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Monday, June 1

Violation of a Protection Order / Violation of Bond Conditions / Prohibited Use of a Weapon: Woodcock Street, a man was contacted after a neighbor reported he was threatening to harm himself with a weapon. The man was highly intoxicated and violating both bail bond conditions and a protection order from a previous domestic violence incident. He was taken into custody and booked.

Family Problem: Burbank Street, a resident reported 16-year-old is breaking things and is very angry. Spoke with 16-year-old and said he was upset because of the rules mom and dad were imposing on him. He was educated about who made the rules and why. he eventually was willing to sit down with parents to discuss the matter.

Suspicious Circumstances: Country Road, a resident reported there is a man sitting in a convertible sportscar and has been parked there for about 1/2 hour. The man parked here waiting for work, he got here early so he was just taking a nap. A nap before work is better than a nap during work, I guess.

Tuesday, June 2

Fraud / Identity Theft: Kansas Avenue, a resident reported he was getting text messages demanding payment to keep inappropriate videos of him from hitting the internet. He also noticed fraudulent activity on his checking account via a web payment application “CashApp”. Investigation continuing. I think we need an App that will get rid of all the other Apps.

Suspicious Circumstances: Glen Drive, a resident looking at their security cameras, reported there is a man who opened her gate. The man was located, and he had a work order with addresses and that he was trying to find the manhole covers. He had valid credentials for this type of work. His credentials were a PHD. Pot Hole Detector.

Wednesday, June 3

Mental Health and/ Detox Hold: 2nd Street, an intoxicated man was taken to the hospital for detox hold after a family disturbance at this location. 

Animal Problem: Welch, a resident reported a sick looking raccoon was in their yard. The racoon was picked up by animal control. The racoon refused to take off his mask and identify himself.

Thursday, June 4

Criminal Mischief: 3rd Street and Turner Avenue, a business owner reported his building by the RR tracks had a lot of new graffiti. Hot pink and Green tags.

Suspicious Circumstances: Pyramid Peak Street and Little Bear Ave, a young male parked a Jeep here. It has Florida plates. The young male is walking south from this area. The man was asking for political surveys and handing out flyers for local campaign. Anything involving politics right now should be a felony crime.

Suspicious Circumstances: Mountain Avenue, female came in crying asking to use the phone and was told no and started yelling at staff and another patron. The woman was located and given a courtesy ride back home in Loveland by the deputy.

Friday, June 5

Burglary / Theft: Dorothy Drive, a painting crew reported a paint sprayer and 50 gallons (10 buckets) of paint stolen sometime overnight.

Fraud: 2nd Street, a resident reported being defrauded of $25K over the last 9 months by a person she met online.

Recovered Stolen Vehicle: Wagon Bend Road, a red Ford Ranger stolen out of Mead was located and recovered in Berthoud. Wagon Bend Road? Sounds more like there should have been a Texas Ranger there not a Ford Ranger.

Saturday, June 6

Burglary: Tundra Ave, suspects broke into a key box and entered the under-construction home and stole a Whirlpool Electric Range. They started out slow but now they’re cooking.

Assembly: Fickel Park, several people were at the park conducting a peaceful rally for “Black Lives Matter”.

SCAM: Quandary Avenue, a resident’s bank account was hacked, and their AT&T phones were closed and reopened in a new account. The bank stopped the payment and recognized this as a fraud. So far, the resident is not out any money.

Storm Damage: All Around Berthoud, several tree branches, power lines and electricity went down due to very high winds.

Medical Assist: 4th Street, Deputies requested medical to respond to this location for a woman who was hit on the head by a falling branch.

Traffic Control: Mountain and Hwy 287, Due to a power outage the traffic lights were not working.

Traffic Control: Berthoud Parkway and Hwy 287, Due to a power outage the traffic lights were not working.

DUI / Traffic: N CR 21/Fagan Dr, a 28-year-old Dallas, Texas man was contacted for driving without headlights. Booked. You don’t need headlights down in Texas so go-on-git!

Sunday, June 7

Runaway / Returned Juvenile: Ranchhand Drive, a 16-year-old juvenile ran away from home overnight after an argument, he returned later during the day. 

Welfare Check: Loveland Reservoir, A person was driving by the reservoir and noticed a boat in middle of lake that appeared unoccupied. Deputies checked the lake and there was one boat with a man fishing. Now we think it was a prank, but we fell for it hook, line and sinker.

Assembly of Solidarity / Harassment: Fickel Park, local churches as a sign of unity conducted a rally for Black Lives Matter. While they were setting up a man in a red truck stopped and harassed and threatened them.

Monday, June 8

Burglary / Theft: Dorothy Drive, an unknown suspect entered this home under construction and stole a vacuum, and some power tools.

Family Problems: 7th Street, a verbal disturbance was reported between a mother and her son.

Tuesday, June 9

Trespass: 1st Street, an ex-employee showed up at this business and was found inside by staff. She was served a written trespass the last time she was caught inside. Summons issued this time.

Wednesday, June 10

Burglary / Trespass: Prairie Flax Street, a townhome that is unoccupied was broken into. Suspect appeared to have stayed in the home overnight and took some handrail mounts. Suspect left four Michelin snow tires inside the garage.

Family Problems / Detox Hold: Ranchhand Drive, a man called and reported that his ex-wife, was very was very intoxicated. She refused to follow directives from deputies and was not able to care for herself. She was taken to the hospital to be placed on a Detox hold. The hospital declined to accept her due to her uncooperative behavior, so she was transported to the jail on the hold.

Thursday, June 11

Suicidal Threats / Welfare Check: Berthoud, a woman sent concerning text messages of self-harm to her ex-boyfriend. She agreed to go voluntarily to the hospital.

Assist to Loveland Police Department: 1st Street and Water Avenue, a Berthoud Deputy was waved down by a citizen who informed him that a vehicle had just crashed into his business in Loveland and then fled southbound on 287. The vehicle was located on 1st street in Berthoud near Water Ave. The vehicle failed to yield but eventually pulled over at 1st. and Bunyan. Driver was heavily intoxicated. Booked.

Friday, June 12

Vehicle Crash w/Minor Injuries: Spartan Avenue and Berthoud Parkway, a truck driver backed his tractor trailer into a vehicle stopped behind him at this intersection. Summonsed. 

Saturday, June 13

Burglary / Motor Vehicle Theft: Grand Market Avenue, a woman reported that her 2010 BMW was stolen by two people that she knows.

Detox Hold: Ellie Way, deputies responded to a disturbance that was reported by a male resident. He told Larimer County Communications Center that his wife had been drinking and was out of control and throwing things. Placed on a detox hold.

Sunday, June 14

Violation of a Protection Order / Revoked License: 1st Street, a 33-year-old Mead man came to this address which he is restrained from. He also drove there with a revoked license. Booked

Warrant: S Hwy 287, deputies contacted a 36-year-old man on the side of the road. The man initially identified himself with a false name. The deputy told him that if he continued to lie about his name, he would be charged with a felony. The man eventually told the deputy his real name and he did have a warrant. Booked. 

June 15-21

Monday, June 15

Assist to Englewood PD: Holmes Place, a vehicle was involved in a hit and run that lists to this address in Berthoud. Attempt to locate vehicle and check for front end damage and get contact info for the owner. New resident moved in last year and that man doesn’t live here anymore, and the owner of the car is living in Englewood now.

Hit and Run Vehicle Crash-Non-Injury: Berthoud Parkway and Hwy 287, a vehicle was rear ended by a small car, similar to Subaru Outback or Forester, newer style. Dark color.

Tuesday, June 16

Family Problems: 2nd Street, a father called and wants someone to call about their daughter. She is unruly and accusing him and wife of being racist and threatening to beat up her parents.

DUI / Traffic: 3rd Street and Massachusetts Avenue, a 41-year-old Utah man was stopped for a traffic violation and arrested for suspicion of DUI.

Suspicious Circumstances: W. CR14, 2 vehicles are parked in the resident’s driveway and there is no one around but the keys to the one of the vehicles are on the hood. Kids out for a bike ride and didn’t think parking here would be an issue as the house is under construction. discussed private property and better locations to park and ride bikes.

Wednesday, June 17

Disturbance: Nicholson Drive, the builder asked the concreate company not to drive on the access way with the heavy truck, there was a verbal disturbance due to both parties raising their voices.

Assist to State Patrol: 5000 Blk S Hwy 287- Deputies assisted CSP with a property damage crash at this location. Hwy 287 was shut down briefly until one of the vehicles could be pushed out of the roadway.

Vehicle Crash-Non-Injury: 5000 S Blk S Hwy 287- While assisting CSP with their crash at this location a driver rear ended another vehicle. Issued a citation for following too close. 

Theft: 4th Street, a resident had her hood stolen from her Nissan Pathfinder.

Transient / Kid Problems: Train Tracks and Hwy 287, BNSF Railroad reported they saw a tent out near the tracks. Turns out the transients were neighborhood kids camping out.

Found Property – Possible Theft: 4th Street and Mountain Avenue, a homeless woman and was trying to go to stay with her ex-boyfriend. The other tenants told her that she is not wanted there and to leave. She claimed that she has medical issues and wanted to go to a hospital. She later returned to Berthoud, this time she was pushing a child’s bicycle. When asked where she got the bicycle, she claimed it was her nieces and tossed it to the curb and walked away. The bike was taken to town hall. 

Trespass: 1st Street, the above woman continued to abuse emergency services into the morning hours, returning to Berthoud and then requesting an ambulance to transport her back to a Loveland hospital because in her words, “depending on what doctor she gets determines whether she’ll receive medication.”

Suspicious Circumstances: TPC Colorado, at 4:00 am a security officer reported he thinks someone just took off on one of the riding lawn mowers. He last saw him 200 yards south of the clubhouse in the grass traveling south. Turns out it was the golf course crew going to work.

Thursday, June 18         

Suspicious Circumstances: I-25 and Hwy 56, a motorist reported seeing a semi-truck on the side of I-25. The back of the trailer is open and there is a male who appears unconscious laying in the back with his arm hanging out of the back. Driver is okay, he said he was doing yoga and was laying down on the yoga matt waiting for the tire repair man. Tire repair guy is on scene and will fix the tire blow out.

Neighbor Problem: 7th Street, a resident reported. multiple people having party. She believes alcohol is involved. The resident is upset because her neighbor had friends over that don’t live there. Deputy told her that is not a crime, She said she thinks they were drinking, Deputy again told her that is not illegal, then she told me that she thinks they are doing meth, The deputy asked her why she thinks that, she said ” I just know they are”. Deputy spoke with the neighbor and she told the deputy that her neighbor is always yelling at her and causing problems.

Welfare Check: 2nd Street, the reporting party is claiming that a week ago her husband’s friend’s wife, told her that her husband walked into the bedroom with a gun in his hands and told her that he was going to trade her in for 2 30 year old’s.

Friday, June 19

Animal Problem: Spartan Avenue, it was reported that a husky is running loose, barking, and chasing people. The dog ran home, and the deputy secured the dog in its crate.

Citizen Assist: Mountain Avenue, a citizen came to the town hall and has questions about recent “political events” and wants to speak with a deputy face to face. The citizen had some questions about use of force laws and wanted to thank us for doing our jobs. He was very polite and was given a business card.

Harassment: Grand Market Avenue, a resident reported that a man she knows is sending her inappropriate messages.

Saturday, June 20

Vehicle Crash-Non-Injury: 4th Street, a resident hit the neighbors parked vehicle backing out of the driveway.

Suspicious Circumstances: Mountain Avenue, a woman showed up demanding a cop or ambulance because she wanted transported to the hospital. It is believed this woman is abusing the system to acquire medication.

Animal Problem: Maple Drive, a resident heard a bang and her front security camera caught a bear by her camper. it went north from this residence. The deputy spoke with people in two houses on the street that saw the bear. They said the bear walked through their yards and went into the field to the north of the street. The resident had a ring camera footage and showed it to the deputy. Deputy said it looked like a medium to large brown bear. area checked, but the bear was not located.

Sunday, June 21

Neighbor Problems: Waterman Street, a resident complained the owner of a vehicle that was parked in front of a fire hydrant moved the car, but it is still within 15′ of the fire hydrant. He came out here with his tape measure to measure it. The sedan is 13.5 ft from the hydrant and they clearly made an effort to move the vehicle. Another vehicle he complained about is 17.5 ft to the north of the hydrant. This man also put on the sidewalk a large pile of dog poop with a sign that reads “to the person leaving poop in my lawn, “I am going to make u eat this pile of s%#t when I catch you.” Game on” smiley Face. After spending some time talking with him, he calmed down and we were able to work through a solution that worked for both parties.

Vehicle Crash-No Injuries: 8th Street and Massachusetts, a driver had parked his Tesla Sedan to attend a family dinner. Another driver attempted to park his Mini Cooper and cut it to short while parallel parking, hitting the Tesla causing minor damage.

Noise Complaint: Heritage Ridge, a resident reported someone has been shooting off a shotgun 5-10 times. she is certain it is not fireworks despite there being several other calls in the area for large fireworks.

June 22 – 28

Monday, June 22

Burglary / Theft: Hwy 56 and Weld CR 44, a storage container was broken into with a cut off wheel. a total of $7,350 was stolen.

Driving Under the Influence of Drugs: Hwy 287 and Berthoud Parkway, a 35-year-old Longmont man was stopped for speeding. He admitted to smoking Marijuana. Booked.

Violation Protection Order: Cooperland Blvd, a man was contacted during a welfare check after woman called to report that this man was at her residence and appeared to be under the influence of drugs. The man was found to be the restrained party on two separate protection orders where the woman was named as the protected party. Booked.

Tuesday, June 23

Theft: 3800 E Hwy 56, an employee over the past 4 days has stolen $260 from Loves where he works at the Taco Johns. Summons issued.

Driving Under the Influence of Drugs: 2nd Street, deputies contacted a driver for driving while license revoked in an unregistered vehicle. He also admitted to smoking Marijuana. Booked.

Wednesday, June 24

Driving Under the Influence of Drugs: / Minor in Possession: Crestridge Drive and Berthoud Parkway, a 19-year-old and a 17-year-old were contacted after leaving a new construction area in a new subdivision. Apparently, they chose that spot to smoke some pot and decided to leave when they saw law enforcement in the area. 19-year-old was booked for DUID. The 17-year-old was cited and released to parents.

Thursday, June 25

Several fireworks complaints throughout the day and night.

Warrant Arrest: Mountain Av., a man was contacted as a suspicious person and shooting his Nerf gun at a business. He ended up having a warrant for his arrest. Booked.

Elder Abuse: Auklet Court., a 74-year-old woman reported being abused by her daughter. A large bruise in the shape of fingers was apparent on her arm. Investigation continues

Recovered Stolen License Plate: Hubble Street., 2 women were sleeping in their car in the alleyway behind this residence. Temp tag, was reported stolen out of Evans PD. Plates seized and parties released after getting information that Evans PD requested.

Fraud: Skimmer Street, a resident reported a fraudulent charge on her credit card placed in San Gabriel, CA.

Vehicle Trespass / Theft: Serenity Ridge, multiple residents from across the neighborhood reported their unlocked vehicles had been entered overnight where 3 firearms were taken. Possibly linked to 4 vehicle trespasses in Mead about 3 miles south.

Driving Under the Influence of Drugs / Fictitious Plates: Hwy 287 and CR8, a driver was contacted for a traffic violation and a revoked license with 18 active restraints. Booked

Warrant: Hwy 287 and CR8, the passenger on the above traffic stop had a warrant. Booked. 

Friday, June 26

More fireworks complaints throughout town.

Driving Under the Influence of Drugs: Berthoud Pkwy and CR10E, a driver was contacted for a traffic violation and found to have a revoked license with 3 actives. Booked.

Protection Order Violation: Bruce Dr., a woman contacted a man who she is restrained from. Case to be screened with District Attorney as it was over ongoing court issues.

Stolen Vehicle Recovery: Grand Market Av, Longmont PD recovered the stolen vehicle from this case. The vehicle was returned to the owner. The original suspect was contacted and admitted he took the vehicle.

Saturday, June 27

A large amount of fireworks complaints town wide.

Suspicious Circumstances / Pranksters: Multiple Locations, Berthoud residents reported that multiple early 20s males were knocking on doors and presenting a Little Caesars Pizza with a hammer on top of the pizza; causing the homeowners to feel threatened. Video footage from one resident depicted a male approaching the door and providing a seemingly scripted speech to the homeowner, before presenting a pizza with a hammer in the box. The involved vehicles were contacted and explained that they were YouTubers and were recording pranks for their channel. The parties were counseled on better decision making and released.

Sunday, June 28

A plethora of fireworks calls all over the town.

Vehicle Crash with Injury: E Hwy 56, a driver pulled out in front of another vehicle which caused injuries to that driver. Summons served.

Please have respect and be considerate of your neighbors with setting off fireworks. If it leaves the ground and/or goes boom it is illegal. We will confiscate your expensive fireworks and you could be charged with a maximum penalty of a $2650 fine.

July 29-30

Monday, June 29

Uninsured Vehicle / No Driver’s License: CR8 and Meadowlark Drive, a woman was stopped for making a wide turn into the other lane of traffic. Released with a summons. 

Solicitor: Big Thunder Road, a solicitor just came by the resident’s house, he is on foot in the neighborhood. The solicitor was contacted and warned about soliciting in Berthoud and gave him direction on how to get a permit through the town.

Tuesday, June 30

Fraud by Check: Branding Iron Way, a resident was contacted by an unknown suspect for a lawn mower that he posted for sale. The suspect sent a check for over $17,000 which later the bank found that the account was closed. The suspect also requested the resident give Post Office money orders for over $7,000 for shipping costs that he agreed to pay. The suspect was sent photos of the money orders and is now not answering. The resident still has the mower but is out money for the money orders.

Trespass: Berthoud Reservoir, the town got a call that people are trespassing out at Berthoud reservoir. It is not open to the public so no one should be there. They said there is a car parked by the dam. The vehicle was located, and the people were warned they were trespassing. They left without incident.

Traffic Issue: 1st Street and Water Avenue, a verbal warning was given to a motorist who was blocking the road so he could observe elk that were in the area.

About Post Author

Gary Wamsley

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