Friday, March 1
Welfare Check: 4th Street, a person got a call from a Berthoud Resident at this address. She is telling them that there was a pipe in the middle of the street and that she went and got it and brought it to the side of the road. she won’t go back in the house and her caregiver is not on scene. She was cleared by medical.
Saturday, March 2
Third Degree Assault / Domestic Violence: Chilcott St. a 48-year-old Ft. Collins woman had an altercation with Berthoud resident. During this altercation the woman scratched the resident multiple times while he was holding her down to prevent her from hitting him. We brought her back to Ft. Collins, but she did not go home, she was booked into jail.
Suspicious Circumstances: 4th Street, a resident reported a few days ago that her neighbor was breaking in to her apartment when she wasn’t home and having sex in her bed.
Suspicious Circumstances: Tabor Street, a call came stating there were 2 or 3 young males ringing doorbells and running away. It was snowing so foot tracks were easy to follow. Two 20-year-old and a 19-year-old were located and identified. A little old for ding-dong ditching.
Sunday, March 3
Family Problems / Assault: Rabbit Run Lane, a father and his son got into a physical disturbance at which point the son hit his dad in the head with a lamp. The son was arrested and brought to the HUB.
Intoxication: Bunyan, a female showed up drunk and was saying that she couldn’t stay at her house and wasn’t making sense. The woman’s husband advised he just got his wife out of detox a couple days ago and she is back to drinking again and he doesn’t want to be around it. It was determined that she was a grave danger to herself due to her level of intoxication and she could not find anyone willing to care for her, she was transported to the hospital on a detox hold.
Harassment: Colorado Avenue, a resident reported to the Larimer County Communications center and reported that she was being harassed by a 14-year-old Berthoud boy over Snapchat. She told me that the boy used to be friends with her son. She stated that today the boy sent her a message on Snapchat stating that if her son ever goes to his house again, he would hit him in the face with a baseball bat. The woman went over to the boy’s house and spoke with the boy’s father about it. She said that the 14-year-old told her that he can do whatever he wants to because he owns this town. Well Mr. 14-year-old your payments due and we are foreclosing!
Monday, March 4
Vehicle Crash / Property Damage: 1300 BLK Woodcock St, a driver slid while making the turn onto Woodcock Street from the apartment complex striking a parked car. Summoned into muni court.
Child Abuse X2 / Reckless Driving / Crash: 20400 BLK SE Frontage Rd., a driver was traveling northbound on the frontage road, rear ending a stopped vehicle. The driver’s two unrestrained children were in the back seat, one being thrown into the front dash/windshield. The other thrown into the back of the passenger seat.
Reckless Driving: Loves Travel, 3800 East Hwy 56, a truck driver was backing his semi into a parking space at Loves, he alleges a car was blocking the way, so he decided to bang on the hood of the car. When the driver of the car exited his vehicle, the truck driver drove forward toward him, which led the him to believe he was about to be run over. Cited.
Vehicle Crash / Property Damage / Possible Fraud: Highway 287 at MM 327, a driver slid on the ice, crossed the median and struck another vehicle. The driver may also have purchased the insurance after the accident. You know the beginning date is on your insurance card, right?
Runaway Juvenile: Columbine Circle, a stepdad reported that his 17-year-old stepson ran away at approximately 10:00. He did not have a phone and multiple calls to his friends did not produce any leads.
Tuesday, March 5
Juvenile Problem: 8th Street and Spartan Avenue, a report came in stating there are a bunch of kids carelessly riding their bikes in the middle of the road at this intersection and there is a s curve that is blind to drivers and are causing traffic issues.
Wednesday, March 6
Trespass / Felony Menacing: Common Dr., a man went to the above address to confront his former employer over an issue that their two kids were having. He refused to leave the house when told to do so he pulled a knife after he was pushed by the home owner.
Thursday, March 7
Vehicle Crash / With Injury: S. 5th Street and Canyonlands Street, a driver was coming to a stop on Canyonlands Street at S. 5th Street at a stop sign while pedestrian was crossing in the crosswalk. The driver stated the sun was in his eyes and he did not see the pedestrian, his vehicle struck her and knocked her to the ground hitting her head on the asphalt and was transported to the hospital. Prayers and thoughts.
Assault: Welch Avenue, a resident was punched in the face multiple times by her ex-boyfriend’s 17-year-old daughter when they got into an argument. Citation issued
Friday, March 8
Vehicle Crash / No Injuries: Hwy 56 and County Line Road, a driver on County Line Road stopped at the stop sign at Hwy 56. He then continued and pulled out in front of a vehicle going west on Hwy 56.
Displaying a Weapon: 2nd Street and Mountain Avenue, an 18-year-old man had his face painted like an Insane Clown Posse Clown and was displaying an ax, knife, and a chrome pistol in the park for a “photo shoot” using a cell phone camera. Summons issued.
Disorderly Conduct X2: Kansas Ave and Canyonlands Street, a 14 and 15-year-old boys were involved in a mutual fight in this intersection. There were several kids hanging out watching the fight. The gangs all over to watch Friday Night Fights. The two boys were issued a summons.
Saturday, March 9
Found Property: 2nd Street, a resident reported that he found a wallet on the ground at the Hwy 34 / I-25 park and ride. Wallet belongs to a Denver man.
Found Property: 2nd Street, a resident found a bag with driver’s license and personal information by his storage unit in Berthoud. This property belongs to a Denver man.
Suspicious Circumstances: 6th Street, a resident reported a male walked to his front door while holding what appeared to be a knife or screwdriver in his right hand. He has never seen this male before. The male saw the security camera then turned around and walked away.
Traffic Problem: 3rd Street and Mountain. The railroad crossing arms were stuck down, and traffic had to be diverted until BNSF arrived to fix it. I guess the long arm of the law has nothing compared to the long arm of the railroad.
Suspicious Circumstances: Welch Avenue, a very intoxicated woman called 911 to report she was threatened by people that were outside. Her friend and sister were there to help get her home.
Sunday, March 10
Harassment / Domestic Violence: CR 15C, a man pushed and kicked his wife and the incident was caught on cell phone video. Booked
March 11 to 17
Monday, March 11
Harassment: Carner Court. a resident called to report that she was still having issues with her neighbor. She said he often flips her off and calls her derogatory names and she is fed up.
Possession Schedule II Drug / Eluding / Driving Under Revocation: 2nd St and Mountain Av, a Berthoud woman was contacted for expired plates. She attempted to elude the deputy but eventually stopped. Her driver’s license was later found to be revoked habitual. K9 Negan alerted and a search of the car yielded methamphetamine that was found in the driver’s purse. Booked.
Spilled Load On Highway: Hwy 287 and CR8, a Dacono man was hauling two couches in the back of his truck. One flew out of the truck and landed on the highway. Another driver was unable to avoid hitting it, causing minor damage to her vehicle. The Dacono man was issued a citation. Q: how did you damage your car? A: I hit a couch. Q: why were you driving in the living room?
Tuesday, March 12
DUI: Hwy 287 and CR 10E, Deputy observed a jeep in the center median. A 20-year-old Loveland man was contacted while standing by the Jeep. He was found to be very intoxicated. Booked.
Suspicious Circumstances: Candice Court, a resident was in her workout room when she heard rapid tapping that sounded like someone tapping on window. She looked out the window and there were knocked over items in her yard. Her neighbor also heard the tapping and came to her house. She was told that there were reported gun shots in the area and asked if the tapping could have been related, and then mentioned that the items were upright an hour ago and that the motion detectors were going on and off.
Family Problems: 6th Street, a mother who lives in Golden is requesting a deputy go to the address to see if her 17-year-old son is there. She thinks it’s possible that her son is at her ex-husband’s girlfriend’s house in Berthoud. She only knew the girlfriends name and did not have an address. (dispatch found the address). Mom said that her son was being disrespectful to her, so she told him he had to pack his things and go live with his dad. She advised she just wants to know her son is ok.
Wednesday, March 13
Snow Day: Most of the day was helping motorists with several slide off’s and crashes and those who said to themselves “the weather doesn’t look that bad, I’ll make it”. Well, they didn’t make it!
Vehicle Crash – Property Damage / Possible DUI: Hwy 287 and Berthoud Pkwy, a call came in as a hit and run and people on scene maintained that story throughout the contact. Evidence on scene points to their vehicle hit the traffic light pole at that intersection. One man stated that there was a male driver who hit them and then drove off. The other man in the car stated that it was a female driver that ran. Both parties on scene were extremely intoxicated.
DUI: East Hwy 56, a 31-year-old California woman was contacted stuck in the snow. Blinding snow storm, drunk, slick roads, what could happen? Booked at Weld County Jail.
Thursday, March 14
Property Damage: 1st Street, a resident advised that his car was stopped at the intersection of Keep Circle and 1st Street and that his windshield was busted out by snow and debris when the snow plow went by. This should have been followed by a snow ball fight, loser pays for the windshield.
Friday, March 15
Warrant / Fictitious Plates: Mountain Ave, a man was contacted for plates that had an expiration tab from 2014. The plates did not belong to his vehicle and he had a warrant. Plates seized, summonsed on traffic charges, booked on warrant.
Minor in Possession (Alcohol): 5th Street, a 13-year-old female found highly intoxicated on the school playground. Transported to the hospital for treatment.
Saturday, March 16
Family Problems: Berthoud Town Hall,a resident’s ex-husband, was supposed to exchange kids yesterday at Westminster PD. The ex-husband didn’t show, so Westminster PD helped arrange for them to meet at 10:00 today at Berthoud Town Hall. The ex-called to say he would be 1/2 hour late, but still has not shown. It was explained that she would need to file a motion with the courts that her ex is violating the agreement.
Traffic Problem: 4th Street andMountain Avenue, by the restaurant, someone has piled branches in the handicap parking which makes it not accessible at all. Berthoud Streets Department picked up the branches. If they are your branches, please contact the sheriff’s office so we can have a little chat for going out on a limb.
Sunday, March 17
Attempt to Locate / Missing Person: S 8th Street, a man was called in by his wife after an argument and text message that said she might be better off if he were no longer around. The man later called his wife and family once he got out of the movie he went to watch to clear his head. A good head cleaning at the movies is only effective with movie popcorn.
March 18 to 24
Monday, March 18
Vehicle Crash: Hwy 56 and I-25, a driver from Greeley ran into the back of another vehicle. That driver was issued a summons for Following too Close.
Felony Warrant Arrest: Welch Avenue, a Berthoud man had an outstanding felony and misdemeanor warrant for his arrest. He was arrested and booked into the Larimer County Jail on both warrants.
Found Property: Woodcock Street, a resident found a small safe that was damaged. The owner, of the safe moved to Florida and was contacted by phone. Process is being discussed on how to get his safe and contents back to him.
Assault / Domestic Violence: Welch Avenue, a resident and his wife were involved in a verbal argument. He hit her in the face with his hat and spit in her face. Booked.
Civil: Mountain Avenue., a resident reported that she and her husband agreed to sell tires to another person. That person claimed that the tires were a payment for a past tire deal. Both parties agreed to meet tomorrow and come to an agreement. I’m getting tired of this call.
Tuesday, March 19
Traffic Issue: Hwy 287 and Hwy 60, a report was made by several drivers of a man who was tailgating dangerously. That driver was located and contacted. The man told the deputy he was tailgating because everyone was driving 10 miles an hour under the speed limit. Nice try Bud but everyone that has driven on Hwy 287 will tell you NO ONE goes 10 miles an hour under the speed limit.
Wednesday, March 20
Theft / ID Theft / At-Risk Adult: Redwood Circle, a 96-year old resident had $38,070 stolen from her account with forged checks. The suspect was identified as a grandson. Warrant to come.
Suspicious Circumstances: Franklin Avenue, a resident wanted to relay a message from his neighbor. There was a man in the backyard easement about 1:30am. The subject was holding dog food and when the neighbor saw him, he ran.
Thursday, March 21
Suspicious Circumstances: 10th Street, 2 teenagers called to report a man rang the doorbell then climbed a ladder to the roof and was walking around on the roof. The man then climbed down, got in his vehicle and left. According to dad it was the man from the insurance company looking at the roof for damage.
Arson: Monroe Avenue, a resident’s mailbox was blown up by a large firework. The suspect vehicle was a black sedan.
Vehicle Crash: 3rd Street and Mountain Avenue, a driver backed into another vehicle that was driving down the road causing minor damage.
Mental Health Hold: RR tracks, a man suffers from several mental health issues. He left home tonight and was found on the railroad tracks by 3rd St and Bunyan. He stated that he was waiting for a train to end all of his problems. Transported to the hospital.
Driving Under Restraint (Revoked): 3800 E. Hwy 56 (Love’s Travel Center), a 32-year old driver was found driving on a revoked license. Summonsed into Weld Court.
Driving under restraint (suspended): 3800 E. Hwy 56 (Love’s Travel Center), a 32-year old driver was found driving on a suspended license. Summonsed into Weld Court.
Suspicious Circumstances: Jefferson and 10th Street, a resident reported he heard two loud bang noises. He said that he was not sure what it was but thought it may have been gun shots. He said that shortly after that, a small dark colored sedan without its lights on sped through the neighborhood towards Spartan. From there he did not know what direction the car went. Could be related to the arson call.
Suspicious Circumstances: 2nd Street, a report came in stating there is a male doing pushups in the street near the railroad tracks. Subject was transported to the hospital.
Friday, March 22
Identity Theft / Forgery / Criminal Impersonation: Common Drive, a resident reported that someone is using a forged Pennsylvania driver’s license with his name and identifying information on it. That individual has been trying to rent property in Baltimore, MD, Washington DC and Massachusetts. Address on fake Pennsylvania driver’s license belongs to an Amish family that also is victim of identity theft per Pennsylvania State Trooper.
Saturday, March 23
Dogs At-Large / Public Nuisance / Failure to Provide Humane Treatment: Canyonlands St, three Rottweilers escaped from their yard and were acting aggressive towards neighbors. The dogs continued to bark and charge at deputies. Owner was contacted and returned to his residence to secure the dogs. The owner was summoned in to Berthoud muni court. Despite multiple neighbors telling deputies to shoot the dogs, they were controlled using ham sandwiches and sausage McMuffins. That’s Mcfabulous!
Suicide Threats: 6th St, an aunt got into an argument with her niece over not helping to pack to move. The aunt left the residence with her child and made the comment that she might be better off dead. She later brought the child back, left him with her niece and said that the child’s father can have full custody, she left again. She later contacted the child’s father and made future plans to pay him child support once she got a job at her new destination.
Theft: Mountain Avenue (Habitat), a suspect stole a laptop computer by using pliers to break the security lock. They got into their van and left. Video was taken of the whole caper. Warrant coming
Sunday, March 24
Vehicle Crash / Non-Injury: Berthoud Parkway and CR 10E, a driver rear ended another vehicle while it was making a left turn. He was given a summons.
March 25 to March 31
Monday, March 25
Theft: 4th Street, a resident reported that their temporary license plate was stolen yesterday. Well you only had the license temporarily, so that works.
Suspicious Circumstances: Loves Travel Center, a passer-by reported seeing a semi-truck out in the field. Upon checking it was a power company truck repairing lines.
Tuesday, March 26
Assist to Fire Department: S. CR 15, a house fire was reported. that a bedroom was on fire. The homeowner was extremely agitated that units didn’t find his house quicker. Fire and law enforcement units cleared because man doesn’t want any assistance.
Assist to Fire Department: S. CR 15, the homeowner called 911 to report the fire is getting bigger in a bedroom. Fire and LCSO responded but the homeowner would not let the fire department in his house, so they had to fight the fire from a window. It was impossible to get to the fire from the window and since the homeowner did not want them in the house, they used a chainsaw to create their own door into the bedroom. Fire out! Before they left, the fire department boarded up the hole in the wall for the homeowner. Berthoud Fire you are the greatest!
Disturbance: S. 3rd Street, a woman called and reported her 35-year-old brother grabbed a knife and tried to hurt himself. mom grabbed the knife cutting her hand severely in the process.
Theft: 1st Street, a resident reported his camper was stolen from a storage yard.
Restraining Order Violation: Indiana Avenue, a 21-year-old man allegedly texted a young boy which was in violation of a restraining order. Confucius say; If court say don’t do it, best advice is “don’t do it”!
Wednesday, March 27
Suspicious Circumstances: Welch Avenue, Deputy drove by this residence and saw that the garage door was open and the car inside had a door cracked open. Deputy contacted the owner, and everything was OK.
Inoperable Vehicle: 3rd Street, a silver car was seen by the deputy with an expired license plate. Owner was contacted and moved the vehicle off the street.
Fictitious Plates: Bimson Avenue, a silver vehicle was seen on the street with license plates that belonged to a different vehicle. The plates were logged into evidence and the owner contacted.
Trespassing: Woodcock Street, Manager of the complex is having issues with a man for trespassing and dumping his trash in the apartment dumpsters. The person dumping trash in the dumpster lives down the road in a house. Deputy went to contact the man at his house but there was no answer, Deputy spoke to a neighbor who said that within the past hour or so the man living there moved out and moved back to Georgia.
Thursday, March 28
Criminal Tampering: Bunyan Ave, an employee reported that her company vehicle’s hood was found open and someone had removed fuses from the vehicle, possibly to disable the vehicle alarm.
Civil Issue: Welch Ave. a supervisor reported that an employee that he fired today was at this address taking a company truck and trailer. The employee claimed to be part owner in the company and was taking his personal tools that were in the trailer to his house. The supervisor maintained that the truck and trailer are his under the company. The employee stated that he purchased a portion of the truck and trailer. As the world turns, so are the days of our lives.
Vehicle Theft: Center Ridge Dr. a construction worker reported his flatbed trailer stolen from this job site.
Friday, March 29
Vehicle Crash / Property Damage, a larger silver pickup with a car hauler trailer hit a fire hydrant. no water coming from the hydrant. Summons issued. Unlike the movies hitting the fire hydrant did not shoot water high in the air. Very disappointing.
Saturday, March 30
Vehicle Crash / Property Damage: 3800 E Hwy 56, a truck driver was asleep in the sleeper of his parked semi when it was struck by another semi.
Burglary / Theft: 2nd Street, a resident reported that her storage unit was unlawfully entered, and items had been stolen.
Assist Boulder County: Mountain Avenue, Boulder Sheriff following a felony menacing suspect. White Ford pickup . Driver of this vehicle should have a handgun. Berthoud Squad, Colorado State Patrol, Boulder Deputies contacted and arrested the suspect.
Sunday, March 31
Vehicle Crash / Property Damage: on Hwy 56 at I-25,two semi-trucks were exiting off I-25 when the first truck stopped but the second truck did not. The crash caused a fuel leak and reported as one of the trucks was on fire. Upon arrival there was no fire and the hazmat team responded to take care of the spill.