Tuesday, Jan 1
Vehicle Crash / Property Damage / No Proof of insurance: Mountain Ave, a driver hit a car as he was trying to parallel park. He pulled out, parked across the street and went into a down town business. This was all witnessed by a juvenile that was sitting in the parked car when it was hit. Call was originally aired as a hit and run. All parties were on scene when the deputy arrived. The driver had a valid driver’s license, but his vehicle registration was expired, and he had no proof of insurance. Summonsed.
Reported Drunk Driving: E. Hwy 56 and CR 13, a driver reported that another vehicle was driving on wrong side of road, almost hit another vehicle, and described the other driver as an older lady and the vehicle is now pulled over at the intersection. Deputy contacted the elderly driver and she stated that she was driving and hit her washer fluid which then froze to the windshield causing it to be obstructed (froze over) she was then weaving. Deputy helped finish scraping the ice off her windshield and she was sent on her way, old car and old defroster. Outside temp 10 degrees.
Wednesday, Jan 2
Vehicle Crash / Property Damage: 4th Street and Massachusetts Avenue, a driver was backing out of their driveway and hit an oncoming vehicle.
Disturbance: CR 10E, a person called in stating one of the residents is fighting with others. The man also locked himself inside of a room with a female. It was also reported this man has been acting very strange and when he started in tonight another resident punched him right in the kisser “pretty hard”. The man was talked out by deputies and then was cordially provided with room and board at the jail.
Thursday, January 3
Recovered Stolen Vehicle: Indiana Ave and 2nd Street, a stolen Subaru Legacy was found unoccupied near this intersection. The vehicle was stolen out of Montana and had stolen plates from Wyoming on the rear bumper.
Protection Order Violation: Munson Ct, a female reported that her ex-boyfriend sent her an Instagram messages in December of 2017, March of 2018, and April of 2018. He also attempted to FaceTime her in July of 2017. All four of these communications were made in violation of the protection order. Warrant to come.
Fraud: Curlew Drive, a resident made a report about purchases that were fraudulently made on her credit card. The resident said that she was suspicious after ordering a pizza from a Loveland Pizza Company. The person over the phone was asking the resident questions after getting her card number, and she believes it might be associated with the theft later that night. At midnight, on 010119, a purchase was made for $1,000 online.
Suspicious Circumstances: Mountain Ave, an employee, reported that a 69-year old Berthoud man, made inappropriate statements about a very young girl that he had with him in the restaurant. The man was located in a camper on 4th Street and was very uncooperative with deputies, but eventually allowed his camper to be searched for the young girl. The girl was later located with her parents, whom had given the man permission to take the girl to Subway. The comments the man made were relayed to the parents and deputies requested they check with their daughter and report anything out of the ordinary. Child Protection referral made.
Vehicle Crash / Property Damage: Hwy 287 and CR 10E, a driver was driving north on US Highway 287 and ran over a mattress in the road. Subsequently 4 other vehicles crashed into the first one. There were no injuries, and only one vehicle was required a tow.
Vehicle Crash / Private Property: 3800 block of E Hwy 56. A truck driver backed his semi into another semi at Loves Travel Center.
Friday, Jan 4
Found Property: 3800 block of E Hwy 56, the manager at the Loves Travel center turned over 3 credit cards, 1 DL, 1 wallet, and 3 sets of keys that have been left at the store over the last month. Items collected and attempts to contact owners were unsuccessful. Logged into evidence.
Identity Theft: Wagon Bend Rd. a resident reported that his credit card number was skimmed somewhere while he was on a road trip. His credit card was used in Las Vegas for $394.96 at three different gas stations.
Alcohol Issue: 8th Street, a woman was outside a business crying hysterically. She was highly intoxicated and did not know where she lived or who she was. She thought it was 1958. Witnesses stated that she was acting appropriate until the closing time, she then started crying and was very confused. She went voluntarily to the ambulance to be transported on a detox hold. I bet tomorrow she remembers how much hangovers suck.
Saturday, Jan 5
Felony Warrant Arrest: Hummingbird Pl, a 21-year-old woman was arrested and booked for a felony warrant.
Vicious Animal: 7th St and Welch Ave, a couple reported that their dog was attacked by another dog. The other dog and owner fled the scene. Doggone it anyway.
Sunday, January 6
Disturbance: E Hwy 56, LCSO deputies assisted Longmont Police in looking for a 35-year-old man when he returned to his residence in Berthoud (his 1st strike). It was reported he has been carrying a bb gun in his hoodie pocket (his 2nd strike). Earlier in the evening this man was in Longmont and pulled a fire alarm at the Motel 6 and harassing his girlfriend (his 3rd and final strike). Deputies contacted the man outside his residence and was taken into custody and turned over to Longmont Police.
Monday, Jan. 7
Rosewood Dr. – Female reported that her Ex-husband has threatened to call in welfare checks on their children. Ongoing divorce, custody dispute, and a child abuse investigation with Loveland Police Department.
Tuesday Jan. 8
Memory Lane – Male was reported as a runaway after he was in an argument with his parents. He packed a bag, comforter and pillow, then walked out the house, BOLO and entry.
3rd Street – Male had been entered as a runaway, he was found by Longmont Police and returned home today. His grandmother checked on him, went back to work and later learned once she left, he did too. He was entered again, BOLO sent to Longmont, it is believed he would return to the Longmont area.
Hwy 56 – Male who had been an OTR truck driver for 3 months parked in the Love’s lot and while logging off, his semi began to roll forward. He did not realize the semi was moving, it rolled across the parking lot, over the curb and after going through a fence, he hit the brakes and stopped. A small diesel tank for the cooler on the trailer was punctured. The fuel will be cleaned up at the expense of May Trucking. Berthoud Fire, CSP Hazmat and Employees helped at the scene.
E. Highway 56 – OTR Truck Driver reported being confronted by an unknown subject for an unknown reason. The unknown subject unholstered a black handgun and “waved” it around in the general direction of driver who was in fear for his life. Driver described an older white Ford pick-up truck with “3 ladders” on a rack in the back. Suspect is white male, approximately 5’11” and 200 lbs wearing a 3/4 length black coat. Driver also stated that the suspect vehicle left westbound on Hwy 56. A high-risk stop was conducted on a vehicle matching the description and timeframe, but ultimately determined not to be involved. A check of limited outside video contradicted driver’s timeline and vehicle description. The suspect vehicle had no ladders or rack. No video footage of the incident was available and nothing good enough to ID a vehicle or driver. No other witnesses to the event were located, which is odd considering the amount of traffic in and out of local business between 0800-0845.
Memory Ln – Male showed up at High School for class. He stated that his parents were angry with him over a new year’s party he had (plus multiple other issues) and he felt threatened because of the way they were acting so he went to his neighbor’s house. He claimed his dad knew. Parents found a vape pen and tore his room apart looking for other substances and claim they did not know he was across the street. Male said he will continue to leave if his parents continue to hold him accountable. Male was sent back to class.
Wednesday, Jan. 9
W CR 4 – Deputies responded to a residence on a welfare check after calls came in about a male subject yelling and cussing in the front yard. When deputies arrived, the male subject appeared to brandish a firearm. One deputy fired his weapon, however the male was not struck and barricaded himself inside the residence. Male eventually exited the residence and was taken into custody. Special Thank you goes out to Colorado State Patrol, Loveland Police, and Johnstown Police for their assistance.
Thursday, Jan. 10
7th St – Male reported that someone entered his vehicle and attempted to punch the ignition. Ignition is damaged to the point that it is not functional. Suspect left behind a screwdriver which was collected for evidence. No suspect info and no other items of evidence was identified.
Mountain Ave – Male lost his wallet. It was most likely lost at town hall during the town board meeting. ID and credit cards were in the wallet.
S 9TH ST – Female reported that her vehicle, house and fence were shot with paintballs. Suspect is a high school student. Other victims are expected based on initial information.
Timeless Cir./Timeless Trl. – A suspect driving a white sedan was observed on surveillance video going through mailboxes. Nothing has been reported stolen yet.
Friday, Jan. 11
Mountain Ave – Female sent forged letters from her employer to the Berthoud Municipal Court to receive additional restitution in a court case where she was the victim.
Bunyan Ave – An unknown vehicle hit the school and damaged the brick.
Various Locations in Berthoud – Graffiti in several town parks (Berthoud Park and Bien Park) as the new construction site in the 100 block of S 8th Street. Graffiti was in black and green paint and was several encircled stars, male genitalia and “ShAD” with the “A” as the anarchy symbol.
Serenity Ridge – The suspect from a pursuit in Estes Park had mail in the vehicle that was stolen from the Berthoud area earlier in the day. In all 8 people were identified as victims. Male was summonsed for 8 counts of Tampering and 7 counts of Theft. There was also mail from Weld County that was forwarded to them for investigation. Thanks to Estes Park Police and the Deputies working the Mountain Squad for the help and follow-up.
Saturday, Jan. 12
Weld Co Rd. 76.5 – Female reported that “Deputy Adams” from the Larimer County Sheriff’s Office called reference their property in Larimer County. She knew it was a scam right away since they have no property here and hung up. No loss.
3rd St. – Male ran away from home on 010719. He was located by Firestone PD today and was picked up by grandma and aunt. They stopped at a gas station on Highway 119. Male jumped out of the vehicle and ran away from there. He is still entered as a run a way.
1st Street – Female was contacted on a traffic stop and had a warrant for her arrest.
Welch Ave – Male struck a garage bay door at the Colorado Rapid Car Wash, damaging the door.
Sunday, Jan. 13
S. 9th St. – Female was called in as a welfare check. When she was contacted it was found she had an active warrant for her arrest.
Larimer County Deputies on Swing shift and Midnight shift conducted an interdiction project in Berthoud. In addition to what was noted above this netted numerous citations and verbal warnings.
Mountain Ave – Male fell and was found by citizens near Turner Middle School. Male was contacted and didn’t know where he was coming from but stated he was walking to San Diego. He was very confused and didn’t know his birthday. It was later determined that he left with his walker and his wrist band alarm which was “broken” so no one was alerted to his absence. He had been out for up to an hour and a half in the cold and rainy weather. Staff responded to the scene and drove him back to the local facility.
S. 9th St. – A handgun that was reported stolen was found in Male’s possession. Juvenile summons and released to guardian.
Monday, January 14
Theft of Auto Parts: 2nd Street, a resident reported that his company vehicle had its hood and grill stolen. The theft was on video. The suspect vehicle was a very clean single cab black Dodge Dakota with chrome wheels. There were two male suspects. The suspect vehicle went north on 2nd Street toward Bunyan Avenue.
Theft of A Firearm: 2nd Street, a resident reported that his black Taurus 357 revolver, about $200 in coins and a Rockwell Drill were stolen from his bedroom.
Suspicious Circumstances: Redwood Circle, investigating a resident as he is now making vague threats to the school.
Fireworks: 2nd Street, a resident was issued a summons for Fireworks Prohibited. Multiple reports of guns shots in the area were reported through 911 and several deputies were responding. Another resident thought it would be fun to shoot off a Roman Candle he had left from the 4th of July. How fun is that court appearance going for ya?
Theft: S. 9th Street, a resident reported that her grandson’s friend stole the key to her van. The friend denied taking the key but later showed up at the house to return the key while deputies were waiting inside. Ooops! Summons issued
Tuesday, January 15
Cruelty to Animals: Nicholson Street, a cat was locked in a car with the windows rolled all the way up with no food and a small dish with frozen water in it. The witness and another resident in the area told me that the cat has been locked in the car since Friday. The cat was turned over to the Humane Society. Search for the owner will continue.
Underage Possession of Marijuana / Paraphernalia: Spartan Ave, two adult males and a juvenile male, were contacted after being observed “lighting” something inside a vehicle parked in the school parking lot. 99.87 grams of marijuana, several glass pipes, THC wax smoking kit, and possible bottle of hash oil located. Now they can light up with the judge answering to their antics on school grounds.
Theft: Spartan Ave., a juvenile male stole a set of Apple Air pod ear buds out of another student’s back pack. The male then attempted to sell the item to another student. Security footage reviewed and suspect identified and charged. Item was recovered and returned to owner. Suspect was summonsed for the theft.
Suspicious Circumstances: Berthoud Parkway & Hwy 287 a woman reported that she was assaulted at a house near this intersection by her ex-boyfriend. She claimed that he dragged her by her hair then drove her to the mountains by Lyons and “held her captive”. She claimed this happened in December and was just returned home today. Her story did not make sense and it kept changing. She refused to come to Berthoud from Longmont to allow deputies to take photographs of her injuries and she said that she did not want us to come to her house in Longmont. Longmont Police were requested to go to her house and get photographs, but she refused to answer the door for officers. Investigations notified. As of now there is not enough information to determine if a crime really did happen. Whew!
Assault / Domestic Violence: 2nd Street, a woman reported that her common law husband, assaulted her. She had a minor injury on her nose. The man was arrested and booked.
Wednesday, January 16
Assist: Franklin Ave, staff received a report that one of the nursing aides was being mean to a resident. Nothing near criminal.
Failed to Stop for School Bus Flashing Red Stop Lights: 42nd St. / Hwy 287, a vehicle was observed by the school bus driver and a parent not stopping or slowing down for the Bus red flashing lights and stop sign as kids were exiting the Bus to cross the street. License plate, vehicle, and driver match the description and photo of registered owner. Summons to be issued. This one is a huge no-no and you will be cited!
Motor Vehicle Crash / Non-Injury: Bunyan Ave & Berthoud Pkwy., a woman was driving on Bunyan when she observed a large animal (possible raccoon) in the road. She was unable to maneuver her vehicle around or stop quick enough and hit the animal causing damage. Animal left the area. Mr. Raccoon will be sought for leaving the scene of an accident.
Thursday, January 17
Found Property: 3rd Street, the caller came back from lunch and when getting out of her car she found set of keys right where she was about to place her foot on the ground. she collected them and talked to businesses on the block. no one has claimed them. The keys as well as some house keys will be placed into the lost and found at town hall. Come identify them if they are yours.
Vehicle Trespass: Mount Rainier Court., a resident reported that his car alarm went off at 0815. He initially thought it was a neighbor’s but eventually realized it was his. He went outside to find that someone had removed some napkins and paper from his center console. He swears that his car was locked and no sign of forced entry.
Warrant X2 / Obstructing: CR15 & CR6C, a man was called in as a welfare check because he was intoxicated and stumbling into traffic. It was discovered that he had municipal warrants from Berthoud and Longmont. He tried to run when he was advised that he was under arrest. He was stopped but continued to pull away when cuffing attempts were made so he was taken to the ground where he continued to refuse to cooperate. He was eventually placed into custody. Booked uncooperative. This man should talk with Mr. Raccoon about what happens when you are careless on a roadway.
Felony Warrant Arrest: 3800 Hwy 56, Deputies were dispatched to the Love’s Travel Center reference for a RV that was back on the property after they were told earlier in the day they were no longer allowed on the property. Upon arrival the deputy spoke with an adult male. He stated his stepson was also in the RV. The deputy asked him his stepson’s name, he told the deputy his last name but was unsure of his first name as he has “bad memory”. The RV door opened, and a male verbally identified himself as the stepson. The deputy asked him his middle name which he told the deputy but said he didn’t know how to spell his middle name. The young man had an active felony warrant out of Ariz. Taken to the HUB then to Platte Valley Youth Services
Friday, January 18
Fraud: Victoria Street, a resident reported someone attempted to open credit with her information. She had credit monitoring that informed her, and she immediately froze her credit. She didn’t lose any money.
Unauthorized Use of Financial Transaction Device: Brant Street, a resident reported several unauthorized transactions on her credit card. She is not out any money and she does not know how or when her card was compromised.
Saturday, January 19
Assist: Franklin Ave, a resident struck another resident despite the one-on-one care plan to prevent this from happening. Investigation by facility supervisors determined that the nursing aide that was supposed to be standing with them was texting and not paying attention.
Motor Vehicle Crash / Non-Injury: 4th Street & Mountain Avenue, a driver was in her “own world” and took her foot off the brake causing her to hit the rear of another vehicle. Minor damage. She got a ticket.
Sunday, January 20
Theft: CR15C,a caller thinks his ex-roommate stole 2 phones from him. He stated he has been asked to leave this property (which he did) but he noticed when he was unpacking, that the phones were gone. There seems to be more to the story than just missing phones. Deputy spoke with roommate and then the caller’s probation officer. The roommate does have the phones but has been directed to meet probation with the phones and turn them over to her.
Disturbance: Woodcock Street, a caller reported the apartment directly behind him sounds like there is a disturbance. Woman screaming, and male yelling and sounds belligerent. The 2 people contacted tonight were intoxicated but there was no indication of a disturbance. They admitted to being loud and jumping around, but stated they were not fighting. What was all the yelling about you ask? The Patriots won the football game tonight.
Monday, January 21
Vehicle Crash with Injury: CR 8 and County Line road, a woman pulled onto CR 8 from CR 1 in front of another vehicle causing the crash. She was transported to the hospital with minor injuries, the other driver was uninjured. The woman was also summonsed for careless driving.
Animal Problem: Sioux Drive, a resident was issued a written warning for her four barking dogs. The actual crime was they weren’t even in harmony.
Tuesday, January 22
Possession of Schedule II Controlled Substance: 2nd Street, an 18-year-old man was contacted at his residence for a follow up on a separate case. A search of his room was conducted yielding a bag of methamphetamine. Booked.
DUI / Underage Possession of Marijuana / Speeding: Berthoud Parkway, a 19-year-old man contacted for speed, deputies smelled an odor of marijuana upon contact and driver’s admission of use. Search conducted yielding, 11 marijuana pipes, 11.6 grams of marijuana, multiple containers of marijuana wax, 10 empty bags of suspected cocaine with residue left inside the bags and 9 unopened cans of beer. Booked.
Suspicious Information: Meadowlark Drive, a resident called to report that two “larger males” attempted to sell her son possible stolen property out of their vehicle at the Kwik Korner. When her son refused, the parties drove off towards 287. The vehicle was a dark grey Dodge Journey, no license plate.
Vehicle Crash: Canyonlands Street and Lene Lane, a forklift operator of a construction site was moving a dumpster ran into a resident’s vehicle causing damage. The dumpster was trashed.
Wednesday, January 23
Theft: SouthWind Road. A contracting company reported that 40 sheets of siding were stolen Monday night from this job site address. Valued at $1500.
Scam: Arapahoe Ave. a resident received a check for $2,500 delivered by FedEx last night. It came unexpected and was not requested by resident or his wife for any products or services, so unknown why they received it. They made phone calls to the business and bank today and found out it is a fraudulent check. it was from Silicone Forensics written by East West Bank. They contacted East West Bank and they confirmed it’s a fraudulent account. They called Silicone Forensics and they said they have been having issues with fraudulent checks and unknown who is doing it. They did all the investigation for us, we feel unwanted now.
Second Degree Burglary / Theft: Bimson Ave. a resident reported that his home was broken into and several items were stolen including his Pitbull dog. The Pitbull was located and returned.
Thursday, January 24
Unauthorized Use of Financial Transaction Device/Theft: S. 5th St, a resident reported a fraudulent charge on his credit card account in the amount over $300 dollars through Amazon on December 05, 2018.
Driving with Suspended License / Disregarded Traffic Control Device: 1st St and CR 10, a driver did not stop at the stop sign on 2nd and Bunyan. Her license was suspended for excessive points. Summonsed
Friday, January 25
Assist to Fire: S. Garfield Avenue, a structure fire was reported and when deputies arrived it was discovered to be a chicken coop on fire. Probable cause was the rooster smoking in bed, which he stated the chickens were egging him on..
Road Rage: S. 287, a driver reported he was driving north on 287, just past the county line and an aggressive driver was following him. The driver pulled up next to him and swung at his mirror. He then followed the other guy and they got out of their cars and started yelling at each other. He since drove off, but the other vehicle is following him. He’s going to drive to Berthoud and wait for contact to see if that scares the other driver off. Deputies spoke to the reporting person who adamantly stated he was also aggressive as he claims the other driver was. His vehicle has rear facing white spot lights under bed near hitch, which were on when deputies pulled up. The reporting party stated he turned then on when the other driver was tailgating and then flipped off the other driver, other driver hit his passenger mirror. Other driver was gone with no further description.
Suspicious Incident: Nicholson Street, a resident reported about an hour ago, he saw a kid walking around in his driveway. He was trying to get in through the back gate. The resident contacted him, and he said he was looking for a friend and had the wrong house. After the kid walked away, the resident noticed an old motorized bicycle leaning against his neighbor’s garage. The kid returned several minutes later and took the bike.
Saturday, January 26
Abandoned Vehicle: 4th Street and Mountain Avenue, a vehicle with Idaho plates has not been moved for several days. Vehicle tagged to be removed or towed.
Suspicious Incident: 5th Street and Mountain Avenue, a resident just saw 2 kids walking on 5th street towards Mountain and he thinks one might’ve had something that looked like a handgun. Kids were located and it was discovered they were carrying around an Airsoft gun. Deputy had a stern discussion with them on the errors of their ways.
Sunday, January 27
Careless Driving / Possible Property Damage: Spartan Ave, a 17-year-old girl was called in as driving reckless on the grass areas around the high school. She was located and stopped at 5th and Welch. She admitted to driving in the grass to practice her “snow driving skills” but did not realize it would cause damage. She was summonsed in to Berthoud Muni Court for restitution of damage she had caused. Burning cookies in the snow is not practicing your driving skills.
Child Abuse / Obstruction: 7th Street, a step-dad forced his 13-year-old step son against a refrigerator by grabbing the child’s sweatshirt, after the child and child’s mother were in a verbal argument. The child fell to the ground after hitting the refrigerator, Step-dad then picked the 13-year-old a foot off the ground by grabbing his shoulders near his neck. Step-dad also charged with Obstruction as he was aggressive toward Deputies who were trying to investigate and check the wellbeing of the child. Booked.
Monday, January 28
Speeding: CR14 and Lissa Drive, a vehicle driven by an 18-year-old woman was ticketed for zooming 60 mph in a posted with flashing yellow lights 20 mph school zone. Also charged for flying without a pilot’s license.
Harassment: California and Berthoud, LCSO gets a call once a week from a man that lives in California to do a welfare check on his kids who live with their mom who he says abuses them. The kids and mom were fine and safe every time we went out there. Deputy told Mr. California that we would not be going to do a welfare check at this time since there was no cause for us to do so. Mr. California advised that he had no concerns that his wife would hurt the kids and no concerns that the kids were in danger. The only reason was to harass his ex-wife.
Tuesday, January 29
Possession Schedule I / Warrant: Berthoud Town Hall, a man came to town hall to turn himself in on a misdemeanor warrant. He was surprised to find out that he could not bond from town hall. He was even more surprised when he got charged with a felony because he had heroin in his wallet when it was emptied out by jail staff. His response, I forgot it was in there.
Reckless Driving and Criminal Mischief: Mountain Ave. and 1st Street, a male was driving recklessly around reporting person, then pulled up behind him at the roundabout and a white male got out of his car, scratched the informant’s truck with possibly a knife. And now his truck is damaged.
Wednesday, January 30
Theft: Wilfred Rd, reported he was scammed by someone claiming to be a Federal Grant Organization. He has lost around $10,000 to them since October 2018. Still under investigation.
Thursday, January 31
Suspicious Circumstance: Massachusetts Ave, Turner Middle School: A suspicious handmade pick/shank was recovered from a student. Item confiscated. School administration handling discipline.
Vehicle Theft/Vehicle Trespass: 7th Street, a grey 2000 Dodge Durango was stolen from a resident’s driveway.