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Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Berthoud Police Blotter: Jan 2020

January 1 – 5

Wednesday, January 1, Happy New Year

Failure to Register as Sex Offender: I-25 & Hwy 56, numerous house checks have been attempted for man who is listed as a transient. His last check was due in September of 2019 and he has yet to be found where he listed on his registration. A warrant will be sought. 

DUI / Reckless Driving / Hit & Run / Misdemeanor Eluding / Resisting Arrest: 2nd St. & Indiana Ave., while in the area on an unrelated assist to Longmont PD, a deputy observed a red Mercedes sedan crash through a fence, pull out, and begin driving away. The woman driver started to elude the deputy but stopped and was uncooperative during the subsequent high-risk stop. She was eventually taken into custody. She refused a chemical test and was booked.

Warrant Arrest: 2nd St & Mountain Ave. a resident called the LCSO and reported that he saw two males at the Habitat for Humanity in Berthoud going through the donations and possibly putting items across the street by the automotive shop. The deputy arrived on scene and saw one male on 2nd Street standing near a dumpster. It was discovered that this man is homeless and had 2 warrants for his arrest out of Loveland PD.

Found Property: 2nd St & Mountain Ave. while on the above call, 2 bicycles were found close to the area. One of the identification numbers was clear and the other was damaged. They were taken to Town Hall.

Thursday, January 2

Recovered Stolen Vehicle: Springhill Ln – A wrecked dark green Toyota 4Runner was found on the back of the property by the property owner. The plate came back stolen out of Longmont. Longmont PD came out and the vehicle was turned over to them.

Attempted Third Degree Burglary: 2nd Street, Green Tree Medicinal had security footage of someone trying to break into a locked dumpster on the property containing plant clippings. The suspect was driving an old FedEx truck with spray paint on the side. The man in the video should be easy to recognize as he was wearing a dress.

Harassment: Bruce Drive, a father reported his daughter was receiving harassing messages and death threats from her sister’s” roblox” gaming account. It is believed the account was hacked. The laptop was seized as evidence and processing. 

Contributing: 7th Street, a resident reported an unknown male suspect has been selling Marijuana products to children in Berthoud. The resident found this out after her teen age son was caught using MJ wax. Suspect is a white male driving a silver or grey Pontiac sedan.

Friday, January 3

SCAM: Arapahoe Avenue, a resident reported an unknown suspect on Twitter charged over $10K on the resident’s Discover credit card. Bank froze the account, so no money lost. I am just as bad as everyone else but please change your passwords often.

DUI / Criminal Mischief: Stilt St. & Lissa Dr., several citizens called in reporting an intoxicated female yelling, honking, kicking dents in cars and running up and down the streets after her dog. Deputies arrived in the area and the female was located inside of her vehicle and found to be under the influence of alcohol. Booked.  The dog was found to be sober but did not have a valid driver’s license, so he went home with a friend.

Saturday, January 4

911 Call: Franklin Avenue, a resident called 911 saying there is no emergency. He said on tv a month ago he saw a man in Kansas who can’t make a living and is depressed. The man said he’s going to kill himself. The resident is very concerned about the man. He wanted us to go and check on him. We’re not in Kansas anymore Toto.

Suspicious Circumstances: Loves travel Stop, a witness may have seen a drug deal near the dump station. There is a light pole and trash can an at the base of the light pole there is a cover. A male sat in his small Subaru SUV for 5 min. He then got out and lifted the cover up and put something in there. The deputy located the light pole and found a Geocache inside. Geocaching is an outdoor recreational activity, in which participants use a Global Positioning System (GPS) or mobile device and other navigational techniques to hide and seek containers, called “geocaches”.

Sunday, January 5

Family Problems: Wagon Bend Road, a mother reported her 19-year-old son was using Marijuana and left a burner on the stove on. MJ paraphernalia logged for destruction. Mom was explained the eviction process as she wanted deputies to remove him from the house.

Follow-Up / Attempted Burglary: S. Lincoln Avenue, Loveland, the “Fed-Ex” truck from the attempted burglary of Green Tree Medicinal on 010220 was located at the gas station at this address. A 61-year-old homeless man was contacted in the vehicle and matched the description and photos from this case and admitted to attempting to take marijuana products from the dumpster.  

January 6 to 12

Monday, January 6

Shoplifting: 7-11, the staff caught a 17-year-old male stealing ice cream sandwiches. When confronted he threw the sandwiches back and ran out the store. 7-11 has video footage of the ice cream burglar pocketing frozen food items. Clerk wanted the boy trespassed and cannot come back into the store. Parents notified. The knucklehead just wanted an ice cream. Ice cream is a gateway to bigger things, next it will be Twinkies.

Vehicle Crash / Hit and Run: Berthoud Parkway and Woodcock Street, a driver was side swiped in the round-a-bout, but the other vehicle took off.

Burglary / Found Property: Glen Drive, a resident called and reported that he is watching the above residence and noticed that the vacant house was being lived in and called the authorities. No forced entry into the residence but two backpacks were located inside.

Tuesday, January 7

Vehicle Crash / Failed to Yield Right of Way: Grand Market and Berthoud Parkway – 2 vehicles collided in the roundabout as they were traveling South. Driver of vehicle 1, was cited.

Theft: Moorings Drive, a resident went out to his garage to discover the door was open and a shotgun and a rifle had been stolen.

Family Disturbance: Kansas Avenue, 2 brothers got into a disturbance and pushing each other. Both brothers then got into a wrestling match and both threw punches. Isn’t that what brothers do?

Wednesday, January 8

Harassment: Windom Peak Lane, a resident reported receiving multiple, unwanted texts from ex mother-in-law. Mother-in-law warned.

Suspicious Circumstances: 7th Street, a resident received a package a couple of days ago that showed he was the sender and it was returned to him. The resident did not send any packages, so he went to the postmaster. Package was delivered to the post office to be sent to their inspector.

Theft: Vantage Parkway, motherboard for an HVAC unit (value $865) was stolen from a home under construction. The fatherboard was left alone.

Thursday, January 9

Theft: TPC Colorado, golf course flags were stolen, and someone is currently selling them on EBAY. Not the brightest crayon in the box.

Theft: Love’s Travel Center, a traveler reported his Honda EU3000i generator was stolen. Store security footage shows a newer model four door sedan, black in color, approach at 4:50am. An individual, possible male suspect is seen walking over to the generator located underneath the trailer and walking back to his car with it.  

Friday, January 10

Stolen Vehicle Recovery: Loves Travel Center, a stolen 2001 Ford F-150 out of Arapahoe County SO was located and recovered by LCSO.

Vehicle Crash w/Injury / Felony DUI / DUI-Drugs: Mountain Ave and Gateway Park. A 40-year-old Longmont woman was driving west on Mountain Ave and hit the curb at Gateway Park and over-corrected, crossing the street and striking a power pole. The power pole was destroyed, and her vehicle rolled several times and she was ejected. She was transported by ambulance in critical condition. Investigation ongoing.

Criminal Mischief: S. 8th St. unknown suspect spray painted a vulgar phrase on the street. Here is a prime candidate for the Nobrain Peace Prize.

Saturday, January 11

Vehicle Crash / Non-Injury: Berthoud Pkwy. and Grand Market, a vehicle was travelling northbound through the round-a-bout and struck the median, causing minor damage and cracking his wheel. 

Sunday, January 12

Lost Property: Berthoud, a person lost his wallet on the sidewalk in Longmont about 1 month ago. The caller said he heard a neighbor’s daughter say she found it in Berthoud and turned it in to LCSO. No wallet was turned in or any record of a wallet being turned in from Sept. 2019 to now.

Found Property: Berthoud Fire, a wallet was turned into Berthoud Fire. The owner was called, and he said he lost his wallet off his truck 3 weeks ago. Wallet returned. Not the wallet from the above case.

January 13-19

Monday, January 13

Fictitious License Plates: Tabor Street, a Ford Mustang bearing rear Nebraska plate which listed to a 2003 Ford Explorer. The front plate on the vehicle was a Colorado plate which listed to the Mustang, but that plate expired in 1998. An attempt was made to contact the owner at the address, but no one answered the door. The rear Nebraska plate was seized due to it being for a different vehicle.

Disturbance: Love’s Travel Center, Staff reported a disturbance between a man and a woman in the parking lot. Verbal argument, both stated they were trying to get away from the situation to not get in trouble by walking away. Good Choice!

Disturbance: Capitol Ave., a verbal disturbance between a grandmother and her granddaughter’s boyfriend. began when the granddaughter and boyfriend got home later than expected. Grandmas are old school, there might be a whoopin a comin

Tuesday, January 14

Scam: Skimmer Street, residents reported they got multiple scam calls today from a male claiming to be “Deputy Moore” with LCSO. They advised in a voicemail that they needed to call to pick up a summons from the court for an unresolved criminal matter. No money was lost. 

Wednesday, January 15

Felony DUI / Violation Bond Conditions: 1st St, a 43-year-old Greeley man was contacted after driving up to the location where deputies were investigating an incident. Love the drive through warrant arrest.

Warrant (F): Winding Brook Drive, a 43-year-old Berthoud man was contacted on disturbance call and found to have a felony warrant. Booked.

Warrant (F): Welch Ave, a 39-year-old Berthoud man was contacted and arrested for a felony warrant. Booked.

Suspicious Vehicle: Berthoud Elementary, deputy saw a vehicle parked on the sidewalk in front of the main doors. Turns out it was the overnight custodial staff. Well we swept that case up and wiped it off the board..

Thursday, January 16

Vehicle Crash / Careless Driving: Berthoud Parkway / Woodcock St. a Ft. Collins man pulling a horse trailer sideswiped another vehicle in the roundabout, with his horse trailer causing significant damage to the other vehicle. Summons issued. Guess he had a little hitch in his get-along.

Possible Child Abuse: Big Thunder Rd. Doctor’s reported finding bruises on a small child and notified CPS. Investigation continues.

Suspicious Circumstances / Theft: E. Colorado Avenue, a resident had an opened package delivered to a secure locked mailbox. Theft from the package had to have occurred while in transit through the postal system. The resident said the post office would not file claim, so deputies provided contact information to report mail theft/missing items on USPS website directly, and Postal Inspector online reporting for mail fraud, theft. Also provided the resident with incident number to provide eBay.

Theft: Mount Rainier, 2 new windows were stolen from the garage of a new home under construction. This case was really a pane.

Friday, January 17

Criminal Impersonation / Warrant: Victoria Street, a 23-year-old Denver man was contacted after he rang multiple doorbells in the neighborhood and scared the residents. He was located in the area. The man attempted to use his twin brother’s identity to avoid an active warrant for a traffic offense but was subsequently identified and booked on the warrant as well as the new felony charge. Went from a traffic warrant to a felony. Should have thought this one out.

Found Property: Mountain Avenue, staff found a small black bag in the bathroom that was found to contain a firearm. Nobody reported it missing.

Warrant Arrest: Woodcock Street, a 21-year-old Berthoud man was contacted for a warrant. Booked. 

Possession Schedule II / Warrant / Drug Paraphernalia: 1st Street, a 28-year-old Longmont man was contacted in the business parking lot after hours. The man was found to have a felony warrant and a K-9 sniff yielded user amount of meth and paraphernalia. Booked. If you’re going to bring habit into Berthoud, my advice to you is STAY IN LONGMONT!

Warrant (M) X2: Clayton Place, a 28-year-old woman was arrested for two warrants from Weld County. Booked

Saturday, January 18

Driving Under Restraint (Revoked): CR21 and CR 14 a 23-year-old Loveland man was driving a vehicle and began erratically tapping on the brake and speeding up to maintain a consistent speed. Deputies initiated a traffic stop and deputies illuminated the vehicle with spotlight and overhead take down lights and could see the driver jump into the rear passenger seat. Nice try Bucko, but you’re still busted.

Traffic Stop: Mountain Avenue and 2nd Street, a deputy observed a grey Dodge pickup truck that did not have any visible license plates driving east on Mountain Avenue. The deputy contacted the driver who said that he was trying to drive the vehicle from his house in Longmont to his brother’s shop in Johnstown. He said that he did not have registration for the truck and that he did not have insurance for the vehicle. The vehicle was towed.

Sunday, January 19

Suspicious Circumstances: Mountain Ave, staff at Ziggy’s Coffee in Berthoud observed a man wearing a ski mask, brandishing a screwdriver, walk up to the drive through camera. The subject was gone when deputies arrived. Incident is under further investigation.

January 27-Feb 2

Monday, January 27

Vehicle Crash / Assist to State Patrol: CR15, a woman ran off the road into a fence after falling asleep due to a possible medical issue.

Found Property: Berthoud Library, someone turned in a purse that was found at the library. The owner was located, and the purse was returned. We still have honest citizens.

Tuesday, January 28

Vehicle Crash / Assist to State Patrol: Hwy 287 and CR 4, a two-vehicle accident with one of the vehicles on its side with people trapped inside. Occupants in both cars had children in them and none of them were seriously hurt. Both drivers only spoke Spanish but with the help of our own Berthoud Deputy Fay, who speaks fluent Spanish, the paramedics could do a thorough examination.

Possible Fraud: Kansas Avenue, a resident stated he had his google drive hacked into yesterday and saw another cursor on the screen. He then received an email from a “hacker” claiming to have his personal info. The resident has already changed all passwords and has not experienced any suspicious activity with his bank or personal identifying info.

Suspicious Vehicle: Water Avenue, the cleaning crew reported a suspicious vehicle parked in the parking lot after hours. The vehicle is not part of the usual cleaning crew additionally the vehicle is not parked where cleaning crews usually park, vehicle packed full of random furniture and a toilet, building secure, no one suspicious located in the area. This person took living in your car to another level with his own toilet. The luxuries of home.

Vehicle Crash / Property Damage: 1st Street, one of the driver’s said that she was driving southbound and missed her turn and slowed to do a U-turn as there was no oncoming traffic. As she was approximately halfway through the U-turn, the truck behind her tried to pass and struck the front of her vehicle. The driver of the other vehicle said he thought the vehicle ahead of him was going to pull over to the side of the road and he decided to pass when she turned in front of him.

Wednesday, January 29

Holdup Alarm: 7-11, Manager showing a new employee how the alarm system works and told the new employee all you have to do is pull this. As any good employee would do, he pulled the alarm. Oh, thank heaven for 7-11.

Found Drugs: Mountain Avenue, employees found a small baggie of user amount of Cocaine near the front door after a customer just left the store. Waiting on video footage to try and identify a suspect. 

Vehicular Eluding / Violation Bond Conditions / Criminal trespass / Criminal Mischief / Felony Warrant Arrest: CR 8, a 34-year-old Longmont man was observed speeding on 287. Upon the officer turning to stop the vehicle, the driver sped up and began turning off the headlights. While the deputy was still attempting to catch up to him, the vehicle exited the roadway and crashed through a fence into a field. The man continued to drive the vehicle through the field and through several more fences before coming to a stop and fleeing on foot. He was located hiding in some nearby brush and came out once the deputy and K9 partner arrived on scene. The man was taken into custody and was booked on the above charges as well as an active warrant. A deputy with teeth can sure get your attention.

Thursday, January 30

Assist to State Patrol / Vehicle Crash / 2nd Degree Assault on a Firefighter: 5000 Block S Hwy 287, a 28-year-old Longmont man, drove off the roadway, around a guardrail and nearly off an embankment; before coming to a stop. He was disoriented and punched a firefighter during triage. The man also resisted while being removed from the vehicle and kicked at several first responders after being detained. The man’s blood sugar was found to be extremely low, the likely cause of his behavior.

Harassment: Massachusetts Avenue, two boys were involved in a disturbance at the school dance. One of the juveniles received a municipal summons for their part.

Stolen Vehicle Recovery: Loves Travel Center, Berthoud Squad deputy a 1996 GMC pickup, stolen out of Loveland was located at Love’s Travel Center. Vehicle was unoccupied and secured. Further follow up to collect evidence resulted in a possible suspect’s location in another vehicle on the lot. A 23-year-old transient was observed on video footage was arrested and booked into the Weld County Jail. Vehicle released to owner. 

Suicide Threats: Bimson Avenue, a man was called in by multiple people for making suicidal statements via text message. Suspicious circumstances at the residence and information from informants led to a phone ping. The man’s phone pinged in Longmont just before Boulder County Sheriff’s Office contacted this man for a traffic violation.

Friday, January 31

Second Degree Burglary / Criminal Mischief: Bimson Ave. a Berthoud resident, reported that she returned home finding the inside of her house ransacked. There was extensive damage in almost every area of the home. Suspect is her boyfriend from the above case.

Citizen Assist: Hwy 287, a man was located lying on the side of the road. When deputy contacted him, he told the deputy he was just taking a quick nap and was on his way to Ft. Collins. The man did not want a ride but was given some water for his trip.

Saturday, February 1

Speeding / Protection Order Violation: Mile Marker 325 S Hwy 287, a 39-year-old Livermore man was contacted for doing 100 mph in a 65-mph zone. A 28-year-old woman was in the passenger seat and there is an active protection order protecting the woman from the man. 

Warrant / Speeding: Berthoud Parkway and Blue Bell Road, a 20-year-old woman was contacted for speeding. A records check showed she had a warrant out of the Longmont Police Department for failure to appear for careless driving. Booked. I’m seeing a pattern in her driving habits.

Landlord/Tennent Problem: Tavner Court, a resident reported his landlord was in his bedroom and refused to leave until being paid $200 owed by the resident. The landlord was informed that she was committing trespass and needed to exit the room. She complied but went back into the room again without permission. Deputy gave her a final warning and informed her that she would be charged if she went back into the room anytime in the future without consent. The landlord was very uncooperative and refused to move away from the caller’s door. The resident eventually agreed to give her the $200 if she would leave. If he gave the $200 to the landlord initially, maybe, just maybe this all could have been avoided.

Sunday, February 2

Animal Problem: Wales Drive, a resident was walking her dog and noticed a raccoon in the greenbelt – west of the houses and to the south next to the pine tree. yesterday the raccoon was in the park off Wilshire Circle. The resident is concerned because it has been in the neighborhood for 2 days and this morning her dog barked at the raccoon and it didn’t run off, so she thinks it may be injured. Animal Control responded, but said it wasn’t sick and that they think people may be feeding them as they are just comfortable around people. A homeowner yesterday stated to me that they have found Tuna cans around, so they think someone is baiting the Racoon’s. Please do not feed the cute little wildlife critters, leave that up to Elly May Clampett.

January 20-26

Monday, January 20

Harassment: Franklin Ave, a 69-year-old man was struck in the hand by a 69-year-old woman.

Theft: 10th Street, a resident called to report that the packages she ordered were delivered today and she received a photo of them on her porch. When she arrived home, the packages were no longer there.

Criminal Mischief: Welch Ave. a driver reported that the rear window to his vehicle was broken out. It appears that a blunt object was used to break the window.

Run-Away Juvenile Returned:  Spartan Ave. a 15-year-old run-away was located and returned to his mother.

Graffiti: Around Berthoud, someone went on a tagging spree and spray painted several different items throughout town. Incident was captured on town video and the suspect was identified and will be charged.

Tuesday, January 21

1st Degree Criminal Trespass: Barela Drive, a resident found a man sleeping in her spare room this morning. Male left when she confronted him. He then called 911 because he was cold. He was checked out at the hospital and then transported to jail.

Forgery/Theft: Loves Travel Center, the Store Manager reported $60 in counterfeit $20 bills. The fake Bills were collected, and video may show a suspect. This sounds like fake news.

Criminal Mischief / Harassment / Domestic Violence (X2): Wagon Bend Rd., a Berthoud man and a Longmont woman were involved in a verbal and physical altercation. Both booked.

Wednesday, January 22

Felony DUI /Revoked License: Mountain Ave. a 46-year-old Berthoud woman was contacted as a very intoxicated person in the parking lot. She was heavily intoxicated and could not complete voluntary roadside maneuvers. She was 4 times the legal limit. Booked her at the jail. How she ever got to the Parking lot I will never know.

Theft: Massachusetts Ave., a resident reported his scooter was stolen yesterday. He described it as a black Honda Ruckus 49cc with a maroon seat and red Uni air intake. Possible surveillance footage from across the street.

Thursday, January 23

Lost Property / Possible Theft: Jenny Ln., a resident reported her grandmother’s diamond ring went missing sometime over the past 3-4 weeks. She stated that it was possibly stolen from her car but couldn’t remember if that is where she left it.

Burglary / Theft: Longview Av, a 15-year-old boy, entered this address through a window and stole a Ruger P90 .45 caliber handgun and possibly $800 in cash. This knucklehead returned to the residence and entered through the back door that he had left unlocked the night before and stole over a pound of marijuana. He hit the trifecta, Guns, money and drugs.

Friday, January 24

Theft: 5th Street, a resident reported that had 150,000 Airline miles (equivalent to $6K) stolen from his account. Fly the friendly skies (with someone else’s miles)

Vehicle Crash / Property Damage: Hwy 287 and CR 8, a driver backed into another vehicle causing minor Damage.

Theft: 7th St, a 50-year-old man reportedly stole $22 from an infant’s Piggy Bank sometimes in the past several weeks. The man left and is a transient. Stealing from an infant’s Piggy Bank? Lowest of lows!

Animal Problem: Wagonwheel Street, a resident reported his 4-month-old puppy was attacked by a Saint Bernard. The puppy was cleared by a veterinarian. The Saint Bernard was up to date on his vaccinations and was thought to be overprotective of his 13-year-old owner who could not keep hold of him. The Saint Bernard will rue this day because now he will have to deal with the puppy’s Paw.

Saturday, January 25

Burglary / Criminal Mischief / Possession of Burglary Tools: Lake Ave a resident reported a male trying to get in her front and then her garage door. When deputies arrived, a bike and bag were located in the alley as well as cut screens and open windows into the garage. The man was observed inside the garage and ordered out at gunpoint. Burglary tools located upon inventory of bag. Booked. His bacon is cooked because this ended up being the Piggy Bank Robber too.

Sunday, January 26

Vehicle Crash / DUI / Careless Driving: 1700 Blk N Hwy 287, a 19-year-old man was involved in a single vehicle crash. Surprise, surprise, he was found to be DUI. booked.

Vehicle Crash / Property Damage: Hwy 287 and Berthoud Parkway, a driver ran into another vehicle causing property damage.