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Updated April 5, 2017

Provided by
James Anderson
Patrol Sergeant: Berthoud Squad

Wednesday, March 1

Suspicious Circumstances: 800 block of Spartan Avenue, a window screen on the west side of the building was broken and appeared to have been forced open. There was no sign of entry into the and the window was secured.

Suspicious Circumstances: 500 block of Redwood Circle, a resident called in to report a man was in his front yard digging it up for unknown reasons. Upon investigation it was discovered the water department was working on the water meter.

Vehicle Theft: 200 block of 2nd Street, a resident called and reported his girlfriend just took his car without permission.

Suspicious Circumstances: 400 block of Meadowlark Drive, a man just passing through feels an undercover agent with Denver PD has been following him since 2000. He states the agent is contacting low level dealers around the country where he has lived and telling them that he is a sex offender, then telling the dealer the he is “ratting them out”. The man wanted the deputy to obtain a warrant for a cell phone number to find out if the number went to his cousin. The man also stated there was a female that was playing a song on her radio which he felt was a threat to him.

Animal Problem: 1400 block of Willow Drive, a resident called in about 2 or 3 dogs that were barking.

Driving with a Suspended License / Speeding: 7th Street and Mountain Avenue, a 39-year-old Berthoud man was stopped for speeding and found to have a suspended license.

Curfew Violation: 500 block of Bunyan Avenue, 3 juveniles were contacted in a vehicle in the parking lot of the school after curfew. All three admitted to sneaking out of their homes. Parents were notified and they picked up the children.

Thursday, March 2                   

Driving with a Suspended License / Speeding: 700 block of 1st Street, a 49-year-old Loveland man was stopped for speeding and found to have a suspended license.

Suspicious Circumstances: 700 block of Welch Avenue, a landlord reported the back storm door window on her vacant rental property was broken. The rear door was secure with no signs of forced entry. It appears the door was slammed shut by the wind, which shattered the window.

Friday, March 3

Warrant Arrest / Illegal Drug Use: 900 block of Mountain Avenue, a couple of Berthoud kids reported a man acting very strangely. A 30-year-old man was contacted and is suspected of “shooting up” heroin. The man also had a warrant and was arrested.

Saturday, March 4

Domestic Violence / Harassment / Criminal Mischief: 800 block of Longview Avenue, a 19-year-old Longmont man is suspected of damaging the door to the home and harassing his ex-girlfriend.

Alarm: 800 block of Bruce Drive, a very loud alarm was going off at this address.

Sunday, March 5

Trespass: Mountain Avenue and 3rd Street, 3 kids were contacted about the dangers of walking on the rail road tracks. BNSF railways requests no one trespass on the tracks and asked us to enforce this.

Medical Issue: 200 block of S CR17, a 16-year-old was transported to the hospital with self-inflicted injuries.

Harassment: Berthoud Skate Park, a group of guys in their 20’s were smoking what was believed to be marijuana out of a vape pen and being vulgar to the kids at the skate park.

Monday, March 6

Theft: 900 block of Massachusetts Avenue, a father reported that his son had his iPhone 5 and head phones stolen.

Suspicious Circumstances: 1600 block of Chokeberry, a resident reported several neighbors have found notes on their car’s indicating a unknown person wants to buy the vehicle. As the cars are of significantly different value, she believes this may be a cover for a person performing vehicle prowls.

Suspicious Circumstances: Third Street, the estranged husband came back to the house and went inside. He took the kids’ TV and sold it at the pawn shop.

Code Enforcement:

Checked on 14 prior violations from last week and all were remedied.

1 dog complaint
1 dog impounded and returned to owner
Tagged a motor vehicle that has not moved for several days.

Tuesday, March 7

Recovered Property / Juvenile Issues: 900 block Massachusetts Avenue, the report for a stolen iPhone 5 last yesterday was investigated further. After watching video and interviews, the iPhone was never stolen and the phone was located and has been returned.

Possession of Schedule II Drugs / Possession of Drug Paraphernalia: 100 block of Indiana Avenue, a resident arrived home to find a 54-year-old Loveland man sitting in front of his house in his car. The man was contacted by deputies and he stated that he dropped off friend and she was around the corner at her house gathering some of her stuff and he was just waiting on her to return. Female never returned and after K9 TAZ established probable cause to search car. 5.8 grams of presumptive meth and numerous paraphernalia items located.

Code Enforcement

Trailer tagged for 72 hour removal
Vehicle tagged for 72 hour removal
One dog impounded and returned to owner

Wednesday, March 8

Vehicle Pursuit: Hwy 287 and 1st Street, a traffic stop initiated on a grey motorcycle with no tail lamps. Driver immediately accelerated away from Deputy, a short pursuit of the motorcycle was initiated and later terminated at the round-a-bout for citizen safety.

Code Enforcement:

Trash accumulation warning  
Talked with owner of a trailer and it will be moved by Monday
Checked on 2 vehicles that were tagged and both have been moved

Thursday, March 9

Fraud: 200 block of Bunyan, someone had created a business check from this company and cashed it.

Contempt of Court: Berthoud Town Hall, a Berthoud man was in municipal court today and the judge found him in contempt of court. The judge immediately remanded the man into sheriff’s custody where he was transferred to the jail.

Code Enforcement:

Follow-up on trash complaint.
One vehicle complaint.
Three animal problems

Friday, March 10

Driving Under Revocation: 1st Street and Hwy287, a 40-year-old Longmont man was stopped for speeding and found to be driving on a suspended driver’s license.

Domestic Violence / Felony Menacing / Assault / Criminal Mischief: 500 block of 2nd Street, a 32-year-old Berthoud man shot his girlfriend in the head with a BB gun. The girlfriend later returned with some family members to get some personal items and leave. The boyfriend then threatened to kill with a baseball bat. The boyfriend also hit the girlfriend’s vehicle with the baseball bat, damaging a door and a window.

Code Enforcement:

Two animal problems
One trash accumulation problem
Several parking issues

Saturday, March 11

Tampering: 1100 block of Jefferson Drive, a resident woke up to find feces on his front porch and door knob.

Vehicle Trespass / Criminal Mischief: 700 block of 5th Street, 700 block of 6th St, 400 block of Turner Avenue, suspects slashed multiple vehicles tires and broke into a few unlocked vehicles.

Juvenile Problem / Criminal Mischief: 600 block of 5th Street, a resident reported three juvenile males had walked down Turner Avenue carrying a stick and scratching cars. He gave a description of the males and deputies located them at their home. Parents were also there and not happy campers.

Warrant Arrest: a 50-year-old Greeley man was contacted and found to have a warrant out for his arrest.

Sunday, March 12

Criminal Mischief: 600 block of 5th Street, a resident reported a tire on his truck was slashed overnight. Also, another vehicle at the 400 block of Turner had a tire slashed. The same vehicle which was scratched by the juveniles in yesterday’s call.

Driving Under Revocation: Bunyan Avenue and 6th Street, a 21-year-old Longmont man was contacted for a traffic violation and found to driving with a revoked license.

Possession of a Schedule II Drugs / Parking Violation: Franklin Avenue and 4th Street, a 22-year-old Loveland man was contacted for an illegally parked vehicle. K-9 alerted to vehicle and methamphetamine was found. Two children and their mother were also in the vehicle.

Monday, March 13

Driving with Revoked License: Bunyan Avenue and 6th Street, a 21-year-old Longmont man was contacted for a traffic violation and found to be revoked.

Dog at Large: 900 block of 5th Street, a white dog was caught running loose. This has been an issue and the dog was returned to the owner and the owner cited.

Possession of Schedule II Drugs / Parking Violation: Franklin Avenue and 4th Street, two men were contacted for an illegally parked vehicle. K-9 alerted to the vehicle and methamphetamine was found.

Code Enforcement:

Animal Problems: 4
Parking Problems: 2
Municipal Code Violations: 1

Tuesday, March 14

Suspicious Circumstances: Lissa Drive, two teenagers were home alone at this address when a man began knocking on their door. He then attempted to turn the door handle several times but the door was locked. This man was at the door for about 20 minutes before he left.

Drug Paraphernalia: Keep Circle, resident found a marijuana pipe in his front yard.

Fraud: 4th Street, a resident reported his Domino’s Pizza account was hacked and two pizzas were delivered in two different states (CA, MA). He was out $95.00.

Warrant Arrest: Sunnywood Place, a 38-year-old man was arrested on a Misdemeanor warrant.

Code Enforcement:

Animal Problems: 2
Parking Problems: 3
Municipal Code Violations: 1

Wednesday, March 15

Harassment: 1st Street and Bunyan, two older men pulled out in front of the reporting party and then tried to block him from passing.

Vehicle Crash: Hwy 287 and CR 8, a young driver turned left in front of another vehicle causing a crash.

Animal Problems: 4
Parking Problems: 2
Municipal Code Violations: 3

Thursday, March 16

Missing Child: S, 8th Street, 9-year-old and his 4-year-old sister were missing because they got upset for being told to clean their room.  Both kids were located at a neighbor’s house and were both OK.

Loud Party: Arapahoe Avenue, resident called in and reported several males and females were having a party and were very loud.

Animal Problems: 2
Parking Problems: 2
Municipal Code Violations: 1

Friday, March 17

Violation of a Protection Order: Larimer County Jail, the 38-year-old man who was arrested yesterday called a person from the jail violating a protection order.

Dog Bite: Michigan Avenue, a Loveland woman stopped by this residence to visit and was bitten by a dog after she opened the door and walked into the residence.

Code Enforcement:

Animal Problems: 2
Parking Problems: 7
Municipal Code Violations: 2

Saturday, March 18

Suspicious Circumstances: 4th Street and Mountain Avenue, it was reported that an unknown person appears to be living in the exterior south stairwell.

DUI: Hwy 287 and CR17, a 30-year-old Ft. Collins woman was parked in the intersection, she then drove off from the Deputy and headed north in the south bound lanes of Hwy 287.

Domestic Violence / Harassment / Criminal Mischief: 5th Street, a 49-year-old man had been making numerous unwanted calls to a Berthoud woman and then showed up at her address.

Sunday, March 19

Harassment: E Michigan Avenue, a man used course abusive language toward another man to start a fight.

Monday, March 20

Driving Under the Influence of Drugs: Bunyan Avenue and 6th Street Court, a 42-year-old woman engaged in a verbal disturbance with staff members at the school. The woman was observed staggering to her vehicle. She then entered the driver’s seat and started the car. She was then contacted and subsequently taken into custody for driving under the influence of drugs.

Suspicious Circumstances: S 2nd Street, a mother reported that her 14-year-old daughter ran away from home. She later returned home and was contacted. While deputies were on scene, the girl also reported receiving Inappropriate photos and video on her iPhone from a male.        

Family Problems: E. Iowa, a father and his son got into a heated argument over piercings.

Code Enforcement:

  • Animal Problems – 3
  • Parking Issues – 2
  • Solicitation Violation – 1

Tuesday, March 21

Disturbance: Marshall Place, Neighbors called in to report lots of yelling and screaming coming from another house.

Suspicious Circumstances: Mt. Massive, a resident called in to report a strange vehicle  parked out front with 2 people inside. Deputy contacted them and discovered they are construction workers on their lunch break from working on one of the houses in the area.

Family Problems: S. 2nd Street, a resident called to report her daughter took her son’s PS4 and wanted it back. The daughter stated she took it for behavioral issues. PS4 was returned.

Code Enforcement:

  • Animal Problems – 3
  • Parking Issues – 4

Wednesday, March 22

Suspicious Circumstances: Franklin Avenue, a resident reported she was missing medication from her purse and a text message conversation was deleted from her phone.

Landlord / Tenant Dispute: Tenant was removing plants from the property. Tenant claims that the plants are his property, landlord claims that the plants are part of the property.

Code Enforcement:

  • Animal Problems – 1
  • Parking Issues – 7
  • Sign Violation – 1

Thursday, March 23

Vehicle Trespass: 7th Street, a resident reported someone got into his vehicle and stole an iPad and a portable hard drive.

Civil Service / Warrant Arrest: Mountain Avenue, a 41-year-old Longmont man was contacted and was served civil paperwork. The man also had an outstanding warrant and was arrested.

Civil Issue: Bimson Avenue, a resident reported helping an acquaintance by lending him $700.00. He started getting a strange feeling about this man and asked that he pay the money back.

Juvenile Problem: Keep Circle, a resident reported that a certain boy keeps coming around his residence and yelling obscenities at him.

Vehicle Crash: Hwy 56 / Weld CR5, a Berthoud man struck a heifer that was loose and on the roadway with his vehicle, killing the heifer and damaging his vehicle.

Failure to Obey Commands of a Law Enforcement Officer: Hwy 56 / Weld CR5, while investigating a traffic accident another vehicle failed to stop when directed by the deputy which caused a very dangerous situation.

Solicitor: Cheyenne Drive, a resident called to report a persistent door to door salesman who was very rude.

Code Enforcement:

  • Animal Problems – 1
  • Parking Issues – 2
  • Solicitation Violation – 1
  • Sign Violation – 1

Friday, March 24

Suspicious Circumstances: Hwy 56 Park-n-Ride, deputies checked on a suspicious vehicle with a man sitting inside that has been parked in the lot in a strange direction. He was waiting on friends from out of state.

Code Enforcement:

  • Parking Issues – 2
  • Sign Violation – 1

Saturday, March 25

Vehicle Crash: Willow Drive, a driver hit an unoccupied vehicle while backing out.

Vehicle Crash: Mountain Avenue, a driver rear ended another vehicle when she stopped for a car in front of her parallel parking.

Criminal Mischief: S 2nd Street, a 14-year-old broke her mother’s door (for the second time in a week) during an argument then ran away.

Revoked License: Madison Ave, a 34-year-old Berthoud man was contacted after his vehicle had been reportedly involved in a disturbance and he was found to be driving on a revoked license.

Suspicious Circumstances: Victoria Street, a resident called in a report of gunshots north of his residence. Investigation revealed illegal fireworks being shot off.

Sunday, March 26

Warrant Arrest: 3rd Street, a 55-year-old Berthoud woman was arrested for an outstanding warrant for failure to appear on a traffic charge.

Theft: Mountain Avenue and 2nd Street (Berthoud Skate Park), a resident set his iPhone on a bench and a someone who was skateboarding left with it

Monday, March 27

Assist to Berthoud Fire: Bimson Avenue, Assisted BFD with a leaking gas tank on a vehicle.

Assault / Domestic Violence: 3rd Street, a woman reported her husband had assaulted her at the beginning of March.

Suspicious Circumstances: Spartan Avenue, a resident reported that there is a suspicious car that drives around the school at night speeding and without headlights.

Vehicle Crash: Holmes Place, a roofing truck hit a parked vehicle’s mirror and shattered the side window. The driver went to the house and told the owner of the car what had happened.

Located Runaway: a juvenile male escaped from Department of Youth Corrections in Denver and was located in Berthoud.

Tuesday, March 28

Theft: 10th Street, a resident reported the theft of a scooter from his porch.

Suspicious Circumstances: Torrey’s Peak Lane, a resident called to report her dog was stolen from her back yard. Dog was later located in the neighborhood.

Noise Complaint: 4th Street, Report of loud music playing at neighbor’s house.

Wednesday, March 29

Fraud: 1st Street, a resident called to report someone was trying to use their credit card.

Suspicious Circumstances: Railroad tracks north of Bunyan Avenue, a 37-year-old man was impaired by alcohol and was laying on the tracks.

Possession of a Controlled Substance / Underage Possession of Marijuana: S 9th Street and Longview Avenue, a 19-year-old was contacted on a traffic violation. A probable cause search of the vehicle yielded 10 capsules and about 2 broken pills of presumptive positive ecstasy. Marijuana and marijuana paraphernalia were also located.

Thursday, March 30

Located Runaway: S. 2nd St, a 14-year-old was located and transported to the HUB.

Warrant Arrest: 14th Street, a 29-year-old woman was contacted and arrested for an outstanding felony warrant.

Friday, March 31

Vehicle Crash: 42nd Street SW, a 35-year-old man drove into the wrong lane of travel and struck a Timnath PD officer in a marked patrol vehicle head on. Speeds were slow and damage was minimal. No injuries to either party. The man was arrested by CSP for suspicion of DUI. 

Identity Theft: Victory Street, a 41-year-old resident reported an unknown suspect has been using her Social Security number to buy expensive items in multiple states.

Vehicle Crash: Berthoud High School, a student backed into another student’s vehicle causing minor damage.

Warrant Arrest: 14th Street, a 30-year-old woman was contacted and arrested for an outstanding felony warrant.

Saturday, April 1

Assist to Medical: S CR13, a mother located her daughter unconscious and not breathing. She started CPR and called 911. CPR was taken over by the responding deputy then EMTs. A pulse was regained and she began speaking.

Vehicle Crash: Victoria Street, a driver backed into a parked car causing minimal damage.

Vehicular Eluding: S. 8th Street, a black two door vehicle with black wheels, tinted windows, and stolen Colorado plates sped away from deputy when contact was attempted. Pursuit was terminated at CR17 and CR2E. A witness positively identified the driver as a 32-year-old Berthoud man who has two warrants. The vehicle he was driving matches the description of a stolen vehicle from Loveland.

DUI: W CR14 and S Taft Avenue, a 39-year-old woman was called in as a REDDI and struck a construction zone sign. She was located and arrested for suspicion of DUI.

DUI: Mountain Avenue and CR 17, a 44-year-old woman was stopped for a traffic violation and arrested for suspicion of DUI.

Sunday, April 2

Trespass: 6th Street Court, a neighbor unlawfully entered the apartment of another resident.

Vehicle Trespass / Theft / Criminal Mischief: Memory Place, a construction worker reported that his trailer had been broken into, damaging his trailer, and several tools had been stolen.

Code Enforcement for the week:

Animal Calls – 8
Parking Issues – 11
Ordinance Violations – 8


About Post Author

Gary Wamsley

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