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Updated August 8, 2017

Provided by
James Anderson
Patrol Sergeant: Berthoud Squad


Saturday, July 1

Missing Adult: Capital Avenue, the missing man from yesterday returned home and was OK.

DUI: 5th Street and Welch Avenue, a 23-year-old Berthoud man was stopped for weaving and was arrested for suspicion of driving under the influence.

Disturbance: Woodcock Apartments, a disturbance was called in about a man and woman arguing.

Fireworks Complaint: 4th Street and Massachusetts Avenue, fireworks were destroyed.

Fireworks Complaint: Franklin Avenue and 7th Street, fireworks were destroyed

Fireworks Complaint: Lake Avenue and 5th Street, fireworks were destroyed

Sunday, July 2

Welfare Check: a report came in that a teenager was texting disturbing messages that indicated he might be hurting himself. After checking, the teen is with his parents in another state and is OK.

Fireworks Complaint: S 9th Street, fireworks were destroyed

Fireworks Complaint: 7th Street, several loud booms were heard in this area.

Code Enforcement:

Animal Problems – 16
Parking Problems – 10
Other Ordinance Problems – 16

July 3- July 9

Monday, July 3

Citizen Assist: Town Hall, assisted two parents with the exchange of their child from one parent to the other

Assault / Domestic Violence: 1st Street, a woman reported being assaulted, extorted, and harassed by her ex-boyfriend of three weeks,

Driving with Suspended License: 1st Street and E. Indiana Avenue, a 59-year-old Berthoud man was stopped for a traffic violation and found to have a suspended license.

Several fireworks complaints.

Tuesday, July 4

Identity Theft/Aggravated Motor Vehicle Theft/Theft/Assault: Longview Avenue, a resident suspected his roommate of stealing items over the last few weeks. When the roommate was confronted, he punched him in the face and stole his car. The roommate was interviewed and gave consent to search his vehicle, still at the residence. Numerous items belonging to the resident and his family found.

Theft: Bunyan Avenue, a special license plate was reported stolen off a vehicle.

Most of the night was chasing illegal fireworks throughout town

Wednesday, July 5

Burglary/Criminal Mischief/Theft: 2nd Street, a resident came home from vacation and found someone had broken the window on the back door and stolen her son’s magic cards and two video games.

No Contact Order Violation: 1st Street, a woman wanted to report that her ex-boyfriend called and texted her tonight after the court placed a no contact order on him.

Restraining Order Violation: Massachusetts Avenue, as a couple met for a child exchange and the man became verbal and bumped the woman’s shoulder during the exchange.

Thursday, July 6

Tagged Vehicle: Night Sky Drive and Ranchhand Drive, a silver Jetta was parked in the same spot for several days. No owner could be located and the vehicle was tagged for 72-hour removal.

Identity Theft / Theft: 2nd Street, a resident reported that he was the victim of fraud and identity theft. He stated an unknown suspect was able to empty his checking account.

Friday, July 7

Violation of a Restraining Order/Warrant Arrest: Marshal Place, a 27-year-old man was contacted for a warrant and was in the company of a person who he was restrained from.

Lost Property: 8th street and Mountain Avenue, a woman reported that after she was finished eating she went out to her car and could not find her medication. She had a visual contact of her vehicle the entire time she was eating.

Vehicle Theft: Springhill Lane, a resident reported that his flatbed trailer was stolen from his property.

Saturday, July 8

Neighbor Problem: Sioux Drive, a resident was upset that the neighbor’s dogs were barking for 2 hours straight. The resident stated she snapped this morning when the dogs started barking, ran to the backyard, and tried to spray the dogs with water from the hose. The resident stated she never acts like that and wanted to report it because she felt bad she did it.

Suspicious Circumstances / Warrant Arrest: Mountain Avenue, a citizen reported what they thought was two adults in a vehicle “tweeking” with a child and a dog in the car. Everything was checked out but one of the occupants of the vehicle had 4 warrants for their arrest.

Family Problem: 2nd Street, a mother allowed her 32-year-old son stay with her a couple of nights and then his girlfriend came and stayed one night. She asked both to leave which they did but the son keeps returning.

Sunday, July 9

Criminal Mischief: Colorado Avenue, a resident reported an unknown suspect keyed his daughter’s car and destroyed his sunflowers. He also reported his car was keyed sometime within the last month.

Code Enforcement:

Animal Problems – 10
Parking Problems – 9
Other Ordinance Violations – 12

July 10 to July 16

Monday, July 10

Dog Bite: Hollyberry Street, a resident was attempting to break up a dog fight in front of her house, one of the dogs bite her in the hand.

Protection Order Violation:  5th Street, a resident violated a protection order by being with her 8-year-old daughter.

Disturbance:  Franklin Avenue, a 69-year-old man was very upset and threatening and very aggressive.

Tuesday, July 11

Vehicle Crash:  4th Street, a parked vehicle was backed into by another vehicle that was attempting to park.

Assist to Longmont Police:  Welch Avenue, LCSO was asked to attempt to contact a resident about their vehicle which was abandoned in Longmont.

Found Property:  Berthoud Library, 2 ID’s were dropped inside the library and were turned over to the sheriff’s office which returned them to the owner.

Suspicious Circumstances:  I-25 and Hwy 56, there was a tractor seen with its lights on at this construction site.  Construction worker forgot to turn the lights off at the end of the day.

Suspicious Circumstances:  6th Street Court and Bunyan Avenue, a resident had posted a house for rent on Craigslist and today he received a call from someone who found an identical ad but with different details.

Disturbance:  6th Street, a resident asked a roommate’s friend to leave.  An argument ensued and got very heated.

Wednesday, July 12

Vehicle Trespass:  Meadowlark Drive, a resident reported someone broke a window out in her vehicle and stole her purse.

Vehicle Trespass:  Memory Lane, a resident reported someone broke into his construction trailer and stole some tools. 

Family Disturbance:  4th Street and Mountain Avenue, a family that was camping at Carter Lake was heading home when an argument started and got very heated.  They pulled over in Berthoud and called 911.  After talking with everyone and calming the situation the family agreed to drive home to Wyoming and keep it peaceful.

Drove While License Denied:  4th Street and Bunyan Avenue, a woman from Loveland was stopped for a traffic violation and found to have a denied license.

Drove While License Denied:  Mountain Avenue and Meadowlark Drive, a man from Broomfield was stopped for a traffic violation and found to have a denied license.

Theft:  Bunyan Avenue, a concrete saw was stolen from a locked toolbox in the back of a truck

Thursday, July 13

Juvenile Problem:  Breckenridge Drive, 2 to 3 kids were seen running around in the area knocking over trash cans.

Friday, July 14

Vehicle Crash:  Meadowlark Drive, the drivers stated they were parked in front of the convenience store and backed out at the same time, not seeing the other, hitting each other.

Criminal Mischief:  Gateway Blvd, unknown suspect spray painted the door to the Gateway pond utility building with illegible writing.

Saturday, July 15

Dog Bite:  Mountain Avenue, while at the farmer’s market a resident was bit by another resident’s dog.

Suspicious Circumstances:  Berthoud Parkway and Spartan, a vehicle was discovered at this location with heavy damage to the front and appears to have been stripped.

Sunday, July 16

Vehicle Crash:  Hwy 56 and E Frontage Road, a Longmont man disregarded a stop sign while travelling south on the frontage road and struck another vehicle driven by a Loveland man.

Theft:  Berthoud Pool, unknown suspect stole a scooter while the owner was at the pool.  The scooter was later located and returned to the owner.

Code Enforcement:

Animal Problems – 13
Parking Problems – 7
Other Ordinance Problems – 15

July 17 to July 23

Monday, July 17

Suspicious Circumstances: N CR 19, Fire Department respond to a fire alarm. No fire but they found a door open.

Harassment: E. Indiana, a resident text messaged a friend for his birthday and is now receiving harassing texts from the friend’s girlfriend.

Drug Issue: S. 9th Street, a mother called in and reported she had found used needles and empty plastic baggies in her 32-year-old daughters room.

Neighbor Problem: Colorado Avenue, a resident reported a man across the street was outside screaming obscenities and playing very loud music.

Found Property: Mountain Avenue, a heavily damaged iPhone was found by code enforcement and brought into the town hall. Phone was returned to owner.

Animal Issue: 8th Street, two family dogs dragged a dead raccoon into the backyard. The raccoon was taken in for testing of rabies.

Bear Sighting: CR 17 and Spartan Avenue, two bears, a mama and her cub, were walking in the field to the west of CR 17 near Spartan Avenue.

Tuesday, July 18

Suspicious Circumstances: Skimmer Street, a group of boys reported that a male across from the park took a photo of them and told them that he was their friend. The boys told him to delete the photo and he refused. Kids found a deputy patrolling area and reported this to him. The deputy contacted the male who was very cooperative. ​ He showed the deputy his phone and pictures. He took a photo of the boys because they were digging a large hole in the park and he thought it was damaging the property.

Assault or Intoxication: Welch Avenue, a 59-year-old Berthoud man was found face down in the Community Center’s parking lot, next to his truck in a pool of blood and unconscious. He either got into a physical altercation with an unknown subject(s), or fell directly on his face multiple times.

Neighbor Problem: 2nd Street, a resident reported that his neighbor placed an archery target clearly on his property.

Wednesday, July 19

Bear Sighting: CR 8 and Hwy 287, a mama bear and her cub were seen crossing the road at this location heading south. Division of Wildlife notified.

Theft: Meadowlark Drive, an employee reported that a 24-year-old Estes Park man had stolen a bottle of whiskey.

Intoxicated Person: BNSF Rail Road Tracks, a 41-year-old intoxicated woman was contacted on the rail road tracks. A sober driver gave her a ride home.

Thursday, July 20

Warrant Arrest / Driving with a Canceled License: Hwy 287 and CR 8, a 61-year-old Loveland man was stopped for very expired plates. His license was also canceled and he had a warrant out of Fort Collins.

Lost/Found Property: Greenwood Drive, a resident reported her black leather wallet lost. Her ID, debit card, school ID, fishing license and some cash were inside. It was later found by a friend and everything was still there.

Family Problems: 2nd Street, a Berthoud resident punched a fish tank and cut his hand because he had a fight with his girlfriend.

Criminal Tampering / Harassment: 4th Street., a resident reported that three juveniles rang his doorbell and ran after throwing eggs at his residence. The resident gave chase, but the juveniles managed to get away; however, they returned shortly thereafter. The resident contacted and initially detained them until they fled the area again. All three juveniles were located and identified in which all three of them finally admitted to their actions. When angry parents became involved, the resident chose to avoid pursuing charges and to simply let the parents handle the situation. The juveniles were counseled and released to their parents.

DUI: Mountain Avenue and 1st Street, a 23-year-old Mead woman was stopped for a traffic violation and found to be driving under the influence.

Friday, July 21

Warrant Arrest: 2nd Street and Versaw Court, a 24-year-old Berthoud man was contacted as a passenger in a vehicle and taken into custody on a 5-year-old warrant.

Medical Assist: 8th Street, responded to a call reference a 50-year-old man who is throwing up. It appears he had a strange reaction as he only drank two beers.

Saturday, July 22

Traffic Complaint: 3rd Street and Mountain Avenue, received a complaint of 60 motorcycles stopping traffic at 3rd and Mountain and driving in both lanes. Contact was made with the bikers who stated it was a fund raiser run for an injured woman. It was just the large group making the turn and it stopped a couple cars. 

Bear Sighting: N CR17, a resident discovered a bear in a tree in his backyard. Division of Wildlife called but did not respond unless the bear gets aggressive which she was not. Her welfare was not a concern as she did have the bear necessities to survive.

Sunday, July 23

Burglary: 2nd Street, a resident reported that her storage unit had been broken into.

Found Property: South end of Meadowlark Drive, a Schwinn bicycle was located at the dead-end section south of Grace Church. This bicycle was missing the front tire and seat. The bicycle has a small wire rack over the rear tire that would be used to hold books or a small bag.

Code Enforcement:

Animal Problems – 10
Parking Problems – 7
Other Ordinance Problems – 17

National Night Out: August 1, 5:00 pm to 8:30 pm at Pioneer Park

July 24 – July 30

Monday, July 24

Vehicle Crash: Spartan Avenue, a construction van ran into the rear of a juvenile student’s vehicle as they were stopped to turn into Berthoud High School.

Criminal Trespass/Theft: Wagon Bend Road, a resident reported an unknown suspect entered her unlocked vehicle. Suspect stole a Samsung tablet and phone charger.

Assist to Ambulance: Ranchhand Drive, a 26-year-old woman was reported as taking too many pills in a possible suicide attempt. When deputies arrived, there were 5 very intoxicated males who that said they did not live at the residence and kept saying deputies could not go inside. The woman came outside and admitted to taking a sleeping pill but not suicidal, spoke with ambulance crew and agreed to go to the hospital to get checked out.

Tuesday, July 25

Vehicle Crash: 4th Street and Mountain Avenue, a driver backed into another vehicle causing very slight damage to both vehicles.

Wednesday, July 26

Vehicle Crash: Hwy 287 and CR 17, a driver in the turn lane decided she did not want to turn so she drove out of the turn lane into the through traffic lane causing a chain reaction for cars to avoid crashing. A pick-up truck at the end drove off the roadway and crashed into a light pole.

Family Problems: 2nd Street, a mother called to report her 31-year-old son was drinking and would not leave her residence.

Thursday, July 27

Solicitors: 7th Street and Franklin Avenue, solicitors selling cleaning products were contacted soliciting their cleaning product without a permit. Told to get a permit or leave the Town before sundown. 

Theft: 2nd Street, a resident reported that a dealer plate was either stolen at an auction or lost in transit.

Assault/Domestic Violence: Franklin Ave: a woman reported that her boyfriend kicked in the door, punched her, choked her, knocked her unconscious 3 times, destroyed her cell phone. The boyfriend stated the girlfriend put a knife to her wrist that is why he kicked the door down, she bit his two fingers as he was going to call 911 because of her suicide threats.

Friday, July 28

DUI / Leaving the Scene / Vehicle Crash / Careless Driving / Domestic Violence / Criminal Mischief / Child Abuse / Attempted Assault / Warrant Arrest: Welch Avenue, a woman reported that her boyfriend damaged multiple items inside of their home and punched holes in the walls. The boyfriend also threw a chair at her and nearly struck her while she was holding onto her small child.  The boyfriend left the scene in a vehicle while he was impaired and wrecked the vehicle returned home with the vehicle, then fled on foot. He was contacted down the street and arrested.

Loud Music: Canyonlands and Kansas Avenue, construction crew was doing more than whistle while you work as they were playing their music very loud.

Criminal Mischief: 13th Street and Gateway Park, a couple of kids damaged property and small trees.

Saturday, July 29

Suspicious Circumstances: E Iowa, someone stuck 500 plastic forks in the front yard of a residence. New way to aerate your lawn.

Vehicle Trespass:  6th Street, someone entered a vehicle and stole some change.

Trespass: CR14 and CR17, two men jumped the fence and climbed the ladder onto the water tower. The parties attempted to flee on foot, but were captured. 

Neighbor Problem: a resident went over and talked with his neighbor about his dog barking. The neighbor began yelling and cussing at the resident. Both were talked to and agreed to keep the peace.

Sunday, July 30

Underage Party: Curlew Drive, multiple underage people were contacted at this address. The party was dispersed and the alcohol was poured out. The parents of the juvenile parties were contacted. A 24-year-old man was contacted walking away from this party at this residence. Arrested for a warrant out of Thornton.

Code Enforcement:

Animal Problems – 7
Parking Problems – 8
Other Ordinance Problems – 18

July 31 

Monday, July 31


Missing Child: Mount Massive, a 13-year-old girl snuck out of the house and dad is out looking for her. An hour later the girl returned home. Deputy left quickly before dad got home.

Vehicle Crash with Injuries: Hwy 56 and N.E. Frontage Road, a Firestone woman failed to yield to another vehicle at this intersection and struck the other vehicle. The collision damaged both vehicles and she was transported to the hospital for her injuries.


About Post Author

Gary Wamsley

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