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Happy New Year 2023

January 1 – 8

Sunday, January 1 

Third-Degree Assault/Criminal Mischief/Violation of a Protection Order: 2nd Street – A female violated a protection order by coming to this residence. The occupant of the residence confronted the female about being inside the home. The female then threw a bottle of shampoo at the male, causing a visible injury and damaging his glasses. The female then fled and was arrested shortly after and booked in at the Larimer County Jail. I’m glad she didn’t follow the directions on the shampoo bottle about rinse and repeat.

Monday, January 2

Vehicle Trespass/Criminal Mischief/Theft: North Berthoud Parkway – A woman reported her vehicle was broken into while in a parking lot. Her wallet was stolen with multiple credit cards and her driver’s license. Credit cards were used at stores shortly after. A follow-up to be conducted at locations where cards were used.

Motor Vehicle Accident/Driving Under the Influence/Exceeded Safe Speed for Conditions: County Road 8/Highway 287 – A man stated he hit some slush, lost control of his vehicle, and crashed into a pole, causing extensive damage to the front of the vehicle. The man did not perform voluntary roadsides in a manner consistent with a sober driver and was subsequently booked at the Larimer County Jail. He says “slush” I say “sloshed” caused this crash.

Tuesday, January 3

Motor Vehicle Accident with Injuries: North Berthoud Parkway/Highway 287 – A male driver turned in front of another vehicle, causing a head-on collision. The driver of the vehicle that was hit was transported to the hospital with non-life-threatening injuries. The at-fault driver was released on scene with a summons. The flashing yellow arrow means you may turn left “when safe”. Oncoming traffic still has the right-of-way.

Warrant Arrest: East Highway 56 – A woman was contacted at a local business and found to have a Misdemeanor Warrant out for her arrest. She was booked at the Larimer County Jail.

Warrant Arrest/Revoked Habitual Traffic Offender: East Highway 56 – A man was contacted after driving to a local business. He was found to have a revoked driver’s license as a habitual offender and a Misdemeanor Warrant. He was booked at the Larimer County Jail.

Wednesday, January 4

Second-Degree Burglary/Theft/Criminal Mischief: 2nd Street – A storage unit was broken into sometime within the last week. A small toolbox and a television were taken.

Warrant Arrest: Berthoud Parkway – A man was stopped with a license plate associated with a warrant. The driver was arrested on the warrant and booked into the Larimer County Jail.

Possession with Intent to Distribute Methamphetamine/Possession with Intent to Distribute Fentanyl/Unlawful Possession of Methamphetamine & Fentanyl/Driving Under Revocation/Possession of Drug Paraphernalia/Driving Without Insurance: Highway 56 and Weld County Road 7 – A man and woman were contacted and after a K-9 sniff, a vehicle search yielded 240.65 grams of Methamphetamine, 297 Fentanyl pills weighing in 34.04 grams, multiple scales, multiple cell phones, and over $1500 in cash. The man was booked into the Larimer County Jail. The woman was found to have user amounts of Methamphetamine and Fentanyl and was booked at the Larimer County Jail. In 2022 there were over 107,622 deaths in the U.S. due to drug overdose mostly being Fentanyl. Deaths by guns in 2022 was 49,000. 2020 DUI deaths 11,644.

Thursday, January 5

Second-Degree Assault/Domestic Violence: 2nd Street – A woman and man got into a physical altercation. The man grabbed the woman by the throat with enough pressure to cause difficulty breathing and speaking. Obvious injuries could be seen on the right side of the woman’s neck. The man refused to come and speak with deputies. An emergency arrest warrant was filed with the District Attorney.

Sex Offense: Berthoud – A 13-year-old female was sexually assaulted in November. The suspect is a juvenile. A minimal facts interview was completed and the Investigations Unit was notified.

Friday, January 6

Found Firearm/Possession of a Firearm by a Juvenile: 49th Street Southwest – A resident reported finding a firearm in a backpack that was left at her house by a 14-year-old female.

Felony Driving Under the Influence: Highway 287/Berthoud Parkway – A woman was called in as a Report Every Drunk Driver Immediately (REDDI) report because she was driving the wrong way on Highway 287. This was the woman’s third DUI arrest. She was booked in at the Larimer County Jail. To reiterate, in 2020 there were 11,644 deaths caused by drunk driving.

Saturday, January 7

Hit and Run Motor Vehicle Accident: Mountain Avenue/4th Street- A man had his parked vehicle hit by an unknown vehicle on Mountain Avenue near 4th Street. No suspects at this time.

Driving Under the Influence: Highway 287/County Road 6 – A male driver was contacted for speed and was found to be under the influence of alcohol and marijuana. He was subsequently booked at the Larimer County Jail.

Sunday, January 8

Warrant Arrest(x2): East Highway 56 – A man was contacted and found to have two misdemeanor arrest warrants. He was booked at the Larimer County Jail.

Motor Vehicle Theft: Curlew Drive – An adult male stole his father’s silver Volkswagen Jetta. The vehicle was entered as stolen.

Warrant Arrest: Highway 56/Weld County Road 5 – A man was contacted and booked at the Larimer County Jail for an outstanding warrant. I see the woodshed and a hickory switch in this young man’s future.

RECEIVE EMERGENCY NOTIFICATIONS ON YOUR CELL PHONE. Please visit https://leta911.org and register to get emergency notifications on your cell phone. Reverse 911 does not work on cell phones, only on landlines. Berthoud has the lowest registered numbers in Larimer County.

January 9 – 15

Monday, January 9

Warrant Arrest: 5th Street/Canyonlands Street – A woman was stopped on a traffic infraction and found to have a warrant for her arrest. She was booked at the Larimer County Jail.

Warrant Arrest: Highway 56 – A man was stopped for a traffic infraction and found to have a warrant for his arrest. He was booked at the Larimer County Jail.

Tuesday, January 10

Criminal Mischief: Bimson Avenue – The back window of a vehicle was entirely spiderweb shattered and had a hole in the middle around 5 inches wide. Nothing was taken from the vehicle. I know what you’re thinking and no it was not spiderman.

Warrant Arrest/Theft/Possession of Drug Paraphernalia: 3rd Street – A man was contacted on a welfare check at a local business. He was found to have stolen approximately $130 worth of items and had drug paraphernalia with him. He was booked on his warrant and he was cited for the other offenses.

Fraud: Great Plains Drive – A man paid $34,000 to scammers in Nigeria believing he was investing in a new company.   I have a place to donate to the SARF Foundation.  This is a worthy cause which is known as the “Sergeant Anderson Retirement Fund Foundation”.

Third-Degree Assault/Criminal Mischief/Possession of an Illegal Weapon: Berthoud – A juvenile male was involved in a physical disturbance with his friend at a local business. A witness tried to separate the two and was struck in the face causing a visible injury. The male’s friend fled the scene. The juvenile was found to be autistic and was released to his mother. After being released, the family returned stating the juvenile was threatening them with brass knuckles. Victim Advocates were notified and more follow-up is forthcoming.

Wednesday, January 11

Warrant Arrest: Woodcock Street – While conducting vehicle surveillance for a vehicle trespass suspect, a man was arrested for one Felony Warrant and two Misdemeanor Warrants without incident. An interview was conducted about the attempted trespasses and the man was booked at the Larimer County Jail.

Identity Theft: 6th Street – A man reported that his identity was used to apply for credit cards. The investigation is ongoing.

Possession of Drugs: Berthoud – A juvenile was issued a summons for the possession of cannabis and released to his mother.

Thursday, January 12

Driving Under Revocation: County Road 12 – A man was contacted and found to be driving under revocation. He was issued with a summons.

Driving While Ability Impaired (DWAI)/Careless Driving: 42nd Street Southeast & South County Road 13 – While finishing a traffic stop on the side of the roadway and while emergency lights were activated, a passing vehicle nearly struck deputies. Deputies caught up to the driver of the vehicle and contacted the driver, who was found to be under the influence of alcohol and did not perform voluntary roadside maneuvers in a manner consistent with sobriety.

Friday, January 13

Scam: Versaw Court – A business owner received an email inquiring about having some work done. The business owner advised the individual that he would need a $500 deposit for the work. The business was then emailed a check for $3500. The business owner knew this was a scam and was not out of any money.

Theft: Mountain Avenue – Two local businesses reported three catalytic converters were cut off by vehicles parked in front of their businesses sometime during the evening hours.

Motor Vehicle Accident: 8th Street/Turner Avenue – A male driver turned left onto North 8th Street in front of another driver. The at-fault driver was issued a summons.

Driving Under the Influence/Failure to Obey Traffic Control Device/Weaving: 5th Street/Colorado Avenue – After leaving a local bar, a man was contacted by deputies after the driver failed to stop at a stop sign and weaved in and out of his lane. He was arrested for driving under the influence of drugs and alcohol, in addition to the traffic infractions. He just left a local bar.

Driving Under the Influence/Failed to Yield/Open Container/Speeding: County Road 8/County Road 21 – A male driver was seen driving erratically and initially did not yield to emergency lights and siren. The driver was booked on the above charges.

Driving Under the Influence/Failure to Obey Traffic Control Device: Highway 287/County Road 8 – A male driver was contacted after turning right after a light turned red. The driver admitted to alcohol and marijuana use and was booked at the Larimer County Jail.

Saturday, January 14

Weapons Complaint/Possible Felony Menacing: East Highway 56 – A male driver pulling a small camper trailer reportedly pointed a handgun at the male driver of another vehicle. The witness could not provide any other info. The vehicles were not located, and surrounding agencies were notified.

Warrant Arrest: Curlew Drive – Deputies responded to a residence after the homeowner contacted deputies requesting assistance. A woman was contacted at the residence and found to have a warrant for her arrest. She was booked at the Larimer County Jail.

Driving Under the Influence/Possession of Methamphetamine/Possession of Fentanyl/Possession of Drug Paraphernalia: Meadowlark Drive – A male driver was stopped for traffic infractions and a probable cause search yielded user amounts of methamphetamine and fentanyl, in addition to drug paraphernalia. The driver was also found to be driving under the influence of drugs. He was booked at the Larimer County Jail on the above charges.

Mental Health: 2nd Street – A woman was taken to the hospital on a mental health hold after saying she was suicidal.

Sunday, January 15

Warrant Arrest: Meadowlark Drive – A woman was transported to the Larimer County Jail and booked on an outstanding warrant.

Driving While Ability Impaired (DWAI)/Expired Registration: Berthoud Parkway/Waterman Street – A man was contacted for driving with expired vehicle plates and found to be driving while impaired. He was booked at the Larimer County Jail.

January 16 – 23

Monday, January 16

Nothing of significance to note.

Tuesday, January 17

Vehicle Trespass/Theft: North Berthoud Parkway – A woman had her purse stolen from her unlocked car. Several attempted and declined transactions at a retail store were made. If I’ve said it once I’ve said it a thousand times; lock your car and do not leave valuables in your car?

Scam: Winding Brook Drive – A woman had an unknown suspect try to swindle money from her claiming to be KEVIN COSTNER. The woman is not out of any money. When I showed up to take the report, she thought I was Kevin Costner (we are look-alikes you know) but I assured her I was not a movie star but had to prove it by showing her my ID.

Driving Under the Influence (DUI): Highway 287/County Road 8 – A Report Every Drunk Driver Immediately (REDDI) report came through and deputies contacted the female driver, who slid off the roadway. After voluntary roadside maneuvers were poorly performed, the woman was booked at the Larimer County Jail for DUI.

Motor Vehicle Accident: Highway 287/North Berthoud Parkway – A driver was not paying attention and barely bumped the rear of a vehicle that was stopped at the light. Both vehicles pulled to the side and contacted law enforcement. There was no damage to either vehicle and the driver admitted to not paying close enough attention to the driver stopped at the light. While driving in a car, always pay attention or pay a fine.

Wednesday, January 18

Mental Health Hold: Victoria Street – A woman called 911 reporting that she felt her family was trying to get her institutionalized. When contacted the woman was unable to orient to time and was extremely agitated. She was placed on a mental health hold and transported to the hospital by the Larimer County Sheriff’s Office mental health co-responders.

Motor Vehicle Accident: 4th Street/Mountain Avenue – A male driver rear-ended another vehicle on the roadway. The at-fault driver was cited for driving too fast for the weather conditions.

Sex Assault: Berthoud – A woman reported that her boyfriend sexually assaulted her twice. The investigation is ongoing.

Thursday, January 19

Felony Warrant Arrest: 2nd Street – A man was contacted and arrested on a felony warrant. He was then booked at the Larimer County Jail.

Scam: Chaparro Circle – A woman called and reported a “Microsoft” popup showed up on her computer and she called the number on the popup. She then provided some personal identifying information to the scammer who was posing as a Microsoft employee. Remember – If you get a message from a company you do business with and you think it’s real, it’s still best not to click on any links or use the phone numbers provided. Look up the company’s number on the company’s website you know is trustworthy.

Friday, January 20

Motor Vehicle Accident/Careless Driving: Mountain Avenue/7th Street – A male driver was not paying attention and rear-ended another vehicle at approximately 30-MPH. The at-fault driver was issued a summons for Careless Driving.

Driving Under the Influence: 7th Street/Bruce Drive – Deputies were dispatched to a noise complaint and contacted a male driver in the front seat of a vehicle with obvious signs of impairment. The man refused to complete voluntary roadside maneuvers and was found in possession of marijuana and open alcoholic beverages within his vehicle.

Motor Vehicle Accident: Highway 287/North Berthoud Parkway – A vehicle was turning left on a flashing yellow arrow from Highway 287 onto Berthoud Parkway and turned in front of an oncoming vehicle. The oncoming vehicle was unable to stop and collided with the turning vehicle. The at-fault driver was cited for driving a vehicle without insurance and failure to yield right of way.

Saturday, January 21

Warrant Arrest x2: 7th Street – A man was contacted after it was reported he drank a bottle of furniture oil. He was taken to the hospital and medically cleared. He was then booked on two outstanding warrants. But we noticed such a clean shine to him.

Fictitious Plates: East Highway 56 – A man was stopped for a traffic infraction and found to be driving while revoked and he had fictitious plates on his vehicle. The man was issued a summons.

Hit and Run: 16th Street Court – A woman reported that her vehicle was hit by another vehicle and shattered the rear window while it was parked in her driveway. There was no information about the hit-and-run vehicle.

Sunday, January 22

Domestic Violence/Harassment: 6th Street Court – Deputies responded to a residence on reports of yelling and loud banging coming from inside. A man was found to have scratches on his face and after an investigation, it was determined that his wife was the aggressor. She was then arrested and booked at the Larimer County Jail.

Possession of Drug Paraphernalia/Driving While Revoked: East Highway 56 – A man was contacted at a local business and was found to be driving revoked as an habitual offender. The man was also found to be in possession of drug paraphernalia. He was booked at the Larimer County Jail for the above charges.

RECEIVE EMERGENCY NOTIFICATIONS ON YOUR CELL PHONE. Please visit https://leta911.org and register to get emergency notifications on your cell phone. Reverse 911 does not work on cell phones, only on landlines. Berthoud has the lowest registered numbers in Larimer County.

January 23 – 29

Monday, January 23

Possession of Controlled Substance/Possession of Fentanyl/Possession of Drug Paraphernalia/Introduction of Contraband/Warrant Arrest x2: East Highway 56 – Two individuals were contacted at a local business. A probable cause search of their vehicle led to the discovery of 0.82 grams of cocaine and 11 Fentanyl pills. One man was summoned and released. The other man was transported to Larimer County Jail for two warrants and there, an additional eight Fentanyl pills were found on his person while inside the jail.

Tuesday, January 24

Weaving/Driving Under the Influence: 42nd Street Southwest – A woman was stopped for weaving while driving. She refused all roadside maneuvers and was booked at the Larimer County Jail for Driving Under the Influence.

Assist to Medical: Mountain Avenue – A man became unresponsive and stopped breathing while eating at a local restaurant. Deputies and EMS personnel were able to re-establish a faint pulse and transported the man to the hospital. As deputies left the hospital, the man had a pulse and was expected to make a recovery. Update; as of Monday this man was up walking and is doing well.

Possession of Fentanyl/Fictitious Plates/Possession of Drug Paraphernalia/Warrant Arrest x2: East Highway 56 – A man was contacted sitting in a vehicle with a fictitious license plate. It was found he had two warrants for his arrest. During a search incident to arrest, 77 fentanyl pills were found in addition to drug paraphernalia. He was booked at the Weld County Jail.

Driving Under the Influence/Expired Registration: East Michigan Avenue – A man was contacted while driving a vehicle with expired registration. Upon contact, it was found that he was under the influence of alcohol and was subsequently booked at the Larimer County Jail.

Driving Under the Influence of Drugs/Prohibited Use of a Weapon/Traffic Infractions: Highway 287 – A man was stopped on several traffic infractions and was suspected to be under the influence of dextromethorphan impairment. A firearm was found in the vehicle door pocket. He was booked at the Larimer County Jail.

Wednesday, January 25

Possible Sexual Assault: Berthoud – A mother reported her 15-month-old was possibly sexually assaulted at a daycare facility. The Investigations Unit was notified, and the investigation is ongoing.

Theft of Motor Vehicle Parts: Woodcock Street – A 1997 maroon Outback was seen bearing a stolen license plate and was unoccupied. The owner of the vehicle was contacted by phone and was uncooperative. The man said he did not know where his vehicle was but did not want it reported as stolen. The stolen plate was recovered. Uh, I don’t know where my car is because I was too stoned to remember where I left it.

Thursday, January 26

Driving Under Revocation: Highway 287/County Road 8 – A man was contacted for driving on a revoked license. He was issued a summons into the Larimer County Court.

Vehicle Trespass x3: 5th Street – Three vehicles had windows broken out and items taken, possibly during a school meeting. A crime scene investigator processed the vehicles, and the investigation is ongoing.

Driving Under the Influence of Drugs/Driving Under Revocation/Possession of Methamphetamine/Possession of Fentanyl/Possession of Drug Paraphernalia/Warrant Arrest: East Highway 56 – A male driver was contacted for a traffic infraction. The driver admitted to smoking six fentanyl pills daily and was currently under the influence of drugs. 5.11 grams of methamphetamine and 2.14 grams of fentanyl were found following a K-9 alert. The man was booked into jail.

Friday, January 27

Stolen Trailer: 1st Street/Bunyan Avenue – A stolen trailer pulled by a white pickup truck was located at a car wash. The truck fled after a high-risk stop was conducted. Deputies attempted to deploy spikes and the vehicle fled toward Highway 56. No pursuit was initiated due to public safety.

Drug Overdose/Assist to Medical: South 5th Street – A man possibly overdosed on fentanyl. He was revived by his brother after he administered CPR and Narcan. The man and his mother were not cooperative with a law enforcement investigation. Investigations were notified.

Missing Adult: Rocking Chair Drive – Family reported that an adult male missed work in Wyoming several days ago and has not been heard from since. He was last seen driving a red Toyota. The man was entered into law enforcement databases as missing and a Be On the Lookout (BOLO) was sent to Wyoming and surrounding agencies.

Driving Under Revocation/Possession of Controlled Substances x2/Warrant Arrest: Highway 56/County Road 7 – A traffic stop resulted in the driver being cited for driving while under revocation – per se. The female passenger was found to have a warrant for her arrest. Once at the Larimer County Jail, the woman was found to have .38 grams of Methamphetamine and .45 grams of Heroin in her bra.

Criminal Mischief: Woodcock Street – A resident reported a hissing sound coming from a Red Subaru in the parking lot. The red Subaru had two flat tires. The resident described a white male with ear-length blond hair, standing approximately 5’10”-6’1” wearing a tan Carhartt-style jacket walking away from the Subaru. The potential suspect left in a newer model Gray Honda Civic.

Theft: Rivergate Way – A man reported that 15 bundles of shingles were stolen from a construction site.

Saturday, January 28

Missing Person Located: Rocking Chair Drive – The missing man reported the day prior was found by police in Wyoming. The man was okay, and his family was notified.

Shoplifting: Mountain Avenue – A high school-aged male went into the liquor store and stole two bottles of vodka. Investigation continues.

Sunday, January 29

Motor Vehicle Accident / Hit & Run: Welch Avenue – a neighbor’s camper was hit around 2:00 am this morning. Tracks in the snow look like they also hit a fence.

Have you noticed a theme this week? Alcohol, Fentanyl and Meth.

January 30 – 31

Monday, January 30

Non-Injury Motor Vehicle Accident: Highway 287/North Berthoud Pkwy, Berthoud – A male driver was unable to stop due to snow-packed and icy road conditions. His vehicle ran into the back of another vehicle causing that vehicle to hit another vehicle. None of the parties involved had complaints of injuries. The at-fault driver was issued a summons.

Hit and Run: 2nd Street – A woman reported that a white Tesla backed into the handrail of the business causing significant damage.

Warrant Arrest x3: Breckenridge Drive – A woman was booked at the Larimer County Jail on a Felony and a Misdemeanor warrant.

Unsafe Backing: Mountain Avenue – A woman backed into another vehicle and was issued a summons. I know the way it sounded but the woman was also in a car, she was not walking and backed into the other vehicle.

Tuesday, January 31

Felony Vehicle Eluding: East Highway 56 – An older model purple Suzuki eluded a traffic stop. The vehicle had no license plates and only had a paper tag on the back that read “price.” Pursuit was not initiated due to a concern for public safety. Video surveillance from a local business showed two Hispanic males exiting the back seats. The driver never exited the vehicle. No driver? Maybe it’s one of those new fandangled eluding autonomous cars.

RECEIVE EMERGENCY NOTIFICATIONS ON YOUR CELL PHONE. Please visit https://leta911.org and register to get emergency notifications on your cell phone. Reverse 911 does not work on cell phones, only on landlines. Berthoud has the lowest registered numbers in Larimer County.

About Post Author

Gary Wamsley

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