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Updated Aug 3, 2016







Provided by
James Anderson
Patrol Sergeant: Berthoud Squad

Friday, July 1

Several fireworks complaints

Criminal Trespass: 600 block of 5th Street, suspect(s) entered a vehicle and pulled a number of wires out of the dash,

Saturday, July 2

Several more fireworks complaints.

Assault: Franklin Avenue, two residents were involved in an altercation over one of them calling the other a thief. One of the men was intoxicated and slapped the other so in retaliation the other man punched him in the mouth.

Assist Medical: Bunyan Avenue, an 80-year-old Longmont resident was found unresponsive, not breathing in the bathroom. CPR was performed then medical took over. Pulse established and transported to McKee, unfortunately passed away there.

Suspicious Circumstances: Sioux Drive, a resident called to report that her two computers had been hacked. She did not report any financial loss. She was advised to not open attachments from unknown senders.

Sunday, July 3

A plethora of fireworks complaints

Family Problems: 200 block of 2nd Street: a resident who was upset and depressed about her dog passing away on top of that, her ex-husband refusing to bring their kids to her on her scheduled day.

Monday, July 4

Found Property: Highway 287 and CR 17, while Berthoud Fire Department was working on a weed fire at this location they located a Social Security card. Deputy located the owner and it was returned to him. He said he lost it 10 years ago.

Child Safety Concern: 100 block of Bunyan, a citizen called in and reported that there was a car with a child inside that was not restrained in a car seat.

Assist Colorado State Patrol: I-25 and Highway 56, assisted with traffic control for CSP while they investigated a crash.

Suspicious Circumstances: Longmont’s North Walmart, a Berthoud resident reported that a male approached him at Walmart and stated he was selling cocaine. The suspect’s vehicle registered to a man from Wellington.

Fireworks: All over town, on duty deputy spent most of the night chasing after fireworks. The deputy said that he was having flashbacks from Desert Storm by the sounds of the rockets’ red glare and the bombs bursting in air.

Tuesday, July 5

Loose Dog: 500 block of Redwood Circle, dog was located and transported to puppy jail and later released to the owner.

Suspicious Person: Berthoud Town Park, a deputy was waived down and asked that he check on a vehicle that has been parked for a long time facing towards the pool. The deputy made contact with the male and he advised that he was supposed to work today but the crew never showed up so he has time to burn.

Found Property: 287 and CR4E, an iPad and leather case was found. The owner could not be determined because the device is locked. The iPad was logged into evidence.

Vehicle Crash / Hit and Run / Reckless Driving / Driving Under Revocation / Habitual Traffic Offender / Felony DUI / Obstruction: Weld CR5 and E Hwy 56, a 37-year-old Loveland man was traveling north on Weld CR5 and failed to stop at the stop sign. He struck a vehicle traveling west on E Hwy 56 totaling both vehicles but he fled the scene. A perimeter was established and was located and taken into custody after a State Trooper deployed his Taser. Shocking end to this story.

Assist to the Ambulance: 3000 block of CR10, a 25-year-old Longmont man was under the influence of unknown narcotic and was very paranoid. Deputies assisted medical getting the man into the ambulance because he became very combative.

Wednesday, July 6

Vehicle Trespass: 400 block of Michigan Avenue, a resident reported that overnight someone entered his two trucks and stole headphones, fishing equipment, and other items.

Vehicle Crash: 900 Block of 2nd Street, a 70-year-old Longmont man backed into a parked vehicle with his work truck.

Criminal Mischief: 400 block of 3rd Street, someone spray painted “F*** Cops” on the south side of the building in the alley.

Disturbance / Criminal Mischief / Voluntary Detox: 1000 block of 7th Street, two cousins pushed each other after a verbal argument over money. After the argument one of the cousins punched holes in 5 doors inside the residence, which is owned by their grandparents. That cousin was also very intoxicated and stated that he wanted to go to McKee Medical Center for detox.

Thursday, July 7

Animal Call: 1700 block of 4th Street, a resident reported her neighbors let their dogs out again and the dogs were in the street causing a traffic issue.

Animal Call: 200 block of S 1st Street, a 51-year-old Ft. Collins man was bitten in the groin area by a pit bull at this address. Dog was on a 20 foot leash so the man ran backwards and fell but only half of him made it to the 21 foot mark.

Vehicle Crash: 200 block of Welch Avenue, a driver pulled into a parking space in the back parking lot of Berthoud Library his foot slipped off the brake and he crashed through the chain link fence of the Berthoud Streets Department causing severe damage to the front end of his vehicle.

Vehicle Crash: 900 block of Mountain Ave, a worker was making a delivery when he side swiped a parked delivery truck.

Business Assist: 800 block of Franklin, it was reported that a staff member treated a dementia patient inappropriately, which resulted in her termination.

Friday, July 8

Assist Berthoud Fire: Spartan Avenue and CR17, Assisted with traffic control for the fire department working on a grass fire.

Possible Juvenile Party: 1200 block of Cedar Drive, a resident reported they heard about a party in town. The party was going to be hosted by a 17-year-old girl because her parents were out of town for a few days. The deputy said oh nay-nay and contacted the girl and advised her of the consequences.

Saturday, July 9

Animal Call: 600 block of 4th Street, a Pitbull mix was collected at the laundromat on 4th street. Dog managed to open the partition window in the deputy’s car and jumped into the front of the patrol vehicle. The dog used the laptop as a chew toy causing minor damage to the laptop and upholstery. As it was heard from that deputy: “Dog appears fine. Stupid dog”.

Vehicle Crash: Highway 287 and CR 17, a driver made and unsafe lane change and hit another vehicle.

Lost Property: 800 block of Franklin Avenue, a resident reported that she lost her purse and is worried about identity theft.

Suspicious Incident: 700-1000 Block of 2nd Street, four people were seen with flashlights possibly checking garages and doors of closed businesses in the area. There may have also been a lookout/getaway vehicle, which was described as a smaller 90’s model hatchback, with a dark color and loud muffler.

Sunday, July 10

Family Problems: 6th Street Court, a man and a woman were arguing over relationship issues. The man attempted to leave but female would not let him or move out of the way until they worked things out.

Vehicle Crash / Hit and Run: 1600 block of Chokeberry Street, a Cadillac Escalade sideswiped a parked pickup and stopped in the front yard of a residence. Strong odor of burnt marijuana, and a pipe was found inside the vehicle.

Monday, July 11

Vehicle Trespass: 800 block of Greenwood Drive, a resident called to report that someone entered his truck and stole a magnesium fire starter and Revolver. He also stated that when he got home on the 9th he came home to his backdoor open and believes someone may have tried to break in.

Alien Attack: All over town “Pokemon Go” has taken over. Several people, adults and kids out playing “Pokemon Go” day and night.

Tuesday, July 12

Vehicle Crash / Unsafe Backing / No Proof Insurance: 100 block of Mountain Avenue, a driver from Loveland backed into another Loveland driver causing minor damage. The first driver also failed to provide proof of insurance.

Wednesday, July 13

Vehicle Crash / Following Too Closely: Hwy 287 and CR 17, a Loveland driver didn’t want to run the yellow light and hit the brakes. A driver from Ft. Collins was not expecting her to brake and hit her vehicle.

Vehicle Crash: 900 block of Mountain Avenue, a Berthoud driver backed into a Dacono driver in the parking lot.

Marijuana Grow: 1400 block of 4th Street, a resident has a minimum of a 6 plant grow in his back yard. Grow has a roof but only chicken wire walls with a lock on the gate. Odor bothers neighbors. The laws and Berthoud ordinance was explained how this type of structure is unacceptable.

Thursday, July 14

Theft: 2500 block of 1st Street, a resident called to report that someone had stolen the license plates off his pickup truck.

Identity Theft: 3200 block of Sundown Drive, a resident came to the Town Hall reporting that her credit card had been compromised.

Criminal Mischief: Weld CR 7 and Highway 56, a Loveland woman was cut off by a gold Pontiac van who then decided to do 30 in a 65. The woman passed the van where the female driver of the van showed her, she was number 1 and then threw an object at her vehicle hitting her truck causing a small scratch.

Friday, July 15

Vehicle Crash: Highway 287 and CR17, a Longmont driver’s foot slipped off of the brake and he rear-ended the vehicle in front of him, which was driven by a Ft. Collins man.

Follow-up: 300 block of Bothun Road, a 22-year-old man was contacted and charged with Reckless Driving and Leaving the Scene an Accident. This is the case where he hit a vehicle and landed in a person’s yard on Chokeberry.

Saturday, July 16

Welfare Check: 100 block of Welch, a 39-year-old man who was making suicidal threats. Several deputies responded as this man has made threats towards officers in the past.

Sunday, July 17

Fireworks Prohibited: 100 block of E Iowa Street, three boys were called in by a neighbor for lighting fireworks in the alley. They ran into the residence and hid when they saw the deputy coming. Mom arrived home a few minutes later and made them come out and speak to the deputy and received their tickets.

Trespass: 300 block of Mountain Avenue: a 17-year-old boy was fired from a business, but later returned and trespassed in the employee only area.

Failure to Yield / Expired Plates: Mountain Avenue and CR17, a 48-year-old Loveland man failed to stop when the deputy attempted to pull him over for expired plates. The man continued for about 2 miles while the deputy was using both lights and sirens. The man finally pulled over and told the deputy that he didn’t see the lights because of his trailer and that he was talking to his son so he didn’t hear the siren.

Suspicious People/ Assist to Longmont PD: 200 block of 2nd Street, two boys ages 15 and 17 and a 20-year-old man were contacted after the deputy observed them removing plates from a vehicle after he had driving by it. The vehicle had fresh damage to the hood and front bumper. The man claimed that the vehicle had been stolen while he was inside of an unknown Conoco in Longmont. He claimed that a few hours after the vehicle was stolen, and before reporting it stolen, he had found it on the side of Highway 287 with fresh damage. Several parties were contacted and information was forwarded Longmont PD for a possible Hit and Run case.

Missing Person Located: 200 block of 2nd Street, during the above contact, the 17-year-old boy was found to be a missing person from a group home in Boulder County.

Monday July 18

Criminal Tampering: 100 block of Quandary Avenue, a resident reported that someone egged her vehicle overnight.

Identity Theft/Theft: 100 block of Sioux Drive, a resident reported his 13-year-old brother stole his credit card and purchased over $2400 worth of items using the card.

Suspicious Circumstances: I-25 and Highway 56, a Ft Collins man reported his rear passenger side window shattered while he was driving southbound on I-25 south of the Berthoud exit.

Tuesday, July 19

Found Property: 300 block of Massachusetts Avenue, a resident turned in shotgun shells for destruction by the Sheriff’s Office.

Vehicle Trespass/Identity Theft/Theft: 800 block of Ranchhand Drive, a resident reported someone entered his vehicle through an open window and stole his wallet. His credit cards were used at Wal-Mart in Loveland.

Identity Theft Follow-up: 100 block of Sioux Drive, Interviewed and arrested the 13-year-old who stole his brother’s credit card and was charged for multiple felony charges.

Driving Under the Influence of Drugs / No License Plates / No Insurance: Highway 287 and CR17, a 25-year-old Lexington, Kentucky man was called in as a possible drunk driver. The deputy located the vehicle and made contact. The man refused roadside maneuvers, did not have any plates attached to his car nor did he have any insurance.

Criminal Tampering / Domestic Violence / Resisting Arrest: 200 block of 2nd Street, a 47-year-old woman was intoxicated and began to beat on walls and throw items inside the residence of her ex-husband. While placing the woman into custody, she began to become combative.

Wednesday, July 20

Vehicle Crash: Hwy 287 and CR8, a 50-year old Longmont woman ran into the rear of another vehicle that was stopped for a red light.

Animal Problem: 400 block of Bimson, a resident found a bat hanging on one of their curtains. Bat was collected and turned over to the Health Department for testing.

Thursday, July 21

Theft: 400 block of Meadowlark Drive, the workers at Jo-To-Go called to report that a man and a woman in a white extended cab Toyota pickup truck drove by the drive-up window and stole a tip jar and drove off.

Warrant Arrest: 500 block of S. 9th Street, a 31-year old woman was arrested on a misdemeanor Failure to Comply warrant.

Friday, July 22

DUI / Following Too Close: SE Frontage Road and I-25, a Parks Officer was being tailgated by a 24-year old Mead man. Upon contact he was found to be under the influence of alcohol.

Vehicle Crash / Hit and Run / Property Damage: 300 block of E Colorado, an unknown vehicle hit a resident’s parked vehicle and left the area.

Neighbor Problems: 400 block of Bimson, two neighbors got into an argument with some pushing and shoving.

Saturday, July 23

Criminal Mischief: 1200 block of Aspen Drive, a resident reported that an unknown suspect slashed the tires to his vehicle last night.

Criminal Mischief: 900 block of 6th Street, a resident reported that an unknown suspect slashed the tires to his vehicle last night.

Assist to Ambulance: 500 block of 7th Street, a resident was found by his father not responsive on the floor of the living room.

Sunday, July 24

Theft: 400 block of 8th Street, a business owner reported that a garden hose was stolen from outside of the business.

Harassment: 700 block of 7th Street, a woman alleged that her husband placed his hands on her neck and pushed her.

Vehicle Trespass: 600 block of 6th Street, a resident reported her vehicle had been entered and change was taken.

Monday, July 25

Vehicle Theft: 2300 block of Breckenridge Court, a resident reported her Gray 2004 Pontiac car stolen.

Vehicle Crash: Hwy 287 and Cr 8, a woman rear-ended another vehicle.

Criminal Mischief: 400 block of Colorado Avenue, a resident reported that two tires were slashed on his vehicle.

Suspicious Circumstances /Theft: 100 block of Mountain Avenue, a resident observed a suspicious vehicle near the donation area of the Habitat for Humanity store. Three females were in the vehicle, and two of them exited the vehicle and began to walk in the donation drop off area. The resident walked over and photographed the vehicle, a maroon Ford SUV with unreadable Texas plates. The females then got in the vehicle and drove off at a high rate of speed and ran a stop sign.

Criminal Mischief: 600-1000 Block of 6th Street, a resident reported that he observed two teenage kids, one wearing a black hoodie, slashing his neighbor’s vehicle tires. He chased the teens, but was unable to catch them. Four of the vehicle’s tires were slashed.

Tuesday, July 26

Criminal Mischief: S 8th Street, 11 Vehicles had drivers side tires slashed. Looks like suspect used a box cutter to puncture the side wall of the tires.

Criminal Mischief: 700 block of Sage Place, two vehicles had both drivers side tires slashed. Marks appear similar to the ones on South 8th Street.

Criminal Mischief: 500 block of S 9th, a resident reports his driver side tire was slashed on his truck and trailer.

Vehicle Trespass/Theft: 800 block of Welch Avenue, a resident had three 5-gallon gas cans stolen from the back of his truck. The gas cans were found in the new construction area south of his residence by the construction crew.

Harassment: 1700 block of 4th Street, a resident reported receiving around 38 text message from someone claiming to be a supervisor from Adams county probation threatening to arrest her if she did not turn herself in. She tried to turn herself in twice before speaking with her real probation officer who verified this was a scam.

Suspicious Circumstances: 200 block of E Iowa Ave, a resident reported finding her Siamese cat deceased in her front yard. Appears the cat had been shot with a bb gun.

Employee Issue: 400 block of Mountain Avenue, a business is in the process of firing an employee. The employee has been exhibiting odd behavior and has made staff and the owners uncomfortable.

Wednesday, July 27

Forgery: 400 block of Mountain Avenue, a tall man wearing a top hat passed a counterfeit 20-dollar bill.

Criminal Mischief: 500 block of S 9th Street, a resident reported his rear drivers side tire punctured sometime between Sunday night and this morning. It’s a few house north of another resident who had their tire slashed on Sunday night.

Berthoud Muni Violation-Trespass: 100 block of Keep Circle, a resident observed a 32-year-old man on his property kneeling down looking in his bedroom window. The resident confronted the man who was intoxicated.

Thursday, July 28

Vehicle Theft: 100 block of E Indiana Avenue, a resident reported his 2004 Silver GMC Denali stolen from the street in front of his house.

Aggravated Vehicle Theft/Felony Warrant/Misdemeanor Warrant: 200 block of 2nd Street, the stolen vehicle from earlier today was recovered near this location unoccupied. As the deputy was processing the vehicle, a wanted 17-year-old escapee saw him as he was returning to the vehicle and a foot chase was on. The boy was known to have a felony escape warrant and was the suspect of the theft. After a long chase a perimeter was set up and all of swings, and Loveland PD, came to assist. The boy was reported by a witness to being seen having a hand gun, which was in the stolen vehicle. As the drag net tightened, the boy gave-up and was taken into custody without further incident. The boy was not in possession of the gun and stated he did not have a gun.

Friday, July 29

Littering: 19000 block of Weld County Road 7, a resident called to report an unknown suspect dumped yard clippings on the corner of her property.

Recovered Stolen Vehicle: 100 block of East Colorado Avenue, a resident called to report that someone had left a White Dodge 5500 Flatbed in her driveway. The vehicle was found to be an unreported theft out of Loveland.

Found Property: 200 block of 2nd Street, a resident located a soft holster for a semi automatic handgun in a pedestrian breezeway. High probability it is connected to yesterday’s incident.

Continued Search for handgun: ATF was called in with their bomb dog to assist in locating the missing handgun. No luck.

Saturday, July 30

Recovered Stolen Vehicle: 400 block of East Colorado Avenue, a resident called to report an abandoned vehicle which turned out to a reported stolen vehicle.

Dog Bite: 800 block of Pyramid Peak Street, a resident was bitten by her 1-year-old American bulldog mix on the left forearm.

Sunday, July 31

Criminal Mischief: 1500 block of Mount Meeker Avenue, a resident called to report that the fence in the vacant lot next to hers was tagged sometime overnight.

Vehicle Crash / Careless Driving Resulting in Injury: CR10E and CR15, a man and woman were traveling south on CR15 when another driver pulled out in front of them from her stop at CR10E. Both cars totaled. The man and woman were transported to the hospital for injuries.






About Post Author

Gary Wamsley

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