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sheriff badge
Provided By

James Anderson
Patrol Sergeant, Berthoud Squad

Wednesday, July 1

Assist to Child Protection Services (CPS): 300 block of Colorado Avenue assisted CPS in an investigation of child abuse.

Vehicle Accident/Hit and Run: 500 block of E CR 8, caller reported a white Ford car that goes off the road and hits a mailbox and causes damage to the car and then leaves the scene.

Assisted Park County Sheriff: 900 Block of 2nd and 3rd Street, Park County Sheriff requests a welfare check on a 32-year-old woman as she left her vehicle on the road and has not been heard from.

Warrant Arrest/Civil: 200 block of S 1st Street, a 24-year-old man turned himself in to detox.

Lots of Fireworks Complaints

Thursday, July 2

Community Assist: Assisted with security at the 200 block of Water Avenue for the NISP Glade Reservoir Project rally with U.S. Senator Cory Gardner.

Property Destruction: 300 block of Massachusetts Avenue, a resident turned in old shotgun shells for destruction.

More Fireworks Complaints

Friday, July 3

Even more fireworks complaints

Saturday, July 4

Found Property: 200 block of Mountain Avenue, a Mac computer was found behind an air conditioning unit.

Warrant Arrest: 700 block of Welch Avenue, a 32-year-old man was arrested for a Probation warrant.

Vehicle Accident: Weld CR7 & Weld CR42: a 21 year old woman was learning how to drive when she went from a paved road to a dirt road. She began to drift then over corrected and went into a ditch.

And yes, you guessed it: Several firework calls…

Sunday, July 5

Registered Sex Offender Compliance Checks x4: All in compliance

Unauthorized Use of Financial Device: 300 block of E Colorado Avenue, a resident owner called to report that someone had used his debit card information to purchase over $750 worth of items from the internet.

Monday, July 6

Transient: 200 block of Welch caller reporting a “scruffy man” was hanging around the center. A 52-year-old man was contacted and said he was waiting on a ride. 

Vehicle Trespass/Criminal Mischief: 300 block of Meadowlark, someone broke into a work trailer and stole tools.

Please remember to lock your vehicles if they are parked and do not leave your valuables inside.

Tuesday, July 7

Vehicle Accident: 2nd Street & Welch Avenue

Parking Violation: 2nd Street & Welch Avenue

Wednesday, July 8

Criminal Tampering/Harassment: 800 block of Welch Avenue, a property owner again blocked an easement she shares with another. She put up a gate and attempted to fortify the gate by attaching barb wire, multiple pad locks, and smearing glue all over the gate and posts. 

Theft: 1500 block of Glacier Avenue, a resident discovered someone cut the wires and stole the air conditioning unit from the residence under construction. 

Criminal Mischief: 2200 block of CR 6, Employee of the Ditch Company reported that someone caused 2500.00 in damage to the ditch trash grate. 

Harassment: 2 women reported being harassed by each other through phone calls and e-mails.

Suspicious Circumstances: South Hwy 287, a Longmont Police Officer reported he was contacted by a citizen in their jurisdiction regarding his windshield being chipped, just north of Berthoud. The driver of the vehicle reported that he heard a loud pop and noticed damage to his window. The Longmont Officer took evidence photographs and stated it appeared that a rock chipped the window.

Theft: 400 block of Meadowlark Drive, a business reported that a subject stole a $92 bottle of Tequila.

Thursday, July 9

Vehicle Trespass: South Berthoud, 43 vehicles were all unlocked and the glove compartments were gone through.

Vehicle Trespass: 800 block of Bruce Drive, a resident had his vehicle entered into and the radio stolen. 

Vehicle Trespass: 1000 block of Arapahoe Avenue, a resident had his vehicle entered into, iPhone stolen.

Parking Complaint: 800 block of 7th Street, deputy checked and the vehicle was parked legally

Noise Complaint: 800 block of Spartan Avenue, vehicles parked playing music loud. Everyone was gone upon deputies arrival.

Verbal Disturbance: 100 block of S. 5th Street, residents got into an argument over a dog off a leash.  

Barking Dog/Neighbor Problems: 200 block of Nebraska, a neighbor called about the barking dog next door.

Noise Complaint: 1500 block of Oak Drive, neighbors complained about loud music from this area. Resident contacted and the music was turned off.

Friday, July 10

Found Property: 600 block of 4th Street, a 21 inch black and red bicycle was picked up after sitting by the door for several days. Please contact us if you are missing a bike. We have several in holding.

DUI/Driving while Cancelled/Failure to signal/No proof of Insurance: 200 block of Bunyan Avenue, deputies contacted and arrested a 40-year-old man for failure to signal for a turn, driving on a cancelled license, no proof of insurance and DUI.

Possession of Schedule II Drugs/DUI/No Insurance/Careless Driving/Failure to Report an Accident: 200 Block of 1st Street, a 21-year-old man was involved in an accident with a parked vehicle, and fled the scene. His parents brought him back to the scene a short time later and he was arrested. Suspected illegal drugs were located in his vehicle.

Accident/Following to Close: Highway 287 & CR 17 – a truck driver was traveling too fast for the “bumps” on northbound 287 approaching CR17 when the light turned red and the vehicle in front of him stopped. He could not stop in time and collided with the back of a mini-van.

Vehicle Trespass: 900 block of Kansas Avenue, a resident noticed his vehicle had also been rummaged through during the vehicle trespass caper of 2015. Nothing missing, but he did help 2 kids jump start their car the morning this happened. They were driving a new white crossover/SUV that was parked just to the west of his home. He did not recognize the kids as being from the neighborhood.

Saturday, July 11

Trespass: 500 block of 6th Street, an intoxicated 43-year-old man was attempting to find an address for a party when he walked into the wrong house and was confronted by the homeowner. The man was located on Mountain Avenue and was unsure where the house was he was looking for.

Suspicious Activity: Several young adults were active in the Streets and Parks tonight playing “Tourality” virtual GPS game. What happened to “kick the can”?

Assist to Medical: 800 block of Franklin, an 88-year-old woman fell after being pushed by another resident. Staff reports the 88-year-old woman has dementia and often hits and yells at everyone around her. The resident pushed the woman after she got in her face and shoved her.

Sunday, July 12

Municipal Violation: 100 block of Welch Avenue, the ditch company increased the flow of water through the ditch next to this location. Due to the amount of weeds and trash built up in the ditch the property started to flood.

Theft: 200 block of 2nd Street, a resident reported a neighbor stole prescription painkillers from her residence.

Disturbance: a verbal altercation in Berthoud Park between two boys.

Monday, July 13

Traffic Complaint: 800 block of Spartan Avenue, a resident called in a traffic complaint on the kids leaving weightlifting this morning. He reported that a deputy was behind the vehicles and did not pull them over. A deputy was behind both vehicles and they were paced at 32 mph in a 30 mph zone. 

Trespass/Theft: 700 block of 13th Street, two brothers had their construction trailer broken into with approximately $15,000 in tools stolen.

Trespass/Theft: 300 block of Lake Avenue, a resident reported that her unlocked vehicle was entered.

2nd Degree Burglary/Theft: 300 block of Lake Avenue, a resident called to report that someone had entered her residence through an unlocked sliding back door while she was at work and stole 3 bottles of Narcotics and one “Twisted Tea” alcoholic beverage.

Extra Patrols: Deputies spent time doing concentrated neighborhood patrols due to the rash of vehicle trespasses. Deputies contacted residents who had forgotten to close their garage door in an effort to thwart any additional incidents. Yes I used the word thwart.

We have brochures from the Health Department on “Rabies Safety for People and their Animals” at the berthoud Townhall. Please stop by and pick yours up today.

Tuesday, July 14

Muni Violations: 400 block of Massachusetts Avenue, couch in yard and weeds.                         1005 3rd Street: couch on curb- written warning

 Civil Service: Served civil paper at the 100 block of Mountain Avenue, and the 100 block of Bunyan Avenue

Neighbor Problems: 200 block of E. Nebraska, neighbors complaining about the dogs barking.

Recovered Stolen Property: 100 block of Turner Avenue, employees from this business located a black purse in the dumpster. A wallet was found inside the purse and information located that the purse belonged to one of the victims from the vehicle trespasses.

Citizen Assist: Deputies contacted several residences that had forgotten to close their garage door at night. They were reminded to secure their homes so they are not an easy victim.

Criminal Mischief: 200 block of W CR10E, counselors called to report that a 13 year old resident was out of control and kicking holes in the walls and being disruptive.

Wednesday, July 15

Found Property: 1000 block of Jefferson Avenue, a mountain bike was left in the driveway for the past four days.

Warrant Arrest: 300 block of Colorado Avenue, a 38 year old man was contacted after he was seen driving in the area with his lights off. The man had a warrant out of Broomfield.

Thursday, July 16

Transient Issue: 400 block of Meadowlark, a 23 year old man out of Wisconsin was bothering customers for cigarettes and was reported to be yelling at customers. Upon contact, Alan was cooperative but became very angry stating that the “yuppies hate all homeless people”.

Found Dog: 100 block of Hummingbird, a found beagle was turned in to the Town Hall. The dog had a microchip but the owner did not register it so no owner was located. Dog transported to Larimer Human Society.

Friday, July 17

Animal Call: Notified the Health Department of the increasing sick/injured bat calls around Massachusetts Avenue.

Accident: 1500 block of 4th Street, a vehicle backing out hit another parked car.

Saturday, July 18

Suspicious Circumstances: Hwy 287 mile at marker 324, several citizens called in about a 24-year-old man walking in the left lane of northbound traffic on Hwy 287. The man would not answer questions but nodded up and down when asked if he wanted to hurt himself. His father was contacted who said his son was angry, destroying the house, and ripping shingles off the roof before leaving on foot.

Obstructing a Peace Officer: Third Street and Mountain Avenue, a 65-year-old Berthoud man interrupted a criminal investigation by using profanity and physically inserting himself between deputies. The man responded to several orders to leave the area with profanity. Talked himself into charges.

Assault /Domestic Violence: 1000 block of 3rd Street, a female resident reported being head-butted by her husband after an argument.

Injured Squirrel Call: Bullwinkle was notified 

Accident/DUI/Careless Driving/Warrant Arrest, an intoxicated 32-year-old female crashed her car at the round a bout and was stopped from leaving the scene by Berthoud Fire Fighters. The woman also had a warrant for her arrest. 

Burglar Alarm: 300 block of Mountain Avenue, false alarm

Sunday July 19

Theft: 500 block of S 9th Street, a resident reported someone stole a pickaxe from the bed of his pickup overnight.

Juvenile Problem: 100 block of S 2nd Street, a juvenile male walked away from his property without mom’s permission. He returned home and was counseled.

 Driving Complaint: – 900 Block of Meadowlark Drive, reports of several vehicles using Meadowlark as a drag strip. Several warnings were given to all high performance vehicles in the neighborhood.

Suspicious: – 400 block of S 8th Street, a 15 year old home alone thought a “creepy guy” was driving by and looking at her through a window.

Motorist Assist: vehicle broke down on S Hwy 287 and CR17 near the white line; Deputy blocked the lane of traffic until tow truck arrived 

Monday, July 20

Animal Problem: Spent time with the Larimer County Health Department regarding the recent injured/death several bats. Health Department interested in testing samples for diseases if bat is found inside a residence. If you find a bat on the ground outside, leave it alone and call the sheriff’s office. If you find a bat inside your home, especially in a living or sleeping area, close off the room and immediately call animal control @ 970-226-3647, #7

Family Problems: 100 block of Sioux Avenue, Deputy spoke to a 13-year-old who used grandparents credit card to purchase items on the internet. Family recently moved to Berthoud from Colorado Springs

Tuesday, July 21

Suspicious Domestic Assist: 800 block of S 9th Street, received information from a Denver Attorney through her client that he wanted to report criminal activity that occurred in 2013 during his divorce. He believes his ex-wife placed spyware on his phone.

Bicycle Theft: 1000 block of Massachusetts Avenue, single speed Beach Cruiser, was taken from an outdoor shed.

Disturbance: 700 block of Welch Avenue, roommates were involved in a verbal argument. Both agreed to separate for the evening.

Wednesday, July 22

Animal Problem: 300 block of Lake Avenue, bat got into a residence. Bat was caught by the deputy and brought to Berthoud Animal Hospital to hold for the Health Department.

Lost/Stolen: 400 block of S 8th Street, owner is missing a white road bike and asked us to let her know if one was turned in.

Theft: 200 block of 2nd Street, a resident called to report that someone had stolen a package off her front door step.

Thursday, July 23

Harassment: a resident received several “Spoof” text messages. Several of her friends were contacted and told to stop if it was they. The messages stopped.

Disturbance: 200 block of CR10E, a 15-year-old boy got into a fight with a 13-year-old boy because of comments he said.

Friday, July 24

Suspicious Incident: 2 calls reference juveniles walking around the neighborhood south of the HS with flashlights between 0200 and 0400.

Harassment/Domestic Violence: 500 block of 9th Street, a 33-year-old woman attacked her 49-year-old boyfriend.

Saturday, July 25

Trespass /Train Incident: 100 Block of 3rd Street, a 19-year-old man, was struck by a northbound Burlington Northern Santa Fe train. He was intoxicated and blamed the train for the incident. Both legs had severe trauma. This is the third person being struck by a train this year in Larimer County. Please stay of the track because I promise you the train wins every time.

Found Property: 600 block of 2nd Street, while patrolling a deputy observed 2 bright colored suitcases behind some weeds. It appears that someone collected items in back of Habitat. All items returned to Habitat.

Suspicious Circumstances (broken window): Hwy 56 and CR 7, a 20-year-old woman was east bound on Hwy 56 when her passenger side window shattered. She did not see anything suspicious in the area at the time. This incident had no similarities to the other incidents but the task force was still notified.

Vehicle Accident: 8th Street and Mountain Avenue, a woman parked her car in the roadway on 8th Street. A man did not look behind him prior to backing and struck the woman’s car.

Vehicle Accident/Careless Driving: S. CR17-and Bunyan Avenue, a 28-year-old man traveling on CR17 attempted to make a right turn onto Bunyan, however he over shot the turn and drove off of the road and went into a field hitting a concrete barrier totaling the vehicle.

Sunday, July 26

Third Degree Trespass: 100 block of Mountain Avenue, a 41-year-old man was cited for trespass when he was caught dumpster diving in front of a “No Trespassing” sign.

Monday, July 27

Lost Wallet: A 41-year-old woman was out walking last night and had fallen and believes the wallet may have fallen out when she fell.

Identity Theft/Theft: 300 block of E Iowa Avenue. – a resident was contacted by her bank and told that her credit card number was being used for a purchase at a Highland Ranch Walgreens in the amount over $300.

Family Problems: 800 block of 10th Street, an 18-year-old man decided to borrow a tablet that belonged to his dad. When dad found the tablet and looked through the recent sites visited it showed that his son was looking at how to get “high” from certain prescriptions

Tuesday, July 28

Harassment: Two acquaintances were sending messages back and forth after an incident in Loveland.

Theft: 400 block of Mountain Avenue, a resident reported her black bike was stolen approximately one month ago.

Suspicious Circumstances: 400 block of Mountain Avenue, Deputy is working with the landlord for contact information about the Pawn/Gun shop that was located here for a short time. Owners have moved on but some of the customers are missing items on consignment. Civil issues over weapons.

Animal Issue: 1100 block of Monroe Avenue, a dog was loose with the owners in the garage of their home when the dog wondered off and almost bit the neighbor.

Juvenile Problem: 500 block of Redwood Circle, a neighbor sees 4-6 juvenile males in the area of her home and sees what she thought was one of them trying to get into her car. All of the kids leave on foot. Contact made with 6 males, near Berthoud High School. They were all contacted on foot in the area. All admitted to sneaking through neighbors yard to “ding-dong-ditch” a buddy from football. 

Wednesday, July 29

Animal Call: 300 block of Lake Avenue, a bat was removed from the residence and taken to Berthoud Animal Hospital for the health department. Thank you Berthoud Animal Hospital!

Felony Eluding/MVA/Shoplifting/Stolen Plate/Speeding/Stolen Vehicle Recovery: Highway 287 & CR17, a deputy observed a dark colored Jeep Southbound 68mph in posted 55mph zone. Lights activated and vehicle accelerates. Vehicle turns East onto Mountain Avenue towards Berthoud and turns again north on Meadowlark where it travels over the right side of the road and collides with a natural gas barrier pole where the rear axle is ripped off the Jeep. Several occupants flee the vehicle with an adult male remaining. A 24-year-old man is fairly cooperative but doesn’t know the driver. A 16-year-old girl returns to the scene with injuries. She ran following the driver but returned because of the pain to her knee. Plates on the Jeep are stolen and the Jeep is also reported stolen out of Longmont. Multiple layers of stolen goods are in the Jeep and believed to be from Loveland & Fort Collins stores.

Thursday, July 30

Vehicle Trespass: 1300 block of Mount Meeker Avenue, a resident reported two vehicles broken into. 

Vehicle Trespass: 1500 block of Mount Meeker Avenue, a resident reported her vehicle broken into.

Vehicle Accident/Hit & Run: 200 block of CR10E, RV parked in storage facility was backed into causing damage to the motor home. Owner of company truck parked next to RV was contacted.

Friday, July 31

Civil Court Papers: 800 block of 1st Street, Longmont: Served an 18-year-old man with Berthoud Municipal Court papers.

Suspicious Circumstances: 400 block of 3rd Street, a 28-year-old woman was found hysterically crying from a nervous breakdown.

Identity Theft: 3100 block of Megan Way, a resident reported someone used his Social Security number to purchase a vehicle in California. The resident added the suspect is making the payments on time. Bless his heart!

Driving under Restraint: 5100 block of S. Highway 287, a 38-year-old man was stopped for a traffic violation and found to have a suspended license.

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