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Updated February 7, 2017

Provided by
James Anderson
Patrol Sergeant: Berthoud Squad


Sunday, January 1, 2017 Happy New Year!

Trespass: BNSF Railroad, a trespasser was reported by the railroad tracks. A 16-year-old male was contacted on the property and cited. 

Monday January 2

Warrant Arrest: 500 block of Mayo Court, a 29-year-old Berthoud man was involved in a disturbance with his parents due to his spiraling behavior. Arrested for a Warrant for Possession of Drug paraphernalia. The man yelled at his parents, blaming them for his arrest overlooking he was the one who failed to appear in court.

Wednesday, January 4

Motor vehicle Theft: 800 block of Greenwood Drive, a resident reported an unknown person stole her vehicle while it was warming up with the door unlocked. Witnesses saw an older model, black, Chevy Tahoe or Suburban in the area when the vehicle was stolen.

Vehicle Crash: Hwy 287, a 23-year-old woman slid off 287 and took out a road sign.

Possession of an Illegal Weapon: 900 block of Mountain Avenue, a 20-year-old man was contacted and found to be in the possession of a switchblade knife.

Thursday, January 5

Warrant Arrest / Driving under Revocation: 1000 block of 1st Street, a 21-year-old man was contacted and found to have a felony warrant out of Kansas for Aggravated Assault with a firearm. His driver’s license was also revoked.

Vehicle Crash: Hwy 287 & CR17, a 34-year old man slid into another vehicle.

Friday, January 6

Warrant Arrest: 300 block of Mountain Avenue, a 43-year old man was contacted and arrested for a warrant.

Sunday, January 8

Attempted Burglary: 3400 block of Memory Lane, a resident reported someone attempted to break into his home which was under construction. Visible pry marks on two doors but entry was not made.

Monday, January 9

Theft: 400 block of Colorado Avenue, a resident reported that his phone came up missing after a male he knows stopped by this residence.

Tuesday, January 10

Racing: Hwy 287 and Mountain Avenue, 2 vehicles were seen by a Berthoud Deputy racing on Hwy 287 exceeding 80 MPH. Both will have to answer to the judge.

Loose Dog: 1700 block of Wales Drive, loose dog was picked up and returned to its home.

Harassment: 900 block of Massachusetts Avenue, a teenage boy posted inappropriate material about another student on Instagram while in class.

Wednesday, January 11

Lost Property: 500 block of S. 9th Street, a report was taken about a lost wallet. Resident called later that day that the wallet was located.

Solicitors: 4th Street and Massachusetts Avenue, 2 solicitors were contacted and ordered to cease their operation.

Found Paraphernalia: 500 block of Mountain Avenue, a syringe was located in a stairwell at this location.

Thursday, January 12

Marijuana Offense: 400 block of Indiana Avenue, a resident reported that he traded marijuana for an Xbox One and the guy he traded with is being uncooperative.

Friday, January 13

Vehicle Trespass / Theft: Waterman Street and Tabor Street, (new construction site), reported a construction trailer was broken into overnight and several tools were taken.

Burglary / Theft: 500 block of S. 5th Street, a resident reported a power washer had been taken from inside an unlocked, new construction home.

DUI: 1st Street and Turner Avenue, a 62-year-old man was stopped for speeding and arrested for suspicion of driving under the influence of alcohol.

Follow Up: 300 block of S. 8th Street, the victim reported that she possibly found a suspect vehicle for a hit and run case.

Jail Transport / Warrant Arrest: Mountain and Meadowlark, Deputy transported a 20-year-old man to the Larimer County Jail for Longmont PD.

Saturday, January 14

Warrant Arrest: 200 block of 2nd Street, a 24-year-old woman with a warrant was at this address and arrested. 

Possession of Controlled Substance: 200 block of 2nd Street, during search of the above case the woman was found to be in possession of a small amount of a crystalline substance that tested presumptive positive for methamphetamine.

Theft: 400 block of Nebraska Avenue, a resident reported his snow blower was stolen.

Disturbance: 800 block of 9th Street, a man and his mother had a brief physical disturbance inside of a vehicle in the parking lot.

Warrant Arrest: 200 block of 2nd Street, a 38-year-old man was arrested at this location for a warrant.

Sunday, January 15

Drug Paraphernalia: 7th Street and Mountain Avenue, an 18-year-old man was stopped for a violation. During the traffic stop the man was found to be in possession of a marijuana smoking device.

Monday, January 16

Vehicle Trespass / Theft: 100 block of Michigan Avenue, a resident reported his unlocked work truck had been illegally entered and his tools were missing.

Driving Under Suspension / Illegal Parking: 1000 block of 6th Street Court, two Berthoud men were contacted for being illegally parked. Vehicles were first observed on 7th Street and when they saw deputy the left that location. They were then observed on 6th Street Court parked in the middle of the road.

Tuesday, January 17

Assist to Estes Park PD / Elder Abuse / Domestic Violence: 800 block of Franklin Avenue, staff called to report possible elder abuse which occurred in the Town of Estes Park.

Wednesday, January 18

Vehicle Crash: CR 8 and CR17, a Windsor man ran into another vehicle being driven by a Berthoud woman.

Thursday, January 19

Theft / Fraud: 800 block of 6th Street. A resident reported that her Visa was used on 081016. The card appeared to be used by a business which used to be located in Berthoud but is now out of business.

Friday, January 20

Criminal Mischief: 800 block of Franklin Avenue, unknown suspect damaged a vehicle while it was parked at this location. Appears they attempted to force entry unsuccessfully through driver’s door.

Warrant Arrest: 200 block of South 2nd Street, a 33-year-old woman was arrested on two warrants.

Saturday, January 21

Driving Under Revocation / Speeding: Highway 287 and CR17, an 18-year-old Erie man was stopped for speeding and his license was found to be cancelled / denied.

Vehicle Crash: 200 block of Mountain Avenue, a driver parked his vehicle within 20 feet of the entrance to the Berthoud Firehouse and it was struck by a Firetruck responding to an emergency call. Colorado State law is that you can park no closer than 25′ from fire station entrance.

Sunday, January 22

Family Problems: 1600 block of 4th Street, a resident called and reported her 16-year-old daughter was out of control and had threatened her.

Monday, January 23

DUI: CR10 and 1st Street, deputies responded to this area from a REDDI (Report Every Drunk Driver Immediately). As a result, a 32-year-old man was arrested for DUI who decided to go uncooperatively to the jail.

Suspicious Person: 400 block of Mountain Avenue, received a report of a man sleeping in a truck in the parking lot. Subject then got out of his truck and walked away. The 30-year-old Longmont man was later located asleep in the front yard of an empty house on S. 3rd Street

Burglary / Theft: 1000 block of 1st Street, a resident reported an unknown suspect stole eight propane tanks from a locked storage container.

Hit and Run: 100 block of Indiana Avenue, a resident reported that her vehicle was struck by an unknown vehicle.

Vehicle Crash / No Proof of Insurance: HWY 287 and CR17, a 23-year-old driver ran a red light and struck the side of another vehicle.

Tuesday, January 24

Vehicle Crash / Following too Closely: 4th Street and Mountain Avenue, a 59-year-old driver was traveling behind another vehicle, when that driver hit her brakes to stop for a vehicle pulling out of a parking spot. He was unable to stop and collided with the vehicle in front of him.

Identity Theft: Denver area, a resident reported their credit card was skimmed possibly at a gas station in Thornton and the card was used at a Walgreens in Denver

Warrant Arrest: 400 block of Meadowlark Drive, a 49-year-old Longmont man was contacted and arrested for seven active warrants.

Wednesday, January 25

Vehicle Crash / Unsafe Backing: 4th Street and Mountain Avenue, a 42-year-old Longmont man was backing a construction trailer into a parking spot and struck a parked vehicle.

Thursday, January 26

Protection Order Violation / Possession of Drug Paraphernalia / Underage Possession of Alcohol: 200 block of E Indiana Avenue (Pioneer Park), two Berthoud men in their early 20’s were contacted in the parking lot of the park after hours. A deputy responded with his K-9 partner and heroin related drug paraphernalia was located inside of the vehicle. The 20-year-old had consumed alcohol, and was in possession of alcohol and drug paraphernalia. The 21-year-old had consumed and possessed alcohol, which was a violation of a protection order.

Friday, January 27

Suspicious Circumstances: 300 block of E. Iowa Avenue, a mother reported her 20-year-old son was assaulted due to his bloody nose. He told deputies he was wrestling with a friend and received an injury to his nose.

Theft: 2000 block of E Colorado Avenue, a resident reported her black flatbed trailer was stolen.

Saturday, January 28

Warrant Arrest: Longview Avenue and S 9th Street, a 25-year-old Berthoud man is suspected to be involved in an incident in Longmont involving a trespass to a residence with a gun. Deputies located the man and he was arrested on Felony Warrant out of Longmont.

Vehicle Crash / Hit and Run: Weld CR7 and Hwy 56, a passerby reported a vehicle in a ditch unoccupied but containing numerous empty beer cans. A 32-year-old Berthoud man was identified as the driver and charged.

Welfare Check: 200 block of S. 2nd Street, dispatched to this area to check on the wellbeing of a man who had fallen and hit his head.

Sunday, January 29

Harassment: 700 block of S. 2nd Street, a resident called about being harassed by her friend’s boyfriend.

Loose Dog: 500 block of Redwood Circle, a deputy found a loose dog with a collar but no tags and the dog was not forthcoming with any information. Despite the lack of cooperation from the dog the deputy located the owner and the dog was returned.

Suspicious Person: 900 block of Mountain Avenue, it was reported that 2 girls parked their car and saw a man watching them as they walked to the store. He then followed them into the store and then walked back to the restroom. The man never contacted the girls.

DUI / Speeding: CR 17 and Woodcock Street, a 28-year-old Berthoud woman was stopped for speeding and was arrested for suspicion of driving under the influence of alcohol.

Monday, January 30

Disturbance: 1000 block of 1st Street, a man and a woman were in a verbal argument over their relationship.

Warrant Arrest: 1000 block of 1st Street, a 24-year-old woman that was involved in the above incident had a warrant out of Ft. Collins.

Abandoned Vehicle: 900 block of Greenwood, a pink car sitting on the street for a long time also had side window broken. Owner of the vehicle used to live here but has since moved out and left the car.

Motorist Assist: 1st Street and CR10E, Report of a vehicle pulled over to the side of the road with flashers on. The driver ran out of gas so the deputy helped put gas in and got them on their way.

Suspicious Incident: 8th Street and Mountain Avenue, Husband and wife were out walking when a balding man driving a dark sporty type car drove by them very slowly. This happened several times on their walk.

Tuesday, January 31

Dog Problem: 200 block of 1st Street, a resident contacted a deputy and informed him her elderly, blind dog had gotten out of their yard and she was looking for her. The deputy found the dog a mile away south of town. While taking the dog into custody she became uncooperative and bit the deputy on the arm. No worries, the dog will be fine.

Suspicious Incident: 200 block of 2nd Street. A resident reported they saw a man looking in homes with a flashlight. The resident confronted the man who stated he was a bounty hunter and showed him a badge and had an ID lanyard on his neck.

Dumb Things People Do: 900 block of 4th Street, a girl was seen car surfing on a red sedan.

Suspicious Person: 100 block of 5th Street, a resident called and reported she sees one or two people by the school. Turns out it was the shadow of the basketball hoops they saw.


About Post Author

Gary Wamsley

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