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July 1-5

Wednesday, July 1

Vehicle Crash / Minor Injury: WCR46 and Frontage Road, a driver was westbound on Weld CR46 approaching the stop sign at the intersection of the Frontage Road. As he approached the intersection, he stated he applied the brakes, but the vehicle did not stop in time. He slid into the intersection and t-boned a garbage truck. Summons issued.

Vehicle Crash / Minor Injury: 1st Street by Pioneer Sand and Gravel, a pro-golfer from Texas missed his turn to get to the TPC tournament so he decided to make a U-turn in the middle of the road hitting an on coming vehicle. Summons Issued.

Assist to medical: Waterman Street, Ambulance responded to an unconscious woman. The male on scene was intoxicated and difficult with emergency personal. FIRE/EMS uncomfortable with this man being in the room and he continued getting into fire personal space and he was uncooperative. The children in the home said the woman may have been unconscious for 20-30 minutes. Children reported the man was doing CPR incorrectly and possibly unneeded. The woman was revived by medical and she refused transport.

Family Problems: Hwy 56, a 19-year-old woman got into a fight w/ dad today, and she’s been very upset and mad. she’s packing up her stuff in the morning and is leaving because life is pointless. The woman was extremely upset and wanted deputies off the property, she advised she was fine and that she did not need or want any help and she appeared to be in good health

Thursday, July 2

Driving Under Revocation: Country Road Trail, a woman was observed operating a motor vehicle. A records check indicated that she had a revoked driver’s license with 4 actives restraints. Summons and released.

Burglary / Theft: 1st Street, a storage unit was broken into and several expensive items were stolen.

Criminal Mischief: Wild Honey Drive, several houses under construction were spray painted with “Black Live Matters” and several vulgarities we will not print here.

Curfew: Lake Avenue, three juveniles approached the deputy and advised that they wanted him to know that they were headed home from 7-11 but didn’t want him to see them and think they were up to no good. The deputy advised them to get home (less than a block away) and given a verbal warning for the curfew violation

Friday, July 3

DUI of Drugs / Possession of a Controlled Substance /Possession of Paraphernalia / Fictitious Plates: 3800 Hwy 56, a 25-year-old Colorado Springs man was contacted driving reported drunk driver vehicle. The man admitted to driving to the Loves and changing seats with his passenger. Both admitted to drug use. Driver was booked and the passenger was released on a summons. 

Vehicle Crash – Non-Injury: Berthoud Parkwayand/ CR10E, a crash occurred that was related to heavy Berthoud Firework traffic.

DUI / Traffic: Berthoud Parkway and Hwy 287, a 30-year-old Boulder woman was stopped for a traffic violation and arrested for suspicion of DUI.

Deployed bike patrol units for Berthoud Fireworks Show.

Saturday, July 4

Assault on a Law Enforcement Officer / Obstruction / Resisting Arrest:  CR 29, a 45-year-old Loveland man was contacted during a disturbance which resulted in no charges; however, he was placed in protective custody for a detox hold. While enroute to the hospital, he became unresponsive and was removed from the patrol vehicle while medical responded. While securing man to the gurney, he physically resisted and spat in the face of one of the Deputies on scene.

DUI / Speeding: Hwy 287 / CR 4E, a 24-year-old Longmont man was contacted for speeding 90-mph in a 65-mph zone. Booked.

Sunday, July 5

Suicide Attempt: Urban Place, a 27-year-old Aurora man was stabbing himself with a kitchen knife in the presence of family members. Upon a Berthoud Deputy entering the residence to render aid, the man raised the knife and stabbed himself in the stomach in front of the Deputy. A taser was successfully deployed to disarm the man and safely render medical aid. This man was transported to the hospital and placed on a mental health hold.

Mental Health: 1st Street, a 37-year-old Berthoud woman was the subject of multiples calls for welfare checks and disturbances over a period of two days. She was uncooperative and barricaded in her vehicle before being deescalated and talked out of her vehicle and transported to the hospital and placed on a Mental Health Hold.

Multiple fireworks calls throughout the weekend.

July 6 – 12

Monday, July 6

Criminal Mischief / Trespass: Marmalade Drive, damage to multiple homes under construction. Damage was insulation pulled down, a kitchen island knocked over, railings were torn down, and the suspect attempted to knock down walls on a home. All occurred over the weekend, unknown suspects. There also was a truck with all its windows broken out. It is believed to be Juveniles due to some obscene graffiti on scene.

Assist to Berthoud Fire: Sedona Hills, assisted Berthoud Fire with traffic control with a grassfire that was started by lightning moving quickly towards a structure

Tuesday, July 7

Identity Theft: Murrlet Street, a resident reported that he went to open a new bank account and they ran his credit and found he owed $250.00 to Verizon Wireless. He stated he has never had a Verizon account and spoke with the Verizon staff who told him the account was listed under his old address from 15 years ago.

Wednesday, July 8

Theft: 2nd Street, a resident reported her husband’s Trump flag and flagpole were stolen from this home over the weekend.

Assist Other Agency / Suspicious Circumstances / Possible Assault / DUI: S. 3rd St., ambulance requested assistance when a male patient alluded to being assaulted by his girlfriend, He had a significant laceration to his eye, but was uncooperative with providing any information about what happened. The girlfriend drove away before our arrival and was heavily intoxicated according to him. Information sent to surrounding agencies to be on the lookout for her.

Thursday, July 9

Dog Bite: Hummingbird Place, a resident was walking her dog when her dog was bitten by a dog from this address. Her dog was transported to CSU Vet.

Family Disturbance: S. 2nd Street, Neighbors reported they can hear a lot of banging and yelling at this address. Grandfather and Grandmother got into an argument with their 28-year-old grandson over his drug use.

Friday, July 10

Vehicle Crash / Hit and Run: N Berthoud Parkway and Woodcock Street, a driver reported they were side swiped by a semi, but the semi kept going.

Saturday, July 11

DUI / Traffic: Hwy 287 and Eagle Crest Dr, a 54-year-old Broomfield man was stopped for a traffic violation and arrested for suspicion of DUI.

Suspicious Circumstances: Wagon Bend Road, a resident was walking on the trail and saw a man, with a little boy, She asked the boy if the man was his dad, the boy said “now he is.” the man then said are “you ready to run?’ and then they ran away. Deputies contacted the resident where it was clear that she was very inebriated. The child abduction appears it was the result of a parent and child trying to get away from an intoxicated woman.

Animal Problem: CR4E, a bear ran after the caller’s sister. She was. trying to get to her car and the bear charged her but she made it safely back to the car. There was trash strewn about, but no bear was located, likely same animal that has been causing issues in the area recently

Sunday, July 12

Felony Menacing / Violation of a Restraining Order: 3rd St, 2 men came to a woman’s residence attempting to “repossess” a vehicle. The woman jumped in the back seat to stop them from taking the vehicle, one of the men pulled out a handgun. Several witnesses from the church across the street saw the man with the firearm. The man was contacted by deputies along with Longmont PD at his address in Longmont and taken into custody.

Possible Shooting / Large Party: Horseshoe Circle, several calls were received about a large party going on and what was thought to be gunshots heard. They said they heard people yelling and getting in their cars and leaving. It was reported someone possibly got shot in the leg during a fight. Several hospitals were alerted to advise LCSO if a gunshot victim comes in.

Criminal Mischief: Farmstead Development, 2 kids were identified as the ones that did over $5000 worth of damage to houses under construction and a vehicle on Monday.

July 13 – 19

Monday, July13

Animal Problem: Pyramid Peak Street, two loose dogs attacked two other dogs that were out for a walk with their mom. Neighbors ran out and helped stop the attack. No injuries to people but one of the dogs sustained a puncture wound.

Vehicle Crash: 3800 Hwy 56, a semi backing into a parking space ran into another semi that was already parked.

Tuesday, July 14

Recovered Stolen Property: Adams County, a trailer that was reported stolen out of Berthoud was recovered by Adams County Sheriffs.

Fraud / Identity Theft Attempt: CR14, a resident was called by a scammer who stated the cops in Texas found money, dope, and her social security card “in the car”. She realized the scam when they asked for her to send them money.

Wednesday, July 15

Vehicular Eluding / DUI / Traffic Violations: 600 Blk S Hwy 287a silver Mercedes was observed traveling in excess of 90 miles per hour northbound in the southbound lanes of travel nearly striking a deputy who was taking evidence photos for a separate case. Vehicle continued at a high rate of speed before crashing through dirt median near CR 8 back into the appropriate lanes of travel. Pursuit initiated where the vehicle exhibited driving behavior consistent with DUI. Vehicle slowed down to approximately 45 miles per hour during which a successful maneuver was implemented and the driver was taken into custody. No injuries to anyone involved.

Fraud/Identity Theft: Mt Massive Street, a resident reported getting notified by Lowes of a purchase for a kitchen sink. The resident found that a suspect was using his name and Lowes information but listed an address in Aurora. No money lost so far.

Suspicious/Bee Theft: S. 9th Street, a resident reported that a female and three other suspects entered his back yard through the gate and took a beehive that was in the tree. Suspect is believed to be a neighbor.

Thursday, July 16

Vehicle Crash: North of Berthoud a yellow Jeep that was involved inf damaging a business in Loveland was located in the ditch by the railroad tracks. Dive Team assisted with the recovery of the vehicle due to the vehicle being partially submerged.

Revoked License / Uninsured Vehicle: S Hwy 287, a driver was stopped for a traffic violation. The driver was found to have a revoked driver’s license and did not have any insurance on the vehicle. Booked.

Friday, July 17

Assist to Colorado State Patrol: Assisted CSP with an auto vs cyclist crash. Cyclist transported to the hospital.

Suspicious Circumstances: Big Thunder Road and Ranchhand Drive, a resident checked his mail and found the mailbox door left open and all the mail missing. The US Postal Service requested he contact law enforcement to file a report. Postal Inspector will follow-up.

 Saturday, July 18

Forged Temporary Tag: 2nd St. / Indiana Ave., a blue BMW was called in as abandoned. The temporary plate had a string of attempt to locate entries fake temp tag on multiple other different vehicles. This one was also found to be fake. Owner was identified who stated he bought the vehicle out of Denver.

Returned Runaway: S. Taft Avenue, a 16-year-old was contacted as a passenger in a vehicle several hours after he fled on foot from the vehicle he stole from his parents. He was transported to the Juvenile Center and picked up by parents, only to run away as they were leaving the parking lot. Second runaway incident was handled by Ft Collins PD. 

Sunday, July 19

Harassment: CR10E, a 25-year-old man threw a tree stump at a 74-year-old man during an argument.

July 20 – 26

MONDAY, July 20

Warrant / Suspicious: 7th Street, a 36-year-old man was called in as suspicious at the Berthoud Pool for playing with kids and complementing the underaged lifeguards. Nothing criminal substantiated but was booked on his 2 warrants.

Domestic Violence / Menacing / Criminal Mischief: Redwood Circle, a resident punched a refrigerator and threw a motorcycle wheel and tire at his wife. Booked

Tuesday, July 21

Violation of a Protection Order: Redwood Circle, the husband from yesterday’s case immediately violated protection order after being released from jail. Booked. 

DUI / Weaving / Minor in Possession: North of Berthoud, a 19-year-old Thornton man was contacted for weaving and arrested for suspicion of driving under the influence. Booked

Wednesday, July 22

Vehicle. Eluding / DUI of Drugs-Felony / Revoked License /Attempted Vehicular Assault / Violation of Bond Conditions / Warrant: South of Berthoud on Hwy 287, a silver Dodge Journey was called in as a DUI northbound on 287 from Boulder County. They reported that the vehicle was all over the road. The vehicle was located northbound on 287 at by Berthoud and a traffic stop was initiated but the driver eluded eastbound to I-25, then southbound on I-25. Vehicle continued to be all over the road. Deputy performed a maneuver to stop the chase at the top of the exit ramp. The female driver rammed head on into a patrol vehicle, then backed up striking another patrol vehicle. The vehicle was then pinned against the guardrail by other deputies. The woman was taken into custody and was booked. The woman is on bond for her last felony DUI from July 13th

Thursday, July 23

Vehicular Eluding / Speeding / DUI Drugs / Felony Warrant: 14th Street SW and Garfield, a deputy attempted to stop a silver ford F150 for speeding 84 in a 40. Vehicle fled southbound on 287 reaching speeds of 103 mph. Pursuit terminated just south of the Boulder County line. Warrant will be sought.

Friday, July 24

Stolen License Plate: Woodcock Street. A resident reported both her license plates as stolen.

Missing Adult: E. Iowa Avenue, a mother flagged a deputy down to report her 42-year-old daughter, as missing and is worried because of her mental health issues.

Solicitor / Disorderly Conduct: Monroe Avenue 24-year-old Michigan man was contacted several times for soliciting in Berthoud and was described as having a temper with several citizens. This man had kicked in a fence and cussed out the resident at this address. He was contacted and issued a summons for his actions.

Vehicle Crash / DUI / Careless Driving: 2nd Street and Welch Avenue, a driver was traveling north and collided with a parked truck. The driver was contacted and found to be under the influence of alcohol and was booked.

Saturday, July 25

Vehicle Crash / Non-Injury: Mile Marker 327 on Hwy 287, a driver made an illegal turn in a marked “Emergency Vehicle Only” turn around and struck a second vehicle. Summons issued. 

DUI / Traffic: 900 Blk Mountain Avenue, a 35-year-old Loveland woman was called in as a possible drunk driver. She was contacted and taken into custody for suspicion of driving under the influence. Booked.

Sunday, July 26

Back the Blue Rally: Fickel Park and Turner Middle School, several people gathered to support law enforcement at Fickel Park for a “Back the Blue” rally. Several BLM and counter-protesters met at Turner Middle School and marched to Fickel Park. There was a lot of verbiage back and forth and our deputies on bikes and horseback made sure they stayed safe also.

Assist to Longmont Police / DUI / Vehicle Crash with Injury: Hwy 66 Longmont, a vehicle crash occurred in front of a Berthoud deputy while investigating another case. The driver was DUI and attempted to leave the scene. Longmont PD responded and took over the incident.

July 27 – 31

Monday, July 27

Harassment / Criminal Tampering: Tipton Street, a resident reported a Comcast technician touched her pill bottles and went through her underwear drawer. The tech also sent sexual text messages to her. Investigation ongoing. 

Criminal Mischief: Berthoud Parkway and CR14, – The traffic trailer was found to be spray painted on the digital display. Unknown suspects and the traffic trailer is still functioning. 

Warrant Arrest: 5000 Block of Hwy 287, a male was contacted on a welfare check. After running the man’s name through Dispatch, it was learned that he had a warrant out for his arrest. Booked.

Vehicle Pursuit / Medical Assist: Hwy 60 to Hwy 56, a 56-year-old Ft. Collins man was called in as a possible drunk driver and failed to yield all the way to Hwy 56 and CR 3, where he pulled over when he saw a deputy deploying spikes. It turned out the driver was having a severe diabetic issue and was treated by paramedics on scene and released to his parents. 

Tuesday, July 28

Driving Under the Influence of Drugs: 3800 E. Hwy. 56, a driver was called in by an off-duty officer as a drunk driver report. The driver was contacted in the parking lot of Love’s and taken into custody. Booked.

Harassment: 8th Street, a woman being harassed and stalked by ex-boyfriend. He also has been sending personal photos of her to others

Wednesday, July 29

Animal Problem / Trespass: Heron Lakes Parkway, a woman has dogs off leash and told the reporting person one of her dogs is dangerous. The reporting person said she is parked on the street and he thinks she takes her dogs there to swim. The woman told him there are not any no trespassing signs up so she can be there and refuses to leave. Deputy spoke to the woman and advised her what she was doing was not legal. she left the area

Thursday, July 30

Warrant Arrest: 8th Street, deputies went to this address to follow up on a case. Three individuals were in the area. Among these individuals was 45-year-old Ft. Collins man. Records showed that he had a warrant. Booked.

Friday, July 31

Theft: Mountain Ave, a citizen reported that someone stole approximately 8 suboxone strips from her purse at work. Unknown suspect at this time. Further follow up planned with assistance of day shift reviewing video footage.

Suspicious Circumstances: Mountain Avenue, a citizen wants to show the deputy a weird looking bag near the dumpster behind this location. it has flies all over it and it smells. Multiple bags of maggot infested garbage wrapped up in a tarp and tied suspiciously. Nothing inside but garbage. Placed into dumpsters for removal.

Saturday, August 1

Rally / Counter-Protest: Several people planned a Black Lives Matter rally at Fickel Park. Several counter-protesters gathered across the street. For the most part it was peaceful except for the volley of insults going back and forth. A teenager on the BLM side with a bullhorn made sure people were following the rules and cleaning up after themselves. Great Job!

Vehicle Crash / Private Property: Mountain Avenue, a driver backed into another vehicle at A&W. Issued citation. 

Motor Vehicle Theft: Country Road, a green Kawasaki Ninja stolen from this address sometime after 07-20-20.

Sunday, August 2

Driving While Ability Impaired: W CR 8 and N Hwy 287, a 22-year-old Longmont man was contacted as the driver during a traffic stop after failing to yield to a stationary emergency vehicle. Booked.

Suspicious Circumstances: 3800 E Hwy 56, a young woman was walking around the area that the caller suspects is prostituting herself or is being sex trafficked as she is walking around to different truckers in a suspicious manner.


About Post Author

Gary Wamsley

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