlled Substance: County Road 10E/Breckenridge Drive – During the booking of a female for two misdemeanor warrants, she was found to be in possession of 2.6 grams of methamphetamine.

Assist to Longmont Police Department: East Indiana Avenue – A man was reported as knocking on his girlfriend’s mother’s house. The man was involved in a domestic violence incident in Longmont that sent his girlfriend to the hospital for possible strangulation. He was observed leaving in a black Mazda as deputies arrived. The man was contacted on a traffic stop and detained for the Longmont PD. Longmont PD took custody of the man and transported him to the Boulder County Jail.

Tuesday, December 20

Vehicular Eluding/Second-Degree Aggravated Motor Vehicle Theft/Driving Under the Influence/Obstructing a Peace Officer/Warrant x2/Driving After Revocation Prohibited: Berthoud Parkway/County Road 14 – A stolen GMC Sierra was seen entering Berthoud but turning around and driving back into Loveland. Deputies saturated the area, but the male driver began to elude prior to a traffic stop, and a pursuit was started. The vehicle pursuit traveled into Berthoud and the fleeing vehicle’s tires were deflated by a spike strip. The vehicle was stopped by a Precision Immobilization Technique (PIT) by a deputy as the vehicle entered I-25 southbound. The driver fled on foot and was apprehended by deputies. He was under the influence of methamphetamine and alcohol. The passenger of the vehicle was arrested on a felony and misdemeanor warrant. The stolen vehicle was released to the owner. The driver and passenger were booked at the Larimer County Jail after being medically cleared.

Wednesday, December 21

Theft/Possession of Drug Paraphernalia: Mountain Avenue – A man and his girlfriend stole $70 worth of items from a local business. The man was stopped outside the doors and all items were recovered. Drug Paraphernalia was found on his person and in his vehicle. The man was cited for Theft and Possession of Drug Paraphernalia. Both individuals were served trespass notices from the business.

Thursday, December 22

DUI/Reckless Driving: Colorado Avenue – A woman was contacted driving recklessly and did not pass voluntary roadsides in a manner consistent with sobriety. She was booked at the Larimer County Jail.

Mental Health: Franklin Avenue – A man alleged his roommate stole $1000 from him. Staff at the facility did not believe the man ever had $1000. The man had multiple delusions and believed there were cameras in the curtains of the room that would have seen the theft. Deputies are with the facility to address mental health concerns. Everyone knows there are no cameras in the curtains, they are in rugs.

Motor Vehicle Accident No-Injuries: County Road 8 & 1st Street – A male driver rear-ended another vehicle within a roundabout. The at-fault driver was cited for following too closely.

Motor Vehicle Accident/Possible Hit & Run: Highway 287/Berthoud Parkway – A driver rear-ended another vehicle. The crash was called in by a witness who saw both vehicles leave the scene. The at-fault driver was contacted at home and said he exchanged info with the other driver. The other driver was unable to be found.

Friday, December 23

Motor Vehicle Accident/Careless Driving: North Berthoud Parkway/Woodcock Street – A female driver was driving too fast for the conditions and slid into a light post. She was issued a summons.

Unattended Death: Pyramid Peak Drive – Deputies responded to a welfare check on an elderly man, who was found deceased. Nothing suspicious was noted and the coroner responded.

Assist Other Agency/Attempt to Locate Homicide Suspect: Berthoud – The Greeley Police Department called asking for help in locating a homicide suspect who is supposedly staying in Berthoud with her sister. An extensive search of previous addresses and known associates yielded no additional leads.

DUI Under 21: Berthoud – A female driver was contacted for pulling a sled behind her car with people riding it. She was summoned and released. Dashing through the snow in Flexible Flyer sled. Ore the hills we go, the cops just squashed the day. Red and blue lights flash, Bells in my head, make those cop lights bright, I should have stayed home tonight, oh! Jingle bells, sirens wail. I shouldn’t have had the wine, now the cops whom I’m with, tell me where to sign.

Saturday, December 24

Warrant Arrest x2/Possession of Drug Paraphernalia: Curlew Drive – Deputies responded to a disturbance call for a woman and a man. The man was found to have two active warrants. During a search incident to arrest of the man, he was found to be in possession of drug paraphernalia. A K9 sniff on the vehicle led to a search, where more paraphernalia was found. The woman was issued a summons and the man was booked at the Larimer County Jail.

Shoplift: East Highway 56 – An unknown man entered a store and stole multiple electronics. The manager estimated the amount to be valued at approximately $200. The suspect entered the front passenger seat of a white Toyota and fled the area.

Sunday, December 25

Second-Degree Assault/Domestic Violence/False Imprisonment x2/Harassment x2/Obstruction of Telephone Services x2: Woodcock Street – A man choked and pushed a woman in the presence of their infant child, which was witnessed by another woman. The two women and the infant were able to get away and get a hotel room for the evening. The man refused to exit the residence and taunted deputies. An emergency warrant was issued for the man’s arrest. He took a chance that the deputies were going to leave. Wrong! Off to jail he goes.

RECEIVE EMERGENCY NOTIFICATIONS ON YOUR CELL PHONE. Please visit https://leta911.org and register to get emergency notifications on your cell phone. Reverse 911 does not work on cell phones, only on landlines. Berthoud has the lowest registered numbers in Larimer County.

December 26 – January 1

Monday, December 26

Nothing of significance to note.

Tuesday, December 27

Theft: 2nd Street – A business reported tools and a propane tank were stolen from the back lot sometime over the weekend.

Warrant Arrest: Woodcock Street – A male met with deputies at Town Hall and provided a written statement. Photos were taken of his injuries, and he was taken into custody on his warrant.

Wednesday, December 28

Nothing of significance to note.

Thursday, December 29

Non-Injury Motor Vehicle Accident: 1st Street/County Road 10E – A male driver was speeding on icy roadways and lost control. The driver’s Suburban ended up six feet up the guide wires for a utility pole. The driver was cited. Reminds me of the movie “Failure to Launch”

Friday, December 30

Trespass/Recovered Stolen Vehicle/Stolen Vehicle: Highplains Drive – A barn was broken into but nothing was taken; however, a 2018 brown Chevy Silverado with a Lance camper was stolen from the area. The suspects left a black Toyota 4Runner on the scene that was determined to be an unreported steal out of Longmont. The GPS/Rearview mirror camera was ripped out of the 4runner and the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) was painted over. The 4Runner was towed to be processed by the Larimer County Sheriff’s Office Evidence Lab. The truck was entered as stolen.  Possible suspects are the notorious barnyard gang. 

Family Problems: West County Road 14 – A female reported her fiance squeezed their 10-month-old daughter. The female refused to take the child to get evaluated by medical staff. There were extremely conflicting stories between the two about what occurred. A Child Protective Service referral was completed.

Stolen Firearm/Vehicle Trespass: Horseshoe Circle – A male observed an unknown person enter his vehicle and steal his handgun that was in the vehicle. The suspect took off in a black diesel truck, possibly a GMC, south on Highway 287 towards Boulder County. A stolen gun entry was completed.  Please, please, please DO NOT leave your firearm in your vehicle.

Saturday, December 31

Stolen Vehicle Follow-Up: Highplains Drive – The stolen slide-in camper on yesterday’s truck was recovered in Longmont. The truck is still missing.

Runaway Juvenile/Mental Health: Berthoud – A 14-year-old female ran away from home after getting into an argument with her aunt about a substance abuse problem with the 14-year-old. Deputies deployed to the area and searched for the female but she was not located. Eventually, the juvenile was located at the King Soopers in Longmont after a suicide attempt. The juvenile was taken to the hospital and placed on a mental health hold.

Driving Under Restraint/No Proof of Insurance/Expired Registration: Bunyan Avenue/10th Street – A male was contacted for expired registration and issued a summons for the above violations.

Assault/Mental Health: 5th Street – A male and female were at a party at a residence. Friends of the female suspected that the male drugged her, and then assaulted the her. The female was uncooperative and highly intoxicated. The female kicked a deputy multiple times and was restrained after a brief struggle. Through the investigation, it did not appear as though the female was drugged. The female was suicidal and was transported to the hospital for a mental health hold. The male declined to press charges for the assault.


About Post Author

Gary Wamsley

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