Saturday, June 1 Happy Berthoud Day
Vehicle Crash with Property Damage: 2400 block of Hwy 56, Berthoud. A two-car motor vehicle accident was reported three hours after it happened. Contacted both driver’s by phone to take the report. Driver’s exchanged info but wanted the crash reported.
Vehicle Crash / Abandoned Vehicle: 1st Street and Hwy 287 Bypass, a deputy found a grey Honda CBR motorcycle parked near this location, the bike had small amount of blood on it and side damage. It appears the rider crashed his bike, set his bike up and left. No driver could be found.
Harassment/Possible Swatting Prank: Long View Drive, it was reported that a juvenile boy was receiving text messages and snapchats of a vehicle with other juveniles that were holding some guns. This juvenile was not very cooperative with the investigation who told deputies he can handle things himself. The suspects were identified as local juveniles. Social media is evil.
Vehicle Crash with Property Damage: CR 8 / Berthoud Pkwy. A driver rear ended another vehicle at this intersection. No injuries. The driver was issued a summons for careless driving.
Vehicle Crash / Hit and Run: CR 8 and Berthoud pkwy. A driver reported that a green sedan, unknown make or model ran the red light and he crashed into the driver’s side door of that vehicle. The vehicle then fled the scene before Deputies arrived.
Stolen License Plate Recovery: Love’s Travel Center 3800 E Hwy 56, Colorado License Plate was discovered on the back of a minivan parked in the parking lot. The plate was stolen from the Hwy 56 park and ride in April. A 55-year-old man was contacted inside the vehicle and was able to show a bill of sale, where he purchased the vehicle in May. Plates taken for return to owner.
Sunday, June 2
Citizen Assist / Trespass Notice: TPC Pkwy, a 58-year-old man was trespassed from TPC Colorado; following his negative encounter with the owner of the property; which included the man’s dog aggressively lunging at a staff member.
Motor Vehicle Theft: Michigan Ave., a resident called to report her Honda Accord license Colorado Plate as stolen.
Monday, June 3
Harassment: Mountain Av, an insurance company called to report that a man was calling them saying he wants information on his ex-stepdaughter.
Vehicle Crash-Hit and Run: Grand Market Ave., an employee’s company vehicle was struck by a piece of construction equipment or a tractor. Sounds more like deconstructing equipment.
Vehicle Crash / Fatal: 1001 N Hwy 287, a 23-year-old Ft. Collins man, was walking in the roadway on Hwy 287, looking for an item that had flown out of his vehicle as he was driving. Another vehicle was travelling southbound on Hwy 287 and struck the man.
DUI: 1st St and CR 10E, a 28-year-old Loveland man was contacted for going 85- mph in a 45-mph zone and swerving off the road.
Tuesday, June 4
Vehicle Crash-Non-Injury: 4th St., a driver was making a U-turn in front of another vehicle. Driver issued a summons for unsafe U-turn.
Vehicle Crash / Private Property / Suspicious: 1st St., a maroon 2001-2007 Dodge Caravan with a spare tire/black rim backed into a BMW in the parked lot. The Dodge fled the scene. Looking at video footage, it looks like the Dodge is possibly selling narcotics as multiple people were seen coming and going with hand exchanges. I’m sure they were just trading Pokeman cards.
Assist to Loveland PD: Eagle Dr., Loveland PD requested emergency help. LCSO deputy assisted Loveland PD with an uncooperative suspect.
Warrant Arrest: Bruce Dr. a 58-year-old Berthoud man was contacted after he walked out of a house. Unknown to him there were multiple Deputies on scene for an unrelated traffic stop. The man was taken into custody without incident.
Wednesday, June 5
Traffic Related Incident: Holmes Pl, a man was working on his girlfriend’s car since it would not start. They both thought the battery was dead. Car was supposedly in park with the ignition switch shut off. He started to clean a battery terminal when it sparked, the engine started, and the vehicle started going in reverse. It struck a mailbox and parked car. Independent witness confirmed that they saw the man “under the hood” and then chasing the vehicle.
Vehicle Crash / Prop Damage: 7th St / Lake Ave, a driver was driving eastbound on 7th Street when he struck a southbound vehicle. Evidence pointed to the man being in the uncontrolled (no stop signs or lights like all the intersections in that part of town) intersection first. Summons issued. Uncontrolled intersections (no stop signs) must be treated like a 4 way stop!
License Cancelled / Warrant: Bunyan Ave, a man was stopped for running a stop sign. He has a non- extraditable warrant out of Westminster PD. License was cancelled / denied. Cited and proof of service issued.
Vehicle Crash / Prop Damage: 9th St / Lake Ave, a woman failed to yield the right of way coming out of a parking lot and she struck the side of a passing vehicle. Summons issued.
Vehicle Crash / Minor Injury: W CR14, 3 juveniles in a pickup truck were eastbound on CR14 when a slowing dump truck began to make a wide turn at the Lonetree Reservoir Ditch Road. Juvenile male driver admitted to not paying attention and put the car in the irrigation ditch that had running water. One juvenile female transported. The damage to this pickup was horrendous and these kids were very lucky this time.
Thursday, June 6
Recovered Stolen Vehicle: Hubbell Street, stolen vehicle out of Denver Police recovered, DPD contacted owner and advised the vehicle had been located. Plate attached to the vehicle was fake and made of cardboard, logged.
Recovered Stolen Vehicle: W 88th Avenue/ Pecos Street, Thornton – Thornton police recovered the stolen vehicle in a Berthoud case and have arrested 2 suspects found with the vehicle.
Friday, June 7
Juvenile Problem: Petrel Dr., three juveniles (2 males, 1 female) were seen at the park, one of the males had a pocketknife and was stabbing the playground equipment. Deputies arrived and contacted the juveniles as they were leaving the park. One of the males admitted that he was messing around with the equipment with a knife. Another Deputy checked the equipment and did not find any damage. The juveniles were spoken to and released to parents.
Vehicle Crash-Property Damage: 3800 E. Hwy 56. A semi-truck driver was backing into a parking spot and his trailer struck another truck. Very minor damage.
Saturday, June 8
Theft / Trespass / Marijuana Violation: Franklin Ave, a resident reported that someone climbed his locked fence and stole marijuana plants that were left in the open in his backyard overnight. Plants were not in a secure enclosure as required by law. But officer, the man stole my weed.
Sunday, June 9
Vehicle Crash / Hit and Run: Mountain Ave, a witness observed a newer charcoal gray Toyota Rav4 jump the curb, hit a mailbox and a fire hydrant. They stopped and looked at the hydrant before driving off. They should have damage to a wheel and sideview mirror based from what was left behind.
Monday, June 10
Neighbor Problems: 6th Street Court, a woman was called in after she was seen taking photos of a 2-year-old that was naked in a small swimming pool in the shared apartment yard area. The woman advised that she was taking photos to show her landlord. She deleted the photos on scene when told she was in possession of child porn. Alcohol played a part in this.
Vehicle Crash-W/Injury: Hwy 287 / CR10E, a 53-year-old Longmont man was traveling northbound on Highway 287 at a speed calculated to be approximately 95 mph when he lost control and crashed, getting ejected during the rollover. The man was intoxicated and was transported to the hospital in critical condition. No other vehicles involved.
Tuesday, June 11
Motor Vehicle Theft / Possession of Drugs / Drug Paraphernalia / Warrant Arrest / Introduction of Contraband/Parole Violation: Meadowlark Drive, an off-duty Longmont PD officer observed a stolen vehicle from their jurisdiction at the gas station that was occupied. Two deputies responded and conducted a vehicle pinch out of public safety concerns to prevent a pursuit during daytime hours. Three men were all detained. The driver was booked for the vehicle theft, possession of heroin, paraphernalia and the parole violation after parole was contacted. He was found to have drugs on his person when he was booked in. One of the other men was booked on his two warrants, and the 3rd man was booked on a warrant and possession of Heroin and liquid meth. The vehicle was towed as the ignition was punched and used a screwdriver to start it. The vehicle was reported stolen by one of the driver’s drug customers for a deal gone bad.
Family Problems / Detox Hold: Auklet Dr, a resident called about her daughter abusing her. The daughter, who is her mom’s primary caretaker, was transported to the hospital for a detox hold. DHS is involved to get more support for the resident. Alcohol played a part in this too.
Wednesday, June 12
Missing Person/Welfare Check: 8th Street, a man left a note at his ex-wife’s house saying he was going to Utah. He has changed his phone number three times this week. Deputy is currently working a follow up to this case as his mother called in and said he didn’t make it to Utah. Donnie and Marie, you’ll just have to wait.
Follow Up/Counterfeit Cash: Meadowlark Drive, after an interview with one of the in-custodies from the stolen vehicle case yesterday it was learned that one of the other parties arrested passed a counterfeit $50 bill at this business. This bill is linked to a rash of counterfeit cash that Longmont PD is working. They were notified and charges are pending video footage to identify which one of the three passed the bill. Who says you need college? Just print your own money. Just kidding please don’t print your own money.
Thursday, June 13
Suspicious Circumstances: 1300 block of 4th Street, several calls came in reporting a loud gunshot. Upon asking the residents what they heard and where they also reported they lost electricity. A transformer (no not the Optimus Prime type) had tripped, making a very loud boom. Xcel Energy was notified.
Suspicious Circumstances: 900 block of 7th Street, it was reported that a man came down the alley last night and shined a light through the window of a vehicle. The man has been doing this for last 3 nights. Later the same man was seen in another neighbor’s back yard. he told them he was looking for a cat. He is described as a white male, about 5’10” 180#, bald head, tattoo on his right forearm that says “Joker.” left arm has gang related tattoos.
Friday, June 14
Fictitious Plates: CR10 and CR19, an abandoned GMC Yukon has been sitting here for several days. The License plate on the Yukon belongs on a Volkswagen Jetta. The Plate was removed and logged for destruction. Vehicle tagged for 72 hours.
Harassment: Franklin Ave. staff reported that they believe there may have been a brief altercation between two of the residents here.
Saturday, June 15
Assist Longmont PD: Berthoud Pkwy / Grand Market Blvd, we received a report from Longmont PD in reference to a vehicle that eluded them. It stated that they had traffic and eluding charges. Deputies observed the vehicle at Hwy 287 and Berthoud Pkwy. They decided to attempt a stop but not pursue because of traffic and public safety if the vehicle fled. The vehicle immediately pulled over and stopped when they activated their overhead lights and the driver was compliant. The driver stated that there were vehicles going faster than her and she did not realize Longmont Police were pulling her over. The Longmont Officer was contacted to determine what level charges and what they wanted us to do. Longmont Officer determined that they wanted us to give the driver a verbal warning. And a stern warning it was.
Sunday, June 16
Family Issue: Iowa Ave, while investigating an incident, the 41-year-old son was on scene, intoxicated and continually drinking. He eventually became an issue and was asked to leave the property. He returned multiple times and caused a disturbance. Family continued to intervene which prevented his arrest. The son finally left and made veiled threats that it was not over. Alcohol played a part in this also.
Burglary/Theft/Resisting Arrest: Iowa Av. The son later kicked in his mother’s front door and stole a bottle of Jim Beam Bourbon. Upon contact with the man, he was not cooperative and continually disobeyed commands until he was tased. He was taken into custody, medically cleared and booked. Yep you guessed it, Alcohol played a part in this mess
Monday, June 17
Abandoned Vehicle: CR10 and CR19, a 2000 GMC Yukon was tagged last Friday and was still here today. Well, it was her today, vehicle towed.
Welfare Check / Detox Hold: 2000 Block SE Frontage Road, a 15-year-old boy took a large amount of Benadryl and other drugs and was spotted by a witness who tried to help. He ran into a field and fell 300 yards from the road. He was unresponsive at first but then became highly uncooperative / combative. He was restrained but slipped his cuffs and continued to resist. He was combative with multiple Deputies and EMTs. Statements from family lead us to believe this was an attempt to get high. Benadryl? I thought that just made you sleepy. When the time comes, they are getting high in Preparation H, I am done, here’s my badge, DONE!
Tuesday, June 18
Assist to Loveland PD: Waterman St. a man reported that his wife assaulted him a year and half ago. He had cell phone video that shows her pushing him and hitting. At the time of this incident they lived in a house in Loveland. He was referred to the Loveland Police Department. Holding a grudge, are we?
Theft: Canyon Lands, a resident reported she traded her Subaru with temp tags still on it 4 months ago. she just got a bill from express toll, someone used the same tag numbers and put them on a truck. DO NOT leave your plates when selling or trading in your car.
Vehicle Crash / Property Damage: 1st Street and Water Avenue, two vehicles came to 1st Street, one going east and the other going west. Both vehicles had their left turn signal going and when there was a clearing in traffic car #1 began to turn left but the other decided to go straight instead and ran into the car.
Wednesday, June 19
Suicide Attempt: 2nd Street, a woman called in advising she took an unknown number of Acetaminophen pills and consumed whisky and vodka. She was transported to the hospital. Bet the Tylenol won’t help with the hangover in the morning.
Thursday, June 20
Found Drug Paraphernalia: Carrie Martin Elementary-A citizen found inside the tube of the playground an apple that was used for a homemade Marijuana pipe. Apple was disposed of and looked old as it was rotting from the heat. I think the saying “an apple a day keeps the doctor away” did not have this in mind.
Family Problems: Bunyan Ave. a man and his girlfriend got into a short verbal argument.
Vehicle Trespass: Hwy 287 and CR6. A man was arrested at Boyd lake out of his motor home. The Motor home was impounded, and he picked it up today. He stated that his motorhome broke down and was left on the side of the road by Berthoud. He reported that someone broke into it after it broke down on the highway.
Friday, June 21
Vehicle Crash / Property Damage: Exeter St, a driver backed into a parked vehicle causing damage to the driver’s door.
Found Meth: 7th St, a homeowner at this address found a small baggie of meth in her yard. Meth was logged for destruction. Again, if this is yours please contact your Berthoud Squad.
Trespass: 1st St, a business owner called to report a man had his RV towed to their property without their permission. The man was given a ride to the Walmart in Longmont to make his VA appointment. His RV was left at this location and deputies are working with Monarch Towing in Longmont who towed it, to come get the RV since it was left on private property unlawfully. Business owner’s called local tow companies who refused to come get it and told them to push it into the roadway and let the “cops” deal with it.
Criminal Trespass / Theft: Nicholson St. a resident reported that his Jeep Wrangler was entered and the remote for the front winch was stolen.
Saturday, June 22
Vehicle Crash / Property Damage: Berthoud Pkwy and Hwy 287, a driver missed his turned and was stopped at this light. He tried to back up and backed into another car who was stopped behind him in traffic. Uh, Mirrors?
Found Property: Hwy 287 and Berthoud Pkwy, a citizen turned in a lost trailer license plate. Attempts to call the registered owner with no answer. Logged into evidence.
Suspicious Circumstances / Assist to Medical: Welch Ave. Medical and law enforcement were called when others heard a woman screaming in the parking lot before losing consciousness. It was several hours before she was coherent enough to interview at the hospital. Here we go again, alcohol played a major role in this incident.
Sunday, June 23
Muni-Violation / Transient / Warrant Arrest: Travel Center Dr / E. Hwy 56, Berthoud Deputy contacted an RV. The driver violated the living in an RV municipal code. The man drove away when he knew deputies were watching but was stopped for traffic violations before he hit Hwy 56. The man cooperated in getting his girlfriend into custody for her two warrants who was also in the RV. The man released with a citation and the woman was booked for her warrants. Sorry folks, this was not cousin Eddie.
Suspicious Circumstances: E. Michigan Av, a resident called a former teacher of Ivy Stockwell and made multiple statements that the government is watching his communications.
Family Problems: Wagon Bend Dr, a woman reported her boyfriend swung her around the room by the arm and slammed her into the wall. The woman became extremely uncooperative on scene. It was determined the woman was mad at her boyfriend and told him he was calling the cops to tell them he had hit her.
June 24-30
Monday, June 24
Vehicle Crash / Hit/Run: 3900 Block of Hwy 56, a driver turned east onto Hwy 56 from I25. He had to slow because a semi was turned in front of him. He was rear ended by Chevy Impala. That vehicle left the scene northbound on the frontage road. The vehicle has a temp tag and should have moderate front end damage.
Tuesday, June 25
Vehicle Crash / Property Damage: Welch Avenue, a driver backed into a telephone pole. The pole was cited for talking on the telephone.
Wednesday, June 26
Suspicious Circumstances: 5th Street, a resident claimed that a car hit her side view mirror and knocked it completely off onto the ground, breaking the mirror. There goes 7 years bad luck.
Vehicle Crash / Property Damage: 400 Block of 3rd Street, a driver backed into a large box truck that was parked behind him. Summoned.
Thursday, June 27
Welfare Check / Suspicious Circumstances: Unknown Berthoud Location, a woman called and said her son lives at an undisclosed location in Berthoud since he is a victim of repeated ID theft. Mom says she is concerned as he has no money since his wages were garnished by debt collectors. Mom says he hasn’t shown up for work, but she doesn’t now how long he hasn’t shown up for work. Mom says she doesn’t have a phone that she is in the hospital for a deputy to call her at the hospital. Deputy spoke to the son by phone. He said he was okay and did not need any assistance. He is currently at work and called the deputy from his supervisor’s phone number.
Friday, June 28
Speeding / Open Container: Hwy 287 / CR 6, a 30-year-old driver was stopped for going 84mph in a 65mph zone. The driver started to weave from lane to lane and it was later determined he was stuffing an open beer under his seat. Cited. Drinking and driving is wrong but drinking and speeding is worse!
Vehicular Eluding / Reckless Driving / Suspended License: Mt Massive Street, a deputy was called to this address for a suspicious vehicle. After conducting surveillance and observing traffic violations, the deputy attempted to contact the vehicle, but the driver fled. A pursuit was initiated and terminated at 8th St SE and South Lincoln Ave for public safety reasons. The driver was positively identified who has a warrant, for guess what, for vehicular eluding and other charges out of Boulder County. The man has been seen multiple times at a known 34th Street Crip member’s house in Longmont and got into a pursuit with Longmont PD on 06/20/19. Longmont recovered a gun in the vehicle after he ran away on foot. The vehicle is a 95′ Green Toyota Corolla which vehicle is associated with known female and she was in the passenger seat. The car was later found to be an unreported steal after Longmont contacted the owner. A warrant will be sought for both the driver and passenger for the vehicle theft.
Saturday, June 29
Warrant Arrest (F): McWhinney Blvd. Loveland, a wanted person was spotted at the Love’s Travel Center in Berthoud. He was followed into Loveland, before a traffic stop was initiated; due to prior eluding with Ft. Collins Police and to also to allow additional deputies to respond. This man was cornered in the apartments and taken into custody. Booked. You wanted? Stay out of Berthoud or you go to jail.
Sunday, June 30
Underage Possession of Marijuana Concentrate: 7th Street, a 13-year-old boy was found to be in possession of marijuana concentrate. The boy reported that he purchased the marijuana concentrate from a 15-year-old Berthoud boy. The boy stated that the 15-year-old has been dealing drugs to kids. I was driving tractor at 15 cultivating corn.
Harassment / Domestic Violence: Tabor Street, a man called his ex-girlfriend, and her mother approximately 15 times from a blocked phone number screaming, yelling, and making threats. He had already been asked by the victim, the victim’s mother, and Ft. Collins Police not to contact her earlier in the day. He was contacted at his address on Chippewa Court, and taken into custody.