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Updated March 6, 2017

Provided by
James Anderson
Patrol Sergeant: Berthoud Squad

Wednesday, February 1

Juvenile Problem: 200 block of Bunyan Avenue, a crime involving a 14-year-old boy is being investigated.

Vehicle Crash: Mile Marker 328 Highway 287, 2 vehicles were traveling southbound on Highway 287 side by side in their respective lanes. At the intersection with County Road 17, another vehicle was merging onto 287 and cut in front of the vehicle in the right lane causing him to swerve and strike the side of the other car next to him.

Vehicle Crashes: Highway 287, three deputies, three State Patrol Troopers were very busy with crashes due to the ice storm that came through. Several vehicles totaled but no serious injuries. Highway 287 was a parking lot for several hours.

Thursday, February 2

Warrant Arrest: 2nd Street and Welch Avenue, a Dodge Caravan traveling east on Mountain Avenue made a right turn onto 2nd Street at an unsafe speed, causing the vehicle to lose control and slide into the opposing lane of traffic. The 28-year-old driver had a warrant out of Ft. Collins

Friday, February 3

Vehicle Crash / Hit and Run: 230 Bein Street, a resident reported that his vehicle was struck while it was parked in front of his house. Suspect vehicle was not identified but had dual rear tires, possibly a delivery truck.

Vehicle Trespass: S. CR17 and Woodcock Street, a construction worker reported two construction trailers had their locks cut and over $4000 worth of tools were taken.

Recovered Stolen Vehicle (Kind of): S. CR 17 and Woodcock Drive, reference the above case one of the construction trailers was listed as stolen. A mix up in the state system showed it was still listed as stolen but it had actually been recovered and returned to the owner which was the worker on scene. We made sure the stolen trailer was removed from the state system.

Disturbance: 800 block of Franklin Avenue, a 59-year-old resident was impaired and caused a disturbance. At one-point the man was waving around a butter knife and stabbing his ice cream.

Vehicle Crash / Hit and Run: 1st Street and Bunyan Avenue, a resident reported their vehicle was side swiped by another vehicle, which drove off.

DUI / Child Abuse: 8th Street and Munson Court, a 36-year-old man was stopped for speeding. The driver was arrested for suspicion of driving under the influence of alcohol and marijuana. Inside of the vehicle were a woman and two small children:

Saturday, February 4

DUI: 1st Street and Turner Avenue, a vehicle drove past the stop sign and slowed without making a complete stop before turning right to go southbound onto 1st Street. While making this right turn the vehicle failed to signal. A 45-year-old Johnstown man was arrested for suspicion of driving under the influence of alcohol.

Disturbance: 400 block of 5th Street, a witness stated she heard loud yelling and what she thought were people pushing each other. Her son claims the man was punching the woman and she was pushing him.

Sunday, February 5

Dangerous Shooting: CR17 and CR 10E, five men were contacted for shooting close to the road and also after dark

Monday, February 6

Loose Dogs: 5th Street and Lake Avenue, a black and a white dog were loose and threatening to people on a walk.

Suspicious Person: 5th Street and Welch, a 30-year-old man was called in as “out of it” and laying down on the softball field and not moving. The man was checked and was OK

Criminal Mischief: 700 block of 3rd Street, a resident reported her car had been keyed sometime between last Thursday and Saturday.

Tuesday, February 7

Vehicle Fire: South 287, a Loveland man who just bought a vehicle off Craig’s List was driving his newly purchased vehicle home when it caught on fire. Vehicle completely engulfed when deputies and fire department arrived.

Alarm: 900 block of Mountain, investigated an alarm going off but was determined to be caused by construction in the business

Noise Complaint: 900 block of Redwood Circle, a resident described a red 4dr vehicle playing bass very loud and disturbing him and his wife.

Wednesday, February 8

Family Problems: 600 block of Sunnywood Place, a resident reported a number of concerns regarding her husband.

Assault: 200 block of 2nd Street, a 22-year-old man assaulted his father after an argument.

Thursday, February 9

Vehicle Crash: Weld CR44 / SE Frontage Road, a Longmont man failed to stop at a stop sign and crashed into a Johnstown man.

Criminal Mischief / Harassment / Marijuana Offense: 400 block of Colorado Avenue, a 16-year-old girl and a 20-year-old man were involved in a pushing match and argument in the car at this location. Marijuana and paraphernalia located on the 16-year-old’s person.

Suspicious Circumstances: 300 block of Massachusetts Avenue, a resident noticed a juvenile around his home as he was leaving. He was concerned enough to turn around and check on him and found him looking in his front door window.

Juvenile Problem: 600 block of 9th Street, a male and female juvenile smoked marijuana. They then get two sober friends to drive them home. Female juvenile is to a point that she cannot remember where she lives and the boys leave her in front of a house in her car on the opposite side of town of her real house. She is found approximately an hour and a half later by her friend and his mom after she called him for help.

Friday, February 10

Speeding / Displaying Fictitious Plates: 1st Street and Bunyan Avenue, a 42-year-old Johnstown woman was contacted for speeding and found to be driving an unregistered vehicle with fictitious plates.

Theft: 300 block of Colorado Avenue, a resident reported a license plate was stolen off her trailer.

Vehicle Crash / Hit and Run: 400 block of S. 5th Street, a resident reported an unknown suspect lost control of their vehicle and struck a stack of wooden roof supports.

Saturday, February 11

Assault: 200 block of 2nd Street, a 22-year-old Berthoud man was arrested for assaulting his father.

Sunday, February 12

Disturbance: 900 block of 7th Street, a man and woman both from Berthoud were involved in a verbal disturbance because the man scared away the woman’s drug dealer. Both appeared to be under the influence.

Warrant Arrest / Restraining Order Violation: 5th Street and Welch Avenue, a 38-year-old Longmont man was contacted on a traffic stop and was arrested for a warrant out of Larimer County and violation of a restraining order.

Monday, February 13

Vehicle Trespass: Tabor Street / Waterman Street (construction zone SW corner of 287 / CR17) a construction trailer was broken and tools taken.

Welfare Check: Berthoud Park, checked on a man that was seen leaning up against the restroom by the ball fields. A known 30-year-old man was contacted and found to be OK

Harassment: 100 block of Common Drive, a father called another father and threatened to do harm to his son for issues his son caused with his daughter.

Tuesday, February 14

Criminal Mischief: 850 Spartan Ave (Berthoud High School), unknown suspects in a SUV crashed through doors of school and exited other side of building causing $100,000 or more in Damage as they drove through. 

Welfare Check: 1st Street and CR10E, a 35-year-old Berthoud man was reported as acting strange and attempting to flag down cars at 1st Street and County Rd 10E in Berthoud. He was listed as missing as he had walked away from a hospital where he voluntarily checked himself in for a panic attack.

Vehicle Trespass: 100 block of E. Iowa Street, two unlocked vehicles were rummaged through at this address but nothing taken.

Road Rage Incident: 800 block of Spartan, a 61-year-old man and a 57-year-old woman got into an argument over stop or don’t stop at the round-a-bout.

Abandoned Vehicle: 800 block of Greenwood Drive, an abandoned vehicle that had been tagged for removal was towed from this location.

Suspicious Incident: 900 block of 5th Street, a resident noticed that their cellar light is on and no one from the family had been down there. Search of the cellar was conducted but no one was in the cellar.

Wednesday, February 15

Road Debris: 8th Street and Spartan, a dump truck loaded with dirt for the construction site had its tail gate pop open and dumped dirt in the intersection. Located the truck and he was in the process to get a piece of equipment to clean it up.

Road Rage: CR17 and Hwy 287, a driver called to report another driver had displayed a possible gun during a road rage incident. An investigation determined that the other driver, displayed her phone, not a gun. Furthermore, it was determined that the reporting person and her husband had instigated this conflict while attempting to merge from a lane which was ending and flipping the other driver off.

Fraud: 200 block of 1st Street, a resident called to report he had been scammed by unknown persons who called him telling him he had won 4.5 million dollars and a truck. He deposited $2,500 in cash to a designated account at the bank. The bank was contacted to place a hold on the account. This resident was one of the few lucky ones as he got his money back. If you have to send money to get money IT IS A FRAUD.

Fraud: 300 block of Mountain Avenue, a resident reported unknown subject hacked his son’s PlayStation account and charged $400 to his credit card.

Suspicious Person: 200 block of 2nd Street, a man was seen driving around the area very slowly and looking at all of the homes and then was last seen walking around in his pajamas. Man was located and he is a resident and was out looking for his loose cat. Cat Burglar!

Thursday, February 16

Theft: 3000 block of Curlew Drive, a construction truck was entered and tools stolen from inside.

Speeding: 700 block of 1st Street, a resident called in about a dump truck that is going back and forth on 1st at a high rate of speed. Deputy located truck and was clocked going 48mph in a posted 30mph zone.

Friday, February 17

Suspicious Incident: 2 people were seen pulling out the doggie waste bags at the park and tying them to the trees. An adult female and child were contacted and they promised to clean it up.

Harassment: 4th Street and Mountain Avenue, a resident called to report that another resident almost hit him with a vehicle in the crosswalk at this location.

Harassment: 300 block of Massachusetts, an unknown man came into the business and began taking pictures of the bathroom. The man was asked to leave and became belligerent with staff.

Solicitors that Weren’t: 2 people were called in as solicitors because they had what appeared to be clipboards. The two people turned out to be students studying for a test.

Saturday, February 18

Harassment: 200 block of Welch Avenue, a 54-year-old man and a 39-year-old woman both called to make complaints against the other regarding actions taken during an accusation of cheating while playing a “Pokémon Go” like cell phone game.

Animal Problem: 1300 block of 4th Street, a resident who was outside with his unrestrained cat called in to report another resident brought her dog outside and told the cat to “shoo” so he called to report that as harassment.

Alarm: 800 block of Mountain, an alarm went off in this building and it was determined that an inside door was not completely secured.

Sunday, February 19

Traffic Issue: 700 block of 1st Street, a resident called in to report around 10 motorcycles racing on 1st Street. Three deputies responded to conduct traffic enforcement in this area.

Disturbance: 1000 block of 3rd Street, a man came to this address to get his things due to irreconcilable differences. The two began to argue and very loud where the neighbors could hear them.

Suspicious Incident: 200 block of 2nd Street, a resident called in to report someone hiding in the bushes watching him and his house for a couple of days. Last night they started yelling at him from the bushes. Deputy checked the bushes but no one was found.

Monday, February 20 

Vehicle Trespass:  200 block of E. Michigan Avenue, a resident reported his unlocked truck was entered sometime over the weekend and items taken.

Criminal Mischief:  100 block of E. Welch Avenue, a resident reported that his vehicle was parked on the street and both driver side tires were slashed.

Assault:  500 block of Welch Avenue, an uncle became angry and threw a 2X4 piece of wood at his niece.

Tuesday, February 21 

Code Violation:  1000 block of 7th Street, a trailer was sitting on blocks on the public street not connected to any vehicle. 

Code Violation:  900 block of 7th Street, two residences are using porch as storage. Multiple bikes, coolers, BBQs, boxes and trash. Also an unregistered vehicle on blocks out front. 

Code Violation:  400 block of Michigan, semi parked on public street.

Code Violation:  800 block of 8th Street, Trailer illegally parked

Code Violation:  600 block of 9th Street, Trailer illegally parked

Code Violation:  800 block of Massachusetts, Trailer illegally parked

Driving Under the Influence of Drugs:  4000 block of CR 8, a 36-year-old woman pulled into the Berthoud Fire Station after having a panic attack from smoking “too much” marijuana.

Wednesday, February 22

Criminal Mischief:  500 block of Bunyan Avenue, a railing on the playground was kicked off causing several hundred dollars in damage.

Thursday, February 23

Theft; 600 block of Great Basin Court, 20 gallons of grey primer paint was stolen at a construction site. 

Friday, February 24

Suspicious Person:  400 block of 3rd Street, a 30-year-old transient involved in three “Suspicious” calls today. He was pulling a cart of good condition power tools.

Burglary / Theft:  200 block of 7th Street, the same 30-year-old transient was contacted inside a non-public secured area of the parks department bathroom at this location, using power belonging to the Town of Berthoud.

Suspicious Persons:  800 block of Spartan Avenue, a resident saw two young males park in the roadway on 10th Street, run across park toward the school with a bag, then came back without the bag.

A bag was located at the school containing a dead bird.

Saturday, February 25

Welfare Check:  An anonymous caller stated that a 13-year-old boy was bragging on social media he was drinking alcohol at a party and was very drunk. Contact was made with the 13-year-old boy who was completely sober.

Sunday, February 26

Trespass:  900 block of 7th Street, a 32-year-old woman had been causing a disturbance, by yelling and cussing at the homeowner.

Monday, February 27

Plane Crash: Culver Lake, a student pilot and his instructor could not pull out of a spiral and crashed into Culver Lake.

Animal Problem: 1800 block of CR15C, a loose black lab chased a jogger as they ran by the dog. Dog was caught and returned to owner.

Vehicle Crash: 800 block of Spartan Avenue, 2 students had a minor accident in the parking lot.

Theft: Nicholson Street and Phipps Lane, a worker had two propane tanks stolen and the suspects cut the pin off the trailer hitch but did not take the trailer.

Civil Issue: 1000 block of 1st Street, ongoing property line dispute between 2 people in the same building.

Tuesday, February 28

Mental Health Hold: 200 block of Mountain Avenue, a man came into the Fire Station and told firefighters he had been experiencing suicidal thoughts.

Suspicious Circumstances: 1300 block of N 4th St, a resident reported an unknown person had entered his vehicle.

911 Hang-up: 700 block of CR17, someone at this location called 911. Dispatchers could hear a lot of yelling in the background. Turns out kids having fun and the yelling were the kids screaming and laughing. Lesson for the appropriate use of 911 was conducted.

Family Problems: 200 block of Bothun Road, a woman received some disturbing text messages from her estranged husband.


About Post Author

Gary Wamsley

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